It was about two weeks ago that I was watching One America News with my parents. They were talking about the problems with the statics concerning COVID-19. This is kind of important but no one seems to want to report anything about this. How do we know? Because states are beginning to set up restrictions for families for the upcoming holidays.
You know what? I think it’s time to talk about the idiocy that is COVID-19 or the China Virus or Wuhan Flu. What ever you want to call it. Maybe when you look at the stats through the lens of the CDC and reason, we will come to the conclusion that this whole thing was really over done.
Some Quick News
HAPPY VETERAN’S DAY!! God bless all our veterans and thank you for your service.
Andy McCabe stood in from of the Senate to answer questions concerning the Trump spying scandal better known as Crossfire Hurricane. He got smoked by Ted Cruz and may have perjured himself. We are going to see how that turns out.
Georgia has announced that they will start hand recounting and auditing ballots. This is the first state to do this but expect others to follow. The media is still screaming that the election is free from all corruption.
The Trump administration has released a list of affidavits of election fraud in Michigan. It is 234 pages long. I am reading the document now. We will talk about it on the next podcast.
More COVID-19 Restrictions
Now that we have had another spike of COVID-19, more restrictions seem to be popping up again in blue states. I live in California so you know we are locking down again.
Joe Biden
What is Joe Biden planning to do now that we are spiking? Listen to the scientists and doctors? Doubt it.
The first thing he said is that he was a national mask mandate. He brought it up again when he announced he was the new President elect. Here’s the problem with that: it’s illegal. He can’t mandate everyone where masks. But, here’s the thing, most people are already wearing masks and we’re still spiking. The reality is we are not sure masks are actually helping. This is because we don’t know how to use them. I’m sure you folks are wearing masks so answer the following questions:
- Do you switch masks after every use if you have a paper mask?
- If you have a cloth mask, do you wash it after every use?
- Do you know how to properly sterilize a reusable mask?
- Do you wear a neck gaiter? Those are worse than worthless.
- Do you touch your mask?
- Do you ever put your mask over your nose?
- When you sneeze, do you replace your mask?
- When you sneeze, do you put your mask down to cover your mouth? Not kidding. I’ve seen this.
Doctors and nurses are actually required to take training on wearing PPE including masks. So there is no evidence that masks actually work.
He also mentioned that he would have no problem closing the economy again if the spikes continue. Again, I am not sure he can legally do it. Governors can but I’m not sure the President can dictate to states. This does not surprise me since he hid himself for the last five months.
Here’s the thing: Biden doesn’t have a plan for COVID. Everything he has said on his website is either rhetoric with no real policy or was done 11 months ago by Trump. When asked, the only thing he has really said is he would mandate masks and lockdowns. Which is the work of a tyrant (thanks God for the Supreme Court).
He did create a task force, though. That’s awesome. The virus will disappear now.
Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist and so-called bioethicist, recently joined a handful of other alleged experts on Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Advisory Board. Together they will help shape Biden’s pandemic response, if he does in fact end up becoming president. The selection is highly concerning — though not surprising, coming from the anti-life party — as Emmanuel went on the record in the Atlantic a few years ago declaring that life is not worth living after 75.
Emanuel said in his article:
…A simple truth that many of us seem to resist: living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived. It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world. It transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic…By the time I reach 75, I will have lived a complete life. I will have loved and been loved. My children will be grown and in the midst of their own rich lives. I will have seen my grandchildren born and beginning their lives. I will have pursued my life’s projects and made whatever contributions, important or not, I am going to make. And hopefully, I will not have too many mental and physical limitations. Dying at 75 will not be a tragedy.
But it gets worse:
What about simple stuff? Flu shots are out. Certainly if there were to be a flu pandemic, a younger person who has yet to live a complete life ought to get the vaccine or any antiviral drugs. A big challenge is antibiotics for pneumonia or skin and urinary infections. Antibiotics are cheap and largely effective in curing infections. It is really hard for us to say no. Indeed, even people who are sure they don’t want life-extending treatments find it hard to refuse antibiotics. But, as Osler reminds us, unlike the decays associated with chronic conditions, death from these infections is quick and relatively painless. So, no to antibiotics.
This is communist stuff. This is death panel stuff. This is the guy who is going to determine who gets COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Great call, Joe.
What are States Doing?
The blue states have decided to shut everything down again. That includes what you can do during the holidays. The two states I’ll take a look at are New York and California. That’s because they are the worst run states in the country.
New York
I find it amazing that the media make Andrew Cuomo is considered a great mind when it comes to COVID. He has written a book about it. He sold a poster. But his policies put the aged who had COVID-19 into retirement homes, which spread the disease and then lied about the statistics and would take no responsibility!
This is what he has said on Twitter:
Wow. Ten people, huh? That’s going to work on Chanukah, Thanksgiving and Christmas? By the way, how is he planning to enforce this? Are the police going to come over because you have a holiday party? Can I go to jail for having dinner with my father, children, brothers and sisters?
The other moron governor is California’s Ken-doll, Gavin Newsome. Here are his restrictions:
1. Attendance
- Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests. Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer.
- Keep the households that you interact with stable over time. By spending time with the same people, risk of transmission is reduced. Participating in multiple gatherings with different households or groups is strongly discouraged.
- The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information in case contact tracing is needed later.
2. Gather Outdoors
- Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.
- Gatherings may occur in outdoor spaces that are covered by umbrellas, canopies, awnings, roofs, and other shade structures provided that at least three sides of the space (or 75%) are open to the outdoors.
- A gathering of no more than three households is permitted in a public park or other outdoor space, even if unrelated gatherings of other groups up to three households are also occurring in the same park or other outdoor space. If multiple such gatherings are occurring, mixing between group gatherings is not allowed. Additionally, multiple gatherings of three households cannot be jointly organized or coordinated to occur in the same public park or other outdoor space at the same time – this would constitute a gathering exceeding the permitted size.
4. Practice Physical Distancing and Hand Hygiene at Gatherings
- For any gatherings permitted under this guidance, the space must be large enough so that everyone at a gathering can maintain at least a 6-foot physical distance from others (not including their own household) at all times.
- Seating must provide at least 6 feet of distance (in all directions—front-to-back and side-to-side) between different households.
- Everyone at a gathering should frequently wash their hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. A place to wash hands or hand sanitizer must be available for participants to use.
- Shared items should not be used during a gathering. As much as possible, any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers. If providing single-serve containers is not possible, food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently, and wears a face covering. Self-serve items from communal containers should not be used.
5. Wear a Face Covering to Keep COVID-19 from Spreading
- When gathering, face coverings must be worn in accordance with the CDPH Guidance on the Use of Face Coverings (PDF), unless an exemption is applicable.
- People at gatherings may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside their own household, and put their face covering back on as soon as they are done with the activity.
- Face coverings can also be removed to meet urgent medical needs (for example, to use an asthma inhaler, take medication, or if feeling light-headed).
6. Keep it short
- Gatherings should be two hours or less. The longer the duration, the risk of transmission increases.
7. Rules for Singing, Chanting, and Shouting at Outdoor Gatherings
- Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged, but if they occur, the following rules and recommendations apply:
- All people who are singing or chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting, including anyone who is leading a song or chant. Because these activities pose a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission, face coverings are essential to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols;
- People who are singing, shouting, chanting, or exercising are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond 6 feet to further reduce risk.
- People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice).
- Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians maintain at least 6-foot physical distancing. Musicians must be from one of the three households. Playing of wind instruments (any instrument played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or clarinet) is strongly discouraged.
All gatherings pose a higher risk of transmission and spread of COVID-19 when people mix from different households and communities. The likelihood of transmission and spread increases with laughing, singing, loud talking and difficulty maintaining physical distance. Limiting attendance at gatherings is a way to reduce the risk of spread as it lowers the number of different people who are interacting. Additionally, by limiting attendance there is an improved ability to perform effective contact tracing if there is a positive case discovered, which can help to slow the spread of COVID-19[5]. People who do choose to attend gatherings should discuss and agree upon the specific group rules before convening together.
And Other
Illinois, Oregon, Virginia, New Jersey are planning to implement the same plans over the next two weeks. Lori Lightfoot, the crappy mayor of Chicago started announcing her restrictions today.
What is going on?
Why Again?
Democrats love pandemics. That’s because they can control our way of life and that what they want: control. But they get more out of control during a pandemic. They also make it that the population begins to become dependent on the government. This is another reason Democrats like pandemics. If the government is depended upon by a majority of the people, the government can then take from those who have and “give” to the have not. The reason I put give in quotes is because the giving is not what the government does. They may start doing it but that will go away. It’ll go away when they have the power they desire.
If we look at the COVID-19 pandemic, we can see the difference between blue and red states. Red states depend on the populations to take care during this crisis and be careful. Florida, Texas and South Dakota, just to name a few red states, never completely shut down. They didn’t do this because the state government trusted the people to make the right decisions. For the most part, those states did pretty well. The disease went through their population, death rates weren’t terribly high (and there’s a reason for that) and their economies never really took a huge hit. Heck, South Dakota’s unemployment never changed.
Blue states, on the other hand, suffered greatly from COVID-19. This happened through mismanagement (sticking COVID positive patients back into rest homes) and lock downs. Their economies tanked. The quality of life dropped to zero. There’s a reason why states like California, New York, New Jersey and Michigan are losing their populations. Then, when their economies start tanking, the governments open up a little creating a second wave. This second wave is not bad in red states because, well, they never really closed and their disease went through their populations. So do blue states do? Close up again.
Is this because blue states are concerned about public health? Democrats care more about the people’s health than then Republicans do? Hardly. It’s about control. They want to control our lives then control us economically. Nancy Pelosi proved this by not releasing another stimulus check without bailing out blue states like California and New York.
They don’t care about us. Only about power.
Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings
With all the bullshit about Democrats embracing the science, it amazes that they scream about how we are all going to die but fail to address things like, “Do people actually die of this thing?” What we are going to do is take a look at the statistics and how the numbers the CDC is releasing is determining that 240,000 people have died.
- The government gives hospitals a bonus for every COVID-19 case.
- People have been added to the COVID death list even if they died of pre-existing conditions:
- Deaths from heart attacks and heart disease for those who had COVID – 51,000
- Deaths from pneumonia and influenza – 88,000
- Deaths by chronic lower respiratory disease – 18,000
- Deaths by adult respiratory distress syndrome – 26,000
- Deaths by Hypertensive diseases (high blood pressure) – 44,000
- According to CDC, only 6% can be solely laid on COVID-19. That means that 94% of deaths involved an underlying medical, some life ending.
- People who die in car crashes and had COVID listed COVID as cause of death.
- If someone died within 90 days of being diagnosed with COVID, no matter when or for what reason, the death was listed as COVID.
The media is lying to you. The Democrats are lying to you. These statistics are from the CDC.
Doctors said that 131,000 patients who died of life ending diseases and conditions, including cancer, dementia and renal failure, were placed on the COVID death list because they had COVID when they died.
As of right now, we have 8,228,870 CONVID cases. We have 328,200,000. Mind you, we are spiking in this country. The is a 2.5% chance that, with social distancing and wearing a mask (which I said might be BS), that one will get COVID. We have 240,000 deaths out of 8,228,870 cases. That means there is a 2.9% chance of dying from the virus. Is that high? Yeah. But if you look at the above statistics, one has to wonder how many people actually died of the virus.
But let’s look at the statistics based on age, using the obviously bullshit statistics:
0-19 = 99.997
20-49 = 99.98%
50-69 = 99.5%
70 and above – 95%
Do you know how many deaths there were from COVID between birth and 14 years old? A total of 8. Open the schools.
Survival for those 20-49 is at 99.98% survival rate? Go back to work. Go shopping. Have dinner at a restaurant.
Survival for those from 50-69 at 99.5%? Go to work or enjoy retirement.
For those above 70 years, the virus seems to love you. Most who survive do not have pre-existing conditions. If you are older and have pre-existing conditions, take care of yourself. Be careful. In fact, anyone with pre-existing conditions should take care of themselves.
And that brings us to my last point. Personal responsibility. If one has pre-existing conditions, it is that person’s responsibility to do what he needs to do to care for himself. If one is sick and wants to see his father, it is his responsibility to care for his father more than he does himself. If a store wants you to wear a mask, wear the damn mask. Keep social distance. That’s great. That’s being a responsible individual. We don’t need the government acting like our parents and forcing us to do what we already know we should do.
And I’ll go a step further. I don’t think Joe Biden’s or the Left’s attention are chaste. But we will see. There are now two…that’s right, two…vaccines that are over 90% effective. This is all based on Trump’s policies. Let’s see if Biden takes credit for it.
0=19 = 99.997
20-49 = 99.98%
50-69 = 99.5%
Anyone who tested positive in the last 90 days and dies…even from a car accident…are reported as a COVID death.