Episode 682 – Always Apply Stupidity Over Malice

Joe Biden shows his true colors…again

And reading the Dilbert cartoon has become a lot harder.



This Is Who He Is




Saying the Obvious is Racist

Scott Adams, who is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip and the author of several really good books made a comment about a poll that was taken that asked respondents whether or not it was OK to be white. Before we get into the controversy, let’s listen to a bit of it.

What he said was deemed racist. The next day, he lost all his Dilbert contracts, he lost his book publisher and he lost his agent. Basically, he’s been cancelled.

I have several thoughts on this and they come from different directions. There is even going to be some what-about-isms here. That’s going to be for his cancelling.

First, was what he said racist? I only played part of the five minute clip. It actually gets worse. He starts talking about blacks living in black neighborhoods and whites living in white neighborhoods. That is bad. He also clumps all blacks into a hate group simply because 26% said, “no” and 21% said, “I don’t know.” He seems to dismiss that 52% said, “yes.” He basically clumped all blacks as a hate group because a minority said, “no.” We can’t even be sure that the 21% knew what the question meant. The comments were racist.

Next question, is Scott Adams a neo-Nazi? My very educated is guess is he is not. He just said something stupid. Like I said, I read most of his books, like the Dilbert comic strip and have listened to his show. He has never talked about race before in any of his media. He’s not even a Conservative or a Republican. He makes this clear. I think he was reacting to this poll because it pissed him off and he rained down fire and brimstone. He does not script his show. He always talks off the cuff. He was reacting to the Rasmussen poll.

That leads me to my big question, why would Rasmussen even do a poll like this? Could it be to stoke racial tensions? There is no benefit to this poll but to piss people off. If you’re black, it emboldens them to see a problem with white people and justifies their anger. If you’re white, it belittle them on something they can’t control. That’ll piss off white people and they will react, much in the way Scott Adams did. I won’t lie, this poll pisses me off to and those 26% can fuck off. They’re racists and I want nothing to do with them. I agree with Adams that far. I just think there is a very small minority of blacks that think this way.

The cancelling thing bothers me and this is where the what-about-isms come into play. If this crappy poll had reversed the races, would there be outrage? “Is it OK to be black?” and 26% said no. Would Rasmussen ever run a poll like that? Would that cause controversy?

My point is, there are a lot of blacks out there that are racist and hate white people.

  • LeBron James said he doesn’t trust white people and wouldn’t want any white friends.
  • Evergreen College has a Day of Absence where white people, teachers and students, aren’t allowed on campus. Bret Weinstein and his wife, who taught at the college, had to quit because they had the audacity to show up to teach on this day and received death threats.
  • Dozens of high schools and colleges have segregated graduation ceremonies and classes at the request of black students. Colleges including Harvard, Columbia and Ohio State University.

How about this from The Cut, a Left wing outlet. You may have heard this one before because I played it in a podcast two years ago. Listen:

When you think you have the moral high ground or are superior to another group of people simply because of race, that is racism. If we reversed everything in this video (white people being interview and the question replacing white with black) everyone would have flipped out. All the people I talked about, including LeBron James, would have been fired.

Did Scott Adams say something racist, yes…sort of. He didn’t define that whites were superior in any way. That’s not racist. He just said if all the blacks hate us they should live somewhere else. That’s segregation, which is racist (blacks are already doing this). Should he be cancelled, no. Let the people make the decision.

Here’s the final, expect more reaction like Adams’ reaction. This anti-white thing that is happening right now is going to have a push back. It is causing racism. That’s what the media and institutions want. You keep calling me a racist, one day, I’m going to say, “F- it,” and go off like Adams did.

I’ll back Scott Adams. I like to apply stupidity to actions and words before I apply malice. Everyone says stupid things.
