Episode 305 – He’s Back!

He’s back and showed up at the Coderivative Political Action Conference.


He’s Back!

Donald Trump held his first speech since becoming a private citizen. It was held at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) conference in Florida on Sunday. He was the keynote and final speaker for the conference. It was a pretty good speech but it was very long, about 90 minutes.

Here’s what he said:

  • He committed to the Republican Party and denied starting a third party.
  • He talked about his successes during his administration.
  • He contrasted his successes with the radical policies of the current administration.
  • He attacked the culture directly:
    • He talked about Cancel Culture.
    • Defunding the police. Law and order.
    • The embrace of globalism. No one cares about us but us.
    • The embrace of socialism.
    • The Equity Act and how it will destroy women’s sports.
  • His talk of culture is important because this is what Conservatives are worried about.
  • Finally, at the end of his speech, he made clear that America was great, exceptional and an example for the world.
  • He said that the that America is great because of the people.


One of the things I was really worried about was that Trump would ponder too long on how the lection was stolen from him. This speech needed to be about the country, not him. He did well until the last half hour of the speech where I thought he did go off on the subject for too long. Good news for the speech, it was at the end and I don’t think many people were listening hard, including me, anymore. So it didn’t have the impact.

The speech appeared very well organized. Some had said most of the speech was on the teleprompter. And those always work well for Trump.

Trump, ever the troll, hinted that he might run again in 2024. He didn’t say he would, he didn’t say he wouldn’t. He just threw it out there. Don’t think that wasn’t on purpose. He’s just giver the news media a month of topics.

It was also a very positive speech.



Should Trump Run Again?

Here’s the thing: We are in a civil war.

For the most part, it is not a violent war where we are shooting each other. It is not a war between Florida and New York. It is a civil war of culture. Cancel culture, censorship, anti racism, socialism vs. capitalism, the destruction of the family are all part of the culture war. Right now, no one on the Republican party is fighting the Culture War. They are worried about taxes and spending but not pushing back on whether boys are boys or girls are girls. They aren’t pushing back on cancel culture or censorship.

Donald Trump has proven he is going to fight this civil war. He says things that the Left hates. He does things that the Left hates. He represents things that the Left hates.

But should he run again?


  • He will be 78 years old when he runs again. We haven’t been great with Presidents that old.
  • He creates his own conflicts. He’s clumsy. January 6th is an example of this.
  • He creates a moral argument against himself.


The problem with these arguments is everyone knew about these deficiencies before he won in 2016. We knew he was married a billion times. We knew he cheated on his wives. We knew he uses brash language. But he’s always been a fighter.

What if he does run?

  • He will have no competition. No one will run against him.
  • He continues to fight the Culture War. He is the only thing between us and the Left.
  • His successes will be used as a campaign benefit and then contrasted with Biden failures.


Do I think Trump will run? No. But if no other Republican can step up and take the reigns from Trump, Trump might run.

The Republicans need to find a new fighter. Someone who will counter the Cultural Civil War. Someone who is not afraid to be criticized and attacked.