Our military sounds like it’s coming around nicely within this chaotic world.
Donald Trump does something he should have done a long time ago.
And racism, racism, racism. It’s everywhere!
The Timing Couldn’t Be Worse
What is the best way to train an army? How about changing the physical fitness requirements so women can join.
According to military.com:
The Army unveiled its controversial new fitness test on Wednesday, a dramatically revamped set of requirements for soldiers that replace standards created in 1983 after years of limbo and broad skepticism from many in the service, including the secretary of the Army.
Now Army leaders are ready to start measuring troops with the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT, which is finally set in stone following numerous tweaks and modifications. Soldiers will begin taking tests for their record for the first time in years, starting in October.
Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston, the service’s top enlisted leader, told reporters Monday:
“I’m really proud we’re moving forward, we’re there, we’re doing it. This is the test.”
Here’s the info:
- The test will go live on April 1.
- The most significant changes to the six-event ACFT is that it no longer is meant to prepare soldiers for combat but instead built as a general fitness assessment.
- It will also have different scoring standards for men and women across different age groups, in most cases lowering them, following a congressionally mandated report from Rand Corp, a Washington D.C.-based think tank, that found nearly half of the service’s women could not pass earlier standards for the test.
- A female soldier between 17 and 21 years old now has to deadlift between 120 and 210 lbs. while a male soldier has to lift between 140 and 340 lbs.
- female soldiers have to run two miles between 23:22 and 15:29 minutes while male soldiers must perform that exercise between 22 and 13:22 minutes.
- Leg tucks are totally eliminated as the event to measure core strength, with planks taking their place. They’re doing that because they find that women don’t have the grip strength for it.
The article continues:
Steam picked up for Army planners to create a new test around the time when combat arms jobs such as the infantry and cavalry were opened to women in 2015. The force initially sought to create a gender-neutral test and attempted to juggle dueling goals of creating a more inclusive force while also creating a fitter force.
But damning findings from Rand Corp. and concerns over the retention and recruitment of women crushed that ambition. Researchers at Rand found that only 52% of enlisted active-duty women were able to pass the original design for the ACFT, compared to 92% of men in their congressionally mandated study released Wednesday. Only 42% of women in the National Guard and 41% in the Reserve could pass.
That’s awesome! You may die on the battle field because your female partner can’t pick you up but there’ll be diversity.
We are not a serious country.
Good For Him
Donald Trump has finally decided to use the law to go over all those idiots that started the Russian collusion hoax and I say it is about time.
The lawsuit states:
“In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts orchestrated an unthinkable plot — one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s democracy. Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty. The actions taken in furtherance of their scheme — falsifying evidence, deceiving law enforcement, and exploiting access to highly-sensitive data sources — are so outrageous, subversive and incendiary that even the events of Watergate pale in comparison.
“Under the guise of ‘opposition research,’ ‘data analytics,’ and other political stratagems, the Defendants nefariously sought to sway the public’s trust. They worked together with a single, self-serving purpose: to vilify Donald J. Trump. Indeed, their far-reaching conspiracy was designed to cripple Trump’s bid for presidency by fabricating a scandal that would be used to trigger an unfounded federal investigation and ignite a media frenzy.”
Trump’s lawsuit alleges that the defendants violated U.S. RICO laws, or laws used against organized crime groups such as gangs and mafias, among other violations. He has some good lawyers because I think that is a clever move.
He is suing a bunch of people including Hilary Clinton, the DNC and James Comey to name a few. He’s asking for $24 million.
I think he should be able to sue and he should win. I also think he should attempt a lawsuit against CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post. He might not win but they might settle.
Racism De Jour
She’s Back and Wrong Again
Nikole Hannah-Jones, a New York Times reporter and creator of the 1619 Project, riled up social media on Monday when she tweeted that “tipping is a legacy of slavery.”
She tweeted:
“Tipping is a legacy of slavery and if it’s not optional then it shouldn’t be a tip but simply included in the bill. Have you ever stopped to think why we tip, like why tipping is a practice in the U.S. and almost nowhere else?”
Problem, and economic and political historian named Phil Magness was having none of this trash. He started by simply tweeting back, “Wait, what?”.
Then he did something Leftists hate: facts:
- Magness noted that tipping is not isolated to just the U.S., posting a Good Housekeeping guide for how to tip in other countries.
- Magness also cited a scene from William Shakespeare’s play “Twelfth Night” that references tipping.
Hannah Jones responded:
“I know your obsession with my Twitter account is unrelenting because it’s the only time anyone pays attention to your tweets, but come on. You can’t discredit me, you’re not converting anyone or revealing anything by going behind my block to stalk my Twitter for tweets you can post to invite scorn. This is about you hoping to bring attention you otherwise don’t get and fill some bitter hole you have. Sad. So sad.”
Trust me, she doesn’t need him to discredit her. She’s done that all by herself.
Guys, Just sell Your F-ing Saws
Libs of Tik Tok is a fantastic journalist. And she’s just some chick on Twitter.
One of her follower sent her a flyer that was posted in a Home Depot store and, unfortunately for Home Depot, it went viral.
Home depot responded:
- The company acknowledged that the worksheet is a “resource” in its Canadian division but noted that it’s “not part of any required programming,” nor was it “created or approved by our corporate diversity, equity and inclusion department.”
- BS. The fact they have a corporate diversity, equity and inclusion department means it was probably required.
- Home Depot stated: “While we fully support diversity across our company, this material was not created or approved by our corporate diversity, equity and inclusion department. This was a resource in our Canadian division and not part of any required programming.”
I have a couple of thoughts:
- I don’t see a lot of Antifa or BLM folks or the Leftist elites going to a hardware store to buy the stuff they need to build a chair. This kind of thing will piss off the people that actually do shop there.
- That’s OK. I shop at Lowe’s.
Last week were the NCAA swimming championships where a man who says he’s a woman kicked the crap at of all the real women. Of course, this attracted a lot of attention for the LGBTQWXYZ+$@ crowd.
Here is a guy who was a guy for 50 years and fathered three children getting into an argument with a real woman because he threw a wig on and wanted to use the women’s restroom.
At the NCAA swim finals Kellie Jay Keen takes on transgender activist who lived nearly 50 years as a man, fathered three children, and now says “I’m a mother.” pic.twitter.com/7vPadNbW2g
— Madeleine Kearns (@madeleinekearns) March 21, 2022
What a narcissist and pervert. But this is what our country is becoming.