Today was a big day. President Trump is one more step from acquittal. Brexit happens and Nigel Farage gives the middle finger to the European Union council. And avoiding the Coronal Virus is racist.
On Friday, the House managers and Trump’s defense team finished their closing statements.
The Democrats need four Senators to request witnesses. They only got two. No witnesses. Case done. Trump acquitted.
Lisa Murkowski from Alaska was going to vote for witnesses. But Elizabeth Warren, such the meanie she is, decided to take a swat at, not only the Republican senators, but also the Chief Justice John Roberts.
Yep, that did it. She changed her mind. She saw how partisan this was and had enough. She voted not to have the witnesses. It was voted down 51-49 and, essentially, acquitting the President.
You might be absolutely surprised by the Democrats and main stream media’s reaction to this. Here’s a little montage from Grabien:
Yeah, no. If the vote in the Senate votes to acquit, Trump is acquitted. Period.
The Senate followed the rules. They saw the witnesses during the inquiry. They weren’t impressed.
I wasn’t impressed with the House’s arguments and do not even believe the articles are actual broken laws. So, would be be right to say, “Trump was never impeached?” Very stupid argument.
The problem for the Democrats is they got embarrassed in this whole thing. This was a devastating loss. I know Maxine Waters wants to continue investigations but, trying to impeach him again could be political suicide. They have spent five months on this and looked terrible. They:
- Rushed the impeachment inquiry.
- Couldn’t come up with any laws broken.
- Didn’t subpoena any important witnesses because they were in a rush.
- Impeached Trump.
- Then held the articles for 30 days.
- The House managers put on a crappy case.
- Trump is acquitted.
- Story over.
I worry about not calling witnesses. Not for Trump, but for the senators.
Trump did do something wrong.
I think taking a week would not have hurt. Trump was always going to be acquitted.
Closing arguments will be on Monday. The acquittal vote will be on Wednesday.
My question is why?
Finally Free!
In 2016, Great Britain voted to leave the globalist, socialist organization known as the European Union.
It took four years but it finally happened. And the Brits were thrilled about it.
Nigel Farage made a statement in his last meeting with the EU. He has always been against being part of the EU. Waving British flags and talking over the leader, who ended up cutting off Farage’s mic.
Boris Johnson finally did what no one was able to do in the last four years: separate from the European Union and become a sovereign country.
Great Britain, one of the richest countries in the Union, had to support the other less well off countries such as Spain and Greece. They also had to accept all of the rules and regulations of the European Union including their immigration rules. This is one of the reasons most people in Great Britain wanted to separate. They didn’t like they were forced to take in a certain number of immigrants, most from the Middle East, and they had no say about it.
The European Union is the end result of globalism. It strips countries of their identity and history. It eliminates borders.
What trips me out is it is a term that is embraced unlike nationalism (which is the opposite of globalism). Nationalism is treated like a racist term. It is commonly confused with white nationalism.
As of now, the corona virus has killed 250 people and 8 are infected in the United States.
And the media and Left are stupid.
Brandon Tensley from CNN wrote an article called Coronavirus Task Force Another Example of Trump Administration’s Lack of Diversity.
I’m pretty sure Trump picked his council based on the quality of the people and their expertise. Not because one is a transgender Native American.
Tensley says:
“Who are these experts? They’re largely the same sorts of white men (and a couple women on the sidelines) who’ve dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning.
“By contrast, former President Barack Obama’s circle of advisers in the face of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was hardly so monochromatic. Neither was it so abysmal in terms of gender diversity. (Of course, to contextualize, Obama’s administration, on the whole, was far more diverse than Trump’s.)”
Is this joker kidding. This is infuriating.
Has he ever thought that the reason Obama’s administration was because he needed a transgender little person on his staff and councils?
This is not a political situation. This is an emergency that could affect millions of Americans. I’m pretty sure the country wants people on the council who are the best scientists and doctors. That’s what Trump wants and that’s what he has. And that’s why he is going to get re-elected.
So keep going , CNN. Keep publishing these stupid articles. Keep telling the world how bad those Trump supporters are. All 70 million of them. On a nightly basis, you guys are running nightly Trump election ads.
Listen to this guy. He was trending all over Twitter. He’s smart because he’s wearing glasses and has his top button buttoned. I pulled the audio from the Daily Wire.
What he is basically complaining about is that there might be some form of racism because we may look at the diets of these countries (especially China, which caused SARS)