Episode 377 – Sic Them, Sir!

Trump pulls the trigger against social media. Would have been better if he did it while he was President.

An endless war is finally over…for now.

And Joe Biden doesn’t know where he is but he likes pie.



The Trigger Has Been Pulled

Former President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he is filing a lawsuit that seeks unspecified punitive damages against three tech companies over a variety of issues related to censorship.

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  • The lawsuit is a class action lawsuit. Expect many other litigants to join.
  • Folks like Steven Crowder (who already has a lawsuit against Facebook pending), Dinesh Dizouza and other Conservative YouTube and social media celebrities.
  • I would also expect the executives of Parler to join the lawsuit since their platform was attacked specifically by Google.

Of course the media is calling this idiotic. They continue to justify the bans because of January 6th. They are also bringing up the fact that all these companies are private companies and can do whatever they want. Companies like these are protected by Section 230 and can’t be sued. It’s funny that the Leftist media never seemed to care too much for private companies…like…ever.

They have a point here. Private companies do have freedoms that the government does have. Section 230 is a law that was passed through Congress. This is one of the areas that I blame Trump for. This was nothing new with the social media companies. They were always biased but the President, who had both Houses of Congress at one point, did nothing to change the law. The Republicans just bitched about it.

The thing is, and this should easily be proven, that social media is far too powerful. Most of the news people get from is from social media.

This will be a win some/ lose some case, depending who the judge is. But I see no way this is not going all the way to the Supreme Court.





Out of Afghanistan

The United States has completely pulled out of Afghanistan. According to Biden, our mission was not accomplished and it also ends a 20 year war. I’m really kind of mixed about this.

  • Our military mission was accomplished. Biden’s wrong here:
    • Bin Laden is dead.
    • The Taliban was crushed.
    • We established bases that could be (especially air bases) that could influence the Middle East.
  • Our politicians were the ones who failed.
    • We never established a democracy in Afghanistan.
    • This should not be a shock because that country has been a mess for a thousand years. It was never going to be a democracy there.
  • Military experts say:
    • If we were going to pull out, we should have done it a long time ago, after the military operations were successful.
    • Some are saying that we should have stayed because we established important bases there and that the troop fights were not the actual goal of the military. Fighting has been kept to a minimum.
  • Some say that the Taliban will be emboldened at the thought that they won the war after 20 years.
    • Many see that the country will be plunged into a civil war.
    • The country would not have a central government. It would be made up of feudal states led by warlords.
  • By the way, Joe Biden pitched a fit because someone asked him if he trusted the Taliban. If Trump did this, he would have been crucified.

You know what? Who cares. Afghanistan holds no benefit for the United States except that it controlled bases there. We do need to monitor terrorist encampments there but we have the technology for that. Any military operation can be done by missile and drone.

We will have to see how it turns out. The Taliban is already taking over cities. We’ll know pretty soon.

That’s a Good Idea

President Joe Biden pushed for eliminating tax breaks for fossil fuel companies during a speech on Wednesday in Crystal Lake, Illinois, saying that extra tax revenue from those companies would help pay for his agenda.

Biden said:

“I want to provide tax cuts for businesses and consumers who invest in clean energy technologies like renewables, battery storage, next generation aviation fuels, electric vehicles. I want to set the clean electric standard that moves us to a fully clean and reliable grid.”

“If we end tax breaks for fossil fuels and make polluters pay to clean up the messes they’ve made, that would raise $90 billion. I’m not asking them to do anything that is unfair, just not going to subsidize them anymore. They’re doing well, thank you. And the messes they made, they should clean up.”

Experts say that, across the country, gas is up 40%. They said that it is probable that gas will go up another $.20, at least, by the end of August.

Well, it’s going to go up more than that if gas companies have to spend more taxes.

This guy is an f-ing disaster.

Senior Moment

Joe Biden went out to buy pie. He was asked about the recent cyber attacks. He became confused. Had trouble answering the question about whether Russia was responsible or not. Then, he took out a note card with the answer.

His answer makes this whole thing look as bad as it is. Listen:

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  • He needs to pull out a note card to say, “we don’t know”?
  • What “they” sent me? Who’s they?
  • He seriously can’t get through a sentence.

How long do the Democrats think Biden is going to be able to go on? He’s getting worse. He looks weaker. I almost feel sorry for the guy.

The answer is as long as they can. If you think Biden is bad, Kamala Harris is worse.


The Media is in Love

Why is Biden able to just stumble around with no media criticism. Well, here’s a Jen Psaki press conference a couple of days ago:

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Do I even need to say anything about the lovefest the media has with the Biden administration? This broad has given the media cookies, cake and, now, happy birthday?

Wow, nothing like an unbiased media.


Here We Go Again

She discussed the northern border of the United States, using anecdotal evidence to say that there has been racial profiling near the border between the U.S. and Canada. She said that there has been a militarization of areas near the border as well.

According to Fox News:

“Tlaib was asked about the push by the Biden administration to increase money spent on border technology for Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) border request includes $665 million in investments toward modernizing land ports of entry and $47 million to invest in detection capabilities in addition to investments in border surveillance technology.”

When asked about it Tlaib said:

“Look, the simple answer to that question is we must eliminate funding for [Customs and Border Protection], [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and their parent organization, [Department of Homeland Security],”

“Time after time we have seen it as advocates on the ground, as human services agencies on the ground to continue to see over and over “This approach is something that many of, especially the new members of Congress, are coming with full force and pushing back against this idea,” Tlaib said. “They rename this kind of militarization or targeting in a very inhumane way of our immigrant neighbors, but when it comes down to it it is the same thing – which is targeting communities of color in a way that is, to me, very much violates human rights and dignity for so many of our communities.”again, that these agencies are inept to humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system and… instead they further continue to terrorize migrant communities located within our communities,”

They should be “terrorized” or, as I call it, afraid. They are in this country illegally.

She said that it is a “myth” that “more advanced technology will inherently make our border more safe and secure.” She added that instead, the new technology has “turned and terrorized” some communities and made them less safe and “fearful of our own government.”

Funny. She said we didn’t need a wall during the Trump administration because technology could alone secure the border.

“This is a distraction to what is really needed, which is full comprehensive immigration reform policies in our country. We are far from even getting to that conversation because people are distracted with these for-profit, corporate greed approaches that are coming to experiment on our immigrants and at our border,” she added. “And I say ‘enough.’ Enough in trying to collect DNA or put facial recognition technology that doesn’t recognize brown and black faces, it’s racism itself.”

“Stop telling the communities that you’re supposed to keep safe that this is the way to be safe in our communities,” she added. “…If anything, they’re turning around and using the same criminalization and militarization on our own neighbors. And I tell this to my residents who say, ‘I’m a U.S. citizen, I was born here.’ I say, ‘Just wait. Wait, sis, because they will turn and ask you for your documentation…’”

“Whatever they call it, all I know is it is a money-making scheme and they’re using our immigrant neighbors and our border as an experiment project,” she said.

I say to the Leftists: Keep doing this. Keep screaming about injustice and race and eliminating law enforcement. Go on every show and scream about it. This will really help them in 2022.






