We Need A Little More of This

The whole “Trump is corrupt” garbage in this “impeachment inquiry” is falling apart. Looks like the democrats are the ones guilty of corruption. Is it possible Michelle or Hilary? I don’t know. There was one of the most epic court I have ever seen. It made the judge cry and the baliffs smile warmly. And this was for a murder trial. But leave it to a left wing organization to mess it up. And the movie Joker is being released tonight and I might  not have time to talk about it.

I’m not even going to be able to talk about Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Cortez. Looks like I might be doing a podcast Saturday or Sunday.


We Need More of This

In September of 2018, Amber Guyger was coming home after her shift as a Dallas police officer. She walked into what she thought was her apartment and saw a Black man lying on the couch with a some ice cream. She thought the man was an intruder and shot him. When she realized she was not in her apartment but in the one above her apartment and that she had just killed an innocent man, she immediately called her partner.

The man turned out to be an accountant named Botham Jean. He was just in his apartment, eating ice cream and watching television. Guyger was arrested and charged with murder. She looking at 2-99 years in prison. Of course, there was the race thing being played. But, it turned out, she did get convicted of murder and was sentenced to ten years in prison. Well under the max and what the prosecuter wanted which was 28 years (which is the age of Jean).

I never talked about the case for a few reasons. First, it was murder and she was going to get convicted. I had absolutely no doubt about this. Second, this was just a tragedy because I’m sure it was an accident. She had just gotten home from a 12-hour shift, there were no drugs in her system and I have missed a floor n my apartment building. This does not excuse what she did but it looks like an accident. Finally, this story became big because a white officer “breaks” into a black man’s house and this proves systemic racism in our police agencies. And I don’t believe that all. So I do not believe the controversy that made this a national story.

Where this became a story for me was when the younger brother of Jean made is statement after Guyger was sentenced. Listen to what Brandt Jean says to Guyger:

We seriously need more of this in the world. Jean had no idea what the reaction to his proclaiming forgiveness would create, not even from his family. The bravery and faith in his convictions. We can all learn from this act that is Christ-like. Even the judge was crying. The judge, Judge Tammy Kemp, left the courtroom, brought back her Bible and read the verse from John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Kemp then walked from her perch and also hugged Guyger. It was unprecedented and moving though I am sure the bailiffs were probably flipping out.

Of course, we can’t have beautiful moments like this. The Freedom from Religion Foundation, an atheist group filed a complaint against Judge Tammy Kemp.

“This is wrong on several levels, not the least of which is using a public office to promote her personal religion to someone who she is sentencing,” complained Freedom From Religion Foundation attorney Andrew Seidel. “It’s unconstitutional and wildly inappropriate for a judge. She should know better. And all that’s only one level.”

“[Freedom From Religion Foundation] is filing a judicial complaint about this unconstitutional proselytizing,” he added. “We need more compassion in our criminal justice system, but here, compassion crossed the line into coercion. Judges cannot impose their personal religion on others.”

“FFRF is urging the commission to investigate Kemp’s actions at the close of the trial: gifting a bible, instructing a convicted criminal on how to read the bible and which passages to pay attention to, and proselytizing and witnessing to that convicted murderer. These judicial actions were inappropriate and unconstitutional, FFRF contends.”

Two words for these bozos: Fuck you! The judge never imporsed her religion on anyone until after she sentenced Guyger. Same with Jean’s speech. Everything was finished. And a real judge is supposed to feel compassion and she did. Compassion is part of her job!

Religion is not unconstitutional. The First Amendment says you have the freedom of religion, not the freedom from religion. And that crap they like to throw out, “the separation of church and state,” is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Baptists in Connecticut explaining why the federal government could not stop the state of Connecticut from establishing an official religion. In other words, according to Jefferson’s letter, California could declare their official religion to be devil worship and the state (which is the federal government) can do nothing about it! It is one of the most midread quotes in United States history.

I just want to say to the Freedom from Religion Foundation: You folks better hope you’re right and the only thing you guys are going to do when you die is end up a worm feast. If you’re wrong and there is a Hell (I don’t believe that, by the way), I hear it really sucks this time of year. Which is every day of the year.

Hmm, maybe Hell is where global warming really hooked?




It’s nice to see Saturday Night Live be a little bit more even

Last Saturday, they held a skit about the impeachment opinions in the format of a Town Hall debate. It was pretty funny.

Just thought we should end the podcast on something fun.