Episode 439 – Giving You Da Boot!

Old Joe is doing everything he can to turn the United States into Mexico.

Biden’s poll numbers are crashing.

And let’s read a op-ed piece that really points out what we should be thinking of when the Left says the word, “democracy”.


This Can’t Be Just Idiocy

I give up. I can’t see any other reason for this. Joe Biden is giving away America to Mexico. He’s trying to make the United States into Mexico. I can’t think of any other reason why he is doing what he is doing. Right now, thousands of potential illegals are crossing Mexico toward the United States after violently bursting through the police at Mexico’s southern border. There are estimates that 400,000 illegals were caught at the border. I think that is probably really high but It is possible.

And what is Old Joe doing with al these illegal aliens? He’s sending them throughout the country, in some cases, without monitoring or court dates.

Well, he’s decided to do more to alienate Americans, grow the Democratic voting base and make United States into a third world shithole like Mexico.


Not Surprised Cause It Worked Too Well

Back in 2019, when 100,000 illegal aliens were crossing the border when Trump was president, Trump negotiated a deal with Mexico and implemented the Migrant Protection Protocols or the Stay in Mexico policy. Essentially, it was used to discourage illegals from Central America to cross the border by forcing them to stay in Mexico while their asylum applications were being processed. It followed international law because Mexico is the first country Central Americans enter which means immigrants are required to apply for asylum in Mexico. It worked because illegal immigration went from over 100,000 per month to less than 30,000 per month, essentially ending the crisis.

Joe Biden, who hates Trump, ended this policy. An appellate court earlier this year, stated that he Biden administration must re-implement the law. Texas was being inundated with illegal aliens. DHS tried to take it to the Supreme Court but they refused to hear it. So DHS complied.

Now, Alejandro Mayorkas said that he was going to get rid of the MPP. He said in a 39-page report:

After carefully considering the arguments, evidence, and perspectives presented by those who support re-implementation of MPP, those who support terminating the program, and those who have argued for continuing MPP in a modified form, I have determined that MPP should be terminated.

In reaching this conclusion, I recognize that MPP likely contributed to reduced migratory flows. But it did so by imposing substantial and unjustifiable human costs on the individuals who were exposed to harm while waiting in Mexico. He wrote, saying the policy “fails to provide the fair process and humanitarian protections that all persons deserve.” 

Because the Biden administration’s attempt to nix MPP was foiled by the courts, DHS is going to try to fight this out in court and the MPP still remains in effect. But they are going to do their best to make sure they make the American citizens and legal migrants in Texas miserable. I was a little surprised by this because Biden was negotiating the re-implementation of the MPP with the Mexican government because the illegal alien crisis was getting so bad and was unsustainable.

Stay tuned.


Are You Kidding?

Need more proof that Joe Biden hates Americans? Well, here it is.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments of $450,000 to those who crossed the border illegally and were separated from family members. The people the Biden administration is trying to pay off are ones that sued the U.S. government back in 2018 when Trump was president.

Yes, I see the irony of people breaking our laws by entering illegally and then get money because they came in the country illegally and could have their kids in jail with them.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

The American Civil Liberties Union, which represents families in one of the lawsuits, has identified about 5,500 children separated at the border over the course of the Trump administration, citing figures provided to it by the government. The number of families eligible under the potential settlement is expected to be smaller, the people said, as government officials aren’t sure how many will come forward. Around 940 claims have so far been filed by the families, the people said.

The total potential payout could be $1 billion or more.

To give you an idea of how much money that is, Gold Star families who lost a family member and 9/11 victims only received insurance money of $400,000.

Now, I’ll throw my two cents in here. I think this story is bunk and is probably exaggerated though I believe the ACLU is doing everything that would undermine this country. I think it’s bunk because there was no serious way the government was going to keep this hidden and this would not go well for the elections next year and 2024. I think this was something that was being discussed but will go nowhere in the long run. Even Joe Biden, when asked about it, didn’t know what anyone was talking about.

But there are a couple of things this does show.

  • There are institutions, like the ACLU, that will f-up the United States in any way they can.
  • I am tired of hearing the people, by their very nature of being in this country, have rights. They do not.
  • The Biden administration cares more about the future Democratic voters than he does about people who are busting ass in this country today. He gives them more rights, more benefits, more credibility and, seeing these stories, more money.
  • Remember this: the $1.75 trillion reconciliation plan still have the passage that will allow 10 million illegal aliens t get green cards and, eventually become citizens.



The Biden administration is doing this on purpose. Well, whoever is running the Biden administration is doing this on purpose. These people do believe we should become Mexico, people from any other country are better than American citizens and deserve all that the United States has to offer.



Bad News

An NBC News Poll was released this weekend and it looks really bad for Joe Biden. NBC had to admit that these polls showed the greatest drop by a president in their history of taking polls. Even Chuck Todd had no spin when he talked about these numbers. Listen:

Wow, this is bad.

Things that the poll found was that Republicans were far more trusted by the majority of people on the poll. Those topics include:

  • Border Security – R +27
  • Inflation – R +24
  • Crime – R +22
  • National Security – R +21
  • Economy – R +18
  • Getting thing done – R +13

Democrats still have an advantage in:

  • Climate change. No one cares about that.
  • Abortion.
  • The China virus
  • Education. That’s not what people in Virginia.

Joe Biden was rather flippant about the sagging polls:

Biden has a real problem that is going to bleed into the 2022 elections for the Democrats. He has a very weak base. Unlike Obama or Trump, Biden doesn’t have a floor for these polls.  Obama and Trump has very strong bases. They were never going to crash out like Biden is.

This is also going to make his Build Back Better BS not give him a lot of a pump in these polls. A lot of people are not interested in more governmental spending and higher taxes. Though I am not convinced anything is going to get passed, if something does, it’ll be really slimmed down. I also don’t think it is going to have the big-win effect that Dems are hoping for. People just don’t want to spend the money.



This Guy Just Doesn’t Get It

I haven’t done this for a while. Here is an opinion piece by Max Boot from the Washington Post. I think this is an important piece because Boot is doing what the Democrats are doing especially on CNN and MSNBC. They are saying that the reason Democrats are so good because Trump is so bad.

In the piece, Boot is trying to parallel Glenn Youngkin, the Republican gubernatorial candidate for Virginia, with Donald Trump and that’s why Virginians should vote for Terry McAuliffe.

Imagine that you lived in Italy in 1922, Germany in 1933, Spain in 1936, Argentina in 1973, Russia in 2000, Venezuela in 2002, Turkey in 2014 — or any other country on the verge of losing its democracy to strongman rule. What would be the most important issue on your mind? Would it be what’s taught in high schools? Or the fate of democracy itself? 

I just want to point out that the countries he mentions are all socialist countries. The same socialism that Max Boot wants to implement in this country. I won’t even go into what he said at the end until later.

America may soon be in just as precarious a position. We don’t have the luxury of “moving on” from the events of Jan. 6 to focus on ordinary issues as urged by so many Republicans, including Virginia gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin. Democracy is on the ballot in Virginia — and in every other state between now and 2024.

Donald Trump was the first president in U.S. history who refused to accept the outcome of an election and mobilized an army of followers to invade Congress and try to stop the vote certification. Today, he remains unrepentant. The Wall Street Journal just published a letter from him repeating lie after lie about the vote in Pennsylvania.

I’ve got bad news for Boot and the Left: Republicans, moderate Democrats and Independents have moved on from January 6th. Nobody but the Left is paying attention to January 6th. No one is paying attention to the January 6th commission. We’re going to get into the Leftist concept of Democracy in a second.

Yes, Donald Trump has complained about the election results and he’s right about a lot of it. But he has not been president in eleven months. There was a peaceful transfer of power. All those “lies” that the Left keeps talking about are all looking a little less like lies. Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia are all looking a little iffy now as far as election results. The are politicians in Arizona want to decertify the election results (I don’t agree with that) after the their audit report was released in August and Pennsylvania purged 100,000 voters from the voter rolls. Just because the Washington Post isn’t reporting any of this doesn’t mean there aren’t problems with the last election.

Yet far from repudiating Trump as a threat to democracy, the Republican Party is repudiating its few members who dared stand up to him. Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s (R-Ill.) announcement that he won’t seek reelection makes clear there is no room for patriots in today’s GOP. Only Trump toadies are welcome.

Trump is so popular among Republicans that he would win the 2024 nomination in a cakewalk and could conceivably win the electoral vote, too, particularly if Republicans succeed in throwing out the votes of states that do not support him, as they tried to do in January.

Adam Kinzinger is a RINO. One can tell because he’s a rep from Illinois and one doesn’t win from Illinois if one is not a Left leaner. I’m also not sure Trump is running in 2024. He will be 78 and I think the last four years took a lot out of him. But this is what the Left fears.

If Trump does return to the White House, our democracy might be on its deathbed. Early in his first term, Trump was so ignorant of government that he often deferred to the “adults in the room,” e.g., Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly. But the longer Trump stayed in office, the more willing he became to rid himself of anyone who stood in his way. A second Trump term would undoubtedly begin with the installation of cultists at every key agency, including the Defense Department, intelligence community, Justice Department and FBI.

That is a terrifying prospect. Every candidate in the country, from dog catcher to senator, must therefore answer this fundamental question: Do you support or oppose Trump’s efforts to destroy our democracy?

Let’s talk about Democracy. In Max Boot’s democracy, he believes:

  • In killing babies.
  • Forcing people to get vaxxed or lose their jobs.
  • Force people, including children, to wear masks all the time.
  • Want to outlaw certain speech.
  • Want to take away our freedom to own guns.
  • Want to get rid of the police.
  • Want to steal our money through taxes.
  • Want us to stop driving and flying.
  • Want to end property rights.
  • Wants me fired if I think and say that men can’t be women.
  • This we are racist because we are white.
  • Wants to eliminate our borders.
  • Wants to eliminate our military.
  • That’s a small list.

So, yes, I would love it if Trump destroyed Max Boot’s version of democracy. Because Max Boot’s version of democracy takes away all my freedoms and security and seems like tyranny. Just because Max Boot says something is democratic doesn’t make it democratic.

This is a litmus test that Glenn Youngkin, who is running with Trump’s support, has failed. When seeking the GOP nomination, he refused to say whether Joe Biden won legitimately. Only after winning the nomination did he admit that the 2020 election was “certifiably fair,” but he keeps genuflecting to Trumpian concerns about “election integrity” — code words for the big lie. He even donated $1 million of his own money to a political action committee that supports Republican candidates who echo Trump’s bogus claims of fraud.

You can split the difference on taxes or spending. You can’t split the difference on democracy as Youngkin is trying to do.

Trump supports Youngkin but has never campaigned for him. Youngkin doesn’t mention Trump. In fact, Trump supporters still support Youngkin but wish he had gotten Trump involved.

What would happen in 2024 if Trump again screamed fraud and demanded that Republicans appoint pro-Trump electors in states he lost? If Republicans gain control of Virginia’s governorship and House of Delegates this year, and of the state Senate in 2023, they could deliver the state for Trump no matter how it votes. Even if the legislature remains in Democratic hands, a Republican governor could create a constitutional crisis by refusing to sign the “certificate of ascertainment” certifying the results. (Youngkin refused to say in an interview if he would have certified the 2020 election; his campaign later claimed he would have.)

What would happen if Trump again mobilized his fanatical followers to storm the U.S. Capitol? On Jan. 6, Gov. Ralph Northam (D) sent Virginia state troopers and the Virginia National Guard to help save the citadel of democracy. There is no reason to expect that Youngkin would risk Trump’s wrath by acting to stop a future coup attempt.

What if I grew wings and a tail and could fly?

This is what the Left does. They do it with climate change. The United Nation does this with climate change. What if the weather heats up by five degree in 2050? Yeah, that could be bad but what if that doesn’t happen? Always looking for the worst case scenario and basing politics on what could happen.

Trump didn’t mobilize anyone on January 6th. If you don’t believe me, listen to his speech on January 6th.

Youngkin doesn’t like to talk about Trump. He wants Virginia voters to focus on other issues. Sorry, that won’t cut it. Trump is the biggest issue in the country because he remains the de facto leader of the Republican Party and could again be the leader of the whole country. Candidates such as Youngkin who won’t take a clear stance against Trump’s war on democracy are making clear they are on the wrong side of an existential debate.

And if voters are focused on issues other than the fate of our democracy, they aren’t paying attention. It is the height of arrogance to imagine that just because our democracy has survived for more than 230 years, it will last forever. If we take our democracy for granted by electing candidates who are willing to collaborate with authoritarians, we could easily lose our freedom as so many countries have in the past.

No, Trump is not the biggest issue on the minds of voters. The biggest issues are why Louden County hid the rape of a girl by a boy who said he was a girl in a girl’s restroom. McAuliffe’s belief that the school unions, alone, should tell parents who to teach. Why did everyone lie.

It’s about the issues. Trump has nothing to do with it.
