Episode 538 – This Really Is a Problem

Another tragic shooting by another racist in Buffalo that is going to be promoted by the media finally. This one fits their narrative.

And let’s talk about the baby formula crisis.


Today’s Kamalaism

This one is awesome!

This is becoming a cliché but she’s like the kid that has 200 hundred in an essay that requires 500 words.

OK, to the news.


What is the Real Tragedy?

There was a mass shooting n Buffalo, New York on Saturday.

  • An 18 year old man walked into a grocery store and shot 13 people, killing 10.
  • 11 of the people shot were black.
  • He was dressed in full tactical gear including a helmet and was carrying a semiautomatic rifle.
  • The shooter live streamed the shooting on Twitch.
    • When Twitch discovered the shooting, they pulled it down.
    • Twitch said the live stream ended after two minutes.
    • It is unclear if the live stream had any of the shooting.
  • The shooter posted a 180-page manifesto with anti-Semitic and racist rants.
    • The manifesto was posted in a Q&A format like the Christchurch shooter.
    • He was radicalized online while bored from being locked up during the pandemic.
    • He did not meet with anyone or did not belong to any group.
    • He stated that he hated that the white race was being filtered out through mixed relationships and it had to stop.
    • The police think it is authentic but are still investigating.
  • He has been planning the attack since January.
  • He picked the spot because it had the highest black population based on the zip code.
  • He was going to walk through the neighborhood streets, continuing the attack but broke it off.
  •  He was arrested and faced first degree murder charges.
  • He is facing life in prison.

It did not take long before this was politicized. This things follows three narratives that the media loves:

  • The country is racist and filled with white supremacists.
    • The idea is all these mass killing are all by white supremacists.
    • CNN released an article showing five mass killings were by white supremacists.
      • One was from 2012.
      • They failed to mention the mass shooting of the Brooklyn subway that was done by a black supremacists.
      • They failed to mention the mass shooting by the Black Hebrew Israelites supporter (a black supremacist group) against the people within a Jewish store.
      • They failed to mention the mask killings of the Waukesha black supremacist.
      • They failed to mention that the biggest mass shootings of the year were by black gang members.
  • All Republicans are racist and supported the shooter.
  • The need for gun control.
  • And how bad social media is.

There are some things the media won’t talk too much about:

  • He was radicalized while alone,  on the Internet, during the lockdowns. He should have been in school.
  • Last year,  he was investigated for saying he wanted to commit a mass shooting. Nothing was done. Another example how the system failed.
  • On his rifle were the names of the Waukesha victims. This victims were killed by a black supremacist. This will be the Civil War people keep talking about.

You know what’s really sad? The first thing I think about is, “I hope this guy isn’t white.” I am relieved when I find out the shooter is a person of color and then I can concentrate on the tragedy.



This is a Real Problem

I went to a target and decided to cruise down the baby formula aisle to see how bad the situation is. Guess what? It’s bad. The aisle was empty.

The Biden administration said they knew about this issue back in February. That begs the question: What have you guys been doing about it? Needless to say, they did not have an answer. When asked about what parents should do if they cannot find any formula, Jenn Psaki had a great answer:

Um, OK.

She then blamed hoarding by parents (of course):

They have no answer. They are doing what they have always done. They are reacting to problems instead of preventing little problems become big problems.

But do you know who is not having issues getting baby formula? Illegal aliens.

A whistleblower released a photo of pallets of baby formula being sent to the border for illegal aliens. The administration doesn’t deny this is happening.

Washington Post fact checker, Glen Kessler said that illegal aliens getting priority for baby formula over Americans is “faux outrage”:

“This is a ridiculous faux outrage. The shortage of baby formula is a serious issue that the administration is seeking to address. But at the same time, the administration cannot be faulted for following the law and providing baby formula to undocumented immigrants.”

Then he sited the 1997 Flores Settlement, which details how border facilities must meet the basic needs of detained illegal immigrant minors, including providing age-appropriate food and drink.

Couple of things here. First, he’s not saying that there is not a formula shortage. He just says that we, as Americans, have no right to be upset that our government is giving criminals formula for their babies when citizens can’t find formula for our babies. Second, this guy must not have any kids and must hate Americans as much as the Biden administration. Can imagine the gall of saying such a thing?

Speaking of gall, there Bette Midler. Bette Midler had a great answer for all those parents that are worried that their kids might starve. She tweeted:

“TRY BREASTFEEEDING! It’s free and available on demand.”

Mind you, Bette only has one kid and  I’m pretty sure she used formula because an elitist like that wouldn’t want to be inconvenienced. Not to mention, as a woman, you’d think she’d know that not all women can breast feed.

Aren’t those Leftist a sensitive, empathetic bunch?


Here’s the Story

There are a bunch of reasons why we are having this shortage. Most incline government incompetence.

  • Baby formula production is down by 43%.
  • There are only four formula manufacturers.  Government regulations make budding producers think twice.
  • One manufacturer,  Abbott, had a plant shut down in February because of a bacteria outbreak. Abbott said they had no signs of the bacteria. The FDA shut down the plant anyway.
  • There were four kids sickened and one died. The FDA did not  investigate the parents on how they gave or handled the formula. They just shut down the factory.
  • Europe has a glut of formula, but regulations,  mostly concerning labeling,  and  a 17% tariff are stopping us from importing it.
  • Hell, Mexico has a lot of formula but it’s illegal to bring it into the country.

I believe the Biden administration did know about this months ago. I also believe the Biden administration doesn’t want to be involved in a lot of starving babies. Yes, I don’t think they care much. But I also think they can’t handle this.

Everything this administration does has proven to be wrong. I don’t think this is on purpose. They’re just really bad at this. I’ll go a step further, government is bad at this. Bureaucracy is bad at this. The Founding Fathers knew this. That’s why the Constitution was written the way it was. And they feared what is happening now would happen.

The Biden administration does not prevent, they react. They don’t know how to prevent. This administration is in such a mess, all they can do is react because there is too much to prevent. Afghanistan is the main example. What they can’t fix, they just lie and deny.

This administration is stuck in their ideology. The Great Reset. The environment. Their base. They focus on that no matter what happens to some of the little people. Remember, for the Greater Good. This is why soaring gas prices, inflation, food shortages is seen as a good thing. It is part of bringing on the Greater Good.

Finally, there is an elite class. That class all believes the same thing. It’s not all about money in that class. If it was, Elon Musk would be embraced right now.
