Another disaster is on the horizon for the Biden administration. Right before the elections
Jill Biden should get her money back for that doctorate.
And Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy, is now a target of the Left.
I Mentioned This Yesterday
Here is going to be another problem for the Biden administration and Democrats in November.
According to the Daily Wire:
The White House is seeking to prevent a nationwide railroad strike that could worsen supply chain bottlenecks and increase gas prices.
BNSF, CSX, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific announced embargoes on certain shipments earlier this week as negotiations continue with two of the nation’s largest rail unions — the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen and SMART Transportation Division. The Biden administration created a Presidential Emergency Board via executive order two months ago to facilitate the negotiations.
Be prepared for extreme price increases if this happens.
The article continues:
The daily cost of a nationwide rail shutdown could amount to $2 billion, according to a report from the Association of American Railroads. Moving shipments to truckers would require the equivalent of 467,000 additional long-haul trucks per day — growth that would take “years of concerted effort” to achieve, especially amid a shortage of more than 80,000 truck drivers.
Guess where they are also looking to transport products? Cargo ships. Can you believe that? There has been a huge worker shortage that has not been resolved. You may not have heard about the ports issue but that’s because China has shut down and they are not sending things to the United States again. If the rail strike happens and ships begin to be used, you can expect traffic jams around the sea ports.
The Retail Industry Leaders Association explained in a July letter to the Biden administration that freight rail accounts for 40% of long-distance shipping volume — “more than any other mode of transportation.”
Gas prices could increase between $0.35 and $0.75 per gallon if a railroad strike continued for multiple days, warned GasBuddy analyst Patrick De Haan. “Since ethanol primarily moves via rail, and much of the nation blends ethanol into all grades, it would be a big challenge,” he remarked on social media.
Well, gas prices are going to increase by October. That’s because we are going to discontinue pulling a million barrels a day from the strategic reserve. So that $.35 to $.75 guess is probably on the low end.
You know what the article never brought up? Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Isn’t this his job? Shouldn’t he be in the middle of this conversation? Shouldn’t someone ask him some questions? This guy is AWOL again.
All Books?
Jill Biden needs to send her education degree back. She is just proving that people with advanced degrees aren’t very smart.
She was being interviewed by NBC’s “Today” host Sheinelle Jones. She asked:
“Parents and politicians are now weighing in on what books should be in our school libraries and what their kids are being taught. Where is the line in your opinion, with how much of a say parents should have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school.”
She answered:
“Well, I think with the pandemic, parents saw how hard teachers work and how difficult this job really is. And I think if they work together in their school districts and decide what they want with their curriculum.”
Parents didn’t see how hard teachers were working. They were complaining about how little teachers were teaching. They were complaining about what they were teaching. They were complaining about the indoctrination. They are bitching about the teachers, not accepting that the teachers are working hard. That’s why the public school system has lost 10-20% of students.
In order for Jill Biden to placate the teacher’s union, she has to dismiss the concerns of parents.
The interview continues where Jones asks:
“Is there a balance between this book should be in the library, this book is under review?”
“All books should be in the library. All books. This is America. We don’t ban books.”
All books? Like Lolita and A Clockwork Orange? What about old issues of Penthouse, Playboy and Hustler?
Here’s the thing, just because a school doesn’t allow a book or periodical into a school library doesn’t mean the book is banned. It just means the book isn’t appropriate for children. If the parents want the child to read a banned book, the parent can buy the book. That makes it the parent’s choice and that’s the point. The schools, right now, are allowing books that are basically porn. Those books do not belong in a school library. That’s something the parents should be dealing with, not the school district.
This Is How It’s Done
According to the Daily Wire:
An Ohio law allowing teachers to carry guns in the classroom is now in effect.
House Bill 99, the legislation that permits teachers and staff to carry firearms on campus after 24 hours of training and eight annual training hours, was signed in June and became law on Monday.
Ohio governor Mike DeWine said:
“My office worked with the General Assembly to remove hundreds of hours of curriculum irrelevant to school safety and to ensure training requirements were specific to a school environment and contained significant scenario-based training. House Bill 99 accomplishes these goals, and I thank the General Assembly for passing this bill to protect Ohio children and teachers.”
We always hear we need common sense gun control. That will solve school shootings. This is the common sense way to prevent mass shooting or any crime in school. This is going to have a lot more effect than these garbage drug-free zones.
My Pillow Terror
The purge of Conservative Trump supporters continues. According to the Daily Wire:
My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, one of the fiercest defenders of former President Donald Trump, claimed during a livestream that the FBI surrounded his vehicle while he was on a hunting trip and seized his cell phone.
The New York Times reported that the search warrant that Lindell was served appeared to be in connection to Colorado county clerk Tina Peters who is under indictment on state charges related to allegations about a scheme to download data from election equipment after the 2020 presidential election.
The My Pillow guy, who is an ardent Trump supporter and believes the 2020 election was stolen, has been vocal about the problems with the Dominion voting machines. He was so sure those machines were flawed that a bought a couple of them and rans tests, showing everyone the results. But most people refuse to listen. He only seems to get props from Newsmax and OAN.
Dominion tried to sue Lindell for defamation but, when they saw the evidence Lindell had and was prepared to present, they dropped their lawsuit. Lindell now sells his products through his online store because no business will sell his stuff. Banks are refusing to give him loans or allow him to use their services. All because he is a Trump supporter and he pointed out the problems with the last election. Now, the FBI is after him.
This should be scary stuff for people. You have Joe Biden who is calling all Conservatives terrorists and weaponizing the FBI to make the the new SS. He’s also doing that with the IRS.
He said on his show:
“I have my own breaking news tonight. This afternoon I was, I went down hunting in Iowa for the early teal season with my friend this morning at 4 a.m. We got up headed down to Iowa. We were coming back and we stopped to get — go through a Hardee’s in Mankato, where I was born, in Mankato, Minnesota. And cars pulled up in front of us, to the side of us, and behind us, and I said, ‘Those are either bad guys or the FBI.’ It turns out they were the FBI.”
The article continues:
Lindell claimed that one of the FBI agents told him, “Well, I got some bad news. … we’re taking your cell phone, we have a warrant for your cell phone.”
Lindell says that he resisted giving his cell phone to the agents. “I run five companies off that, I don’t have a computer, my hearing aids run off this,” Lindell said. “Everything runs off my phone.”
Lindell said that he called a lawyer and that the lawyer told him to turn over the phone to the FBI.