Episode 392 – Empathy with Conditions

The Biden administration shows that being empathetic is a one way street.

The pandemic is making, supposedly smart people, say really stupid things.

And one American shows what the Olympics were about.


Where’s the Empathy Here?

Last week, the rent moratorium that was put in place last year due to the closing of the economy, expired last week. Joe Biden and the Democrats wanted to reinstate the rent moratorium through Executive Order. Joe Biden was asking his legal advisors if he could actually do this constitutionally.

Now, before we move on, you might be thinking about the landlords here. These are the people, a lot of them middle class people that depend on rents to pay their mortgages and live, were suppose to get support from the government. Unfortunately for them, the bureaucracy and red tape made getting that support almost impossible. Some of the landlords lost their properties.

Anyway, Brett Kavanaugh was asked about whether Biden can extend this moratorium though executive fiat and he said he didn’t think so. He believed that the only way it could be extended was through Congress and any Executive Order of this type would probably be thrown out in court.

The Centers for Disease Control, which has been wrong about everything, decided to release an order that extends the rent moratorium. The order states:

The order also states:

“A person violating this Order may be subject to a fine of no more than $100,000 or one year in jail, or both, if the violation does not result in a death, or a fine of no more than $250,000 or one year in jail, or both if the violation results in a death or s otherwise provided by law.

“An organization violating this Order may be subject to a fine of no more than $200,000 per event if the violation does not result in a death or $500,000 per event if the violation results in a death or as otherwise provided by law. The U.S. Department of Justice may initiate criminal proceedings as appropriate seeking imposition of these criminal penalties.”

None of this is legal. Even the Biden administration admits that the CDC has no legal authority to issue this order. Jan Psaki, when asked, stated:

“[CDC officials] have been unable to find legal authority for a new, targeted eviction moratorium.

“Our team is redoubling efforts to identify all available legal authorities to provide necessary protections. In the meantime, the President will continue to do everything in his power to help renters from eviction.”

But that’s not going to stop Old Joe!

Joe Biden decided to go ahead and approve the moratorium based on the CDC’s order including the penalties. When asked about it, he admitted that this was probably going to get overturned in court. Probably because it’s unconstitutional. But going to court would take time and it would offer a few months of free rent to those who need it.


What About the Landlords?

Here’s the reality: most landlords aren’t rich. Most are middle class and have to care for their properties on their own. Most depend on their rents to pay their mortgages, insurance, taxes, adhere to regulations and day-to-day family expenses. My grandparents owned property for renters and they were constantly doing a balancing act with their income and outgoing expenses. Things like a person leaving their apartment really brought a lot of stress on them because they lost income and had to spend money to prepare the apartment for the next tenant. My grandfather used to do all the repairs himself. That’s where I learned to fix and change out toilets and repair minor electrical problems.

It’s tough to be a landlord. My grandparents weren’t the only ones either.

Bob Pinnegar, CEO of the National Apartment Association, said in a press release:

“Each passing month further escalates the risk of losing an ever-increasing amount of rental housing, ultimately jeopardizing the availability of safe, sustainable and affordable housing for all Americans. Flawed eviction moratoriums leave renters with insurmountable debt and housing providers holding the bag as our nation’s housing affordability crisis spirals into a housing affordability disaster.” 

The majority of the nation’s landlords are individual investors. They own about 23 million units in 17 million properties, according to the U.S. Census. More than 6 million renter households are behind on rent, also according to the Census. Landlords have next to no recourse.

What’s going to end up happening, people are going to lose their properties and, I suspect, buildings will be sold. People are going to lose their livelihoods. Renters, who actually pay their rent, are going to lose their apartments. All because a bunch of f-ing squatters want to live without adhering to the responsibilities of leasing an apartment.

I bet those bums aren’t late on their smart phone payments.

Hey, news flash, the pandemic is over. These people who are living off of the government need to get off their asses, get a job and start committing to the responsibilities they committed to when they signed their leases. If not, get the hell out of the apartment and let an adult move in.



Say What?!

Still trust the health bureaucracies? Well, here’s something for you that might change your mind.

Director of the NIH, Francis Collins, said we need to mask in front of our kids who are unvaccinated. Even at home:

This is insanity. You know who knows that? The Director of the NIH, Francis Collins. He backed off this statement quickly and later said in a tweet:

I love when these guys say that their messages are garbled. His message was not “garbled”. You just heard the statement.

This pandemic, with help of the media, has made even intelligent people crazy.



The official jobs report will not be released until Friday by the Department of Labor but it sounds like there is going to be more bad news for the Biden administration.

Economists expected that there would be 653,000 jobs. Moody’s Analytics with statistics from the ADP Research Institute said that there were only about 330,000 jobs added.

The leisure and hospitality services was leading in hiring at 139,000.

ADP chief economist Nela Richardson was quoted saying:

“The labor market recovery continues to exhibit uneven progress, but progress nonetheless. July payroll data reports a marked slowdown from the second quarter pace in jobs growth.

“Bottlenecks in hiring continue to hold back stronger gains, particularly in light of new COVID-19 concerns tied to viral variants. These barriers should ebb in coming months, with stronger monthly gains ahead as a result.”

Yeah, I don’t think this is going to get any better until people are forced to go back to work and pay their bills.



This is What the Olympics are Suppose to be About

You already know I hate the Olympics. I don’t watch them. The sports are boring and all the woke garbage from the athletes and NBC, which is hosting them, is just a turn off. But, once in a while, a great story gets out that makes one proud to be an American.

Enter wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock who one a gold medal. She was asked what it meant to her to win a medal representing the United States. With a flag draped around her shoulders, her response was heart warming.

By the way, she’s black. And she’s my hero.


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