Episode 89 Show Notes: What the F*** is a Throuple?

There’s an update from Texas on the Younger sexual transition case and I think we need to make sure this never happens again. We are all looking forward to the John Durham report but we will have to wait a lot longer. The reason why is good news for the Trump Administration.  A sex scandal is rocking congress and I think my reaction is probably going to surprise you. and, away we go, cancel culture targets Halloween.

I just finished a great book. If I have time, I’ll try to give you a quick review.


Good News, We’re Not Completely Insane

Great news!

Jeffrey Younger will have joint conservatorship of his son and will have a say over his son’s gender transition which, basically, means the chemical castration of his son will not happen. We talked about this on Wednesday when I said it sounded like he was going to lose the case.

Judge Kim Cooks ruled, “the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.”

Cooks also placed a gag order on Younger. That means he cannot go on anymore podcasts, can’t say anything on television, can’t release anymore home videos or release pictures on social media and must take down his “Save James” website. This bothers me but that’s not it. She did not put a gag order on Georgulas who actually is using her child, in a dress, on her website.

Conservative media was kicked out of the courtroom including the Daily Mail, LifeSiteNews and The Texan. The judge allowed CBS, NBC and ABC to stay in the courtroom. Needless to say, those press outlets threw a fit. I don’t really care since these sites are overtly partisan.

Could this be part of a plan? Make a temporary order, silence Younger, who is quite vocal and then change the ruling next year? II can’t be sure that’s not the plan.

According to Georgulas’ attorneys, Georgulas was not preparing to have the child castrated but, after social and psychological preparation, she was open to it.

You know, this whole thing can be resolved if Congress and the states would just create laws that banned hormone therapy for children under 18. But what do I know.



The Grip Tightens

People are beginning to sweat.

John Durham, who is the U.S. Attorney who is investigating misconduct by the DOJ and FBI during the 2016 election has changed the status of the probe to an official criminal investigation. That means that he will be able to issue subpoenas, file charges and call for grand juries.

Word has it the Inspector General Michael Horowitz has completed his report and will be releasing it very soon with few redactions. That report is said to shed light on why Durham’s investigation has turned the corner and gone criminal.

All this happened after a trip to Rome by Durham and Attorney General William Barr. Apparently, after interviewing several Italian security officials, Barr required a a secure conference room so no one could leak anything and the interviews continues.

Mind you, this is rumor. But it is interesting. Can’t wait for the Horowitz report to come out.



OK, So What

There is a congresswoman named Katie Hill (D,CA) who is in some trouble. Hill, who is openly bisexual, started an affair with one of her younger staffers. Eventually, Hill’s estranged husband joined the pair creating a throuple. The three had been in the relationship for a couple of years, had gone on vacations together and celebrated holidays together.

At first, Hill denied the relationship, which she ended when she was elected to Congress. But pictures and text messages were given to the website Red State and this started an investigation by the Congressional Ethics Committee. Especially since the former staffer began to complain about feeling used and thrown away and appears, through text messages, to still love Hill.

Normally, I would not care about this. As Hill said herself in these text messages, this was not one’s business. And I think it isn’t. But an ethics panel should be convened. Not because a superior had an affair with a staffer or even the immoral throuple thing. These reason Congress looks into things like this is because it is a compromise.

What’s amazing is not the story itself. But how no one is reporting it. The left wing media just seems to be ignoring it.



The Grinch Doesn’t Just Come During Christmas

It was getting close and I thought, for a moment, that the Left forgot that that there was a favorite American tradition coming up. There just hasn’t been that much bitching about insulting costumes and cultural appropriation and crap like that. Until now.

A school district in Chicago has decided to cancel Halloween because it does not foster inclusivity.

The Evanston/Skokie School District 65 in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois made the following statement:

“As part of our school and district-wide commitment to equity, we are focused on building community and creating inclusive, welcoming environments for all. While we recognize that Halloween is a fun tradition for many, it is not a holiday that is celebrated by everyone for various reasons and we want to honor that.

“We are also aware of the range of inequities that are embedded in Halloween celebrations that take place as part of the school day and the unintended negative impact that it can have on some students, families, and staff. As a result, we are moving away from Halloween celebrations that include costumes and similar traditions during the school day. We are confident our school communities will find new and engaging ways to build community within their schools.

“In District 65, we remain committed to equity and discontinuing current and past practices that are not in alignment with our goals,” it concluded. “Our schools are special because of the people who are a part of them and our commitment to serving the educational needs of our students. Many of our schools have already moved away from the traditional Halloween activities during the school day and have scheduled Halloween or other seasonal activities outside of the school day.”

Other districts, not surprisingly in Massachusetts and California also feel the same way. Those districts are also weighing options on what they are going to do with Halloween.

Do you notice something about the Left? They’re killjoys. They hate people having fun. They are trying to ban meat (which most people love), ban travel (which started with Barrack Obama), cars, the right to protect yourself, free speech, freedom religion, family values, nature and science (that’s the trans and climate change thing), individuality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All in the name of diversity, identity politics and intersectionality.

Here’s the one hope to escape this Utopian totalitarianism. It’s a Star Wars quote. Princess Leia said it to Grand Moff Tarkin right before the Death Star blow up Alderean.

“The tighter your grip the more systems will slip through your fingers.”

I think that’s the quote. I’m not going to watch the movie again to verify it.



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