Episode 547 – Happy Whatever Month!

Guns have been a hot topic this week but the Dems are sticking to their guns guaranteeing nothing will get done.

Canada goes full tyrannical,

And Mexico has solved all of their social, economic and political ills.



Let’s get into some Kamalaisms.

First off is to show that word salads aren’t limited to Kamala. Here’s the press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, can spin a yarn like a champ when she’s asked a tough question.

Some things:

  • I have already talked about how unemployment is not a great indicator of the economy.
  • I also pointed out, in the past, that we are still 2 million below what we were before the pandemic and about a million people have left the workforce all together.
  • Joe Biden, in his 50 years in politics has never created a job. He hasn’t created any jobs here too.
  • The American Rescue Plan created inflation.
  • She said ‘unprecedented” and “historic” 5 times.
  • Gas price are at an “uptick”? They are record highs.
  • She spent 1:30 talking and not answering the question. Doocy pushes further and she finally has to admit the economy is fine.

Here is Whoopi Goldberg going on a rant about guns…again:

Some things:

  • The AR-15 is a gun. The right to ban guns is prohibited in the Constitution.
  • There is nothing even remotely referencing abortion in the Constitution, which is why Roe is going to be overturned.
  • Joy’s interruption about not voting for Republicans was a flub. It makes them look biased which they say they’re not.
  • What Whoopi doesn’t get is the reason we are allowed to have guns is for people like Whoopi who is threatening to bust into our homes take them away.

God, these people are dumb.


They Are Being Very Clear Right Now

The American Leftist politicians are really letting it out with this gun control thing. The media and politicians are all on the same page. Let’s start with the genius of the administration, Kamala Harris, who had something to say on the way to Uvalde, Texas:

Some things:

  • Here’s with the gun violence thing. No talk about the shooter.
  • Thank God they’re not looking for a vaccine because they would never find one.
  • She doesn’t know what an assault weapon because there is no definition of an assault weapon.
  • Her definition doesn’t help either because a car can be said to do the same thing.
  • There is the new term de jour “weapon of war”. Here’s a news flash for this dumbass, AR-15s are not used by any military throughout the world. Period. It is the only weapon of war that has never been used in a war.
  • This is a civilized society? It hasn’t been since 2008.

Here’s the reality. AR-15s serve two purposes: hunting and self defense. They are light, have little recoil and have stopping power. They are mainly used for protection.

Considering Kamala Harris spent all 2020 trying to get rioters out of prison and defunding the police while be surrounded by fifty heavily armed guards, why do you think she wants to get rid of guns.

Here’s Joe Biden showing that he knows nothing about guns or the Second Amendment:

Some things:

  • He is saying all this with a Secret Service agent, who is armed to the teeth, is standing next to him.
  • That Secret Service agent looked a little surprised at what he’s hearing from Biden.
  • A 22 mm gun might penetrate a person if it doesn’t hit any bone and the shooter is close enough to get the full force.
  • A 9 mm gun is not a large caliber weapon and won’t rip your lung out of your body.
  • There’s a reason Dirty Harry used a 44 caliber gun. What he hit went down.
  • He also talks about the Second Amendment not being absolute. As far as I’m concerned, the first two amendments are probably as absolute as they can be.
    • Of course, he brought up the canon thing again which is absolutely not true.
    • He also admitted he could not just do an executive order on guns (which he can’t). He says Congress has to do something. They can’t either.

Now, you might be asking if maybe hardening the schools might be something. Maybe adding some security? Let’s face it, we gave $40 billion to Ukraine so I think we probably have the money.

Well, Karine Jean-Pierre clarified Biden position on that:

Greg Gutfeld said it best. This tragedy has become politicized. How can we tell? Because this problem only attacks one thing: guns. There’s no serious talk of:

  • Hardening schools.
  • Adding armed security to schools.
  • The fact that the bureaucracy has failed including the police. The government is saying we should give the government more power when they failed to deal with this before it happened. It’s illogical.
  • Addressing the mental health crisis that seems to be everywhere.
  • Discussing our social ills like the breakup of the family and loss of religion.

Instead, the Left is looking at the only thing that, quite honestly, can’t be blamed for any evil, the gun, and wants to take away the rights of all citizens who follow the law. Do you think criminals are getting their guns at a gun store?


This Is What They Want

Meanwhile, in Canada, Justin Trudeau announced that there is going to be a freeze on all sales of handguns because of the Uvalde tragedy on Monday.

You might be asking what Uvalde, which is 2000 miles away, has to do with Canada. Nothing.

Justin Trudeau is a little tyrant.

  • The COVID lockdowns are still happening.
  • The mask mandates are still happening.
  • The locking down bank accounts during the freedom convoy.
  • He even threatened to take pets away from people who didn’t agree with the government.
  • This is a guy who praised China’s authoritarianism because he could get things done.

What are the lessons learned here? Canada doesn’t have a constitution. There’s no first or second amendments. He can do what he wants and no one has a say.

Remember that and appreciate that little piece of paper the Founding Father created.



Mexico has some issues.

  • They are a country that is controlled by drug cartels.
  • They have several cities that rank the most dangerous in the world, including Acapulco.
  • I can’t buy a piece of gum with the peso.
  • The government is corrupt.
  • They have no healthcare.
  • And their phone service sucks because only one person, Carlos Slim, controls it.

According to Yahoo News:

Mexico banned sales of electronic cigarettes and other vaping devices on Tuesday because of concerns about their health effects, the government announced.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said it was a “lie” to claim that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative to inhaling tobacco smoke.

“The vapors are also harmful for health,” added Lopez Obrador, who signed a decree introducing the ban on World No Tobacco Day.

He showed a pink vaping device to illustrate how the products are intended to appeal to young people.

“Look at the color, the design,” Lopez Obrador said.

Mexico City authorities meanwhile announced that smoking of any kind would be prohibited in the capital’s main square, the Zocalo, and surrounding areas in the busy historic district.

Seeing how Mexico has been run, all this does is create another black market for the cartels but it’s good to see the government is going all in on the scourge that tortures their society.
