Episode 93 Show Notes – Not All That Glitters Is Gold

California is burning to the ground. Those not caught in the conflagration are stepping on drug needles, breathing in diseased feces and urine, getting bit by eight pound rats or are dropping their last cent on gas. Must be because of those evil corporations or global warming.

I follow two rules: The Dave Rule and the Bongino Rule. The Dave Rule defines that I keep this podcast to thirty minutes so all you ADHD folks can keep their attention. The Bongino Rule tells me to wait 24 hours before reporting on something. So, when I found out that Katie Hill (D,CA) was a whore, I waited 24 hours and pictures came out, confirming she is a whore and likes drugs. I reported it. Now, 72 hours later, we find she makes Mother Teresa look like a whore. So she’s quitting because Pelosi told her too and it will be a month before anyone can be using her office. That’s because it will take the DNC three weeks to scrape her lady-parts, who she had been throwing at every staffer she employed, off the walls of her office.

But she decided to blame sexism and the right-wing media for her departure.

Pop culture is having it tough time staying woke.

Math is racist and the Dems finally decide to vote on impeachment. Well, Trump and Republicans can only hope.


Dude, Really?

There are several damaging fires in California. Of course, Governor Gavin Newsom blames corporate greed.

I love this because the thought the PG&E is a private company is insane. It is heavily regulated by the state. The state controls what they can charge. The state controls where they get their energy, really pushing renewable energy from wind and solar. Every year, PG&E must send their financials to the state where is is publicly debated in Sacramento. They spend a substantial portion of their income on just being compliant.

It is the state that is causing PG&E to fail. But California wants this. They want to control the utilities.

Newsom said the same thing about gasoline, deflecting blame from the government.

Hello! Gas prices are because of the state. The average gas price at the pump in the country is $2.60. In California, it’s $4.00. Why? Because they have a $1 is taxes and gas companies are required blend the gas so that it burns cleaner. That raised gas prices another $.40.

There’s nothing to investigate.

Back to the fires. At least Newsom didn’t blame the fires on climate change. We’ll leave that to the former governor in California, Jerry Brown.

“California’s burning while the deniers make a joke out of the standards that protect us all. The blood is on your soul here and I hope you wake up. Because this is not politics, this is life, this is morality. … This is real.”

Hey, Jerry, was the Oroville Dam burst because of climate change?

What this video doesn’t say (because it’s a state sponsored video) is that the state already approved a budget to fix the Oroville Dam but used that money for other things. Probably that mismanaged high speed train project that billions were allocated for through a vote earlier in the decade but needed to be stopped.

Why are there fires? Because of infrastructure mismanagement (forest clearance). If you don’t clear the trees, they over gown and fire is nature’s way of fixing the problem.

Leave PG&E alone. Stop with the regulations that are wasting their time and money. Let them fix the problems.

Ninety-nine laws were passed in California. Almost half dealt with gun control, implicit bias training, sex education in schools (including LGBT and trans history), benefits for illegal aliens and regulations to “protect” the climate.

No real worries about:

  • The homeless problem.
  • The drug problem.
  • The infestation of rats.
  • The  outbreak of diseases such as typhus, hepatitis, leprosy and plague.
  • The high cost of housing.
  • The high cost of gasoline.
  • And, the decaying infrastructure.


This state is stupid.



Over The Hill

Katie Hill (D,CA) has resigned because Nancy Pelosi told her to. She needed to save face. Listen

So, let’s go through this:

  • She slept with several staffers, men and women, per her staffers.
  • She was in a throuple relationship with her ex-husband and bi-sexual female staffer.
  • Pictures were released of her naked combing her girlfriend’s hair.
  • Pictures were released of her naked and smoking a bong.
  • She had a Nazi cross on her poon.

She violated ethics rules put in by Congress. But she’s getting pushed out by sexism and a vicious Right-wing media. OK



Could It Be That Pop Culture Isn’t Woke?

The creative team for Game of Thrones was hired to help Disney with a bunch of future Star Wars films. Disney has been having a really hard time grabbing the old time Star Wars  fans so they decided to hire people with creativity that do not care about being woke or politically correct.

Well, that didn’t last long.

The GoT group dropped out. Why? Because they weren’t given the time to create a Star Wars film.

Disney is the Empire and they have destroyed the Star Wars franchise. They are chasing the buck so hard they won’t even let creative geniuses create a good film.

No one talks about this though. Because Disney is woke.


Ever see a dancing monkey? Here’s a compilation:


Well, that’s Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars. He’s terrible.

Could this be a real poll?



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