It’s been a week since Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide or whatever. I mentioned it last Monday but didn’t think much about it. But it’s been a week and the weirdness has had some time to ferment s let’s talk about it now. After all, it has been a rather slow news weekend.
The Story
Last week, Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile billionaire from New York who was on trial for trafficking underage girls to the world’s elite, committed suicide in jail last Sunday. Epstein had a checkered past that seemed to have been helped on by his billions.
He was first in trouble in 2005 when a 14-year-old was found to be in his Florida home, giving Epstein several massages. Though sex did not seem to be the issue, the girl still performed the massage on the naked Epstein in nothing more than her underwear…ew.
The FBI started a 13-month investigation during which they found multiple witnesses, 17 cases of sex with a minor, hidden cameras, child pornography and videos of elite people, presumably to be used for blackmail. One of those men was, presumably, the Prince Andrew, Duke of New York…oops.
Charges were filed and a grand jury was convened. But, U.S. attorney, Alex Acosta struck a deal with Epstein’s attorney. That deal stated that Epstein would plead guilty to solicitation of prostitution, register as a sex offender and pay restitution to the 30-sum-odd victims.
Basically he walked. The deal was so bad that it eventually cost Alex Acosta his job as Labor Secretary under President Trump. But you can bet once Epstein got a taste for this and felt he would never get prosecuted, you could bet he wasn’t going to stop. And he didn’t.
In July of 2019, Epstein was arrested and charged with child trafficking. If convicted, the 66-year-old could face 45 years in prison. In other words, the rest of his life. On August 10, 2019, Epstein was found unresponsive in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York. He was rushed to a hospital and was pronounced dead.
OK, so what. A perv offs himself. Big deal. Well, it kind of is. Over the last week, every conspiracy theory from both sides of the aisle have blown up. But also a load of the weirdest stories I have heard in a long time. I really didn’t think this was going to be as big a deal as it turned out to be. I am so glad I waited a week.
The Conspiracy Theory
There are a lot of people who do not think Epstein killed himself but think he was murdered. Epstein had a lot of enemies and was connected enough that both political parties could turn this into an advantage. After all, That’s what we do today. But first, let’s go over the suspicious death itself before we get into the reasoning behind the conspiracies.
The death itself was very suspicious. Epstein was in one of the most secure jails in the country. Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the Mexican drug kingpin, was held there during his trial. Each cell has a camera, prisoners who require it can be held on 24-hour suicide watch and prisoners are kept with bunk mates to make sure that there is someone in the cell just in case one of the cellmates decides to commit suicide. Also, if a prisoner is thought to be suicidal, he is given paper sheets so that hanging is impossible.
Sounds like a pretty good set up for a high risk prisoner, right? Well, things didn’t quite workout that way.
First the camera for the cell Epstein was in didn’t work. Weird. The they took him off of suicide watch a month after he has attempted suicide a month prior. Weird.
He was taken off of suicide watch even though he had attempted suicide by hanging last month at the request of defense council. Very weird.
Next, a few hours before he killed himself, the administration removed his roommate for not apparent reason (word has it they were getting along) which goes against jail policy. Incredibly weird.
Next, apparently, he was in a cell with a bunk bed and cloth sheets. Extremely weird.
Finally, the two jail guards, who were not really guards but were “jail employees,” were suppose to check Epstein every fifteen minutes but did not check him for three hours because the “fell asleep.” That’s right, they both fell asleep and forged the check in forms. Weird beyond all understanding.
Then there is the autopsy. The medical examiner said it was suicide by hanging and the independent medical examiner agreed. This isn’t that big a deal and I believe it. But what was strange was that Epstein had broken his neck. He didn’t hang himself from high enough to actually snap his neck. Now, I will give them the suicide because two medical examiners agreed and Epstein was 69 years old so he may have had brittle bones. But it is odd.
The Conspiracy Theory
As you may have guessed, not a lot of people like the story of Epstein’s death. I love the story because Epstein was a pedophile piece of crap and his suffering just started in Hell. But I’m in the minority. People who do not like the narrative will do two things to a story like this: Politicize it and come up with a conspiracy that will confirm that political view. And that’s what happened.
The right exclaimed that this was another killing by Bill and Hilary. My side (not me) thinks that Epstein had something on Bill. Let’s face it, Bill does like the young stuff. And how could he give in to anonymous sex with a teen on an island that is owned by his host? Let’s face it, there are a trail of bodies along the corrupt trails of the Clinton’s. Um, OK. I don’y buy it. Bill did lie about being with Epstein as much as he was. He was on the island (more on that later) and traveled extensively with Epstein around the world. Bill also lied about how often he traveled with Epstein. He said he only went on a couple of trips when, it turned out, manifests showed he went on twenty-seven trips. Bill also lied about always being with Secret Service, who could vouch for him. Turns out, they weren’t. Is it possible Bill slept with young gals while with Epstein? Most definitely. Do I think he and Hilary killed him? No, I don’t.
The left claims that Donald Trump, who was an acquaintance of Epstein, was involved along with his “lackey” Bill Barr. They point out that there were a lot of people on the right that were accused of messing around with kids including Alan Dershowitz, Epsteins first attorney. I don’t buy the Trump story for a few reasons: 1. The Russia collusion story (which was proved not to be true) 2. Trump seemed to like twenty-something models and 3. He kicked Epstein out of Marot-Lago because Epstein was hitting on underage girls. Not buying it. Bill Barr is a straight-shooter, doesn’t need to be Attorney General and would quit before attempting to cover-up corruption. Not buying that. Everything else, I’m not sure of.
Conspiracies are stupid. I would prefer to believe that the guards were just incompetent and a man who was looking at 45 years in prison on a sex crime against children did not want to face the suffering he was going to go through in prison. There were circumstances that gave him an opportunity and he took it. This wasn’t about conspiracy. I believe the Japanese navy attacked Pearly Harbor and the United States didn’t know about it. I believe Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman and Oswald was killed by a Kennedy supporter. I believe we landed on the moon.
It may be my filter on reality, and we all have one, let’s me accept things that may not be true. But I think this is all just circumstance.
Pedophile Island
Jeffrey Epstein owned one of the Virgin Islands. It had a couple of nicknames: Pedophile Island or Orgy Island. The employees of the island were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and were brought in, daily, from the other islands. Being interviewed, the employees said nothing (that we know of). So the FBI took things into their own hands and searched the island.
There were some stories that have not been confirmed completely. Hopefully they were true. If they are, were going to get a lot more answers.
First, there were reports that there was a safe hidden within Epstein’s compound (or, mansion). The FBI was filmed with a lot of stuff in their arms. hopefully, that was from some of the stuff located within that safe. Many testified, anonymously, that the safe held no money but pictures from the hidden cameras throughout the compound. Pictures of sex-acts that could be used for blackmail. Who knows. We’ll see.
Next, it was reported that Epstein, just a couple of weeks before his arrest, ordered a cement mixer from another island. He transported the mixer on his own transports (which nullified insurance) and had it on his island the next day. In total, it cost him $100,000 to get that device to his island. No questions were asked and he paid by cash and no one knows why. Very interesting.
A lot of people think that his secrets died with him. Well, I trust the FBI. Anything hidden will be found. I think we are going to learn a lot more before this whole thing is over.
One of Epstein’s bodyguards was interviewed about Epstein’s behavior a while back, when Epstein was alive. His tone changed when Epstein was dead.
Former Russian UFC fighter Igor Zinoviev, Epstein’s bodyguard, said he never talked to Epstein about his en-devours and never saw anything. After Epstein was dead, his tone changed.
In an interview in 2015, Zinoviev said there was nothing happening. But when interviewed recently, he said, “So many time I tried to stop him. I try to tell tell him my opinion about that. He don’t listen to me. That’s the reason why I’m not working for him no more. I make him do that — to let me go.”
Yeah, he saw crap. As a bodyguard, his first responsibility is to protect his man. I don’t blame him for doing his job. But he knows more than he wants to proclaim. I actually feel sorry for this poor bastard.
Say It Ain’t So, Bill
In probably the second weirdest story, Bill Clinton has some explaining to do. Take a look at it.
This “painting” was found hanging in Epstein’s $56 million mansion. WTF?!
Apparently, the picture is Bill Clinton wearing Monica Lewinsky’s blur dress. What weirder is the painting was painted by a high school girl who had no idea that Epstein bought it.
Just f-ing creep!
The Creepiest of All
This was reported today and is almost, but not quite as creepy as the last story.
There’s not much I can say here. While Epstein was in prison, he bought, “small women’s underwear.”
This is while he served time for his first sex-crime in 2008. I’m not sure why he was allowed to have two pairs of small women’s panties as a sex offender but, whatever. He was kind of sick.
I won’t lie: this is kind of fun! We have a real mystery going.
Now, this is probably a lot less of a big deal than it is. Conspiracy is usually not as interesting as real life. But, sometimes, real-life is really awesome. Like, Oscar winning movies fifty-years-from-now awesome.
We’ll just have to wait.