Episode 455 – Cat Fight!

Congress has another cat fight on its hands.

Wikipedia is just proving that it’s not a real resource for information.




Here is some quick news stories:

  • Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter, will be stepping down as CEO.
    • It is unclear whether he is stepping down or being forced out. The latter is more likely.
    • Parag Agrawal, the company’s Chief Technology Officer, would be starting as CEO immediately, and that Dorsey would continue to serve on the Twitter board through to the end of his term this coming spring to “help Parag and Bret with the transition.”
    • Expect things to change? I do. I expect things to get worse.
      • Agrawal has said that free speech should not be something Twitter should concentrate on.
      • Just today, they have announced some changes on that people can do on Twitter for privacy concerns.
  • Actor Matthew McConaughey announced on Sunday that he will not run to be the next governor of Texas, a decision that came despite a push from left-wing media for the actor to challenge Republican Governor Greg Abbott.
    • That’s good because he would’ve gotten his ass kicked.
    • He is a Leftist. He wants to ban the Second Amendment.
    • He praises Beto O’Rourke
    • He’s a good actor. Just keep doing that.




The New Plan

They have 10 months and the Democrats are going to do anything to get Republicans off of committees. Their sights are now on Lauren Boebert.

Just a little reminder: during the Paul Gosar censure a week ago, Lauren went off. It was an outstanding showing and raised her visibility. Hell, I never heard of her before that speech.

Well, she had a rally at, what looked like, a western bar and she made a joke. Here it is:

Couple of things:

  • She looks great in black jeans.
  • She has a great body and is very sexy for a representative in Congress.
  • No woman should ever wear high heels with jeans.
  • And the joke was funny.

Omar got upset about something that’s true and started throwing a fit. Then, Boebert made a big mistake. She apologized. Why, in God’s name, did she do that? This never works. It admits guilt over something that is not a mistake or a crime. It was a joke.

Ilhan Omar, on the other hand, has done some very bad things:

  • She dismissed the 9/11 terrorist attack saying “some people did some things”.
  • She wrote a letter saying that several men trying to join ISIS should not be prosecuted because they’re poor.
  • She dismissed the danger of Al Qaeda in an interview because she took a terrorism class in college.
  • She’s a rabid anti-Semite.
  • She married her brother to commit get him into the country.
  • Then she married her second husband without getting a divorce. This led to tax issues.
  • She had an affair with a campaign staffer and lied about it.
  • She then got a divorce and married the staffer.
  • Now, theoretically, she’s being investigated for giving a couple of million dollars in campaign funds to her current husband’s company.

There’s enough to joke about her. She has enough sympathies for terrorists to make that joke funny because it’s true.

Anyway, Boebert calls Ilhan Omar to personally apologize and Omar demands a public apology. Of course she does. She and the other Democrats her to admit guilt in public so they can censure her just like they did Paul Gosar over that stupid video. She refused to do it and Omar hung up on her.

Later, Omar tweeted her thoughts because that’s what you do today:


I’m sorry. It was a joke. It was funny.

They’re going to try to censure her and they’re going to succeed. They’re going to pull her off all her committees. The Dems want to strip Republicans of all power. You know it because she will be the third Republican removed from committees this year.

I hope Kevin McCarthy has balls. I hope he does the same thing next year. I hope he gets rid of Maxine Waters, Eric Swallwell, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, Rashida Tlaib, Cory Bush, Ayanna Pressley and, of course, Ilhan Omar.

He’s going to gain 40 to 50 seats next year. He’s going to be able to do it.



Changing History

This is an amazing story because it is so obvious that the Left is trying to change history.

According to The Telegraph:

Wikipedia entry detailing “mass killings under Communist regimes” faces being purged from the platform over fears about bias.

The page outlining the deaths of millions in one-party states including the Soviet Union and China has been flagged for deletion, with some users responsible for maintaining the site taking issue with blaming mass murder on Communist ideology.

The dedicated entry listing the actions of figures like Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong Il has been accused of putting forward a biased “anti-Communist” point of view, and site administrators will decide whether it should be removed.

The future of a page titled “Anti-communist mass killings” is not in doubt, however, as the entry outlining occasions on which Communists have been killed under other political systems has not been flagged over concerns about neutrality.

It’s funny that they won’t remove non-communist countries that had genocide like Nazi Germany. I think that’s funny because Nazi Germany was pretty much the same government and economy as countries like the Soviet Union and China. The Nazis were socialists. It’s in the name (National Socialist German Workers’ Party).

Let’s understand something about Wikipedia: it is not considered a encyclopedic site. The information is added by users and many of it isn’t confirmed. It is not considered a reliable source by colleges. But, like the tearing down of statues, this is their attempt to change history to, not only making communism more palatable, but also excuse the sins of communism today. An example of that are the atrocities being committed in China, North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba.




Time to go over a couple of things being cancelled by the Left.


The Simpsons

According to the Hollywood reporter:

Disney+ users in Hong Kong have noticed an episode of The Simpsons is conspicuously missing.

The 16th season of the iconic Fox animated show jumps from episode 11 to 13 when viewers in the city browse the flagship Disney streaming service. The missing episode 12, first broadcast in 2005, happens to be the one where Homer takes his family to China, where they visit Tiananmen Square and come across a placard that reads: “On this site, in 1989, nothing happened.”

It appears the episode has suffered precisely the kind of censorship it was written to ridicule.

Here’s the screenshot of the offending sign:

Walt Disney is turning in his grave. This is not how his company was to become.

Bowing to China is not only disgusting but it shows how China’s totalitarianism is affecting our culture. They have a say, through these companies, on what we see.

Just wait. That episode will soon disappear in this country.


Don’t They Have More Important Things To Do

The Camden School District in New Jersey has a Change.org petition to rename the Woodrow Wilson High School because Woodrow Wilson was a racist.

According to the petition:

After years of examining the legacy of former US President Woodrow Wilson, WE have come to see that his views and actions contradict the values and diversity We see in Woodrow Wilson High School today as well as the society WE live in Camden NJ.  

 These values We hold today are to be respected at the highest standard in regards to fair treatment of All individuals, and our aspirations to continue to be an educating, diverse, inclusive, and welcoming community in the City of Camden NJ it is only right in Our Eyes to right the wrongs that have plagued Us in Our oppressed society.

Then the petition goes through some evidence that Woodrow Wilson was a racist. It concludes:

… this conflicts with the values and aspirations of our times today as We see it but WE encourage each Of The elected Members named here in this Petition to embrace the coeducational, multi-racial, multi-ethnic, diverse and inclusive composition and ideals of our community today and they can do so by removing Woodrow Wilsons Name.

Woodrow Wilson was a racist. He was also a eugenicist. He as a terrible person. He was also a crappy President. I wouldn’t name a school after him. But he was also a professor, president of Princeton University, a governor of New Jersey and a two term President of the United States. He was a success and part of our history. Should he be banned?

I don’t like him. I understand why they want to change the name. I just find it ironic that the people who want to change the name have all the same beliefs that Woodrow Wilson had.
