Episode 330 – Relax, It Won’t Happen

The Dems in the House of Representatives are pushing packing the Supreme Court and pushing the elimination of the filibuster.

It must be nice to be a Marxist.

And the left is trying to figure out how to get conservatives to take the COVID vaccine.


Relax, It’ll Probably Not Happen

…but if it does…

House Democrats are planning to introduce a bill that will pack the court by four justices. It will go from 9 to 13 and overturn the textualist majority.

This bill will also eliminate the filibuster.

  • The bill is led by House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler, Subcommittee chair Hank Johnson, and freshman Rep. Mondaire Jones. In the Senate, the bill is being championed by Ed Markey of Massachusetts.
  • In 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz suggested that, if Hillary Clinton were elected, the Republican Senate should keep Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat empty, effectively bringing the number of justices down to eight.
  • After Trump’s nomination of Coney Barrett, then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer faced pressure to stop her confirmation by any means necessary.
  • The House only has a 2 Democrat lead.
  • The Senate is split. There are two Democrats who have claimed that court packing is wrong.
  • The war for our Democracy is on. If this gets through, the “neutral” Supreme Court will be a legislative branch for the Democrats.
  • I don’t think it will happen and it rings a death knell for the Democrats.
  • This bill will have to face a filibuster and there is no way it can get the votes to kill it.
  • Because the bill has nothing to do with money, reconciliation can’t be used to kill the filibuster.
  • Nancy Pelosi said she had no plans to bring the bill to the floor. Probably because she knows it won’t get through and will be another loss.




It’s Nice to be a Marxist

It muxt me nice to be a Marxist in a capitalist economy.

According to the NY Post:

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes, The Post has learned. Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to a local agent.

The self-described Marxist last month purchased a $1.4 million home on a secluded road a short drive from Malibu in Los Angeles, according to a report. The 2,370-square-foot property features “soaring ceilings, skylights and plenty of windows” with canyon views. The Topanga Canyon homestead, which includes two houses on a quarter-acre, is just one of three homes Khan-Cullors owns in the Los Angeles area, public records show.

That wasn’t it. She also:

  • The “custom ranch” Patrisse Khan-Cullors owns in Georgia.
  • Khan-Cullors’ home in Inglewood, Calif., is now worth $800,000.
  • Khan-Cullors paid $590,000 for this South Los Angeles home.
  • She now leads Bernie Sander in homes, 4-3. But it looks like she’s trying to extend that lead.


Hawk Newsome, the head of Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, which is not affiliated with Khan-Cullors’ Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, called for “an independent investigation” to find out how the global network spends its money.

Newsome said:

“If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes. It’s really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it’s the people that carry this movement.”

No shit. She’s in it for the money, dude. That’s what Marxists do.



Can These Guys Get It Together?

For some reason, the Democrats are seeing that there is a problem getting conservatives to take the COVID vaccine. Well, I know why.

  • Biden says we might be able to get together in small groups by July.
  • Biden doesn’t see a goal of opening schools even though a substantial part of the population has been vaccinated and children do not appear to transmit the disease.
  • Tony Fauci says we should not only get rid of masks, but we should double and even triple mask.
  • Tony Fauci has said that we still should gather or go to movies or restaurants even if we are vaccinated.
  • The CDC overreacted over the Johnson and Johnson vaccine where 6 people got a rare blood clotting disorder, one dying, out of 7 million who were vacccinated.


Now I think this is bullshit. I have been trying to get vaccinated and it took two weeks to get an appointment. But apparently the media and the Biden administration really think not enough people are getting vaccinated. This does worry me. I know these vaccines were created under Trump’s watch and his direction but I worry if the Democrats and the left want us all to get it, it might not work.

Brian Stelter blames Fox News:

  • First off, it’s none of your business.
  • This also shows the difference between the elite thinking and regular people, like those on Fox News. I don’t care if Lady Gaga and Rachel Maddow got a shot. Maybe I just don’t want a shot.
  • Finally, what id Brian Stelzer’s issue with Fox News?


The Biden administration is really pushing the vaccine especially with white conservative evangelicals. Pete Buttigieg said the vaccine is a life line from God. Listen:

Let’s see:

  • He’s a gay man married to another man.
  • He’s for abortion and thinks the federal government should pay for the abortion.
  • He’s for drug legalization.
  • He’s for open borders.
  • He thinks the United States is systemically racists and believes in reparations.
  • Believes in the Green News Deal which is anti-religion.


Does this sound like someone that evangelical Christian conservatives will listen to?

But it’s the Biden administration’s response to trying to educate those Neanderthal conservative Christians. Listen to Jen Psaki say how the administration is dealing with vaccine education. Mind you, she read this so it is a Biden policy for educating white conservatives.

Really? How out-of-touch are these people?

First off, I have never watched The Deadliest Catch. I don’t watch NASCAR. And I don’t like country music. Josie likes country music which is probably why she got the shot. But I would never see any of this stuff and it is insulting to assume I do. But this is because the administration sees all conservatives as white trash or, as Hilary Clinton said, deplorables.

Finally, if you think about it, this is really racist. What if she said the same thing about black people? What if the issue was the blacks were not getting immunized and Psaki walked out there and said the Biden administration has invested funds into advertising educational PSA on Fat Albert, Popeye’s and the NBA? Wouldn’t that be considered racist or, at least, stereotyping?

So unifying.
