Episode 105 – Big Week for the President

We are so busy watching this stupid impeachment thing, we are ignoring all of President Trump’s accomplishments. Let’s go over them.


Great News, I Guess

I think this is good news!

Nancy Pelosi, about an hour after presenting articles of impeach the President, announced that an agreement on a trade agreement has been made between the United States, Canada and Mexico has been approved by the House. Nice.

I haven’t read it. I got a lot of this from the Daily Wire, which discussed who benefited, who lost and who won’t see anything. Let’s go over that.

Who Won

President Trump won. This was a deal he wanted and ran on. The Democrats, stuck in an unpopular impeachment, gave in. This is his huge victory though it doesn’t sound like the USMCA is too much better than NAFTA.

Nancy Pelosi won. Great political move. No matter how much she tried to make it about the House and not Trump, it was still started by Trump but this looks like Democrats can deal with Trump.

The unions won. There is not a minimum wage set for certain manufacturing jobs such as car parts. Also, an American car will have to have a certain percentage of parts

Canada won. They gave little and got a little more. They have to open their dairy trade a little more but they are looking at a major boost in manufacturing.

Who Lost

Mexico lost big. The raising of wages is going to kill them because American companies won’t be jumping to Mexico for cheap labor. They also took a big agricultural hit.

The American consumer gained nothing and maybe lost. The provision in this whole thing is that other countries needed to raise their minimum wage. With that, it doesn’t look like consumer goods will get cheaper.

China lost. We are dealing with other countries. What do we need them for?


This USMCA has been estimated to be about 15-20% better than NAFTA. Which is good.

The difficulty, especially now, is hard to go extreme because of the economic levels of the other countries. But, I think, we can chip away and possibly make those other countries stronger. What do I mean by this?

I haven’t read the USMCA but I think it should be renegotiated every ten years. It shouldn’t be something that sticks around for decades until a President wants to get rid of it. Economies change but these trade deals stay stagnant.


Phase 1 of the New Chinese Trade Deal

Donald Trump had some great news today:

Phase One includes an agreement from China to buy $50 billion worth of U.S. agricultural products, President Trump said during a Friday press briefing. But other sources say the number could be lower at around $32 billion over two years.

$160 Billion in tariffs were planned to take hold this Sunday on clothing. But that has been tabled because of the progress being made during trade negotiations.

Some negative effects of the tariffs include:

  1. Job growth in manufacturing went down significantly.
  2. Agriculture, especially the soy bean industry took a huge hit since China buys tons of agriculture from the United States.
  3. Consumer prices, especially on cars, has risen dramatically.


Both the agriculture and manufacturing industries are working with the President to weather this storm. That’s because they know things could be a lot better. The Chinese have not been very cooperative with the United States for decades.

  • We are in a $419 billion trade deficit because China refuses some U.S. exports or lays heavy restrictions.
  • There is a huge problem with the Chinese stealing our intellectual property. The new wireless technology, 5G is an example.
  • We can’t compete with their manufacturing. China runs sweatshops that allows their citizens to earn slave wages. That’s why companies like Apple and Nike have factories in China.


Trump says that Phase 1 of the deal will be signed in January and negotiations for Phase 2 will begin immediately.

Of course, the Democrats can’t give Trump a win (well, they already did that a couple of times this week). Here’s what Chuck Schumer had to say in a Tweet:

Whatever. What do you expect from a pig but a grunt.

Here’s my thoughts:

  • I hate tariffs but something had to be done.
  • The President should have been more forward about the effects of the tariffs and trade war.
  • Trump was right. China is not that economically strong. They caved.


This needed to happen. Someone was going to suffer eventually. But no President had the guts to fight this trade war. He did and he’s winning.


Stock Market and Jobs Report

Since the announcement of the trade deals, the stock market has been booming and is at record highs. We expect this to continue because, as negotiations continue and the Christmas season sees less problems because of the tariffs, confidence will rise. That’s awesome.

The Jobs Report for November was over-the-top.

The projections said 180,000 jobs would be created. It turned out there were 266,000 jobs created.

The jobless rate dropped to 3.4%!

The average hourly raise rose 7 cent or 3.1% to $28.29 per hour. The average work week increased to 34.4 hours.

I want you to remember that last stats. Because somebody is not telling the truth.

Ahh, I won’t keep you in suspense. AoC is lying to you. Bernie Sanders is lying to you. Elizabeth Warren is lying to you. Ilhan Omar is lying to you. In fact, every Democrat who claims there is a wage disparity is a liar.

There are 327 million people and the average hourly wage is over $28 an hour? Does it sound like most people are suffering?

The average work week is almost 35 hours a week? How many people who are working 35 hours a week are working three jobs?

What’s really weird is, with all these economic successes, the Democratic candidates want to change change all this. They want to:

  • Raise taxes. Up to 90% for “rich” people.
  • Create nanny state programs like college for all and crap like that.
  • They want to allow felons and children to vote, allow voting with no IDs and even allow immigrants to vote.
  • Take away heath insurance for millions and give it to everyone, including illegal aliens.
  • Allow abortion up to birth and beyond.
  • Forget the men are men and women are women. Allowing boys to walk into a girls restroom because they “feel” they are girls.
  • Legalizing drugs.
  • Add more regulations including for Rights that are in the Constitution.


I won’t even go into the climate crap.

Does this sound like good, solid policy?




The road that Great Britain takes is never far from the road the United States takes.

Last week, the leader of the Conservative Party received a mandate during their elections. Johnson will remain the Prime Minister and the Conservative Party will remain in power, soundly defeating the communist anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn and the Left wing Labour Party.

The defeat of labour was such a blood bath that Jeremy Corbyn, a piece of garbage of a human being, resigned from his position in the Labour party.

This victory has some real heavy affects both on Great Britain and the United States”

  • It is the second election that mandates Brexit. That is Great Britain leaving the European Union. By the end of January, Great Britain will be an independent country again.
  • It puts the socialists on blast. The Left is being rejected by the moderates.
  • The U.S. elections seem to trend the way Great Britain’s election trend and vice versa. This is awesome news especially since the Left in Britain mimic that of the United States. And we’ve always said the Left was not in line with the typical American.


This is going to be a huge call for the Left and the Democrats. Especially the way the Left responded after the election.

Antifa threw a fit again. There were a ton of protests thrown after the Conservative party won. Antifa started breaking windows, over turning cars and whining with their little chants.

I guess the people who vote in England are also sick and tired of lesbian dance theory majors, who don’t hold jobs, coming out of their parents’ basement and bitching they didn’t get their way.

I am so excited for November 2020.












