Episode 218 – What? Again?

The cops are targets
Newsome is an idiot.
NFL busts out.


Another Cowardly Attack

Two deputies with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department were hospitalized Saturday evening after a male gunman approached their patrol vehicle, fired multiple shots inside in an ambush attack, and then fled on foot, according to officials and video surveillance.

One of the deputies is a 31-year-old mother of a 6-year-old boy, and the other is a 24-year-old male, revealed Sheriff Alex Villanueva in a press conference Saturday evening. He did not disclose their condition.

“This is just a somber reminder: It’s a dangerous job,” said Villanueva during the press conference. “Actions — words — have consequences, and our job does not get any easier because people don’t like law enforcement.”

“The two deputies were doing their job, minding their own business, watching out for the safety of the people on the train, and seeing somebody just walk up and just start shooting on them — it pisses me off, it dismays me at the same time,” he said later in the press conference. “There’s no pretty way to say it.”

A surveillance video was released showing the piece of shit shooting into the car and running away like a pussy. It is only about 9 seconds long though the police say they have a longer video that has not been released.

Both are in serious condition but made it through surgery.

Just to show how much human garbage belongs to BLM and how they needed to be treated like the terrorists they are. They walked to St. Francis Hospital where the policemen are being treated, unfurled a BLM flag and this is how they dealt with security and L.A. Sheriff. It’s explicit. You’ve been warned:

These people are just pure filth. Human garbage. If they died and were sent to Hell tomorrow, no one would care. Anyone who wishes people to die are just garbage. I don’t hope they die and I hate these pieces of shit about as much as another human can hate anyone but I would not want to kill them. They’ll get theirs later. Probably from someone from their own race.

But the media is complicit too.

A Los Angeles National Public Radio reporter was arrested early Sunday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs said, after she “interfered” with police trying to prevent alleged Black Lives Matter protesters from storming the hospital where two severely wounded L.A. County Sheriffs deputies were taken following a horrific ambush attack.

A number of people on Twitter lashed out at the L.A. Sheriffs Department for arresting Huang, arguing that her press credentials can be seen hanging around her neck in the ABC footage. The Sheriff’s Department, though, later tweeted that Huang admitted that she was not properly identified.

“After deputies issued a dispersal order for the unlawful assembly of a group of protesters blocking the hospital emergency entrance & exits, a male adult protester refused to comply & cooperate,” L.A. County Sheriffs tweeted, explaining why Huang was detained. “During his arrest, a struggle ensued at which time a female adult ran towards the deputies, ignored repeated commands to stay back as they struggled with the male and interfered with the arrest.”

So that’s awesome. I have a few thoughts about this:

  • This is a situation where BLM rioters are storming a hospital and police are trying to stop them. Then, this reporter, with no proper identification, interferes and gets arrested. And NPR says she’s a victim. No.
  • Why do we have National Public Radio? You know, news that is financed by the government? They are slanted and have been for years. I don’t want any of my taxes going to them. That also includes PBS. Fuck Big Bird and Elmo.


The Rhetoric Continues

This is a story about two rail road police watching trains. That’s it. And they were shot for no reason outside of their uniform.

But no one cares. I thought Black Lives Matter was about black lives mattering? Now I know it is only about black lives mattering. That means my life doesn’t matter. Because I’m white. Could that be considered…I don’t know…racist?

According to NAACP chapter president Bishop Talbert Swan, there is “no such thing as Blue Lives” because police choose to do their jobs whereas black people do not choose the color of their skin.

In a Twitter post on Saturday, the NAACP Greater Springfield president said that while the death or murder of a police officer is a terrible tragedy, it does not have the same implication as a black person being gunned down by police.

“There’s no such thing as BLUE LIVES… Stop comparing your JOB with my LIFE… Your CAREER is a choice, my BLACKNESS isn’t. #BlackLivesMatter  #BlueLivesMatter,” he tweeted.

“No one deserves to be unjustly murdered, police or citizens. If you’re expressing outrage over the shooting of two sheriff’s deputies, but we’re [sic] defending #KyleRittenhouse murdering two protesters in #Kenosha only days ago, you need to shut up and have a seat.”

This is the height of racism and prejudice. One’s race doesn’t matter. It’s the uniform you wear.




Is This Guy Kidding??

If you have been living under a rock, or just don’t care about California, you will know that California has had a bunch of brush and forest fire. I live in San Diego, where there really aren’t any forest fores and the skies are orange. It makes for great sunsets but I can hardly breathe in the mornings. In San Francisco, which is already a shit hole because of the homeless and drugs, the smoke is so think you can’t see the Golden Gate Bridge. In Los Angeles, which is already a shit hole because of the homeless and drugs, it looks like it did in the 1970s.

But Gavin Newsom knows what’s going on.

Like I have said before a hundred times, I live in California. The air is a mess because of the fires. But we also have a major drug problem, homeless problem, we have rolling blackouts because our infrastructure sucks and we are constantly short of water. We also have the highest tax rates in the country. I’m thinking there probably is something other than climate that is causing the fires, like mismanagement of the forests. Why do I think that? This state, one of the biggest economies in the world, mismanages everything. We have the highest taxes and are $1.2 trillion in debt.

Now, I know the climate change argument. I do believe humans influence climate. That is common sense. We have more cars than people in this country (that’s probably not true but you get what I mean) and each spews carbon monoxide. But are we creating an environment that will be gone in ten years as Gavin Newsom seems to talk about.

I look at the way Los Angeles looked like when I was 14 years old. It looks like it does now. I couldn’t go to the school I wanted to because I had such bad allergies. Guess what happened? We did the right thing and the skies over L.A. We lowered emissions, drove less and did what needed to do to clean up our city.

There is nothing we can do about these fires. They are caused by nature left unchecked in a crowded environment. Let’s look at what is happening in California:

  • Droughts – California is a desert. We have always had droughts.
  • Discontinuation of controlled burns.
  • Discontinuation of removing brush from private property.
  • Discontinuation of the clearing of forests of brush and dead plant life.
  • Discontinuation of logging.
  • The temperature in July through October.
  • Santa Ana winds.


The last point here is that California is the future of the country? Does the California Ken doll believe that climate stops at the Californian border?

There was a map on Twitter showing all the locations of the fires throughout California, Oregon and Washington. There are no fires in Mexico or Canada. Does this mean there are no fires in Canada. Yes, there are no fires in Canada. Why? Because they actually log throughout their country and control the brush growth because they have had forest fire too.


A Good Try but Still a Fail

The football season started last week. I know that there was a lot of talk about how football would react to this whole BLM thing.

On Thursday, the Kansas City Chiefs played the Houston Texans. I have to say, it wasn’t as bad as what was reported. During the game anyway. Here’s what happened:

  • The Chiefs stayed on the field during the National Anthem but the Texans stayed in the locker room.
  • The teams joined arms right before the kick off.
  • Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth, the commentators, made their comments about the BLM movement but said that they were there to commentate a game and would do so.
  • There was a “End Racism” in the back of the end zone but it was conveniently not viewable.
  • The players has some sort of social justice message on the back of their helmet, but it was conveniently not viewable.
  • The commercials were filled with virtue signaling, including a commercial produced by the NFL.


Many are complaining about the social justice messaging than me. I do find it annoying but I can live with it. I think I am going to have to since social justice has inundated every inch of our culture. We cannot get away from it. Does that mean I am going to tolerate it forever? Probably not. But I will for now. At least so I can watch some football games. I am already turned off by basketball and baseball.

Let’s get into that.



Part of the Culture

Social justice is not inundated all of culture. It’s annoying but it is something the Left has wanted to do for a very long time. We are seeing it in the media, the arts, in entertainment, even at work. That’s right, even work. Don’t have the right opinion or go against someone else’s “truth” and you will be cancelled (fired).

Right now, the police have been made into villains. We have been hearing about that for years. We are being told our systems are racist. Mostly by rich white people. No one can show, statistically, why the police are bad or what systems are racist. That’s what people like me are here to point out. That our police are not corrupt. Our systems are not racist. I have chosen to believe this and will spend the time I have left to prove this. I will fight. Not beat anyone up or join the Proud Boys or anything. I will just defend this system because it is the best system in human history and I think those that try to tear it up have no idea what is out there.

So this is something I want to do. Talk about the idiocy of the culture. This is how I will fight.