Episode 954 – I Told You So!

Kamala keeps talking and Democrats realize they have to do something about Trump to keep him out of the White House.

Of course, everything is Trump’s fault.

And Kamala has an interview on Friday and it goes badly.

I Hate Being Right

Trump has been shot at AGAIN!

Here’s what has happened to this poor guy.

  • When he campaigned in 2016, they shamed him.
  • Then, they lied about him being a traitor when it came to Russia, Russia, Russia. They still are.
  • They called him a racist by lying about Charlottesville. They still are.
  • They impeached him twice.
  • The accused him of rape that allegedly happened 40 years ago, with no evidence and a nutjob for an accuser.
  • They tried to confiscate his property in New York and prevent him or his family from doing business in New York. They had no evidence he did anything wrong.
  • They are trying to throw him in jail for what he did during his Presidency because of January 6th.
  • The have convicted him of 34 crimes while not defining the crime.
  • None of it has worked.

Here’s what we know:


Dumbass of the Day

She Has No Chance
