I am on my tenth day of being at home and I think I am going to do something different on Periscope and YouTube. I guess I have way too much time on my hands.
Trump hits it big. Great Britain loses its Prime Minister for two weeks. Sleepy, Creepy Biden trips himself up while trying to get some attention.
And China, once again, proves it’s a crappy country.
But we’re not going to spend a lot of time talking about the flu. There are more stories out there. And this one is weird.
Wuhan Virus Update
On Friday, the President signed into law a $2 trillion bill that is to help people and the economy get through this disaster. This was a bipartisan bill that should have been passed last week except Pelosi want $300 billion to help illegals.
England’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been diagnosed with the Wuhan flu. That’s not good.
And Joe Biden continues to try to get attention. And, every time he does, he keeps screwing up. Listen to this.
Finally, China has another problem they may have to worry about. They say, I don’t believe it, that they cleared the Wuhan virus. Well, they just had someone die of the Hanta virus. What a wonderful country.
This has got to be one of the most bizarre stories I have heard in a long time. And though this website and podcast are news and politics based, I think throwing in a little crime every once in a while is a good idea.I first heard of this story from Fox Nation and decided to research it further. And it did not disappoint.
The story is about a woman named Lori Vallow. She is married to a guy named Chad Daybell and has two children from a previous marriage. A 17-year-old daughter name Tylee and a 7-year-old named JJ. One day (well, that’s not completely correct) her kids just disappeared. No one, to this day, knows what happened to them. Vallow hid herself from the police and immediately became a suspect. She won’t tell the courts or police what happened to the kids and is not enjoying a stay in jail.
Now, I’m a big true crime guy. I love it. With that, hearing a woman who may have harmed her kids is not really weird. That’s what I thought when I first heard the story. It’s always tragic when kids are killed but, unfortunately, this isn’t something that rare.
But, then I saw Nancy Grace’s show on Fox Nation and heard the whole story and…wow. It has everything. A horrible mystery that is still not solved, a string of dead bodies whose demise was under strange circumstances, missing children, a love triangle and a doomsday cult.
This story started with two missing kids named Tylee (age 17) and JJ Vallow (age 7) Their mother Lori Vallow never reported the children missing for several months. Now she sits in an Idaho jail, the children still missing and neither she nor her current husband will tell the courts where the children are or in what condition they are in.
Let’s go over the timeline for this bazaar story.
- In February, 2019, Lori Vallow was married to Charles Vallow. He files for divorce citing the fact that his wife believes she is “a god assigned to carry out the work of the 144,000 at Christ’s second coming in July 2020.” In fact, she has done work for an end-of-times cult known as Preparing the People ad she believed that the second coming of Christ is scheduled for July 2020. The two are currently living in Arizona.
- March 7, 2019 Lori pulls JJ out of his special education school. Charles says it’s “she went crazy.” Charles says he’s going to take JJ and Tylee to Texas back to his family.
- In June, 2019 – Lori puts JJ back into the special ed school with no explanation.
- July 11, 2019, Charles Vallows is shot by Lori’s brother, Alex Cox. Cox said it was in self-defense and no further investigation was done. Later that day, Lori threw a pool party.
- JJ saw Tylee for the last time on August 30 after a Facetime conversation. When asked by JJ, Lori would make up excuses as to why his sister was missing.
- On August 30, JJ service dog is returned.
- On September 5, 2019, JJ is pulled out of school with the excuse that Lori was going to California for a job.
- Sometime between August and September, the family moves to Idaho.
- September 23 is the last day JJ is seen. He was last seen in school.
- September 24, 2019, Lori pulls JJ from school.
- On October 1, 2019, Lori rents a storage unit. A video shows her and her brother, Alex Cox, putting things in the locker. It turns out that most of the stuff belonged to the children including clothing and bikes.
- October 2, 2019 – Brandon Boudreaux, ex-husband of Lori Vallow’s niece, Melani Boudreaux, says he was shot at in a drive-by shooting. Brandon says the shooter was Alex Cox, and he was driving Charles Vallow’s Jeep.
Weird enough for you? It gets weirder.
- October 19, 2019 – Tammy Daybell, wife of Chad Daybell, dies in Idaho. The coroner originally declares the cause of death as natural causes and she is buried a few days later. We haven’t talked about Chad Daybell yet. He’s a fantasy writer and speaker for a doomsday cult called Preparing the People. The cult is based on the Church of the Latter Day Saints “religion” (I thinks Mormons belong to a cult too) that thinks the world is going to end in July of 2020.
- November 1, 2019 – Police begin surveillance of Lori Vallow. Detectives report never seeing Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow once during the month of November.
- November 5, 2019 – Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow get married in Hawaii.
- November 26, 2019 – Rexburg police say they receive a request for a welfare check on Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow at a home in Rexburg. After arriving at the home, officers say Lori and Chad tell officers the children are with a family friend in Arizona.
- November 27, 2019 – After the children are not located in Arizona, police return to the townhome with a search warrant to find Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow. Officers say they find the house empty, and learn after further investigation that Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell had left Rexburg, possibly without the children. Police also search other homes in Rexburg looking for the children and the storage unit that Lori had rented.
- December 1, 2019 – Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell fly from Los Angeles to the island of Kauai. Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow and Tylee Ryan do not fly with them.
- December 6, 2019 – The family friend in Arizona tells police that both Lori and Chad had asked her to lie and tell officers Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow was with her. The friend says she declined the request.
- December 11, 2019 – Tammy Daybell’s body is exhumed so investigators can conduct an autopsy and tests to determine cause of death.
- December 12, 2019 – Alex Cox, Lori Vallow’s brother, dies at a home in Gilbert, Arizona . The cause of death has not been released to the public.
At this point, the police realize weird crap is happening. And they have no information about anything. So they decide not to screw around anymore.
- December, 2019 – The police go public. Rexburg police update the public on Facebook with details from the case. Police believe Lori knows the location of the children or what happened to them, but say she refused to work with officers.
- January 2, 2020 – The credit card Lori Vallow used to rent the storage facility is declined when the business tries to bill her.
- January 3, 2020 – Deputies execute a search warrant at Chad Daybell’s home in Fremont County, Idaho.
- January 16, 2020 – The State of Idaho files a protection order in Madison County on behalf of the children, ordering Lori Vallow to produce them.
- January 25, 2020 – Police on the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands give Lori Vallow the Idaho court order to produce the children to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare within five days.
- January 26, 2020 – Police on the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands give Lori Vallow the Idaho court order to produce the children to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare within five days.
- January 30, 2020 – The deadline to produce the children to Idaho authorities is missed by Lori. No charges or warrants are filed at the time.
- February 16, 2020 – Maui police say they have been advised that Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell traveled to the island of Maui from Kauai, but also say that they are not involved in any investigation of the couple.
- February 20, 2020 – Lori Vallow is arrested by Kauai police on multiple charges, including desertion and nonsupport of dependent children.
- February 21, 2020 – Lori Vallow makes her first court appearance in Hawaii. Her attorney asks for her bond to be lowered from $5 million to $10,000. The judge refuses.
- February 26, 2020 – At a court hearing, a judge denies Lori Vallow’s request to reduce her bond amount from $5 million. It is also announced that Vallow has agreed to be returned to Idaho to face the charges filed against her.
- March 5, 2020 – Lori Vallow is booked into the Madison County Jail in Rexburg, Idaho. With a stupid smile on her face during her mugshot.
And today, she sits in jail, looking at a 14 year sentence for child abandonment and not caring for a dependent.
She did get her bailed lowered from $5 million to $1 million. Her husband is rich and can afford the $100,000 bond but no bail bondsman will give her a bond because she is so unstable and they do not believe she won’t try to run again. So she is still in jail awaiting trial.
If you did not think this story is weird enough, it has gotten weirder just a couple of days ago.
There were court document released that said she thought the devil stole the souls of her children and that the children were zombies. Like Night of the Living Dead zombies.
This new report has made investigator suspicious that the kids are dead.
Worse, it made lawyers believe that she now has an excuse as to why she may have killed her kids and could plead insanity.
This story interested me from day 1 and it is ongoing. I’ll keep you up-to-date as the news comes.
Just for Fun
Here’s a fun song by Andy Eversole about the Wuhan flu. It’s a happy little tune. Enjoy!