Episode 491 – Caught Red-Handed!

Do you remember this interview by Leslie Stall from 60 Minutes of President Trump?

Guess what? Maybe she should have gone down and gotten the papers that Trump was talking about. It turns out he was completely right. I wonder if she will have Trump on again to talk about it. Somehow, I doubt it.



I wanted to talk about this earlier in the week but there was so much stuff that are important that I had to put this story on the back burner. It still is a very important story because it shows the level of corruption in this country that could topple our democracy.


He Was Right

We have known this for a couple but finally the Durham investigation has turned up that the Trump campaign was spied. But we got a little more information that turned out to be a real surprise. Trump was spied on while in the White House.

Fox News reported:

The indictment against Sussman says he told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the 2016 presidential election, that he was not doing work “for any client” when he requested and held a meeting in which he presented “purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel” between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.

But Durham’s filing on Feb. 11, in a section titled “Factual Background,” reveals that Sussman “had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign.”

They added:

Durham also writes that during Sussman’s trial, the government will establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (DNS) internet traffic pertaining to “(i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).”

This is massive. There is so much illegal here and, if the media decides to cover this which they haven’t, people will go to jail and the entire Justice Department and Intelligence agencies may not be able to get the public trust back.


Worse Than Watergate?

The big question is if this is worse than the Watergate scandal. Without a doubt.

With Watergate, President Nixon conspired with some of his staff to spy on a political opponent. But this scandal didn’t involve all of the institutions within the government as this one did. This scandal involved the FBI, CIA, the Clinton campaign and probably the President (Obama) and Vice President (Biden). It also got involved a former British intelligence officer (Christopher Steele) and Russian Intelligence in the form of the debunked Steele Dossier.

All this led to four years of Russia, Russia, Russia and interfered with President Trump’s presidency.

Here’s what we know:

  • Before the 2016 election, John McCain, the deceased senator from Arizona, hired Fusion GPS to find out information about Donald Trump.
  • For some reason, McCain dropped the job and Hilary Clinton’s Campaign decided to pay Fusion GPS to keep digging dirt on Trump.
  • Fusion GPS hired former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele to dig the dirt.
  • Steele went to Russia and got a completely unverified 35-page document that included horrific accusations including the existence of the infamous pee tape.
  • The document was released to Buzzfeed and it was published. Many say without the permission of Steele but that doubtful because Steele used the leak as a verification for the document. This is a common intelligence trick.
  • The Steele Dossier was given to the FBI by the Clinton campaign.
  • The FBI used the dossier to start an investigation on the Trump campaign.
  • FISA warrants were issued against Carter Page and other Trump allies.
  • The FBI gave the dossier to John Brennan, the Director of the CIA. Brennan started his own investigation into Trump. Mind you, Brennan should be in jail for lying to Congress about this. Instead, he’s a CNN stooge.
  • The CIA or the FBI (not sure which) put an agent within the Trump campaign to get information about him and his ties to Russia. Trump was already the President-Elect at this point.
  • Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussman, met with an unnamed tech executive about getting access to technology within the Trump camp. Sussman is currently facing a trial for lying to FBI about his work with Clinton.
  • That tech company gained access to servers Trump’s doctor, his home, his office and the White House. They were spying on him while he was the President.

Hilary Clinton was behind it all. She knew everything. She should definitely face criminal charges.

But also other big names and organizations had to have known about this in order to gain that much access. The FBI, CIA, Department of Justice and, probably, Barrack Obama himself knew about this.

Folks, this espionage and treason. It is also sedition, a coup. This is the attempted overthrow of a sitting President. People have been put to death for this.

There is going to be more to this. I would now be shocked if bigger names are not brought to light. I thought that would never happen but I don’t know how it doesn’t happen with this.



Needless to say, Donald Trump had a statement:

“The latest pleading from Special Counsel John Durham provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia. This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution.

“In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”

He’s absolutely correct!

Of course, the media has been ignoring this. All we heard for four years is how Trump was a Russian stooge but, when evidence comes out that Trump was right and the Russian story was all fabricated by Hilary Clinton, we crickets. When this story came out the amount of coverage:

  • ABC – 0 minutes.
  • NBC – 0 minutes.
  • CBS – 0 minutes.
  • MSNBC – 0 minutes.
  • CNN did mention it but I heard about January 6th several times and this got about 5 minutes.

You would think someone would ask Hilary Clinton about this since she is thinking of running for President again. As of today, there has only been one person from the Daily Mail (outside of the Conservative outlets) to ask Hilary Clinton about this. The Daily Mail is a British paper. When asked, Hilary Clinton just chuckled and walked away.




Jason Chaffetz released an article for Fox News talking about eleven implications the Durham investigation has for the country. I think this article pretty much covers all the damage this coup has created.

  • The government can’t be trusted to protect our data.
    • The government sucks at everything.
    • They continue to want to get more data about us including our bank information.
  • White House communications are no secure.
  • The Biden administration has a clear conflict of interest.
    • The filing implicates current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
    • As a result, there should be no interference in the investigation by the administration.  Such would be presumed to be self-serving.
  • Jake Sullivan needs to resign or be suspended until the investigation is concluded.
  • Intelligence Agencies can be weaponized for political purposes.
    • I don’t know why this is a surprise.
    • Obama did this with the IRS and DOJ.
  • No one can trust the mainstream media.
    • Well, duh.
    • If CNN wanted to increase their viewership, all they’d have to do is report this.
    • But CNN is the media wing of the Democratic party.
  • There is no justice if Clinton and her minions are not held accountable.
    • I have always thought there is an elite group that is above the law. I always point to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
    • I mean, Bill Clinton, my God, should be in prison for sexual assault and statutory rape. This guy is notorious for it. And none of it is a secret.
    • Hillary Clinton should have been put in jail with her E-mail scandal.
    • If there is any justice in this country, Hillary is going to have to be put in the justice system and indicted.
    • And Joe Biden needs to stay out of the way. He should because he was probably involved.
  • The lying was not accidental.
  • The Clinton team knew they were lying.
  • Security Clearances are not secure.
    • Well, duh! They’ve never been secure. Robert Hanssen is proof of that.
    • A security clearance is just a background check and a colored badge. I think some businesses have more stringent security protocols to hire a cashier than the government has in the security clearance process.
    • Eric Swallwell was boofing a Chinese spy and he still has a security clearance.
  • The Department of Justice is compromised.
    • So is the FBI.
    • So is the CIA.
    • So is the IRS.
    • So is the media.
    • So is the military.

I hate to say this but all of this is true. How do we fix this? I don’t know. The best way is to tear all the institutions down and rebuilding them. But that the problem with bureaucracies. Bureaucracies are like a virus. Their made to self-survive and get bigger. And they tend to get to a size where they can’t be torn down.
