The public impeachment hearings started today and I, like a good host, watched most of them. Thank God I was at work or I would have wasted a lot of time.
To Impeach or Not to Impeach
The public hearing for the impeachment inquiry started today. What a hot mess. Two people were interviewed today: ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor and George Kent, a Ukraine expert and analyst. I wish they had started playing this at 8 PM instead of 10 AM. I could have used the sleep.
It was terrible and I can’t believe these two bozos were actually Adam Schiff’s star witnesses. I was going to throw some clips out about what these guys said but their opening statements were so long. Each were about 40 minutes long and I didn’t have the stomach to listen to it again to get the clips. Essentially, these guys did not hear the call, saw the transcript and didn’t like the foreign policy when it came to Ukraine.
So I sat and listened to the Democrats interview these guys. The time was broken up into opening statements, forty-five minutes for the Democrats, forty-five minutes for the Republicans and, finally, five minutes for each Congressman. Trust me, this took forever.
The Democrats went first and things seemed to look good for these witnesses. In fact, things were going so good, Lou Dobbs of Fox News said this is real bad news for Trump if the Republicans couldn’t crack these too. I love Lou, but he was wrong. Not liking the President’s policies is not an impeachable offense and that’s what these guys were pushing.
Republicans tore them up. A watcher could tell the two were uncomfortable. Taylor was stuttering along and, for some reason, his hearing was going bad. Kent maybe said four words during the Republican questions. But we did find out some important facts:
- They never talked to the President. Heck, one of them never even met him.
- Neither were in the room during the call. Their information came from other people or the transcript.
- Ambassador Taylor met with the Ukrainian President three times and the quid pro quo was never mentioned by the Ukrainian President.
- The President of Ukraine did not know for a month that the $400 million was being withheld and had not intention of starting an investigation.
- Taylor could not answer, definitively, if the Investigation Trump wanted was for investigating Biden or just investigating corruption in general.
- Finally, one of the reasons this Taylor thought made it clear what Trump wanted came from another ambassador named Sondeland. Guess what, Sondeland not only contradicted Taylor, he did it in writing and gave it to the Republicans.
- Finally, the Trump administration did more than the Obama administration in helping Ukraine. Obama only gave Ukraine blankets and MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) while Trump gave them weapons to fight the Russians.
They were a mess. And these two were supposed to be the Democrats star witnesses. They are interviewing an ambassador tomorrow who was fired by Trump. Yeah, she doesn’t have an ax to grind. This is big trouble for the Democrats. They have had two months of underground testimony. Testimony that is highly hidden, strictly controlled by Adam Schiff who picks all of the witnesses and has denied all of the requests for witnesses by the Republicans. This whole thing looked like a sham. Not that it’s in public, it looks like a sham run by an incompetent.
If things continue like this, should the Democrats move on to a vote and allow a trial to go on in the Senate? That might be the million dollar question. Let’s take a look at that.
Once in the Senate, It’s a Whole New Ball Game
David Marcus from The Federalist released an article called 5 Reasons A Senate Trial Would Be A Nightmare For Democrats. This article really made clear that voting for impeachment, along party lines, could be a disaster when it gets to the Senate.
The first issue is the Democrats lose control of the process. Right now, the Democrats have control. They can call witness, reject Republican witnesses, control what questions are asked and control the forum. It won’t be like that in the Senate. This leads us to number 2.
Remember the confidentiality of the whistleblower Adam Schiff is so worried about? Gone. Senate will call him. They will also call Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strock, Lisa Paige and anyone else that had anything to do with Russia and Ukraine. That might include Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama.
I’ve got a little surprise for you at the conclusion. Not good for Democrats.
The third reason is that you have a few Senators who are on the campaign trail. That includes Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar. If this get approved by Christmas, the trial could be held in the middle of the Iowa primary. Oops.
Fourth reason, if this gets to the Senate and the Senate starts searching for the facts that will get to the truth, it is going to look like the House was being political and not legal or moral. This will unify the Republican, get Trump re-elected and probably raise the numbers in the Senate.
Finally, the chance of Trump being removed from office with what has been presented so far is null. It will be a loss for the Democrats. And the Republicans will point out the House did nothing for four months but waste time and money. No work on DACA, no work on health care and no work on infrastructure. Again, it might waste the Democrats in the House come the 2020 election.
Democrats have some real problems. Not only is their impeachment inquiry not going well. Not only if impeachment gets through the House, it could be a disaster for Democrats in the Senate. Not only can it kill the Democrats for the elections in 2020.
But there are rumors that a report about the Trump spying thing might be released next week. I am not sure which report it is but it is sure to mess up the web the Democrats have spun. They need to rush it to declassify so I doubt it will be next week but that will be bad for Democrats. Happy Thanksgiving!
Democrats look like they are panicking right now and that includes Nancy Pelosi. Their Presidential candidate suck and have no chance at beating Trump in 2020. Hell, Hilary Clinton is thinking of jumping back into the 2020 race. And why wouldn’t she? Look at what she’d be running against.
I think the only person who can beat Trump is Trump himself. He needs to be less crazy than the Democrats. That shouldn’t be hard but he seems to be competing with him pretty hard.
This is what he needs to do:
Tweet positive. Call this a witch hunt because it is. But drop it. Today, the Dow Jones went up another 100 points. It’s up 10,000 points since he took over. Push the positive.
Push the negative of the policies of the Democratic candidates. Make them look crazier. It should be pretty easy.
Stop cussing. It’s a turn off.
He needs to think before he talks. That call was not perfect. The reason: he said Biden. If he had said Burisma, the would have been no problem. He’s not a politician, which is why people love him. But he does need to think about what he says before he talks and that’s what started this whole mess.
Finally, fire no one.