Oh God, here we go.
Way Too Early
Well, Donald Trump did it again. He managed another ill-timed announcement that is going to change the whole world. The most important announcement in American history.
Those are his words, not mine.
TRUMP: "Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, my fellow citizens, America's comeback starts right now." pic.twitter.com/KNeDQ4tUcH
— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) November 16, 2022
Donald Trump just officially announced he is running again for president in 2024. pic.twitter.com/51Wkdf2wd6
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) November 16, 2022
Oh, God. After the mess he caused during the elections, ripping everyone, donating no money and nominating weak candidates, I was hoping he’d hold off on this announcement. Better yet, I was hoping he wouldn’t run at all. This is going to cost Hershel Walker the Senate because you know Democrats are going to get out the vote in December. But Republicans have already lost the Senate so it probably doesn’t matter much.
The thing is, Trump can be so abrasive. But then, he says things like this:
TRUMP: “This is not just a campaign. This is a quest to save our country.” pic.twitter.com/dMu0N0xe1E
— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) November 16, 2022
He can speak. He does have energy and I know he loves the country and the people. He’s a nationalist and a capitalist. He believes in free trade and ending regulations. He had us energy independent and he closed the border. He kept us out of war and created Middle East peace. I know he’s be a good President again.
Of course, that drives the media nuts. Political announced Trump’s candidacy as to might expect. They tweeted:
Don’t kid yourself, the media is thrilled he’s back. CNN might get more than 18 viewers now.
I, on the other hand, am not thrilled he’s running. Here’s why:
- He’s going to be 78 in 2024.
- He has a strong base but no one else really likes him. Of course, the media is what caused that problem. They will do the same thing to DeSantis if he runs.
- He has a huge ego. Matter of fact, I am not sure he’s running for the country or to avenge his loss in 2020.
- He also is stuck in 2020.
- Things are going to get bloody during the primaries.
This is not to say I wouldn’t vote for him if he won the primaries. I would but I think DeSantis would be a much better candidate.
Officially a Mess
The economy is now officially a mess. Congrats to all the voters out thee that decided to keep these idiots in charge. The thoughts were the tech sector was going to get hit first and it looks like it is happening.
Over the last few weeks:
- Microsoft stopped hiring. They expected to hire 4000 but ended up hiring only 200.
- Coinbase is on a hiring freeze.
- Lyft is on a hiring freeze.
- Tesla cut 10% or 99,000 jobs and implemented a hiring freeze.
- Facebook cut 10% of it’s force or 13,000 jobs.
- Twitter cut over 5000 jobs on reports they are losing $4 million a day.
- Amazon is laying off 10,000 jobs.
- Fedex is also laying off or furloughing an undetermined number of employees.
So the affects of a recession begins.
Good job, Joe Biden. These companies see suck a bleak future they’ve decided to stop growing and are letting people go.
Who the F- Is This Guy?
Here’s the thing, Joe Biden is for making our economy weak. He wants to bring us to the same level as every other shithole country in the world. If Somalia is poor, we need to make the United States poor. That’s equity.
Need more proof?
Biden said he would give $20 billion to Indonesia so they can end climate change. I don’t know, maybe I’m off here but this son-of-a-bitch is raising our taxes and creating inflation to give $300 billion to Ukraine, to protect their border, and now another $20 billion to Indonesia because of the sun monster.
Here’s something wild, what about this country? We have so many problems and they are all being ignored by this administration. This administration doesn’t care about us. They want us miserable. They hate this country.
We also need to wonder what is going to happen to Ukraine. Are U.S. troops going to Ukraine. Maybe. A “Russian” missile hit a Polish territory. Poland is a NATO territory. That could execute Article V (5) of the NATO resolution which says NATO will attack any country that attacks a NATO country. As of now, Poland is calling for the Article IV (4) provision which means NATO needs to meet up and talk about it. This is good because I think we need to find out what happened.
What the Hell is He Doing There
The World Economic Forum chairman, Klaus Schwab, was at the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia. The only people that are suppose to be there are leaders of sovereign countries. Klaus Schwab is the chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum. An organization that wants to be the central global ruling class that will control the economy and behavior of sovereign countries.
Listen to what he says:
World Economic Forum Globalist in Chief Klaus Schwab casually talking about restructuring the entire world
The New World Order out in plain sight
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) November 15, 2022
He sounds like a Bond villain.
This is what the Great Reset wants to do:
- It will be controlled by the WEF. A bureaucracy of unelected elites.
- All countries must participate.
- Rich countries will give an portion of their GDP to the WEF who will then distribute it to poorer countries.
- The will control corporations. They have already instituted that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards.
- One of the issues they have is to control the population:
- They will monitor and track people. This is already happening.
- They will control their movement and travel. This is already happening.
- They will control what you read and the news you consume. This is already happening.
- They will control what you eat. This is already happening.
- They will control what you own. They want us to lease things, and own nothing. They even have a saying, “you will own nothing and like it.” This is already happening.
Why do this? To create a global utopia. This is insane stuff but the people we voted into office believe this stuff.
Budi Gunadi Sadikin, the President of Indonesia, is doing his part. He is implementing digital passports because he feels it’s important to monitor people’s movement for, you guessed it, the sake of COVID.
Here he is at the G20 Summit: