Episode 663 – More Mostly Peaceful Riots!

Another mass shooting happens in Los Angeles County and Dems blame white supremacy but…oops.

Another fiery but mostly peaceful riots happens again in Atlanta. When is CNN going to learn.

And I will show you what happens when woke becomes reality.



Here is some news:

  • There was another mass shooting in Monterey Park in Los Angeles county.
    • This is the Chinese New Year.
    • 10 people were killed in a night club and 10 were injured.
    • The suspect was described as Asian and between the ages of 30 to 50.
    • He is on the loose.
    • He went to another night club to shoot more people but his gun was taken away by patrons.
    • It appears he did not use an AR-15.
    • No motive and they don’t know if this is a hate crime.
    • Needless to say, everyone is calling this “gun violence” before anyone knows what’s going on.
    • They also blamed anti-Asian hate and white supremacy before any information had been released.
  • More classified documents have been found at one of Biden’s homes…again.
    • The FBI, at the request of the White House, performed a 13-hour search at one of his homes in Delaware.
    • Six more classified documents were found.
    • The documents were dated when Old Joe was Vice President.
    • There is now talk that the FBI will also search his other mansion in Delaware.
    • Biden finally made a statement on Friday. It was less than satisfactory (play the statement below).
  • President Biden’s former COVID-19 czar Jeff Zients will soon replace Ron Klain as White House chief of staff, Fox News confirmed on Sunday.
    • Biden credited Zients for putting “decades of management experience to work formulating and executing on a plan to build the infrastructure we needed to deliver vaccines, tests, treatment, and masks to hundreds of millions of Americans.”
    • The move has been criticized because of all the mandates that this bonehead has been pushing from his post with no evidence that anything he suggested would work.
    • This is an example of failing up.
    • By the way, Ron Klain’s main accomplishment has been to undermine Old Joe on Twitter. Outside of that, he has been wrong about everything and useless overall.







Kamala has been on the road and talking to the press. This always makes for entertaining politics.

Here she is talking about the “climate crisis: again. She seems to want to cover all the bases when it comes to how climate change is going to affect the Earth.

So climate change creates a lot of rain and a lot of drought. Nice. Next she’s say the climate crisis will make days really hot and really cold.

Here she is giving us the difference between equality and equity:

Equality of opportunity is what is promised to us all. Equity is the promise we will all have the same outcome. You cannot have equality and equity. Some have greater capacity. Both myself and Elon Musk have equality of opportunity but he has far more abilities and motivations than I have. Are we going to have the same outcome? Of course not. Her goal is that everyone has the same outcome: poor.

Of course, she will be absolutely fine and will stay rich.

Here she is, explaining about how electricity works:

Why does she always sound like she’s trying to educating kids? Why does she think the things she is explaining is so amazing?

Old Joe can’t let Kamala have all the fun. Here he is, demonizing the cops again. He thinks that police don’t know how to shoot because, when the do shoot a criminal, they kill him. Listen:

Killing a criminal IS stopping the criminal. This guy has always thought that police should be able to shoot a guy in the leg to stop him. Of course, he doesn’t explain how shooting a guy in the leg is going to stop the criminal from shooting at the cops.


Mostly Peaceful Again

Last week, the police were clearing out an area in Georgia for the building of a new police training facility. One of the things they needed to clean out was a homeless encampment. One of the people in this encampment of an activist of some sort. he got out of his tent and started shooting police. He hit one in the stomach. The police fired back and killed the, what we are now calling, terrorist.

On Friday, an account on Twitter called Scenes from the Atlanta Forest called for a “Night of rage”. Twitter pulled down the post and suspended the account, but not before a bunch of malcontents decided to start rioting. The burned a police car, broke windows of locals businesses, blocked traffic and started shooting fireworks at buildings. It was a mess.

Six people were arrested and charged. Only one was from Georgia.

What was truly amazing about this was the media coverage, especially on CNN. You would have thought the news agency that has been ridiculed for three years because of the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests of 2020.

Here is a CNN guest basically saying that this riot in Atlanta is “fiery but mostly peaceful” and calling these riots by Lefties violent is a bad thing:

After all the crap the got after the 2020 BLM riots and all the crap they are peddling with the January 6th riot (where only a protestor was killed), you’d think they might back off this one for a second. They couldn’t. The goal of the Leftist media is to constantly put a halo over Leftist rioters because they are the just. They are fighting fascism. They are trying to tear down the corrupt and unjust system.

Here’s the problem they are having, the people don’t believe them anymore. You can see it through their ratings. So, keep it up.



When “Woke” Goes Wrong

This is a horrid story.

It involves a 14-year-old girl named Sage (not her real name). Her father died and she was adopted by her grandmother. Needless to say, this little girl had some real issues. Those issues got worse when woke bureaucracy decided to get involved.

  • She decided that she was a boy and started calling herself Draco.
  • Where did she learn that she was a boy? At school!
  • In August, 2021, she ran away from her grandmother’s house.
  • She was traveling the streets in Baltimore when she was picked up by a convicted sex offender.
  • The man trafficked her until she was picked up by the police and the man was arrested.
    • The girl said she had been with more men than she could count.
  • She was brought to court but, instead of returning her to her grandmother, the judge put her in an inner-city group home. The reason? Her grandmother was misgendering her.
  • Judge Robert Kershaw said, “the Baltimore City Department of Juvenile Services was responsible, “for the placement in a hardware secure therapeutic facility which makes reasonable accommodation for the child’s expressed male gender and desire to live as a male.”
    • Mind you, that same department told the court she was not abused.
  • She was put in a home…with other, very disturbed males!.
  • Sage ran away from the home and ended up in Texas.
  • While in Texas, she was picked up by a pedophile and was trafficked to other pedophiles.
  • On January 24, 2022, she was rescued by the State Police of Texas Human Trafficking. She had been beaten, raped and trafficked.
  • Unlike the what they did in Maryland, Texas authorities returned the child’s grandmother.
  • On January 31, 2022, Sage explained what happened and a complaint was filed against her Maryland attorney and the bureaucracy that set Sage up to be trafficked again.

What is really tragic about this story is that this young girl was not just victimized by these sick bastards that our laws protect, but that she was victimized by the ideologies of the legal and bureaucratic systems. They have embraced wokeness so much they put this girl in the direct path to disaster, twice. First with the male mental facility and then again to be trafficked. All because a very troubled little girl said she was a boy.

This is a terrible story that is a year old. Why is this just coming out now? Because it shows how evil and twisted this ideology is. They can’t have that even if it means sacrificing a child.
