Bow Down to Our Chinese Overlords!

I hate when the news media, both conservative and liberal, get tunnel-visioned on one subject. But leftist still make things entertaining. The NBA and a major video game creator get woke on China and it’s going to cost people their livelyhood.

No, I still haven’t see Joker.

Tunnel Vision

Thanks to Sean Hannity and Fox News for this impeachment montage. It just shows how long the leftist media has been talking about impeachment.

Guess what? I still don’t care.


Our Overlords, China

The general manager for the NBA’s Houston Rockets has started an international incident that could launch us into the next cold war with China. And it was through a seven word Tweet:

“Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.”

The Houston Rockets management stated that the opinions of their employees do not reflect the opinions of the organization and apologized.

CCTV, the state sponsored television station in China that would have played two preseason NBA games, were not happy. They stated:

“We’re strongly dissatisfied and oppose Adam Silver’s claim to support Morey’s right to freedom of expression. We believe that any remarks that challenge national sovereignty and social stability are not within the scope of freedom of speech.”

They cancelled both NBA preseason games. Now, Adam Silver, the commissioner of the NBA, is heading to China to bend the knee and save the $1 billion they spend per year. He had a little more guts. He said:

“Daryl Morey, as general manager of the Houston Rockets, enjoys that right as one of our employees. What I also tried to suggest is that I understand there are consequences from his freedom of speech and we will have to live with those consequences.”

So, we don’t know what’s going to happen.

I find this disturbing. But what I find more disturbing is the reaction of the NBA players and coaches. Nothing. Listen to Steve Kerr when asked about the China controversy:

What is ironic about Steve Kerr being so outspoken is that he can’t shut his mouth about anything that he thinks is wrong with this country or what is wrong with the Trump administration. When this guy won the NBA title, he and his team refused to visit the White House. Listen to him below.


This is the problem with the left.All the talk of these guys being for justice and equality is complete crap. They follow the money. The NBA could lose $1.4 billion in revenue from China. They don’t care about the human rights abuses including forced abortions, the jailing of dissidents, censorship and sweatshop labor conditions. Hell, our companies participate in this. Nike and Apple have been condemned for having manufacturing in China, making the people work long hours for hardly any pay in dangerous conditions. But no one says anything because Apple and Nike tout the leftist narrative.

The hypocrisy would be bad enough but these people have no problem talk about how bad our country is. How we are the major polluters (we’re not, China is). How we have so many guns on the streets (but they don’t address crime). How there is so much income inequality (the areas that have the worst disparity are heavily democratically controlled such as New York, San Francisco and Chicago). How we are racists, sexists, bigots and homophobes and xenophobes  (in fact, we are the most open, giving and diverse country in the world). This country was never great and never exceptional. Unlike China.

These people make me sick and I’ll continue speaking out against them. I’ll also not patronize any of their services. I don’t watch the NBA because it has turned into sports entertainment much in the same way pro wrestling. That’s right, I think it’s fixed, for the most part, especially in the playoffs. I still don’t care much about the NFL. I’ll watch it but I won’t change my schedule to watch and I definitely won’t go to a game thanks to Kaepernick (I don’t care if I spelled his name right). I’ll never wear Nikes and I will never own anything that is Apple. This isn’t a boycott. I’m just not going to give them any money. That’s how businesses get hurt.