We Aren’t Animals!

There is this push by Left to get us to accept that human beings are nothing more than animals. In fact, we would be a better species if we just acted like animals. That includes by eating bugs instead of meat, living without refridgeration, heat, air conditioning and stoves; no traveling, and no religion or morals.

One of the other things we should do like animals is have sex with whoever we want, whenever We want and however we want. Well, the LGBTQ+ cult has decided to use the behavior as animals to justify themselves.

NBC’s Discovery+ has decided to release an episode of one of the nature shows called Queer Planet. It shows a bunch of animals having gay sex with each other and this is suppose to prove that being gay is natural.

Now, before I talk about why this whole thing is ridiculous, you should watch the trailor for the show.

All this is based in neo-Marxist philosophy. You always hear from Marxists that we are nothing more than animals and, to protect the earth, we need to live more like animals. This all stems from a psychological theory called Behaverialism by Ivan Paulov.

  • Ivan Pavlov from Paulov’s dog fame.
  • It is the belief that an animal’s behavior can be influenced by a conditional stimulus.
  • This theory has been used in law, education, marketing and politics.
  • The Left has used this theory to point out that people are like animals.
  • There are problems with this theory that actually disprove human beings are mere animals.
    • Animals are purely instinctual. They do not use reason, logic or self-restraint.
    • People can use logic, reason and self-restraint. Pavlou admitted that his experiments would not work on people because thinking would get in the way.
    • Most of the practice of this theory is on kids. kids do not reason well and are more instinctual.

So we can see the Behavioralism really is not a great way to describe humans. So what animals do does not apply to humans.

I also have this, which is a very contraversial statement for a lot of people. Human beings are superior to animals. I know, PETA is going to go ballistic at a statement like that, but it’s true. Let’s go over my evidence:

  • Human beings understand life and death. We value life. Animals have no concept of this. You dog doen’t know it’s going to die.
  • Human have a Unique understanding of right and wrong. In religion, we call this natural law. We know its wrong to murder. Murderers know it is wrong to murder. Animals don’t have this.
  • Human being have a concept of time.
  • Human beings can create complex language and understand complex mathematic formulas. Most animals do communicate, but it is at a very simple level. Whales and dolphins do.not use adverb, adjectives or pronouns. Why?
  • Human beings are able to use superior logic to translate other forms of communication.
  • Human beings can philosophize and make theories that go beyond their current environment.
  • We can innovate, build and improve our environment.
  • We can create and use complex tools. The wheel and pulley are way beyond any animal.

These are just a few things that show we are superior to the animals.

I know that there will be people out there that think there are animals that are smarter than humans. I have heard about the whales, dolphins and octopi. No they are not. Cartman of South Park said it best.

I hate to say It , but, yeah, that about sums it up.

Finally, we need to get to the the little detail Leftists always seem to leave out when comparing animals to people.

Animals do some fucked up things. And I don’t mean you dog peeing on the carpet.

The Daily Wire had a list of things that animals do that these activists won’t say on their gay animal show:

  • Infanticide.
    • Lions that have just taken over the pride will kill the cubs of the old leader to establish dominance.
    • Females will commonly kill or abandon their young if they are weak, impaired, or runts.
  • Cannibalism.
    • Commonly done during famine and drought.
    • The young will eat each other for survival. This is common in snakes and sharks.
    • Insects will eat their mates after they are finished with them.
  • Torture and mutilation.
    • Felines, dolphins, killer whales, and primates have all been observed toying with their prey before killing them.
    • Chimps will often attack strategic points on an enemy’s body, most commonly the hands and genitals, to maim them before killing them. They’ve also been observed desecrating the dead bodies of adversaries. One notable instance saw a troop of chimps kill a former leader who had been ejected from the group. They then spent hours eating and mutilating his dead body.
  • Rape.
    • Coerced sexual activity occurs on a fairly regular basis in the animal kingdom.
    • Mallards, chimps, seals, and orangutans have been known to rape.
    • Dolphins who have been kicked out of a pod have been to kidnap and rape female dolphins from the pod.
  • Necrophilia.
    • Cases of both heterosexual and homosexual acts of necrophilia have been reported among ducks. 
    • Scientists set up a camera trap near the corpse of a female stump-tailed macaque (a type of monkey) in Thailand, and over three days of observation three different male macaques attempted to have intercourse with the dead female.

What about the penguin? This animal has become the defact mascot for the LGBTQ+-poop emoji cult. Yeah, those little fuckers are denerates too.

According to the Daily Wire:

Penguins have become one of the mascots of the LGBT animal movement, largely due to several high-profile instances of male penguins forming bonded pairs. A children’s book depicting the same-sex romance between two chinstrap penguins at the Central Park Zoo won multiple awards when it was released in 2005.

However, these birds run the gamut on deviant sexual behavior.

In 1912, a British naturalist who joined Robert Scott’s famous Terra Nova expedition to Antarctica described the “astonishing depravity” of the local Adélie penguins. Calling them “little knots of hooligans,” the naturalist observed instances of rape, necrophilia, infanticide, and abuse of chicks. He also noted instances of homosexuality.

By the way, I bet none of this is mentioned in the Queer Planet episode.

With all this being aid, do these guys really want to base their deviant fetishes with the animal kingdom? Aren’t you glad you’re not an animal?


