Episode 380 – Copiers? What’s That?

Voting is on the block and it’s great theater.

There are some updates on Cuba. Let’s not forget about it.

And we have some other pieces of news to talk about.


Fight for Democracy by Avoiding Democracy?

The Texas state legislature was suppose to vote on a couple of bills that were going to pass easily. In order for the vote to go through, a quorum needed to occur which requires all state legislatures to be in attendance. Some of the laws that are “controversial” are:

  • A voting rights act that requires:
    • Identification when voting.
    • No 24-hour voting.
    • No drive through voting
    • No ballot harvesting.
    • Adds identification requirements for mail-in balloting (that really set Kamala Harris off, listen to her interview).
      • Damn dumb, smelly deplorables.
      • Don’t even know how to use their phones to scan their IDs to vote.
      • Quick question: Can’t anyone figure out how to get a copy of their driver’s license over the next three years?
      • If a person can’t figure that out in three years, that person shouldn’t be voting. Just saying.
      • But how f-ing arrogant of Kamala Harris to say this. Also, how prejudicial.
  • There is also a bill the will limits sports and restroom to the biological sex of the participant.


So how did Democrats handle adversity? They all jumped on a private bus to the airport and got on a private plane and flew to Washington DC. A quorum could not meet and the bills were shelved until they get back.

These guys think themselves heroes. They act like they are charging the beaches of Normandy or something. The lined up for a press conference to bask in the warmth of the media’s glow. Then they started to sing.

Couple things:

  • Please learn to sing. That was terrible.
  • Next, learn the frigging song. It is “We shall overcome” not “We will over come.” I know I’m being petty.
  • These people are not “civil rights” leaders. I know they are lying about the election bill and all and most people don’t know what’s in the bill but this is not a civil rights issue.
    • They flew on a private plane.
    • Drank beer and went maskless on the private plane (they probably had to use ID to get the beer).
    • Got love from the media and other Democratic politicians.
  • I also want to point out they are breaking the law by preventing democracy.
  • There plans include meeting with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to end the filibuster.
  • This is ironic because the filibuster is to support minority rights yet what they are doing is complaining they can’t do anything because they are a minority. Mind you, the Republicans have a super majority in the Texas legislature.

Kamala Harris also praised these traitors:

She’s so terrible at this.

  • Courage? Really? They flew on a private plane to be embraced by federal politicians.
  • Nobody knew who these people were until the pulled this theatrical stunt. That’s a lie, I still don’t know who they are and I don’t care.
  • And is she really comparing them to the civil rights leaders during Jim Crow? I don’t remember Martin Luther King ever flying private from Selma. In fact, during Jim Crow, he wasn’t allowed on planes.

Joe Biden, ever the unifier, in a speech on Tuesday tore into Republicans and, I guess, the rest of the country that believes in some of these voting restrictions in a speech in Philadelphia.

This is just a blatant lie.

  • Joe Biden lived during Jim Crow. He knows what it was like.
  • Joe Biden negotiated with pro-Jim Crow politicians.
  • Joe Biden eulogized Robert Byrd, an actual Grand Cyclops for the KKK.
  • This is not a man who seems to be really against Jim Crow laws.
  • Reality: The changes to these laws are actually opening up voting, not shutting them down.

Jen Psaki kept pushing the same message:

So, to get back to the story, these fifty-some-odd Democrats from Texas are anything but heroes and victims. You know who knows that? The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott and the rest of the Texas senate. They voted 76-4 to issue arrest warrants for those congress people that have decided to abandon their post. When they get back to Texas, they will be arrested and dragged to the senate and forced, including the locking of doors, to participate in the quorum.

Guess what happens then? The bills will all be passed.

This was nothing more than political theater.


Breaking Down the Texas Election Bill: What Does It Change About Voting?



Here are some updates on what’s happening in Cuba:

  • Police in Cuba are now beating up journalists. An AP journalist was beaten with a club by police.
  • Hundreds of people have been arrested or “unpersoned”.
  • The United States is doing nothing about it.
  • Bernie Sanders made a statement and is blaming the United States.
  • The Democratic Socialists of America are standing by the Cuban government. AOC belongs to that group. She has yet to say anything. I suppose we can assume.
  • DHS Secretory, Alejandro Mayorkas, says that Cubans crossing the 90 miles to escape tyranny will not be welcomed into the United States.
  • Do I even need to state the irony of this?
