Episode 348 – They’re Not Good People

Some big updates from the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

And the Left’s response to this is actually kind of scary.


The Israel Update

The Israel/Palestine conflict continues.

  • On Thursday night, Israel completed a pretty good deception:
    • They packed troops and heavy arms on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
    • Through social media, Israel said they had started the ground war.
    • Hamas anti-tank went underground through a series of tunnels galled the Gaza Metro.
    • Israel then dropped 450 missiles on the tunnels, destroying them and killing an untold number of Hamas terrorists.
  • Hamas has launched another 1500 missiles this weekend bring the total to over 4000 missiles.
  • Hamas tried to launch a explosive laced drone over the Israeli border but it was shot down and landed on the terrorists who launched it. A bunch were killed.
  • 9000 addition reservists have been called into active duty.
  • The Biden administration has approved $750 million for weapons for Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated:

the campaign against Hamas was far from over, adding that Israel “would exact a very heavy price from Hamas and the other terrorist organizations. We are doing so and we will continue to do so with great force. The last word has not been said and this operation will continue as long as necessary in order to restore the quiet and security to the State of Israel.”

Joe Biden, being the wishy-washy anti-Semite released a statement:

“Today the President spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, reaffirmed his strong support for Israel’s right to defend itself against rocket attacks from Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza, and condemned these indiscriminate attacks against Israel. The President also spoke with Palestinian Authority President Abbas and conveyed a commitment to strengthening the U.S.-Palestinian partnership. They discussed a shared desire for Jerusalem to be a place of peaceful coexistence for all faiths and backgrounds.”

The fact the Biden wants to have a “partnership” with a known terrorist organization (Fatah) really shows how Biden doesn’t give a damn about Israel. Fatah, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have all said they would not be satisfied until Israel and all Jews were eliminated from the face of the Earth. If Biden is still questioning that’s the case, all he has to do is open the windows and listen to the Palestinian protests right outside his door (more on that later).

I did a little research this weekend and learned something. I was expecting a ground invasion this weekend but many who really know about Middle Eastern politics said this was something Israel would want to avoid at all cost.

  • They have Fatah, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad to deal with on the Gaza Strip.
  • They have Hezbollah to deal with in Lebanon.
  • All four are supported by Iran.
  • Israel could face a war from three fronts.
  • Each group has different capabilities that must be addressed.
  • The goal of Israel is to use their advanced technology to address any situation as quickly as possible, even if the happen simultaneously.
  • Israel can easily defeat all the terrorist groups with their technology but the problem they have is the size of their country (its really small) and the size of their fighting force (170,000 active with 102,000 conscripts).
  • A long drawn out ground war would not be good for Israel.




Non-Partisan, Huh?

Israel is not going to get any support from the legacy news media.

  • Israel issued a warning, as they usually do, to a building that housed Hamas intelligence.
  • They do this in two ways: by telephone call and by something called a knock bomb.
  • After a specified time, the blow the crap out of the building.
  • But this special building held a western news source: the Associated Press.
  • When the building was cleared, Israel blew it to smithereens.
  • This is what Hamas does. The hide in civilian populated building such as schools, hospitals and apartment buildings.
  • They fire their missiles from heavily populated civilian area. This is to avoid Israel, who actually doesn’t want to kill innocents, from firing on them.
  • Earlier, they destroyed a building that also held Hamas terrorists but also held the Al Jazeera news organization.

Of course the media is throwing a fit. Nobody is asking the AP why they are in a building with a known terrorist organization. The AP is calling for a private investigation. I want them investigated too. Maybe they didn’t see the 4000+ missiles that were being launched from the streets outside their building.

Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview on Face the Nation:

“We shared with our American friends all that intelligence. Here’s the intelligence we had: it’s about Palestinian terrorists, an intelligence office for the Palestinian terrorist organization, housed in that building, that plots and organizes the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. So it’s a perfectly legitimate target.

“No people were killed. Now imagine, ask yourself, ‘how is that possible?’ You see these highrise towers that are used by Hamas. Over and over again they collapse and no one is killed. Why does that happen? Because we, unlike Hamas, take special precautions to tell people to leave the building, leave the premises.

“We make sure everyone is gone before we bring down those terrorist facilities. And that’s the difference between Israel and Hamas. They deliberately target our cities, deliberately target our civilians. They glorify the death of children and they civilians and old people. They’re happy with it. I think they are happy with any deaths that are caused to them. We grieve for every non-combatant loss in Gaza and we grieve for all our civilians who die. We’re not happy with it and we try to minimize it.”

Israel was able to prove that Hamas had actually occupied the building. The Biden administration had no comment but said that the lives of reporters was of the utmost importance.

OK, couple of things:

  • I don’t understand the whole concept of politicizing and try to clean wars. Hamas is shooting at citizens and willing to kill anyone. Israel should do the same thing. This will guarantee a fast and clear cut victory.
  • People die in war. Some of them are children, women and innocents. Get over it.
  • If Joe Biden wants the AP, Al Jazeera and other news agencies to be safe, he should probably tell those agencies



Anti-Semitism Comes to the Forefront

Riots Within Israel

Riots between Palestinian sympathizers in Israel have add to the issues.

  • Israeli law enforcement officials have arrested more than 750 people.
  • Most of the rioting is occurring in Lod, which has a mixture of Jews and Arabs and is a lower class neighborhood.
  • Most violence between Arabs and Jews usually happens in Lod.
  • Jewish homes are being fire bombed by the rioters.
  • Five synagogues have been fire bombed.
  • A curfew has been imposed and the IDF is trying to keep control of the area.
  • Almost a third of Israel is made up of Arabs and they typically live in peace.
  • Arabs also make up the government, the supreme court and qualify for leadership in the Israeli government.


Riots Outside of Israel

There are also protests throughout the world:

  • There was a caravan driving through London with a loud speaker, stating: “F- the Jews! F- their mothers. Rape their daughters”
  • Protests in New York and Washington DC are targeting Jews, beating them up when found.
  • Anti-Israel protests in Germany have brought praise for Hitler and the government in now thinking of enforcing anti-Semitism laws.
  • In Vienna, Austria, there are calls for massacring the Jews.
  • Protests are also occurring in Iraq and France.

What’s scary about these protests is the hate they are showing. This level of anti-Semitism is what leads to genocide and none of the “woke” Leftists are aware of what they’re saying as being wrong.


Joy Reid and the Media

The media and the Leftist politicians blame Israel for everything with statements that border, if not cross that border, on anti-Semitism.

  • A guest on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show said that this was an example of Jewish supremacism.
  • The Squad is calling Israel an Apartied state much like South Africa.
