Violence has hit.
Three people dead from riots.
It is all Trump’s fault.
We are 95 days into the riots in Portland and things are escalating.
Last week, President Trump offered the city of Portland the National Guard to suppress the ongoing rioting, rooting and violence. The crappy mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler:
Yet again, you said you offered to aid Portland by sending in federal law enforcement to our city.
On behalf of the City of Portland: No thanks.
We don’t need your politics of division and demagoguery. Portlanders are onto you. We have already seen your reckless disregard for human life in your bumbling response to the COVID pandemic. And we know you’ve reached the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism are your only ticket to reelection.
There is no place for looting, arson, or vandalism in our city. There is no room here for racist violence or those who wish to bring their ideology of hate into our community. Those who commit criminal acts will be apprehended and prosecuted under the law.
Tens of thousands of Portlanders have peacefully protested and marched for the noble cause of fixing our broken criminal justice system. They are part of the proud progressive tradition of Portlanders fighting for justice – from racial justice to economic justice to environmental justice.
When you sent the Feds to Portland last month, you made the situation far worse. Your offer to repeat that disaster is a cynical attempt to stoke fear and distract us from the real work of our city.
In Portland, we are focused on coming together as a community to solve the serious challenges we face due to systemic racism, a global pandemic and an economic recession.
Stay away, please.
On Saturday night, a group of pro-Trump right wingers decided to drive their trucks through Portland streets where the Antifa and BLM rioter were. The trucks were covered with Trump, Blue Lives Matter and American flags. The group was called the Patriot Prayer group. They are a right wing group (not white nationalists). They had planned to drive through the riots and keep rioters at bay with mace cannons and paintball guns.
Understand something: this was stupid. This is asking for trouble. This is looking for trouble.
A member of the Patriots Pray group was walking on the street and was confronted by an armed Antifa member. From point black range, the man shoots twice and kills the man. Here’s a clip. Notice the yelling of “Here’s a Trumper” by one of the rioters right before the shooting:
According the the New York Post:
An ex-military man who calls himself “100% ANTIFA” and ready for “war” is being investigated over the deadly shooting of a President Trump supporter in Portland, according to a report.
Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated over the death of Aaron Danielson, a “supporter” of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group who was part of a caravan of Trump supporters who flooded the city Saturday, police sources told The Oregonian.
He was identified in part by a distinctive tattoo on his neck of a “black power” fist — as well as a call from his estranged sister who recognized him in video and photos of the deadly attack, the paper said.
The 36-year-old sister — whom The Oregonian agreed not to name — was first alerted after a threatening call that woke her at 8 a.m. Sunday warning that “our whole family was in danger unless we turned him over.”
“We reached out to police and confirmed that we recognized Michael in the screenshots” from the shooting, she told the paper.
The father of two is estranged from most of his family — including his parents — after stealing from them, the sister said.
“On the one hand, this whole thing surprises the daylights out of us, because we always thought he is a lot of bark, not a lot of bite,” she said. “But he’s also been very impulsive and irrational.”
She decried the shooting as “not the solution” to the nation’s problems.
This wasn’t the only incident.
In Los Angeles, the same pro-Trump-type of parade was also rolling through the streets. Someone from an apartment building started shooting. Those people were eventually arrested but it took SWAT to get those people out.
These protests are no longer peaceful. There is now a war of ideologies. A war that is just going to get worse and no one seems to be doing anything about.
I understand that Trump doesn’t want to implement the Insurrection Act. If he did, he’d get blasted for it for being a tyrant or dictator (though it was implemented multiple times including by JFK and Lyndon Johnson). But I think it is time to wrestle these cities back from the thugs and give it back to the citizens that actually contribute something to society. I think Trump is going to do it. He has a legal right to fix what Ted Wheeler refuses to. He has offered to send the National Guard to Seattle, Chicago, New York, Portland and Kenosha. They refused, simply because the hate Trump and actually like the philosophy of the rioters. All these mayors and governors, all Democrat Leftists, think there is systemic racism and a general rottenness of the United States.
Every election year, there is an October Surprise. In 2016, in Jim Comey saying he was reopening the investigation into Hilary’s E-mails. He thought Hilary couldn’t lose. I am going to predict something: The October Surprise is going to be in mid September. President Trump is going to invoke the Insurrection Act and shut down these riots.
Biden better be wearing his Depends when Trump does that because his numbers will crater.
Other News
- Biden went to Pennsylvania to make a 24 minute speech, not answer any questions from the press and went back home to his basement. And it was a bad speech.
- Trump went to Kenosha, to the dismay of the governor, and gave a pep talk to law enforcement. It was a very positive round table.
- President Trump did not visit the family of Jacob Blake. This is a good thing. More news is out on that piece of shit. I just wished Trump and McKeieny would have been a little more assertive about it and explained why.