We now know a lot more about the the Odessa/Midland shooter and it does not follow the leftist narrative. That doesn’t matter, let’s have gun control. Couple of leftist actors call out supporters of Trump in Hollywood and conservatives are defended from an unlikely source. And we need to end a worldwide injustice: chicken rape.
The Shooting in Odessa, Texas
Here is what happened during the shooting in Odessa, Texas.The whole story was a little strange. We also learned about the shooter (who shall remain nameless on this blog). The information about the shooter really will throw a wrench in the leftwong media’s narrative.
Calls for Gun Confiscation
It took all of fifteen minutes for the media, politicians and the presidential candidates to weigh in about the gun crisis. The media took the oppertunity to point out that President Trump only offers prayers (attack against God) and no solutions (gun control). We didn’t even know if there was one or multiple shooters, what weapon was used or what the motivation was before the Democrats started screaming about the need for gun control or gun by-back (confiscation) programs. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke even started cussing. I guess that’s a thing on CNN.
There are a few problems that no one is talking about. There were a ton of red flags on this guy including him calling the police the day of the attack, several complaints about him threatening neighbors, previous arrests and that he never qualified to own a gun because of his mental impairment, yet he had one. Is Robert and Joe telling me that I should give up my right to protect myself because I should trust the same government who already failed to catch this guy? That’s not even the only example. Ugh!
Further Reaction
Walmart has informed the world that it will now not sell ammunition in order to appease to woke-scolds. This is probably not going to work out for them. First, where there is a demand people will work to fill that demand. Next, Walmarts are huge in rural, middle class areas. I’m not sure their sudden capitulation is going to be embraced the way they think it will. But this brings up something much scarier.
The San Francisco city council has decided to deem the NRA a domestic terrorist organization. I guess I am as much as a terrorist as ISIS. What a waste of time.
Foot Enter Mouth
Debra Messing and Eric McCormick are ticked. Apparently, President Trump is holding a fundraiser is Beverly Hills. Attending will be some A-list actors, directors, writers and producers who support him. I don’t really get why Hollywood hates Trump. He has always supported them, has been a proponent of gay rights and is a A-lister himself through his work on The Apprentice. Heck, he was a democrat and Clinton supporter in the early 2000s.
But they’re pissed. They want to know who is going to attend and want a list of people who were going to attend so these two peons could pick and choose who they are going to work for. So much for diversity.
But Whoopi Goldberg, on The View, would not have any of it. She puts it out there so well. I can’t say it any better.
Stupid, Meet Insane
I had to check this story. I couldn’t believe it was real. It was and there’s a video.