The third witness appears in the public impeachment inquiry and President Trump does not help himself. How innocent is the death row inmate in Texas all these celebrities are trying to save. Hint: not very. Huge ruling from a judge that gives Trump another big win. And Colin is getting a second chance. Good for him.
The second day of the public impeachment inquiry took place yesterday. The former ambassador for Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch went in front of the House Intelligence Committee. This interview pretty much sums up her testimony:
That’s pretty much all the Republicans did. This woman was fired from her job in the Trumpian way and she was bitter. That bitterness came out in her opening. She felt mistreated and said that Rudy Guiliani had started spreading rumors about her and that was why she thought she was fired. It was very emotional. In fact, the Democratic counsel asked her how she felt over ten times.
Then she complained about the U.S. policy with Ukraine. She believed we are not doing enough.
That’s all the Democrats had with this gal. Nothing. Republicans just pointed out that Yovanovitch was fired before the phone call with Ukranian President Zelensky, she never talked to Zelensky and that President Trump can fire her for no reason at all. Chris Stewart (UT-R) pointed this out:
Stewart: “I would now feel compelled to ask you, Madam Ambassador, as you sit here before us, very simply and directly, do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?”
Yovanovitch: “No.”
Stewart: “Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?”
Yovanovitch: “No.”
Here’s the problem: Trump doesn’t help himself. During the testimony, he got the brilliant idea to Tweet:
Mr. President, with all due respect, shut the f- up!
All he has to do is stop talking. The Dems look bad and this “witness” looks bad. They will use and manipulate anything he says. Adam “I-don’t-give-a” Schiff used that Tweet to probably add another article of impeachment.
Crap! He wasn’t threatening her. She’s not intimidated. But the point is not to put himself in that position.Ukraine, Somalia; none of that is her fault. Those countries were already screwed up. The Democrats are crazy on their own. Trump needs to stop out-crazing them.
There was a fourth witness. I did not watch his testimony. I have a life. This is from a Fox News article.
David Holmes, the political counsel at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, said that he heard Gordon Sondland, ambassador to the European Union, talk to Trump on the phone about investigations. That’s it. Why Sondland would talk to the President of the United States on an unsecured line in a foreign? Sounds like BS.
Supposedly, Sondland told the President that Zelensky “loves his ass” and the investigations were assured.
This is so stupid. First off, this isn’t even believable. Next, even if Sondland testifies, he can use Presidential Privledge and not answer any questions. Finally, what investigation? Into corruption or Biden (which, by the way, is the same thing)? Holmes doesn’t answer any of that.
We’ve had four witnesses. None of them know anything. All don’t like Trump or his policies with Ukraine even though his policies are stronger than the ones under Obama.
When did the Ukraine become such a vital resource for American national security? They were under Soviet rule for, what, 50 years and we did fine. In fact, we toppled the Soviets. Ukraine didn’t help.
Good Riddance
Finally, the courts made the right decision.
The daughter of a Yemeni diplomat, Hoda Muthana, decided to join ISIS. What a shock, right? Well, she was born in New Jersey while the diplomat was working here.
While in Syria, she participated in terrorist activities and tried to encourage terrorist activities in the United States by stating, “Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood.” Sounds like a sweetheart, huh?
She also was married to three different ISIS fighters and has some kids. All three of her husbands were killed.
Apparently, Syria is not the vacation spot would be and she wanted to come back to the United States. She said she regretted everything she did. Wah.
The Trump administration pretty much said f-you. Mike Pompeo said:
“Ms. Hoda Muthana is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into the United States. She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States. We continue to strongly advise all U.S. citizens not to travel to Syria.”
Soon after, President Trump Tweeted:
“I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!”
Here the thing, if one is born from a diplomat who is immune to the United States laws, that child is not a citizen. That is literal. There is precedence.
A Judge Reggie Walton made a ruling today that really screwed Muthana. He ruled:
“…there was sufficient evidence that Muthana had been born while her father, who once represented Yemen in the United Nations, still had diplomatic status in the US. Federal regulations and international law state that children of foreign diplomats born in the US are not subject to the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees birthright citizenship, because they are born under the jurisdiction of another country.”
I am happy. I hope Hoda likes sand and goats.
Dude Can’t Throw