Episode 360 – Another Bad Week for Biden

Kamala Harris heads to Guatemala. It isn’t going well.

The Supreme Court makes a huge and surprising ruling.

The Left still doesn’t get biology.

And comedy is under attack.


It Ain’t Going Well

Vice President Kamala Harris is heading to Guatemala to try to solve the border crisis. She hasn’t been to the actual border get because she is going to go after the root cause of the problem. Problem is the root cause is Joe Biden being an idiot but there are no exotic trips associated with that. It did not go well for her. It was damned right from the beginning.

Bad Start

The trip for Kamala did not start well. Twenty- five minutes into the flight, there was a problem with the plane, Air Force 2. They had to land the plane and switch planes. Reports were that there was a minor glitch and the plane needed to be maintained. My bet is that they ran out of Orangina or something and Kamala threw a fit.

Of course, instead of just saying everything was fine and no big deal, she said the said a little prayer and the were OK. If I were Kamala, I would have prayed a little too. Air force. is Flown by the Air Force and she is not exactly Friendly to the military.

The Trip

Things didn’t go much better when she got there.

When she got off the plane, she was greeted with all the ceremony. There were a bunch of protestors on the streets telling her to mind her own business and to go home.  The meeting didn’t go so well either.

Harris said to the Guatemalan President, Alejandro Giammattei:

“And so I am in Guatemala today to discuss and advance our shared priorities,” Harris told President Alejandro Giammattei after arriving in Guatemala. “Foremost among those, as you have mentioned, is addressing migration from this region in particular.”

“We are neighbors and the position of the United States is that we then are interconnected, we share familial bonds, we share bonds that are historic, and it is important that as we embark on a new era that we recognize the significance and the importance of this relationship as neighbors,” she said on Monday.

Grammatter already knew what Kamala’s story was. Last month, she gave her opinions about the border crisis :

“I’m thinking of corruption, violence and poverty, the lack of economic opportunity, the lack of climate adaptation and climate resilience, the lack of good governance.”

So he already knows that some blane is coming his way. But Giammattei has his own opinion. He said this in an interview:

But Giammattei, in an interview aired a day earlier, had pushed back against the “root causes” explanation, and said that the two “are not on the same side of the coin” on the issue.

Instead, he blamed what he saw as a more welcoming message to migrants by the new administration for the surge.

“The message changed too: ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children,'” he told CBS News. “The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”

Something must have gotten through to her. She said this after the meeting:

There’s a real turn around in policy.

Listen, Kamala is going to get a lot of pushback, not only from Guatemala, but from EI Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico. These countries, though they love the remittances, hate the fact that the immigration crisis is causing crime issues with gangs and losing young male workers. The President of Mexico has been blaming the United States and the Biden administration for opening the borders and enriching the cartels by expanding drug and human trafficking.

Biden really screwed the pooch on this one and I think this is going to be the anchor around the Democrats neck. Last week, a normally blue, heavily Hispanic city in Texas ousted their Democratic mayor and voted in a Republican myor. And not by a little margin. Remember when the Democrats thought they could turn Texas blue? Yeah, that’s gone thanks to the open border thing. Texas has become more solidly red. Arizona, a borderline purple state, is also turning red.

I hate to capitalize on the tragedy of bad policy but I’m glad to see that Biden is showing his stripes. People are beginning to realize that he’s not a moderate and he is actually hurting the country. The election in 2022 couldn’t come fast enough.

But It Gets Worse

I guess the Constitution is the Constitution even if one is an activist Supreme Court Justice.

In a 9-0 decision issued Monday morning, the Supreme Court ruled that a law, barring illegal immigrants from seeking green cards, is constitutional and that those illegal immigrants who later earned a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are still ineligible to apply for permanent residency.

Justice Elena Kagan, the most activist judge on the Supreme Court, upholding a rule that barred “unlawful entrants” who later received Temporary Protected Status from applying to remain in the United States. Temporary Protected Status technically “gives foreign nationals nonimmigrant status,” Kagan noted, but TPS does not rubber-stamp an “unlawful entry.”

The TPS status “applies to people who come from countries ravaged by war or disaster. It protects them from deportation and allows them to work legally. There are 400,000 people from 12 countries with TPS status.”

The Court was called upon to decide whether a “couple from El Salvador who have been in the U.S. since the early 199s” who were given protected status in 2001 but who originally “entered the country illegally” were actually “admitted” into the United States when they were given protected status, enabling them to apply for a green card.

Kagan was clear, in her opinion, that they were not. “The TPS program gives foreign nationals nonimmigrant status, but it does not admit them. So the conferral of TPS does not make an unlawful entrant…eligible,” she wrote.

“Congress, of course, could have gone further, by deeming TPS recipients to have not only nonimmigrant status but also a lawful admission,” Kagan said in her opinion, writing for the unanimous court. “Legislation pending in Congress would do just that.”

“The House of Representatives already has passed legislation that would make it possible for TPS recipients to become permanent residents,” Kagan noted, per the Star-Tribune. “The bill faces uncertain prospects in the Senate.”

This is bad news for the Democrats and the Biden administration. This means that making an illegal alien legal through amnesty is going to have to go through Congress by creating a law. That’s not going to happen over the next year and a half. They don’t have the votes and Congress hasn’t created a law in the last six years (I’m exaggerating).



Civil Rights Were Already Being Violated

There is a wave of feminism occurring throughout the United States and it is coming from an unlikely source. Well, unlikely if you are a Democrat. It is coming from Republicans. That is that boys cannot compete in girls’ sports.

Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law in Florida that mandates that boys (or trans girls) cannot compete against biological girls.

DeSantis said when signing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act:

“We believe in the state of Florida, of protecting the fairness and the integrity of women’s athletics. And I can tell you this in Florida, you know, girls are going to play girl’s sports and boys are going play boy’s sports, that’s what we’re doing. We’re going to make sure that that’s the reality. So the bill that we’re doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the state of Florida. It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females. And we’re going to go based off biology.”

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona told ESPN (why ESPN is involved in politics at all is my question) that the Biden administration was prepared to take steps to do something on a national level:

“I do believe in local control. I do believe in state control, but we do have a responsibility to protect the civil rights of students. And if we feel the civil rights are being violated, we will act. Our LGBTQ students have endured more harassment than most other groups. It’s critically important that we stand with them and give them opportunities to engage in what every other child can engage in without harassment.”

  • Civil rights are not being violated. Well, they are. The civil rights for the women competing against men that cannot cut it in men’s sports.
  • LGBTQ students have endured more harassment than other groups? Really? They made up .4% of the student body in schools. Also, more than black students throughout history?
  • Finally, I’m tired of hearing that they are “no allowed to engage in sports.” They are allowed to engage. Play sports with their own sex and stop taking opportunities away from women.

“It’s their right as a student to participate in these activities. And we know sports does more than just put ribbons on the first-, second- and third-place winner. We know that it provides opportunities for students to become a part of a team, to learn a lot about themselves, to set goals and reach them, and to challenge themselves. Athletics provides that in our K-12 systems and in our colleges, and all students deserve an opportunity to engage in that.”

Again, they can compete. They can compete in the boys’ sports. These states that have the guts to fight against this transgender BS already face an uphill battle. They have to deal with the NCAA which fully supports men playing in women’s sports. They have to deal with a media that calls anyone who doesn’t agree on the subject a “transphobe,” whatever that means. They have to deal with Leftist schools who care more about ideology than fairness and safety for women.

I guess the only way the Left is going to get it is if some 250 pound trans female wrestles against a 175 female wrestler and breaks her neck. No, who am I kidding. They won’t care about that either. It’s all about the ideology.


Comedy is Dead

It looks like the New York Times is getting sued by the executives at the Babylon Bee.

This whole thing started with an article from the New York Times in March 2021 discussing fake news from satire sites like the Babylon Bee and how social media sites like Facebook and Twitter should block these sites.

According to the New York Times article under suspicion:

But satire kept popping up as a blind spot. In 2019 and 2020, Facebook often dealt with far-right misinformation sites that used “satire” claims to protect their presence on the platform, Mr. Brooking said. For example, The Babylon Bee, a right-leaning site, sometimes trafficked in misinformation under the guise of satire.

I don’t know if you have ever been to the Babylon Bee or seen any of their social media posts but they are clearly satire. Very clearly satire. For those that are too dumb to understand that their headlines are fake, they post over the top pictures that correspond to the headline and those pictures are, guess what, over-the-top. This isn’t a fake news site, it is a satire site.

Funny thing is, this isn’t the first time they have been bashed by Left wing media. Snopes actually fact checked them on one of the comical headlines. I believe it was CNN that reported on the “fake news” from the Snopes fact check.

Here’s the thing: I hope the Babylon Bee wins. Getting slandered by the New York Times may not seem like much except subscribers may stop subscribing because of any controversy. I doubt it because the site is openly Conservative and Conservatives like comedy and are smart enough to tell the difference between the two.

But the biggest problem I see here is the attack on comedy and satire. I think it’s disgusting. Cancel culture attacks anything that is entertaining. No, I’ll go a step further. Cancel culture attacks anything that makes you think or you have to be aware of. Most comedy is based on life and if we aren’t aware, it might not be funny. Comedy actually forces us to use our reason to understand what a joke is. Comedy picks on the stupidest things in our culture and the Left has a ton of stupid to make fun of.

Look at South Park. Trey Parker and Matt Stone run straight down the middle when it comes to their politics and they pick on everyone. But they enjoy picking on Leftists because their stuff is so stupid and always gets a great reaction. By the way, South Park is second only to The Simpsons as the longest running sitcom (Family Guy, also a offensive show, is number 3) . They are doing something right. Or maybe most people don’t buy the political correctness thing.

Things are getting so bad comedians like Seth Rogan and kat Williams, two of the most politically incorrect comedians (though they are, sort of has-beens) say that comedy has changed and comedians need to deal with it.

Well, I say, “NO!” I say life is awesome with comedy. I like that Richard Prior used the “N” word in one of his album names. I liked that Andrew Dice Clay joked about having sex with a lot of women. I don’t care that Eddie Murray picked up a tranny hooker or that Luis CK jerked off in front of other comedians. I don’t care that Jimmy Kimmel work blackface while mimicking Karl Malone on The Man Show.

I definitely don’t care that the Babylon Bee makes fun of AOC and Joe Biden. By the way, before you tell me I never see the insults, I’m a huge South Park fan and they make fun of people like me all the time. I can take it. I have a sense of humor and can laugh at myself.

You know what I do care about? The fact that these guys are growing afraid of doing it. That would be tragic for society.



