It was a busy weekend in the news. Brett Kavanaugh is accused of sexual assault… again. I have to shorten my podcast becauseĀ someoneĀ told me it was too long.
Thanks, Dave!
They’re After Brett Kavanaugh Again
The left just can’t deal with Brett Kavanaugh and they keep coming up with garbage to bury him. And I mean literally garbage. Hot, stinking garbage.
On Saturday, the New York Times published a report that accused Brett Kavanaugh of another sexual assault. This gets a little confusing so stay with me. A guy named Max Stier said he was at a party at Yale, everyone was drunk and Brett Kavanaugh pulled his stuff out of his pants. Then, some guy grabbed Kavanaugh’s stuff and stuck it in the hand of the “victim.” Apparently Stier gave an interview to two reporters who were writing a book about the Kavanaugh accusers. This accusation closely mimicked the accusation by Debra Ramiriez. The FBI knew about the accusation during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing but, apparently, “failed to investigate it.”
There are a few things that stink to high heaven here. First off, Max Stier is a left winger that supported Bill Clinton. His ex-wife was nominated to a federal court by Barrack Obama. The people at the party don’t remember anything like that happening. In fact, the “victim” doesn’t remembering anything like that happening. The victim would not be interviewed by the press or law enforcement. The book where this incidentĀ is based on even said there was no witness testimony or proof that this ever happened. Kavanaugh’s friend said that Kavanaugh was popular and, if this ever happened, it would have been all over the Yale campus.
But it also doesn’t make sense logically. Brett Kavanaugh graduated with honor from Yale…YALE. I’m pretty sure he was busy most of the time. He was never accused of anything then or through his time as a federal judge. He didn’t get accused until he was going to be a Supreme Court Justice. If this guy was the serial rapist everyone is making him out to be, why did he stop? If he is this insane, he won’t stop raping women. Oh, yeah: all these accusations come thirty years later!
Well, the New York Times had to make a revision on Suday stating that no one, including the victim, could substastiate the story. Oops.
The democratic presidential candidates, even with the New York Times revision still did what they do: make asses out of themselves. Is it a wonder that the democrats are represented by the mule mascot? Their reactions, even after the New York Times revision, were priceless and expected.
I couldn’t find Beto O’Rourke’s comments on Kavanagh but, who cares. He’s an idiot. had three stories on how Kavanaugh is Satan. Again, a day after the New York Times said the f-ed up. Yeah, they’re not biased at all.
Of course, President Trump weighs in.
Listen, Brett Kavanaugh doesn’t seem that conservative. So why does the left do