“Tear Down That Wall”

The un-American American women’s soccer team played this week and were an embarrassment. Rep. Ben Crenshaw has to prove he is a patriot and he does so in an unusual way. Sarah Sanders, my favorite press secretary of all time, resigns. And it was the anniversary of one of the greatest speeches in American history.

It’s been an awesome news  weeks.


I Hope They Lose

I love soccer. I played for 18 years. So, when the FIFA World Cup comes around, I am transfixed for a month. Even if it’s the women that are playing. I love women’s soccer. It’s not as fast but it’s just as exciting.

The last men’s World Cup sucked because the U.S. team did not make it. That was disappointing but I watched anyway. Now the women are playing. U.S. Women’s soccer is far more successful. They have won the World Cup four times and are the defending champions. Contrary to what one might think, I am a little wary of rooting for them. And, after the first game against Thailand, I almost hope they lose. Though not to France. I hate France.

But I digress. You be asking why I’m not cheering for the U.S. women’s team? Well, there are three reasons.

The first is this team decided to file a lawsuit against the United States Soccer Federation. Their complaint says that the team is suffering from gender discrimination because they do not get paid as much as the men’s team does. This is a stupid lawsuit based on “woke” principles. And woke principles are twisted anyway.

There is a reason women’s sports, all of them, are payed less than the men’s sports. Men’s sports make more money. The men’s World Cup last year made $4 billion while the women’s World Cup made only $75 million. The women’s World Cup team, though the best in the women’s international competitions, could never compete against the men’s international team. Heck, they lost against a U15 team from Texas by the score of 5-2. There’s a reason there are no major professional sports leagues for women. They all fail because no one watches them. Yes, there is the WNBA, but that is being financed by the NBA and has been in the red since it started.

Men’s sports are just more exciting to watch. Men are stronger, faster and more aggressive. Women’s sports, not so much.

The second reason is because of woke-scold Megan Rapinoe. Apparently she hates Donald Trump so much she refused to stand for the National Anthem. Her coach told her, before the World Cup, that she needed to stand. So she made it clear that she would stand but she refused to put her hand on her chest and refused to sing the National Anthem. She was inspired by that other idiot, and now irrelevant, Colin Kaepernick. What’s really embarrassing is watching all the other countries, especially the crap-hole countries, all showing their countries respect and the players representing the best country in the world basically spit at it.

It’s disgusting. This is a woman who has played soccer her entire life and has the privilege to represent our country. She never needed a real job. Just play soccer, get paid and shut up.

I am disgusted that these young people think that one man represents a country. Donald Trump is not the United States. His presidency will be a blink of the eye in the history of the United States. When I hear the National Anthem, I think of the soldiers out there protecting us, I think of all the good we have done, I think of all the mistakes and injustices we have corrected. I think of the most powerful civilization and community that cares for those that aren’t part of our community. When a tidal waves hits Indonesia, who donated billions of dollars? When Mexico City has a huge earthquake that kills thousands, who donates billions of dollars. And I mean donates. People actually pulled money out of their wallets and give it. I’m not just talking about the government giving money. No other country does this.

This gal disgusts me. She should move to a country that she thinks is awesome and see how awesome other places really are. She definitely shouldn’t be representing the United States.

Finally, what the United States team did to Thailand on Tuesday was just tacky. I understand that goal differential is a thing, but 13 goals? Really? They needed to thoroughly embarrass a country that way? The Thai players were crying on the field. You think maybe the goal differential thing might have become a moot point after 9 goals? This is soccer, not basketball.

I’m disgusted with this team. I hope they lose. But they probably won’t.


A Metaphor

I love Twitter. There are always weird little wars between people. In this case, it is between a New York Times writer and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R.-Texas).

Apparently, Wajahat Ali, an opinion writer for the New York Times posted this Tweet:

Well, there’s just a small problem with this Tweet: Rep. Crenshaw is the co-sponsor for the for the bill. And, as far as being less patriotic than Ilhan Omar… well, you see what he Tweeted back at the New York Times journalist:

That’s right! He posted his response correcting the false claim and sent Ali a picture of his skull proving that he is missing his eye. Crenshaw lost his eye in Afghanistan  when an improvised explosive device went off. He was a Navy SEAL and retired as a Lieutenant Commander. Ali deleted the Tweet when he was corrected. I bet he will never doubt the  patriotism of Dan Crenshaw again.

But this story is a little more than just a humorous anecdote. It is a metaphor for how the left and right debate. The left will make things up and try to convince the world that their lies are true. But the right has truth on its side. So we can’t lose. In the old days, the right would just go along with the crap and simply deny the story. Now, the right is beginning to attack. That’s why Trump is so popular. People call him a traitor, racist, sexist, bigot, misogynist, criminal and business failure. And he has no fear blasting his critics.

We should learn from this. We should stand our ground when it comes to standing for our beliefs. Someone sits there and tells me I have no right to be against abortion, I slam them with facts and the truth. When they start getting personal like this idiot from the New York Times, I know I’ve won and I will just dismiss him like the maggot he is.


My Favorite Press Secretary Resigns

Sarah Sanders is leaving a Press Secretary for the President. This makes me sad. She was an awesome Press Secretary. In fact, she was my all-time favorite. She had the most difficult job in the world. Dealing with an insanely aggressive and vicious press defending her unstable boss who says and Tweets the dumbest things on a daily basis.

I loved watching her speak. She’s a mixture of grace, intelligence and viciousness. All needed to be a great Press Secretary. Here are some of her best moments from the Daily Caller:

Gonna miss you Sarah!



On June 12, 1987, Ronald Reagan made one of the most powerful and emotional speeches in the history of the United States. It was in West Berlin in West Germany. Many of my younger listeners may not be aware that the Soviet Union (known as Russia today) occupied half of Germany. Separating the two countries was a huge wall. Anyone who tried to get over that wall and into West Germany was shot without warning. This was part of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The United States, booming economically, continued to build up our defense. We built up our nuclear arsenal, our air force and were even looking into arming ourselves in space (the plan was known as Star Wars). The Soviet Union, which was not economically stable, tried to keep.

They couldn’t. Mikhail Gorbachev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party was in trouble. And he knew it. Reagan decided it was time to put the nail in the coffin of the Soviet Union, and he did with this speech:

It was only a short time after this speech that the Soviet Union collapsed. The German, on both sides of the wall, grabbed hammers and started chipping away at the wall. It was truly the greatest speech of the 20th century and one of the greatest in the history of the United States. Those were really some good times. By the way, this is really one of the best reasons to go to the Reagan Library. There, by Ronald Reagan’s grave, is a huge chunk of that wall. It’s quite amazing.


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