I was working with chemistry this weekend, helping someone get through biology. It was pretty interesting. The body is made up of organs that are groups of cells that provide a certain function, like the pancreas. The pancreas is made to take fatty foods and break them down. The cells of the pancreas are alerted that there is fat and that pancreas produces molecules that are made to break down the fat. But how does that molecule become attracted to the fat? The molecule is made up of atoms, the building blocks to all matter. The atom is made up of neutrons, protons and electron. Neutrons and protons make up the core of the atom and orbiting them is the smallest particle in the universe, the electron. It’s much like the planet orbiting the sun. The electron is responsible for joining other atoms and creating the chemical reactions. The electron is so small that it cannot be detected by man.
The size of the electron is about the same size as my interest in the Trump/Ukraine conspiracy. But Trump is going to get impeached and the government will stop until it’s done, so we might as well talk about it.
The Story
Back in late July, President Trump, had a phone conversation with the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. I don’t know his first name because I just don’t care. I few weeks later, a whistleblower complaint against Trump was made by someone in the intelligence community. Nothing was known. All that was known was it involved the phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy. Three things could have been an issue: a quid pro quo request which is bribery, Trump releases some type of classified material of, of course, conspiracy (collusion).
Trump said he was going to release the whistleblower complaint and the transcript. Without any information or waiting for the release of the documents , Nancy Pelosi held a meeting with her caucus. That night she makes this statement:
The transcript was released the next day and the complaint was released the day after. Chaos has ensued since. Upon the release of the documents, democrats found they were not on solid ground. Now there is talk the Pelosi went too quickly and may attempt to walk back the impeachment inquiry.
Let’s take a look at the evidence and try to hypothesize what will happen next.
The Transcript
There are several things that the transcript shows:
- Zelenskyy was really kissing Trump’s butt.
- President Trump does get clumsy with his language. But Zelenskyy either didn’t get it or didn’t feel pressured because he just passed through the comment and continued talking how Europe was not helping Ukraine and goes into getting Javelin missile systems. Trump never pushed him to investigate. In fact…
- Zelensky is the one who bring up meeting with Rudy Giuliani. He wanted help for their investigations and it is Zelensky that seems interested in getting information from the Trump Administration about what they new of the corruption.
- Biden’s son was only mentioned once and Joe Biden was never mentioned at all. In fact, the first time corruption was even mentioned was over the Crowdstrike server (which supposedly holds Clinton’s emails). The language was clumsy but he didn’t sound like there was any pressure.
There’s nothing in there. As usual, Trump speaks clumsily and he can’t get off how his Presidency has been tarnished by all these democratic attacks during his candidacy. But he also talked about how Europe wasn’t doing anything about helping Ukraine and the corruption of Ukraine in general including the Ukrainian Ambassador (who was fired by Zelensky for corruption).
The Whistleblower Complaint
I shouldn’t need to read the whistleblower complaint because we have the transcripts of the conversation. Read it twice for this podcast and find that it reads like a CNN news article. A ton of speculation, he-said-she-said and references to news media outlets. But not a lot meat when it comes to evidence or truth and no witness testimony of any kind.
Here’s what I came up with:
- The first two bullet points sum up the entire document. This guy saw nothing but strung along a lot of theory of what might be happening. Without any corroborating evidence, this is just a conspiracy theory.
- He said “I don’t know” twenty times. The document is nine pages including an appendix. He admits to not knowing something over two times per page.
- He said “he heard” or “learned” of something a whopping 43 times (that’s an average of 5 per page)! He learned through internal sources (which no one has ever been cited never been cited for corroboration) or news resources including Fox News, Politico, The Hill, The New York Times, Bloomberg and the investigative geniuses at The Babel. Not one piece of his theory was through direct knowledge or anything that he witnessed.
- Finally, this thing reads like a legal brief with footnotes and an appendix. It was written by lawyers.
My verdict? It’s crap! This is a setup in the long running list of setups including the pee tape, the Steele Dossier, the Russia probe, the Mueller report, Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump Jr. and the Trump Organization, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, George Popadopoulos, Carter Page, Brett Kavanaugh and Michael Avenatti. Trump has deflected all of it.
This is why people are getting sick of this. It’s never ending. And once this “scandal” is debunked, another one will pop up.
The democrats are committed. The left wing base has painted Nancy Pelosi into a corner and she took the bait. But Trump threw them a knuckleball and released both the complaint and the transcript. The was an “Oh crap!” moment for the democrats because there was nothing in either. But they have to go for it or it will never be on the table again.
So how do the democrats make this work so it doesn’t look like sour grapes by the party that lost in 2016? How about lie about what the transcript actually said. A specialty of Adam Schiff (D, CA) the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee:
Yeah, someone forgot to tell Adam that they released the transcript, it is easy to read and is only four pages in length. None of what he said was true. Later, Schiff said he was joking. Awesome.
But this isn’t the first time Schiff lied. He said since 2016 that he had evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. He had a pop tent outside of CNN headquarters and was interviewed daily. He never had it. In fact, the only one who appeared to be colluding with the Russians was Adam Schiff. Two Russian comedians called Adam Schiff and prank called him, saying they had naked pictures of Donald Trump. Schiff didn’t go to the FBI right away. Instead he wanted a meeting. Listen.
I don’t know what’s worse: he’s an immoral, unethical hypocrite, he’s frigging delusional (just look at his eyes) or he’s an idiot for getting fooled yet still pulls down a big check.
This is what’s going to happen: Nancy Pelosi has already been caught with her pant down, she has to go forward. She will rush to get a vote for impeachment. She will do this in order to get this done well before the election. She wants to give this time to cool when it fails. They will impeach before Christmas probably by Thanksgiving. Trump will be acquitted by the Senate and democrats will point to the Senate and say how corrupt they are.
This whole thing is going to fire up the republican base and be a turn off to a lot of independents. Trump, if he can stay Twitter and not be crazy, will win the 2020 election by a landslide and the republicans will take back the House.
Now, I’m done talking about this!