Episode 95 Show Notes

It’s time for a status update on the Democratic Presidential candidates. Trump loses a law suit in New York. There’s a shock. ABC and CBS collude to fire a whistleblower. Irony is thick on that one. Iran is not behaving and their citizens are getting a little fed up about it. Shocking that the main stream media isn’t bringing it up. And I wonder is we are going to see Greta “How Dare You!” Thunberg is going to go to India and yell at them. I doubt it.


Texas Update

We talked about a little boy whose mom said he identified as a girl and was going to go through hormone therapy? Well, there’s a new update. It went to court because moms didn’t want dad to have any say. The judge ended up siding with dad, stopping it all.

He was given the choice to go to school as a girl and a boy. He chose boy and he, apparently, had a good day.

The school reported:

“and James and Jude’s teachers had reported that there was zero stress or disruptions in the classroom today. Just another day in school  Prayers answered,”

That’s awesome.



Democratic Presidential Candidate Update

Good news! The next Democratic debate may be one light.

Julian Castro has just laid off his laid off half his staff in some of the primary states. That is a clear indication that he is probably going to pull out of the race soon.

I don’t know why he’d want to quit. He’s almost polling at 1%.

This is kind of a sad thing because, with Beto gone, who’s going to speak Spanish during the debate, which I find really funny? I mean, nothing makes me feel candidates care about me and my country like speaking the language of another country.

But, it’s not all good news. Think to yourself: what does the Democratic party need right now for a Presidential candidate? How about an old, straight, white billionaire? Oh, yeah, and he’s Jewish. Because we know how Democrats love Jews.

That’s right! The former New York Mayor and moderate Democrat, Michael Bloomberg. He has no chance.

At least Tulsi will be at the next debate. She’s hot and will wreck anyone in her way. That’s always fun.



What a Shock

Well, President Trump is moving to Mar La Go Florida because he thought the government of New York was treating him badly. This story proves him right.

Trump was sued by the former attorney general of New York, Barbara Underwood. The judge found that Trump and his children used the funds of his charitable foundation, the Trump Foundation, for using money for campaign reasons.

Listen, New York politicians have a boner for nailing Trump on something. The current attorney general of New York, Letitia James, said she was going to investigate Trump and find a crime. That’s not Constitutional or ethical. An attorney is suppose to investigate crimes, not people. One is not suppose to assume someone is guilty of something without knowing what. This is not a shock, not a big deal. Trump would just need to pull out his wallet and pay it. He doesn’t think he did anything wrong and wouldn’t settle. This is going to be appealed and will probably just go away.

This is a garbage story because the Left-wing media outlets are not reporting it. Nothing to see here, move on.



Really? Seriously?

Let me see if I understand this correctly.

  • President Trump went through two and a half years of colluding with Russia to affect the elections of 2016.
  • Trump slept with Stormy Daniels. No one doubts this. He paid her off.
  • A special council was hired and the investigation found no collusion but they found obstruction of justice for a crime that didn’t happens. The obstruction charge died.
  1. Brett Kavanaugh was accused of being serial rapist, rape ring leader and alcoholic.
  2. Trump is involved in a quid pro quo with Ukraine because of a whistleblower. One whose identity must be protected at all cost


The media is doing everything it can to protect the people who do the accusations.

But when a sound bite from a hot mic is released, by a whistleblower, from a reporter who knew, had evidence and had a commitment for an interview with a victim, ABC news needs to get even.

When Amy Robach was caught on a hot mic complaining about ABC quashing a story about Jeffrey Epstein three years earlier, the world went insane.

Yet, no one reported it and the story seems dead in the water on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Huffington Post just to name a few.

Such hypocrisy. Any wonder why the news media isn’t trusted anymore? When did the news stop reporting what is news?

A bigger question: how little girls could ABC prevented being raped if ABC had started and investigation? Where are the woke feminists?

This story is getting better. The “whistleblower” said to Megyn Kelly that she had nothing to do with it. Sounds like ABC has gone on a search-and-destroy mission.

I smell lawsuits.



Iran Being Iran

So much for that Iran nuclear agreement.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran is injecting uranium gas into 1,400 centrifuges.This is not for creating clean energy but to create nuclear weapons.

I am sick and tired of hearing how the United States can’t be trusted because we left the nuclear deal. Iran is still in the nuclear deal and they are violating it.

With Iran being a fundamentalist state and constantly threatening to annihilate Israel, I’m having a hard time believing that a conflict isn’t on the horizon. I also can’t believe that Obama trusted these pieces of crap enough to sign a deal and give them billions (or is it millions) of dollars.

And I do believe Iran has the technology to pull this off.

Iran is having problems with their people. In order to suppress anti-government news, Iran decided to block Internet access. Yeah, this isn’t going well. Protests have broken out and three people have been killed in clashes with government forces.

The citizens of Iran are progressive. They don’t agree with the fundamentalism of the Rouhani government.

You know what’s going to save military conflict with the United States and Iran? The Iranians. The Iranian citizens are closer to the U.S. citizens, and, ironically, Israeli citizens than they are to their fundamentalist government.

The U.S. should stay out of it. civil war is on the horizon.



Oh, God

Greta “How Dare You” Thunberg has decided to come to North Carolina for another youth climate change protest.

Here’s the question I have: Why isn’t she taking a shorter trip to New Delhi and yelling at them?

Apparently the smog in the Indian capital is so think, Indian citizens can’t even breath the air without even getting sick. In fact, the smog is so thick, planes can’t land at the airport because the smog prevents the pilot’s visibility.

Time to stop the child abuse. Greta obviously has issues. Her parents need to deal with her. Let her be a kid.




