Episode 630 – So Much for a Red Wave

I blew eight hours watching the elections last night. All the excitement I felt during the day popped by 9:00 PM. A very disappointing night. But there is a silver lining.


What Happened?!

Here’s what happened as of now:

  • The Senate is still up for grabs at 49-48, Republicans.
    • Arizona, Georgia and Nevada.
    • Nevada looks to go red but it’s close.
    • Arizona looks to go blue.
    • Georgia is going to go to a runoff but it looks like it will go blue.
    • That would lead the Senate to remain 50-50.
    • Hugely disappointing.
  • Currently, Republicans look like they are going to win the house, but votes aren’t all in yet from the west coast.
    • They currently have a 204-176 lead. They need 218 for a majority.
    • It is predicted that Republicans will get 224.
    • This way below what is predicted.
  • In the governor’s races:
    • Stacey Abrams (Georgia) and Beto O’Rourke (Texas) may finally have their political careers end. They both got killed.
    • Ron DeSantis won by almost 20 points.
    • Kathy Hochul (New York) and Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan) won their elections.
    • Oregon and Arizona are still being counted.
  • Florida and New York really shifted.
    • Miami Dade voted red for the first time.
    • Only five districts were blue in Florida.
    • New York lost five seats in the House.
    • This is positive.

Here’s a breakdown of how people voted. This is from the Wall Street Journal and we can get some ideas what to do in 2024.

This is a good sign for Republicans. Suburban women actually voted Republican.

This is not good for Republicans. They need to work on their messaging to attract younger folks. Those over 50 of age usually vote more but we need to get the young folks more excited to vote. We also have to make education an important topic to end all this indoctrination.

This is big. Republicans are making gains with blacks and Hispanics. We need to continue to talk to minorities, countering the BS Democrats keep saying about every Republican is a racist.

Again, not surprising. It shows that the Democratic party is part of the elitist class. What is good for Republicans is most people are only high school and some college. So we still have a majority.

This is exactly why we have the electoral college. This is always the case that urban voters vote blue. If you look at a breakdown of California, most of the state is red. Los Angeles and San Francisco make up most of the voters because of their size.

I’m surprised that abortion and climate change were more important than I thought. Immigration and crime really weren’t much of a consideration.

There were problems yesterday, especially in Maricopa County in Arizona. 20% of the voting machines didn’t work. I don’t think that was done on purpose because Maricopa County is rather liberal, but it does show that we should just go to paper ballots.

I won’t lie, I don’t have much faith in the elections. I think there is corruption.

The only reason I added this is because it shows cannot get crazy with abortion. We need to chip away at it.

All this stuff we need look at and learn from it before 2024.



But WTF Happened?!

Bunch of things happened that caused this red trickle:

  • Republican leadership.
    • Horrid messaging.
    • No platform.
    • No solutions.
    • They did not make this election about Biden. They were way too timid.
    • They should all be removed.
    • Kevin McCarthy should not be Speaker of the House.
  • We need stronger candidates.
    • Herschel Walker.
    • Mehmet Oz.
    • Doug Mastriano.
  • Republicans seem to shiver under the shadow of Trump.
  • Donald Trump needs to go golfing every day and get out of politics. This won’t happen because Trump is going to announce he’s running next week.
    • He’s about ego now, not the betterment of the country.
      • He insulted DeSantis right before the election. Why would he do that?
      • His ego talk cost us the Senate in 2020 because he was pissed at Brian Kemp of Georgia. This cost us two Senate seats.
    • He’s still butt hurt about the 2020 election.
    • He talks way to much garbage about fellow Republicans.
      • His base then doesn’t vote for them and Dems end up winning.
      • His candidates are bad.
    • He doesn’t have that kind of pull anymore. Candidates that he supported did not win.
    • He’s too polarizing. A lot of Republicans don’t like him and won’t vote for him.
    • Finally, he’s going to be 78 years old. We need new blood.

I think the Republicans need to separate themselves from Trump. I don’t think he is that popular anymore except with his base. Republicans can learn from his policies, but he should not be in the spotlight.


It’s Not All Bad

This is going to sound weird but I thought about this while I was on my walk this morning. Yesterday’s results might not be a bad thing. In fact, it might be a good thing for 2024.

Let’s look at why:

  • Dems are going to see this as a positive for them and their policies. They are going to continue to be crazy. The question is going to be can Republicans not be crazy and be vocal about the craziness of the Dems, they will have something to run on in 2024.
  • If the Republicans take the House, and it looks like they will, they will have some things they can do:
    • They can introduce small bills to extenuate Democrat craziness.
      • No trans-ing of the kids.
      • Removing drilling regulations.
      • Make Democrats say “no” in the Senate or have veto that stuff.
    • They can do investigations.
      • The Hunter Biden laptop.
      • The Afghanistan pull out that caused the deaths of 13 Americans.
      • Joe Biden’s finances.
      • How about his quid pro quo offer with Saudi Arabia?
  • Joe Biden is a lame duck President. He will not get any of his crap passed through the House. The House needs to stand firm on that, especially when it comes to spending money.
  • They can attempt to take back the legislative responsibility that King Biden has taken through his Executive Orders.

Here’s What they should not do:

  • Impeachment, unless there is a law broken and it can be easily prove. It’s a waste of time and no one likes it.
  • Too much investigation. Go out there and pass bills.