Episode 136 Show Notes – When the World is Against You, Don’t Give Them Ammo!

The intelligence community announced that Russia is going to affect our elections…again. It’s not the Russians Donald Trump has to worry about. There is now a four-pronged attack on Donald Trump as the 2020 election approaches. Trump does something that could have waited until after the election. And Barrack Obama finally decides to weigh in on his Presidency and get lambasted over it.


Here We Go!

The intelligence community announced last week that Russia is going to attempt to undermine the elections in November. This is the garbage we are going to have to go through from now until the election in November. Donald Trump is going to be accused of everything and it’s all going to be the Russian’s fault.

Let’s review:

  • The Russians were accused of interfering with the election in 2015 and 2016. Under Barrack Obama’s watch.
  • Trump was accused of colluding with the Russians to throw the election.
  • An investigation was started by the FBI based on a dossier funded by the DNC which was funded by Hilary Clinton. The information came from a British spy named Daniel Steele who got in salacious and unverified information from…wait for it…Russians.
  • The FBI was given permission by the courts to spy on American citizens including Donald Trump.
  • Robert Mueller spent two years and $35 million with a cadre or pro-Hilary lawyers to find no wrong doing against Donald Trump.
  • A week later. literally, Donald Trump has a less than perfect phone call with the President of Ukraine.
  • Congress decides to impeach without naming a crime. Trump gets acquitted…for life.
  • Now, Russia is reportedly messing with the US again Trump is going to get blamed for it.


There are a couple of problems with this that the media, or anyone else, are not talking about.

  • The Russians have always tried to influence the election since they were the Soviet Union. This is nothing new and shouldn’t be a surprise.
  • All the big Russian hacking in favor of Donald Trump happened during the Obama administration. He did nothing about it until Hilary Clinton lost.
  • The Russians campaign was very weak, spending a couple of hundred thousand dollars on Facebook ads that actually were meant to create discord, no influence the election.


This has been a BS scam job from day one and it’s going to get worse. The problem the Democrats are having is they have nothing else. Trump has the country in the best position its been in for decades. Every Democrat effort has failed:

  • The Russian collusion thing has failed. In fact, we might be seeing some of Obama’s boys going to prison soon.
  • Stormy Daniels thing has failed.
  • The tax records thing is a no go.
  • The war-monger thing with Iran has failed and actually made him look better.
  • The Ukraine thing never took hold with the public.
  • Impeachment was a complete failure.


Right now, Trump is going to have to deal with salvos from four fronts:

  1. The Democrats.
  2. The media including social media.
  3. The bureaucracy better known as the “swamp.”
  4. Hollywood and the never-Trumpers..


This latest little tidbit from the Intelligence community is just the start. But they are lying. The Russians don’t care about Donald Trump. They’re main goal is to create discord within the United States. And they have done that for the last three years. Even the Mueller Report stated that the Russians just wanted to create conflict.

In fact, the Steele Dossier is believed to be nothing but Russian lies to create discord. This is a theory that looks more true considering the salacious, uncorroborated stories.

Here’s the good news for Trump supporters. Most people don’t believe Trump’s enemies. Trump did a great job of exposing the “swamp,” a term I hate but seems to be more accurate with every leaked story.



Don’t Give Them Ammo

Donald Trump has decided to pardon or commute the sentences of several convicted felons. Those people might sound familiar. Here’s the list:

  • Michael Milken – Sentenced to 10 years for racketeering, securities fraud and other charges. Fined $600 million but is worth $3.8 billion.
  • Rod Blagojevich – Served in the Illinois House of Representatives. Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. Set to serve 14 years. If you don’t remember him, he tried selling a seat in the Senate opened from the newly elected President Barrack Obama. Not sure of this one.


Angela Stanton, who was sentenced to home confinement for a role in a stolen vehicle ring.

Trump commuted the sentences of Tynice Nichole Hall, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison for allowing her apartment to be used in drug distribution; Crystal Munoz, who has spent 12 years in prison for a role she played in a marijuana smuggling ring; and Judith Negron, who was convicted for a role in a scheme to defraud the federal government.

Were these good releases. Yeah, if you look at the crime versus the judgement.

Let’s look at each.

  • There’s a reason why Presidents wait until the end of their terms to release people. But I think this is a prelude to Trump letting Roger Stone go. I don’t think it’s a good look.




Ugh, Barrack