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Episode 371 – Frigging Black Holes!

Does anyone really give a damn about the upcoming summer Olympics in Tokyo?

And it might be time to cancel black holes.


The Olympics are Coming

The Olympics are coming to Japan. Are you excited?

Yeah, neither am I.

I have been losing interest in the Olympics since The US basketball team added professional players. I liked when it was only amateurs that competed in the Olympics. Most of the people competing had to win to get rich and most worked jobs outside of their training. Eddie the Eagle, who did the shi jump in the year I went to the Olympics is Calgary in 1988 was a brick layer. It was such a great story that he ended up rich even though he finished last in the competition. People were just thrilled that he didn’t fall during his jumps.

The Jamaican bobsled team was also a huge big deal. Those guys stories flew threw the Olympics. Everyone knew they didn’t have a chance but they were the most anticipated team. I remember them falling. Their story was ut into the fantastic moviw, Cool Runnings with John Candy.

But the Olympics also have those moments that I remember best. The US Hockey team beating the Soviet Union two weeks after losing 10-0. Mary Lou Retton winning the all-around gold medal in gymnastics.

Those days are long gone.

Now, Olympic athletes are already rich, professional athletes and whiney little bitches.

Now enter political correctness and the woke.

Maybe He Just Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Compete

Chelsea Wolfe,  trans female BMX bike rider, that means he’s a man competing in a female sport, said he had the goal of winning the Olympic gold medal just so he could burn and American flag on the podium.

He tweeted:

“My goal is to win the Olympics so I can burn a US flag on the podium. This is what they focus on during a pandemic. Hurting trans children.”

Attached was an article about how the Trump administration ordered doctors to treat trans people who had the China virus should be treated based on their biological sex. I know, this is weird. A doctor should treat a man like he has the biology of a man. But that’s not the point of this.

He deleted the tweet, knowing it would haunt him as the Olympics come closer but, like I tell my kids, everything on the Internet is forever.

When asked about it, Wolfe stated to Fox News:

“Anyone who thinks that I don’t care about the United States is sorely mistaken. One of the reasons why I work so hard to represent the United States in international competition is to show the world that this country has morals and values, that it’s not all of the bad things that we’re known for. I take a stand against fascism because I care about this country and I’m not going to let it fall into the hands of fascists after so many people have fought and sacrificed to prevent fascism from taking hold abroad. As a citizen who wants to be proud of my home country, I’m sure as hell not going to let it take hold here.”

He said he was going to burn an American flag on the podium while the National Anthem is playing. I don’t think he should represent our country.

This isn’t the first time he has said anything controversial. Last year, Wolfe said on Facebook:

“I would never say that someone should explode the head of the president. That would be illegal. But I will say ‘with dynamite.’ Because that’s just a sentence fragment and doesn’t actually mean anything. It’s not necessarily related to the sentence that came before it.”

So, not only this guy who is trying to convince everyone he’s a a woman, he also hates the country and wants to kill Donald Trump. Glad to see this guy is representing the United States.

The United States Olympic Committee needs to pull this guy from the team.

Wonder Who’s Going to Win This Event.

Chelsea Wolfe is not the only trans woman competing.

Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand will be going to the Olympics and competing as a woman in the super heavyweight division.

  • Hubbard is 43 years old and competed with the with the men 8 years ago when he decided to transition to a woman.
  • Hubbard notably took silver in the 2017 world championships, sparking outrage from proponents of women’s sports and fellow athletes.

Responding to the controversy about how it was unfair that he be allowed to compete against women when he was a man for the first 35 years of his life, Hubbard said:

“As an athlete, all I can really do is block that out. If I try and take that weight on board, it just makes the lifts harder. All I can really do is just focus and lift.

“The science is evolving, and the position of the IOC is evolving too. What most people probably don’t realize is that I actually satisfy the requirements of the 2003 Stockholm consensus, which were the original rules that the IOC agreed upon to allow participation of people like myself. So I am not competing under a recent rule change. I am competing under rules which have been in place now for 14 years.”

Hubbard is allowed to compete because he is able to keep his testosterone to under 10 nanomole. Of course, that has been done just recently, when he was 35. I’m not sure how this affects his muscle mass or bone density. It doesn’t look like it has change his height and weight. And that’s what the competition is complaining about.

Belgian weightlifter, Anna Vanbellinghen, is not at all happy about it. She said:

“First off, I would like to stress that I fully support the transgender community, and that what I’m about to say doesn’t come from a place of rejection of this athlete’s identity. I am aware that defining a legal frame for transgender participation in sports is very difficult since there is an infinite variety of situations, and that reaching an entirely satisfactory solution, from either side of the debate, is probably impossible.

“However, anyone that has trained weightlifting at a high level knows this to be true in their bones: this particular situation is unfair to the sport and to the athletes.”

She has to show that she’s not a bigot and smoothly goes into that weird thing the Left doesn’t like…science.

She continued:

“So why is it still a question whether two decades, from puberty to the age of 35, with the hormonal system of a man also would give an advantage?

“I understand that for sports authorities nothing is as simple as following your common sense, and that there are a lot of impracticalities when studying such a rare phenomenon, but for athletes the whole thing feels like a bad joke.

“Life-changing opportunities are missed for some athletes — medals and Olympic qualifications — and we are powerless.”

Here, you can say she is getting a little more angry as she talks about it. Everything she is saying is true. What I would love to have heard from her that this is is sexist against biological women because it is. But trans bigotry (which this is not) is higher on the woke charts than sexism so Anna will not get any love from the Left. I know that women who have bitched about having to compete against men have been called bigots.

In the end, the best woman in sports ends up being a man.

I hope Laurel Hubbard wins the gold medal and break every female world record. That might make these woke idiots re-evaluate their stance on crap like this.



Black Holes…Cancelled

People just need to cancel everything. Including the universe.

In an article in the City Journal titled Down a Black Hole by Heather Mac Donald. I bet you already know where this article is going. Let’s just get to it.

Physicists at MIT and SUNY Stony Brook recently announced findings that the total surface area of two black holes was maintained after the two entities merged. While this research was a welcome confirmation of both Stephen Hawking’s work and the theory of general relativity, it failed to address a crucial matter: what were its racial implications?

Question: When did it become the job of an astrophysicist to analyze the racial implication of a black hole?

That is a lacuna that an astronomy course at Cornell University aims to prevent. “Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos” asks the question, “Is there a connection between the cosmos and the idea of racial blackness?” Anyone familiar with academia’s racial monomania knows the answer: of course there is! Though “conventional wisdom,” according to the catalog description of “Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos,” holds that the “‘black’ in black holes has nothing to do with race,” astronomy professor Nicholas Battaglia and comparative literature professor Parisa Vaziri know better.

Battaglia and Vaziri puncture the “conventional wisdom” by drawing on theorists such as Emory University English professor Michelle Wright. Wright’s book, The Physics of Blackness: Beyond the Middle Passage Epistemology, invokes “Newton’s laws of motion and gravity” and “theoretical particle physics” to “subvert racist assumptions about Blackness.” The Cornell course also studies music by Sun Ra and Outkast to “conjure blackness through cosmological themes.”

Remember last week, I made every aspect of my day racist? Here we are again. One can make anything racist.

First off, black are black because gravity is so strong that light cannot escape the pull. Black is the absence of all light. That is the definition of “black” to a physicist. “Black” people are not really black they’re dark brown. If they were black in the way of black holes, they would just be shadows along the landscape.

I also find it amazing we are taking astrophysics theory from a college English teacher who uses songs from Outkast to support her points.

Yeah, we should take this seriously.

In 1996, New York University physicist Alan Sokal published a paper, “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity,” in one of high theory’s holiest of shrines: Social Text. Sokal’s article drew on efforts among comparative literature and American studies professors to deploy scientific concepts toward a postmodern end: showing science to be a mere power play designed to silence “dissident or marginalized communities,” in Sokal’s words. “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity” cited such postmodern giants as Andrew Ross and Luce Irigaray on topics like “oppositional discourses in post-quantum science” and “gender encoding in fluid mechanics.” The paper itself proposed a new theory of quantum gravity that could serve as the basis for a “postmodern and liberatory science.”

Sokal’s paper was a hoax. Like the high-theory sources it cited, it mauled the underlying science while obscuring its scientific illiteracy with vast clouds of theorese. Yet it was accepted for publication, apparently without raising a scintilla of doubt among Social Text’s editors.

I remember this paper. Alan Sokal and a couple of other professors wanted to see if the could publish crazy papers that were politically correct just to see if it would be published. Guess what? It was.

He made the higher education soft sciences look foolish.

That’s what this article is about. The stupidity of the high academic classes. This class will actually give one science credits. Incredible.




Episode 370 – What About the Real Independence Day?

The Left tries to pin another story on “white supremacists” but it turns into a fail…again.

Only one type of independence can be celebrated in

And Leftist mayors just don’t get it and people are getting tired of their BS.


Oops, Wrong Again!

The media and the Leftist politicians aren’t getting it. In the fact they are losing a lot of credibility. Their narratives have clouded their judgment so much that they refuse to come to terms that no one is believing them anymore. Here is another example.

In Wilton Manors, Florida, during a gay pride parade. During the parade, a truck accelerated and hit a crowd of parade goers. One was killed and one was injured. Moments after the tragedy, the Fort Lauderdale Mayor, Dean Trantalis, who was at the parade, made the following statement to a local news outlet:

“This is a terrorist attack against the LGBT community. This is exactly what it is. Hardly an accident. It was deliberate, it was premeditated, and it was targeted against a specific person. Luckily they missed that person, but unfortunately, they hit two other people.”

It took a little time later that Trantalis’ announcement burned through social media, specifically Twitter. The Twitter user started blaming Ron DeSantis. The Leftists pointed out that DeSantis had approved a bill that would not make it against the law to run over protestors in their cars if they feared for their lives. They argued that this incident is proof that his laws were meant to threaten peaceful protest with violent, white extremists. The hash tag #DeathSantis was trending for hours.

There are a few things wrong with this.

  • The law was designed for people who are being threatened by rioters to be able to defend themselves, not go out and, willy-nilly, run over peaceful protestors.
  • Even if that is what the law meant, this was not a protest. It was a pride parade. The law wouldn’t have applied here.
  • Ron DeSantis didn’t drive the car into anyone!

But there was another big detail that I have failed to bring up: The whole thing was determined to be an accident!

That’s right, an accident.

The man in the truck jumped out of the truck, distressed, yelling that he stepped on the wrong peddle and it was an accident. He never ran away and did not continue his “terrorism carnage”. The man driving the truck was wearing a Fort Lauderdale Gay men’s Chorus t-shirt, and the chorus’ president, Justin Knight, said the driver was “part of the Chorus family.” Knight released a statement:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the tragic accident that occurred when the Stonewall Pride Parade was just getting started. Our fellow Chorus members were those injured and the driver was also a part of the Chorus family. To my knowledge, this was not an attack on the LGBTQ community. We anticipate more details to follow and ask for the community’s love and support.”


Twitter never fact checked those who participated in the #DeathSantis trend, didn’t take it down when it was found it wasn’t terrorism and never apologized to Ron DeSantis.

Keep it up, Leftists. You’re digging your own graves.



More Examples

The Left continues to destroy their own cities and then push the narratives that something else besides their crappy policies is destroying their cities and lowering the standards of living for their citizens. People are getting sick of it. How do we know? People are leaving their cities and their states.

This Gal Is Nuts

Lori Lightfoot is incompetent, narcissistic and just nuts.

Last week, in addressing the rising level in violence in Chicago, she said:

“When we think about racism, many of us think about it in visible and audible forms, but the reality is the insidious nature of systemic racism has other impacts that are every bit as deep and harmful, but often ones that we can’t see, like the impacts on the psyche and other impacts on our bodies that are just as, if not more deadly.”

Yeah, no.

And Alderman Raymond Lopez, of Chicago’s 15th Ward, agrees with me. He is a Democrat who has had a tough relationship with Lightfoot. He has been on Fox News frequently bitching about Lightfoot’s “leadership”. I want to point this out because It is important. Lopez is a liberal Democrat. He’s not a Leftist. This is the classical Democrat I miss. He said of Lightfoot’s leadership to the Washington Examiner:

“Generational gang life isn’t just something that’s encouraged. It’s almost revered in some neighborhoods. If you really want to get to what is at the heart of a lot of this, it is gangs, and it is the borderline collapse of the family unit in many of our neighborhoods … [Lightfoot] has avoided calling out gangs in our community as a source of violence in our city.”

He pointed out that residents have stopped calling the police because the police are not allowed to do anything about it. He was the guy who brought this up in a secretly recorded meeting and Lightfoot told him he was full of shit. Put quote around that because that is exactly what she told him.

He continued:

“I think it’s a foil to avoid having to deal with [gang and other issues], period. Two hundred-plus murders in the city of Chicago, none of them were committed because of racism. I can tell you last week’s gang shooting had nothing to do with racism. The shooting in Englewood Monday morning, four people shot, three others injured, was not about racism.”

Here’s the story: Lightfoot doesn’t care.

It was another violent weekend in Chicago. This include a shooting that left one man dead and his girlfriend in critical condition and it was all recorded. She has yet to address this but she did have the time to address the desire for the Chicago Bears football team to move out of the city and move into the suburbs.

Yeah, she has her priorities straight.

It’s not Just Chicago

Atlanta is also facing a huge criminal violence problem. In Atlanta, murders are up 50% and car jackings are up 76%.When asked about it, Kiesha Lance Bottoms, the Leftist mayor said this:

“Remember in Georgia we were opened up before the rest of the country, even before the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] said that it was safe for us to open so our night clubs and our bars remained open so we had people traveling here from across the country to party in our city,.

“COVID left a lot of people battered and bruised, not just physically but also emotionally.”

Got that? It’s Republican’s fault because the pandemic is all but over but people have problems because of the lockdowns.

Question: Why aren’t Florida, Texas, Alaska, North and South Dakota, Montana and Idaho facing a crime issue? They have been open for quite a while.

Another question: Whit are New York, Los Angeles, Portland, Atlanta, Washington DC, San Francisco and Seattle experiencing huge growth in crime? Those cities are still locked down until just recently.

But it gets better. She said:

“Until we deal with the systemic issues of gun violence in this country, how easily young people, people with mental illnesses can access guns in this country, I’m afraid that this will not be the last summer that we are having this conversation.

“If it were an Atlanta issue alone then I’d know that there was something that we weren’t getting right… but I’m talking to mayors and hearing from mayors in cities and large urban areas, we’re all experiencing this which means that we all have to work together to find a solution to this gun violence that is gripping our nation.”

Oh, so it’s also the lack of gun control that is the reason of spiking criminal violence and it is prevelent throughout all big cities. In other words, it’s Republican’s fault again because Republicans believe citizens have the right to be able to protect themselves by owning a gun. Interesting.

Questions: Why are cities in red states, which do have really lax gun laws not see a spike in gun violence? And are the laws really that lax in those cities? They still have to go through city, state and federal laws including background checks.

Another question: Why are cities with the most restrictive gun control laws in the country are seeing the huge spikes in crime? Chicago, New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Francisco make it legally impossible to own a gun or get ammo. Why is Boise, Idaho, which has open carry, not have a gun violence problem?

Could it be that criminals, who don’t care about gun control laws, are afraid they will run into someone who has a gun to protect himself against people like him?

One last question: Could telling people they will never get ahead because of their race lead to crime by those individuals? Could spending the last year demonizing and defunding the police who are paid to catch those criminals so that they quit or don’t do their jobs have something to do with it? Could catching a criminal who committed a violent crime and then releasing him hours later have something to do with it? Could not prosecuting violent criminals and letting them free to go have something to do with it?


These Leftist leaders, sitting in their ivory and heavily protected towers, are tone deaf and just don’t care about anything but their narrative.



The Left’s Real Independence Day

Evanston, an affluent suburb in Illinois decided to cancel their 4th of July festivities due to the China virus. One has to think this was a bit of an over reaction considering the virus was was already on the downslide in United States.

The city said in a statement:

Based on concern for public health due to the unpredictability of the pandemic’s impact, vaccination rates, and in cooperation with our local authorities, the Trustees of the Evanston Fourth of July Association voted to cancel the Fun Run, Parade, Palatine Concert Band performance and Lakefront Fireworks show on July 4, 2021. However, we are committed and already working toward an Independence Day celebration that will be safe, creative and build community.

Monthly podcasts began in late 2019 titled “Celebrating a Century –The 4th of July in Evanston which will continue and can be heard on your personal devices. If guidelines allow, the Association plans to conduct the traditional morning games and activities in the parks and schools. The 2020 Virtual 4th of July celebration with a parade, concert and fireworks is ready to be replayed. The Celebration Team is considering mini concerts, roving entertainment, neighborhood art and decoration projects to provide the community with a day to remember.

Wow! Podcasts, a virtual celebration with music and roving entertainment? Replays of firework displays? Who the Hell need Independence Day? We could celebrate like this every day!

Well, it’s been three months and the city has not reinstated the July 4th celebrations. The vaccination rates for the town is at 87%. The infection and death rates are practically zilch throughout the country.

When asked about this, the Independence Day organizer, Jamie Black said:

The city’s Fourth of July Association “made the decision in March based on the information that we had at that time.”

“There are deadlines for permits and to secure the fireworks, as well as taking applications for the parade that happen early in the year. We erred on the side of caution. If things weren’t better, we would have been criticized for being a super spreader event.”

OK, fine. The city is playing it safe against a moderately dangerous virus. Or are they?


This weekend, the city held a Juneteenth celebration which included music, a parade, food and a fireworks display. It was organized by a Evanston Past and Future, a group that promotes black history.

Next weekend, Evanston will host a gay pride event. The Independence Day festivities for July 4th have still not been reinstituted.

Seem like the China virus isn’t a problem with those and those groups didn’t have issues getting permits.

The Bigger Issue

I am glad that Juneteenth is an official holiday. I wish It was in December and it would be called “Emancipation Day” or something like that. Something that celebrates the actual Emancipation Proclamation signed into law by Abraham Lincoln, not a day that happened two years after the law was enacted and after the Civil War. A war that killed 700,000 people, mostly white, to end slavery and keep the country together.

But Juneteenth is being pushed, not as a national holiday that should unify the country like Columbus Day, July 4th and Thanksgiving. It is being coined as the Black Independence Day. I believe the day was chosen because Lincoln can’t be involved because he was white and this would go against the new narrative that he was a closet racist. They can’t celebrate it on the day the Civil War ended, making the Emancipation Proclamation law throughout the entire country because the 700,000 who died were mostly white and that would make ending slavery a country wide struggle, not just a black person’s struggle.

The reality is, ending slavery was not a race thing. It was an evil thing. It violated the tenets of the Constitution. White and black people joined together to fight it. They unified. Black slaves fought side-by-side with their white countrymen to end the evil. That is unifying.

The Left doesn’t want this. They want to make this a black holiday a “black only” holiday. They want to use this holiday to divide, not unify.

Don’t buy into it.







Episode 368 – You Have to Feel Bad for the Guy

You’ve got to feel sorry for Joe Biden.

Our economic future is looking worse than we thought.

And the attacks on religion continue with no barriers in sight.


Biden Loses His Temper

One of the funnier interactions with Joe Biden on Wednesday’s “Summit” with Vlad Putin was his reaction from an unsolicited question from CNN reporter Caitlan Collins.

What a piece of crap.

  • Little news flash: He does this all the time.
    • He called a reporter that asked a tough question a fatty.
    • He almost got into a fight with a union worker over gun control.
    • He challenged an 80-year-old man to push-ups because he asked a hard question.
  • Joe Biden is a grouchy old man and he has been his entire career when he is challenged.

He knew he messed this up and he tried to back away from it later. He has the media on his side, especially CNN. If he had attacked Steve Duecy of Fox News, who I thought asked a much harder question about the Chinese virus and the lab leak theory, everyone would have been fine with it and he would have looked like a hero putting in place the right wing racist media. But he attacked his people. He needed to make things better.

His bowing down to the media at the airport made him look weaker and more pathetic. Unlike other times, I mean this with sympathy. Joe knew the trip this week was bad. Nothing was accomplished, he had given ground and got nothing. He had a meeting with a tyrant whose country has the economy of Italy. He gave him the pipeline Putin wanted and got nothing. The CNN question was interesting because she was asking if Biden was so naïve that he trusted a murderous tyrant. He didn’t like this and reacted.

I feel sorry for him because his age is really showing. His insecurities are really showing. I’m getting the impression he is hearing how he has declining mental fitness and want to prove that he doesn’t. But this trip really did prove that he does. I’m sure his staff, who is making all the moves for Old Joe and steering him in the “right” (or Left) direction. I think he is beginning to feel the strain. It’s just really sad to see this guy, who I don’t like, obviously suffering through this.



The Outlook is Looking Bleak

The Federal Reserve has significantly increased its expectations for inflation this year following massive government spending from Democrat President Joe Biden.

According to CNBC:

On Wednesday, The Federal Reserve “considerably raised its expectations for inflation this year and brought forward the time frame on when it will next raise interest rates. However, the central bank gave no indication as to when it will begin cutting back on its aggressive bond-buying program, though Fed Chairman Jerome Powell acknowledged that officials discussed the issue at the meeting.”

There is a thought that inflation could grow another 4% by next year which would be a record high.

So now, the fed is afraid that this inflation, which they said should be short term is now looking more like it could be long term. The Feds need to raise the interest rates to keep up and that’s not even considering we could be seeing an overheated economy, which will create another round of inflation that could take us to 2024.

Jimmy Carter all over again. But, I’m not panicking. We ended up with Reagan.



Split Decision on Religion

The courts are getting pummeled with religious freedom cases. There were a couple of rulings this week. One was good and one not so much.

So, do you want the good news or the bad news first? I believe religious people should do whatever they need to do to keep with their religious

Just Get the Cake from Somewhere Else

You probably know this story because it’s been around for like…you know…forever.

  • There is a bakery called Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado owned by a guy named Jack Phillips.
  • Jack Phillips is a Conservative Christian and he runs his business, for better or worse, under the Christian principles.
  • When gay marriage was made legal, a gay couple walked into his store, knowing who he was and what he would do, and asked him to create a custom wedding cake for their gay marriage.
  • He said he couldn’t do it because of religious reasons but they could by any pre-made cake.
  • They said no and walked out of the store.
  • They two went straight to the courthouse and filed a lawsuit so everyone could see that these two gals were actually activists.
  • The Colorado Civil Rights Commission (that doesn’t sound Orwellian) ruled against the Phillips.
  • This thing went all the way to the Supreme Court where they ruled that the Commission was biased against religion and threw out against the case.
  • The Court never ruled on the real issue, Free Speech vs. Religious Freedom.
  • Right after he won that case, the guy was harassed left and right.

Another case went up to the Civil Rights Commission and, again he lost. This time he wouldn’t design a coming out cake for a trans person. Ugh!

Phillips is being represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) General Counsel Kristen Waggoner. She gave an overview:

“Jack Phillips serves all people but shouldn’t be forced to create custom cakes with messages that violate his conscience

“In this case, an activist attorney demanded Jack create custom cakes in order to ‘test’ Jack and ‘correct the errors’ of his thinking, and the activist even threatened to sue Jack again if the case is dismissed for any reason. Radical activists and government officials are targeting artists like Jack because they won’t promote messages on marriage and sexuality that violate their core convictions.

“This case and others — including the case of floral artist Barronelle Stutzman, whose petition is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court — represents a disturbing trend: the weaponization of our justice system to ruin those with whom the activists disagree. The harassment of people like Jack and Barronelle has been occurring for nearly a decade and must stop.

“We will appeal this decision and continue to defend the freedom of all Americans to peacefully live and work according to their deeply held beliefs without fear of punishment.”

So this poor bastard, who has been harassed for the last ten years and the state of Colorado supports it. This is going to go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Good news, the Supreme Court made a ruling yesterday that went to protect the religious freedom. Bad news, it was a very muddled ruling.

Not A Great Ruling

The Supreme Court defied expectations on Thursday, issuing a unanimous — but limited — ruling in favor of a Catholic foster care agency that was targeted by Philadelphia authorities for refusing to consider same-sex couples as adoptive parents.

CNN reported:

“Philadelphia violated the First Amendment when it froze the contract of a Catholic Foster Care Agency that refused to work with same-sex couples as potential foster parents because the agency believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

“The dispute arose because Catholic Social Services — which was receiving taxpayer funds — was unwilling to work with LGBTQ couples as foster parents out of religious objections to same sex marriage. The policy was brought to the attention of the city in 2018 after inquiries from a local newspaper, and soon after the government put a freeze on the contract. The group, led by long-time foster parent Sharonell Fulton who has fostered more than 40 children over 25 years, brought suit.”

Now, to be clear: If a gay couple walked into Catholic Social Services and wanted to adopt or foster a child, the service would say they couldn’t help them but would recommend other companies that could. There are nineteen other services in Philadelphia who will work with gay couples. Also, the Catholic Social Services will not work with single people because they believe that a child needs a father and mother.

This thing went all the way to the Supreme Court where it ruled 9-0 in favor of Catholic Social Service. Yay, right? Maybe not.

Chief Justice John Roberts is garbage. The court was already prepared to rule 6-3 on the case and giving a solid definition of freedom of religion. But Roberts wanted a unified court which means Sotomayor, Kagen and Breyer needed to come along because they weren’t going to go with religious freedom. So he came up with a very watered down version of the ruling that leaves that issue open.

Roberts wrote:

CSS “seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else.

“The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents…violates the First Amendment.

“Certification as a foster parent…is not readily accessible to the public. It involves a customized and selective assessment that bears little resemblance to staying in a hotel, eating at a restaurant, or riding a bus.”

Essentially, what Roberts is saying is that restrictions on contracting with CSS stating that they must help anyone must be written into the law in Philadelphia. It was not so they cannot stop the contract because it violates the First Amendment.

Jeez! John Roberts is so ball-less. Essentially, all the Philadelphia City Council has to do is update the law allowing for prejudice against religion and we start this whole thing over again. But Judge Roberts got a 9-0 ruling.

Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote a concurrence opinion, stated just that:

“The Court has emitted a wisp of a decision that leaves religious liberty in a confused and vulnerable state. Those who count on this Court to stand up for the First Amendment have every right to be disappointed — as am I.” 

I was real excited by this ruling when I saw the headline but when I read about it, I was disappointed. This is how the Constitution will be changed by the Left. They will incrementally change the Constitution, one ruling at a time, until our freedoms are gone. John Roberts, intentionally or not, is helping the Left do this with these weak-ass rulings. This is how religious institutions will lose tax exempt status. This is how religious schools will lose accreditation.

I’m glad CSS won the case but it’s only a matter of time before they find themselves right back in front of the Supreme Court and why Jack Phillips is going through his crap again. Until we have a Chief Justice who’s going to stop being such a puss and make a stand, this crap is just going to keep going on.











Episode 367 – My Racist Day

So I did a little experiment with Josie. It required some research but I did learn something.

It is really easy to be a racist.


Happy Juneteenth

President Biden signed a bill that will make June 19th, better known (well, hardly known) as Juneteenth.

Biden said during the ceremony:

“I have to say to you, I’ve only been President for several months, but I think this will go down, for me, as one of the greatest honors I will have as President.

“I regret that my grandchildren aren’t here, because this is a really, really, really important moment in our history. By making Juneteenth a federal holiday, all Americans can feel the power of this day and learn from our history — and celebrate progress and grapple with the distance we’ve come (and) the distance we have to travel.”

He also said that this should be a day of reflection. He said:

“We can’t rest until the promise of equality is fulfilled for every one of us in every corner of this nation. That to me is the meaning of Juneteenth. So let’s make this very Juneteenth tomorrow the first that our nation will celebrate all together, as one nation. A Juneteenth of action on many fronts.” 

In June 19, 1865, was the day that Union Army Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas, and told slaves of their emancipation ordered by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

  • I think this is a good thing and long time coming.
  • I would rather they had celebrated the actual Emancipation Proclamation release date instead of Juneteenth but:
    • January 1 is already a national holiday.
    • June 19th is very obscure.
    • Abraham Lincoln is now being called a racist.
  • What’s odd is CNN and other reporters are saying that Republicans approved this while rejecting Critical Race Theory.
    • Juneteenth is a celebration of Americas ability to move past its own sins because they were evil and not in tune to our Constitution and philosophy.
    • CRT is a refusal to believe the United States and all white people have moved forward. All our systems, our history and white people have never moved past those evils and we are still evil and need to indoctrinate our kids in that philosophy.

Give a mouse a cookie. Any time the Left gets something they want, they want to beat us down to get more.



My Racist Day

Ibram X. Kendi, the grandson of Critical Theory and the father of Critical Race Theory was asked to define racism. This is what he said:

“I would define it as a collection of racist policies that lead to racial inequity that are substantiated by racist ideas.”

I am not as smart as Ibram is but I speak English. I don’t know what that means. I was taught that if you are asked to define something, do not use the same word in the definition. For example:

“A pencil is made up of the materials that make up a pencil.”

I’m not a PhD in anything so it might be that I’m not smart enough to understand what he is talking about. I know this is true because I read his book and couldn’t understand anything he was saying. I decided to assume I am just mentally deficient to be able to understand the philosophy of such a great mind. The only other conclusion I could come up with is that he’s a complete f-ing idiot and that would be racist because of my white privilege.

After reading how birds and conversation is racist yesterday, I decided to analyze my day and see if I am a racist. I realized I am a racist and I feel bad for it. So let’s go through my day and discuDTss how each activity just proves how I am a racist.

1. I woke up early this morning because I had things to do. That’s racist because my life has goals I need to meet on a daily basis and progression in life is racist. Not kidding. Anti-racists are teaching that.
2. My bedroom is also the master bedroom. That’s racist because the bedroom is the “master”.
3. I pee in an American Standard toilet. This is racist because America is a systemically racist country and it is unequitable since other countries whose populations are of people of color do not have running water.
4. I drank two glasses of water. That racist because people of color can’t swim apparently and water is racist.
5. I put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt. My ensemble is racist because in is made of cotton and cotton is a symbol of slavery.
6. My T-shirt has an American flag which is racist because the flag represents oppression of people of color and systemic racism.
7. I went on a three-mile walk. That’s racist because white people walk differently than people of color making sidewalks a symbol of white supremacy.
8. I didn’t wear a mask which is racist because people of color are more susceptible to the China virus and I just don’t care.
9. Calling COVID-19 the China virus is racist against Chinese people.
10. I carried my walking stick that I always carry. That’s racist because my stick is made of oak and oak is a tree and trees symbolize lynching of black people, making trees racist.
11. I listen to Matt Walsh which is racist because he is a symbol of white supremacist hate.
12. When I go outside, I take deep breaths of the morning air. The air is racist because it is polluted, and pollution affects people of color far worse than white people.
13. When finishing my walk, I make a cup of coffee. Coffee is racist because it is cultivated and collected by oppressed and enslaved people in Latin American countries.
14. I watch the Ben Shapiro Show which is racist because Ben Shapiro is a symbol of white supremacist hate.
15. I write my blog post. That’s racist because it’s written in English which is the language of colonialism which destroyed the indigenous people.
16. I watch Louder with Crowder which is racist because Steven Crowder and his minions are symbols of white supremacist hate.
17. I record my podcast spewing my Conservative, racist, white supremacist hate.
18. I was hungry so I ate a 7-11 burrito made of jalapeño and beef. Extra spicy. That’s racist because its cultural appropriation of Latinx culture.
19. I drink water to cool my mouth after eating the extra spicy burrito. That racist because people of color can’t swim apparently and water is racist.
20. Josie came over for her lunch. I made her a grilled salami and cheese sandwich. That’s racist because she is Latinx and I expected her to be over because of my white privilege.
21. Josie peed in my American Standard toilet. This is racist because America is a symbol of systemic racism and it is unequitable since other countries whose populations are of people of color do not have running water.
22. It is also racist because I assumed Josie would be OK with peeing in a symbol of systemic racism and it is unequitable since other countries whose populations are of people of color do not have running water.
23. Josie kissed me goodbye. That is racist because I expected her to satisfy my desire with a kiss because of my white privilege. I think that’s also probably sexist.
24. I like to read and read a chapter from three different books. Reading is racist because it is attained through the education system and all systems are systemically racist.
26. I take a nap. This is racist because I have the white privilege to take a nap and I do it in my “master” bedroom…which is also racist.
27. I wake up and watch The Five on Fox News. This is racist because Fox News is a symbol of white supremacist hate.
28. The hockey playoff game starts, Tampa Bay versus the New York Islanders. This is racist because no one kneels in protest during the National Anthem.
29. I cheer as Tampa Bay wins 4-1. This is racist because the inequitable outcome of the game is representative of the inequitable outcomes between whites and people of color.
30. I make chicken and corn for dinner. Chicken is racist because chicken poop and fart creating carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide pollutes the air. Air pollution affects people of color disproportionately from white people.
31. Corn is racist because it is the food of indigenous people and eating it cultural appropriation.
32. I grilled the chicken and corn. That is racist because it adds carbon monoxide to the air. Air pollution affects people of color disproportionately from white people.
33. I have a couple of Budweisers to drink. That’s racist because Bud is an American beer (sort of) and America symbolizes the oppression of people of color and systemic racism.
34. The owner of the house gave me a Corona and we watched the basketball game. Corona is a Mexican beer so I was appropriating Mexican culture.
35. I decide to watch the movie Shaun of the Dead. This is racist because this British film does not have enough people of color.
36. Watching a British film is racist because of the colonialism of the British to America, exploiting the indigenous people.
37. I’m watching the movie outside and turn on my outside lights. That is racist because I bought the lights at Walmart. Walmart is racist because…well…it’s Walmart.
38. After I go to bed, I go inside and lock the door. This is racist because my implicit bias assumes a person of color will break into my place and rob me.
39. I go to bed. This is racist because I sleep in the “master” bedroom.
40. I fall asleep. This is racist because my white privilege allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.

How many of you actually find it insane that everything I do can be construed to racism? It didn’t even take me a long time to come up with this. I just had to remember my day and remember the past articles I have read. A simple Google search will validate everything I came up with has been thought of before.

It is so easy to demonize people.


Episode 366 – It Looks Like It Didn’t Go Well

Joe Biden meets with Vlad Putin and it doesn’t look like it went well.

I’m a White supremacist and a racist. I just need to look at what I did yesterday to prove it.

And why can’t people listen to those who’ve been there before.


Biden/Putin Summit

Today, President Biden met with President Putin from Russia to discuss, well, not really sure. I know we will have more to talk about tomorrow when the dust settles. The meeting lasted about four hours. When it was completed, the two held separate press conferences.

That is bad. President Putin said some things that were just not true and Biden wasn’t there to contradict him. It showed tremendous weakness.

This is what we got out of the Putin press conference:

  • He answered about thirty questions and spoke for an hour.
  • He said he never felt pressure and the conversation was friendly.
  • He said there were no agreements established but he said they understand each other better though they had disagreements.
  • He did not take responsibility for any of the hacks. He said the United States did most of the hacking in the world.
  • When pushed on the imprisonment of his opposition Alexi Nelvany, Putin side-stepped it by comparing his imprisonment to the January 6th riot and the imprisonment of the rioters.
  • When asked about their human rights violations, Putin side-stepped it by talking about the “racism” in the United States and our systemic racism.

Biden’s press conference was about half an hour. Here’s what we saw:

  • In his opening statement, he talked about human rights and sounded strong with a loud voice. He was trying to sound strong.
  • He talked about voting interference.
  • He gave Putin a list of infrastructure areas that should never be attacked by cyber criminals.
  • He spoke about the humanitarian issues in Syria.
  • He talked about the arctic being a free zone from military settlements.
  • He talked about how Iran cannot get a nuclear weapons.
  • He expressed concerns about the Ukraine and Belarus.
  • When he took questions, he, again, followed a list of reporters provided to him by his staff. We found out later he had a teleprompter.
    • This makes the press conference look staged.
    • The questions look like they were pre-approved.
    • He kept looking at his notes as if he is reading the answers to the press questions.
    • He did not call on Peter Duecy of Fox News. This would have been the one guy who would have asked hard questions. He did take one when he was leaving and it was about China and COVID-19.
  • He took his coat off in the middle of the questioning because it was hot. A very strange move.
  • The questions were very simple. No one pushed him.
  • He got angry at the end because a reporter asked him why he was confident Putin will change his behavior.

It was a bad press conference. It was a good call that Biden didn’t have a joint press conference. Biden talked to seven reporters, Putin talked to eighteen. We ended up giving Russia the Nordstream pipeline but we got nothing. This whole thing has been a disaster.


Why Aren’t These People Being Interviewed

One of the reasons that I hold the beliefs that I have is because of my grandparent and family.

I fear communism and tyranny of any kind. I also appreciate the freedoms that our Constitution provides and know that they are unique throughout the world and history.

  • My grandparents escaped Nazi Germany.
  • The grandfather was wanted by the Nazis for being a spy and was then held as a spy for a time when he got to the United States.
  • They came here with no money and was able to go from nothing without being able to speak English to very wealthy because of the opportunities that the United States gave them.
  • My aunt was trapped in the USSR where her husband was a member of the Politburo.
  • The aunt came to the United States once but came alone. She was not allowed to bring her family because they wanted her to return.
  • She and her husband disappeared and it was presumed they were executed.

Their story of my family is not unique. Their experiences led them to love and appreciate this country and despise any tyrannical government. They have also always feared this country could end up like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. All it would take is people to stop appreciate what they have.

We are seeing this today.

Yeonmi Park, a 27-year-old who escaped from sex slavery in China after fleeing North Korea, is warning that leftist professors inside America’s top academic universities are indoctrinating students with extreme ideologies that remind her of North Korea.

This clip is long but I think her message is important:

This is someone who should be listened to. She has gone through about as much suffering as anyone could have ever gone through thanks to the tyranny fir in North Korea and then China. She knows what communism is. She know what socialism is. She in young, part of the same generation that is calling for communism in this country. The difference is that generation has never experienced communism and tyranny. They have become spoiled by the freedom they have.

I would suggest that any of these Antifa or BLM fools actually go to a communist country and see what is happening. Go to North Korea and try to burn a business like they are here (though there really aren’t any businesses in North Korea). See what happens. Go and protest the government in China, see what happens. Oh, wait, we saw what happened in Hong Kong but no one cared. Go to Cuba and talk crap about Castro and see what happens.

Of course, none of them will do that. They will continue to demonize people who appreciate this country, including this brave woman. And she knows it and says it’s already happening:

Listen, people will not learn. We will not be able to teach them. The way we end this scourge is remember who we are and fight against those who push back. That is happening now and we are seeing it almost on a daily basis.

  • Rick DeSantis laws fighting all this woke crap.
  • Greg Abbott building his own wall in Texas and making laws to fight this woke crap.
  • Parents fighting against school boards to end CRT and the LGBTQ indoctrination.
  • People moving from blue states to red states.
  • Gun ownership sky rocketing.

We can and will take this country back and I am confident we will.













Episode 364 – How Embarrassing

This has been a really bad week for the Biden administration as far as foreign policy is concerned. First, Kamala Harris screw up in Central America and Mexico. Now Joe Biden in Europe during the G7. We still have Russia to deal with.

Iran is feeling empowered, thanks to the Biden administration.

And the government, once again, proves they’re incompetent.


The G7 Disaster

Not You, Boris

“We need to make sure that as we recover, we level up across our societies and we build back better,” Johnson said, the New York Post reported. “And I actually think that we have a huge opportunity to do that, because as G7, we are united in our vision for a cleaner, greener world, a solution to the problems of climate change. And in those ideas, in those technologies, which we’re all addressing together, I think there is the potential to generate many, many millions of high-wage, high-skill jobs.”

“And I think that is what the people of our countries now want us to focus on,” the conservative PM continued.

“They want us to be sure that we’re beating the pandemic together and discussing how we’ll never have a repeat of what we’ve seen, but also that we’re building back better together,” Johnson said. “And building back greener and building back fairer and building back more equal and in a more gender-neutral and perhaps a more feminine way. How about that, apart from everything else. So those are some of the objectives that we have before us at Carbis Bay.”

The Outcomes

The Daily Wire summed up the weekend in five points. Mind you, the United States lost with everything this weekend because Joe Biden is a globalist and doesn’t care about the United States.

1. Biden’s “top priorities” were focusing on doing more for other countries while speaking in woke terms:

  • “Ending the pandemic and maintaining robust support for an equitable, inclusive global economic recovery were the top priorities of our nations as we got together. We know we can’t achieve one without the other; that is, we have to deal with the pandemic and — in order to be able to deal with economic recovery, which — as we’re doing in the States, but we committed that we’re going to do more for the rest of the world as well.”
  • “The fact is that we — the U.S. contribution is the foundation — the foundation to work out how we’re going to deal with the 100 nations that are poor and having trouble finding vaccines and having trouble dealing with reviving their economies if they were, in the first place, in good shape.”

2. Biden committed to helping fill a $40 trillion need to build infrastructure in other counties. 

  • “We also made a momentous commitment at the G7 to help meet more than a $40 trillion need that exists for infrastructure in the developing world. I put forward an idea that was called — we named the ‘Build Back Better World Partnership,’ which is — we’re calling it the ‘B3W.’”

3. Biden attacked the use of fossil fuels. 

  • “We also made a historic commitment to permanently eliminate the use of our public finance to support unabated coal projects around the world, and to end — and to end them by this year. The G7 agreed to that. And those who are not members, but visiting members who are participating in the G7, who have coal-fired facilities have also agreed that they would work in that direction as well.”
  • “So, transitioning the world to cleaner energy sources is urgent, it’s essential if we’re going to beat the climate. And there is — one of the things I — some of my colleagues said to me when I was there was, ‘Well, the United States is — their leadership recognizes there is global warming.’ And I know that sounds silly, but, you know, we had a President who last — who basically said it’s not a problem — global warming. It is the existential problem facing humanity, and it’s being treated that way. So we’re going to provide up to $2 billion to support developing company [sic] — countries as they transition away from unabated coal-fired power.”

4. Biden insulted the words of the Declaration of Independence, saying they sounded “corny.”

  • We’re unique as a country. We’re built on — we’re unique in a sense that we’re not based on ethnicity or geography or religion; we’re one nation that said we organized on an idea: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal.” It sounds corny, but it’s real.

5. Biden said that he would be open to handing people inside the U.S. over to the Russian government.

Biden made the remarks with NBC News’s Peter Alexander:

ALEXANDER: But [Russian President Vladimir Putin] said — then, just to conclude — today, he said that Russia would be ready to hand over cyber criminals to the United States if the U.S. would do the same to Russia and an agreement came out of this meeting coming up. So, are you open to that kind of a trade with Vladimir Putin?

BIDEN: Yes, I’m open to — if there’s crimes committed against Russia that, in fact, are — and the people committing those crimes are being harbored in the United States — I’m committed to holding them accountable. And I’m — I heard that; I was told, as I was flying here, that he said that. I think that’s — that’s potentially a good sign and progress.

Later, Biden’s staff said the United States would not be handing over Russian prisoners in the United States in exchange for criminals against the United States.

Another area that was not covered in the Daily Wire was the global corporate tax rate of 15%. This will allow other countries to tax U.S. companies that work outside of the United States. What’s jacked up about this is that European companies that work within the United States will not get taxed by the United States.

Who gets screwed with this global tax? U.S. citizens. We end up paying higher rates because companies we use will have to raise their rates to pay the higher taxes.

The final area of concern is the Biden agreed that the organization who should investigate the origin of the COVID-19 virus. They decided that the best group to investigate would be the World Health Organization. Yeah, they want the Chinese propaganda source that hid everything about COVID-19 because China wanted them to. These folks are slaves to China. Biden should be one that wants to find out what happened but he won’t do it.


The Gaffs

Biden had dozens of gaffs and he can’t get

  • Biden repeatedly mixed up Syria and Libya. He did this three times in his rambling, incoherent answers to a question on Russia.
  • Biden repeatedly called COVAX, an initiative aimed at supplying the world with vaccines, “COVID.” The White House made adjustments to the official transcript of Biden’s speech to reflect that he repeatedly got the name wrong.
  • Biden, at a separate G7 event, was laughed at by world leaders after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had to remind Biden of something that he just happened moments prior.
  • In his only solo press, Biden only took questions from reporters pre-selected by his staff.
  • In his final speech, Biden said four times that his staff was going to get mad at him if he continued to answer questions.
  • When speaking to French President Macron, staff threw all reporters out when they started asking him questions.
  • Joe Biden wandered into the wrong cafeteria for lunch and had to be led out by his staff.

This is your President. How do you think Biden is going to do when he faces Vladimir Putin? Well, he will not be holding a press conference with Putin because he did not want to get into a verbal sparring match with him in front of the media and the world. That’s because his staff knows Putin will eat Biden’s lunch.


Here’s what we got out of this whole thing:

  • Wokeness has struck all the leaders of the G7. If Conservative Boris Johnson gets woke, we are in trouble.
  • Globalism is on Biden’s agenda. He doesn’t care about the United States. He thinks we have too much and he feels the United States should help the world so everything can be more “equitable”.
  • Europe won big in this whole thing. Not only did they get to tax American corporations 15% but Biden promised to send American tax payer money to third world countries to improve their countries.
  • Meanwhile, what does the U.S. get? Nothing.
  • Biden promised to support NATO countries they way the United States did before Trump. In other words, pay for everything and get nothing.
  • But worse of all, Biden has shown how week he is and how out-to-lunch he is. I’m pretty sure every country, right now, knows they can take full advantage of him.





Episode 363 – It’s a Saturday Special!!

It’s Saturday and I never do a podcast on a Saturday. So, to celebrate a doing something I don’t normally do, I am going to do something I don’t normally do: Make a longer episode.

There’s been that much going on.


The Biden Magic Continues to Amaze

The Labor Department said last month’s increase in the consumer-price index was the largest since August 2008, when the reading rose 5.4%.

The core-price index, which excludes the often-volatile categories of food and energy, jumped 3.8% in May from the year before—the largest increase for that reading since June 1992.

Consumers are seeing higher prices for many of their purchases, particularly big-ticket items such as vehicles. Prices for used cars and trucks leapt 7.3% from the previous month, driving one-third of the rise in the overall index. The indexes for furniture, airline fares and apparel also rose sharply in May.

May’s jump in prices extends a trend that accelerated this spring amid widespread Covid-19 vaccinations, relaxed business restrictions, trillions of dollars in federal pandemic relief programs and ample household savings—all of which have stoked demand for Americans to spend and travel more.

Prices for new vehicles have soared because of a computer-chip shortage that has crimped car production. That, in turn, has bolstered prices for used autos. Rental-car prices have soared because companies sold their fleets when demand collapsed along with travel during the pandemic. Airfares and hotel-room rates are rebounding as consumers start traveling again.

Stronger demand has spurred employers to try to hire more workers, but many businesses are raising wages as they struggle to hire people. Job openings reached 9.3 million in April, the highest number since records began in 2000, as the gap widened between open positions and workers taking the roles.



And This is Not News…Why?

Here’s the shocker of the year. This comes after Joe Biden got rid of the Trump ban on TikTok and WeChat, two Chinese companies who were collecting private information on our citizens.

Iran has been playing hardball with the Biden administration to get back into the Iran nuclear agreement. Too know, the agreement that didn’t prevent Iran from creating a nuclear bomb but did give them a lot of money and eliminate sanctions. Yeah, well Biden has decided appease these terrorists once again.

The Biden administration lifted sanctions on three former Iranian officials and several energy companies.

The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday repealed sanctions on former senior National Iranian Oil Co. officials and several companies involved in shipping and trading petrochemical products. The administration described the moves as routine administrative actions, saying the officials were removed from U.S. blacklists because they no longer held positions in the sanctioned entities.

But officials familiar with talks under way in Vienna on the future of the 2015 multilateral Iran nuclear agreement said the Biden administration has been looking at how it could inject momentum into the negotiations.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement:

“These actions demonstrate our commitment to lifting sanctions in the event of a change in status or behavior by sanctioned persons.”

Here we go. The weakness of the Biden administration is showing. Weakness the Iran knew he would show. He could have told Iran that they could rejoin the agreement, no questions asked, but the knew Biden would folded like nice linen pants. And he did.

Anthony Ruggiero, a former top national security adviser to President Trump, said:

“Lifting sanctions during negotiations shows weakness to Iran and tells Tehran to continue its nefarious activities, including nuclear extortion and sending conventional arms to U.S. adversaries.”


I’m sure the Iranians aren’t going to respond to this. They not only want to enter the world economy again, but I’m sure they want another several pallets of cash from the United States.

Listen, we know this was going to happen. My cynical self says Biden has been prepping this since he took office. Why am I so cynical?

  • Cost of old Was a $20 a barrel.
  • The United States was not only oil independent but we became a major exporter of oil.
  • Biden cancelled the XL pipeline.
  • Biden limited offshore drilling.
  • Biden cancelled oil drilling leases in Alaska.
  • Meanwhile, he opened up the pipeline from Russia to Germany, increasing the flow to Europe.
  • Gas prices went up 25-40%.
  • Oil is up to $70 a barrel.

Here’s why I’m cynical. OPEC has decided to increase the production of oil Why? Europe doesn’t need it. China alway needs oil but their demand wasn’t enough to raise demand to over $30 a barrel.

The reason is because the United States is no longer energy independent. We need oil. We need oil for cars, plastics, electricity among other things. Well, just about everything we use on a daily basis.

Boom! No American oil, oil and gas prices go straight up.

How can Biden be a hero? Get back into the Iran nuclear deal. Iran is allowed to sell oil to the world. They will also sell missiles to Hamas and Hezbollah to continue the proxy war with Israel. And continue their proxy war with the Saudis in Yemen. And continue their influence in Iraq and Syria, which they had to stop when Trump put the clamps on them.

Anyway, they will sell oil to the United States. Oil prices will drop 10% and Biden is a hero.

That’s cynical. That’s what’s going to happen.



Why is This Thing Still News?

Ilhan Omar continues to prove she hates the Jews and America.

Yep, she compared the United States and Israel to the Taliban and Hamas. At least she admitted that Hamas commits atrocities. I don’t understand how this gal is allowed to serve this country with the venom she spews.

A group of Jewish Democratic Congressman, not all of them of course, signed a letter, not condemning her, but asking her to clarify her statements. Mind you, no one will condemn her because she is way too popular.


Way to go calling her out guys! No wonder nothing is getting done in Congress.

Ilhan, who I think likes the attention, just went right after these cowards. She tweeted:

This broad is incredible.

  • She’s called out for being anti-Semitic.
  • She gets pissed about being called out and attacks.
  • She calls these guys Islamophobic. Nothing in that statement that I read was Islamophobic.
  • She pissed about them not coming to her privately. Has that ever worked before?

What can you expect from this broad:

  • She married her own brother. Doing this she committed:
    • Tax fraud.
    • Immigration fraud.
    • Bigamy.
  • She had an affair with a married man while married, lied about it then secretly got a divorce and married him.
  • Is being investigated for funneling money to her new husbands firm.
  • Is being investigated for other types of corruption.

Rashida Tlaib, the other dumb one from the squad, tweeted:

Really? These two have been called out for anti-Semitic tweets every three months since they’ve been in office and they are being muzzled? If they were being muzzled, why to they keep getting into trouble for saying anti-Semitic tweets and constantly giving me fodder for my podcast?

By the way, the silent Rashida Tlaib actually tweeted a picture of a sticky note posted over Israel with Palestine written on the posted note. Question: Is supporting the complete destruction is Israel anti-Semitic? Did she get into trouble for that?



This Interview is an HR Report Waiting to Happen

I guess when your company has hit rock bottom there is nothing you can do to make it worse.

CNN decided to rehire Jeffrey Toobin after he was fired six months ago. I’ll let Alisyn Camerota, in probably the most uncomfortable interview of her career, explain what happened and we can hear Toobin’s response:

I think the HR department over at CNN should be prepared for Alisyn to file a report for having to do that horribly awkward interview.

CNN decided to rehire him after he did some time in a soup kitchen. Not sure that’s really a thing. Maybe a couple of years of heavy therapy is probably more in line of what he needs.

I know why CNN is doing this, even though most of the CNN employees don’t want him there or won’t sit in any chair he has used. They are trying to raise there ratings. I think people might watch Toobin speak on CNN because people like watching a train wreck. So watch. CNN will announce that Toobin is coming on well in advance, people will watch the segment and then the ratings will tick up during that segment. Eventually, it’ll crash out.

Anyway, a couple of hours later, Jim Acosta went on television and said Fox News was BS. Talk about bad timing.




Don’t screw with Tony Fauci!

I only thought Fauci was incompetent before. Now I see he’s incompetent and an ass.

Let’s take a look at Fauci’s career:

  • He’s been a bureaucrat for 40 years.
  • He hasn’t treated a patient since the 70’s.
  • He was wrong about AIDS:
    • He said it could spread through routine contact.
    • He flip-flopped on whether or not it was mainly contracted through gay sex.
  • He completely screwed up the COVID pandemic:
    • He lied about masks.
    • He said the virus was not started in a lab, protecting China.
    • His policies closed the economy and now we are seeing this might have been a mistake.
    • He said we needed to continue wearing masks even if vaccinated or have had the disease.

Yeah, criticizing Fauci is not criticizing science. He has been wrong about everything.


Um, No…

Greta Thunberg has released a new video this week and she is addressing what I have been talking about for the last two weeks: How we are bad people for eating meat. Here’s a clip from the five minute video:

Yeah, nothing. Not a damn thing.

If I was meant not to eat meat steak wouldn’t taste so good. We’ve been eating meat for thousands of years. And we will be eating meat for thousands more because we humans are omnivores. We eat just about everything and it’s health for us.

You know who else says we should eat meat? God. He spent most of Leviticus telling us what meat we can have and can’t have. He even taught us how to prepare it. But Greta probably doesn’t believe in God so this argument is moot.

I also get the impression that Greta has never watched Animal Planet or any of the shows during Shark Week. The beauty of nature kind of goes south when watching a killer whale chomp on a baby seal. Nature is beautiful but it does suck too. And all those animals that eat meat wouldn’t mind gnawing on my leg either. If you question that, walk into the lion enclosure at the zoo.

Finally, most animals are biological machines. Especially fish. They don’t have any more feeling than a rock.

I do want to point out that, though Greta is 18 years old, she looks like she’s eight. Maybe if she had a steak she’s look more her age.



I Like Mom Better

Senator James Lankford (R, OK) decided to question HHS Secretary Xavier Bacerra about a term he used when writing out his budget proposal for the Department of Health and Human Services. I think it’s actually a pretty good question.

Women have it tough. They have to:

  • Share restroom with men who think they are women.
  • Compete in sports with men who think they are women.
  • Have derogatory terms for their body parts like “front hole.”

Now, they can’t even have an endearing term for something that is specific to them like being a mother.

The question here is a good one. How is changing the language going to change the policy. That’s the danger of changing the language. That’s why I refuse to call a woman a man and vice versa, use someone’s preferred pronouns, call a riot a protest or call speech hate speech. Laws and policies are designed from these redefinitions of reality.





Episode 362 – That’s Racist? Really?

Joe Biden overturns an Executive Order pertaining to Chinese apps.

Mara Gray, like AOC, is an idiot and the New York Times tries to defend her.

And Dr. Seuss is racist. Sidewalks are racist. Air is racist. Water is racist. So, why not?


Could Be a Good Idea

Donald Trump was never a fan of China. He saw the growth of their military, the stealing of our intellectual property, the tyranny with Hong Kong, the unfair trade practices, their influence on big tech and their undercutting the United States when it came to manufacturing. Trump was tough on China by implementing tariffs and putting sanctions on China. This was working. One of the thing Trump wanted to secure from China is the American citizen.

One of the things China was doing was getting personal information of American citizens through apps like Tik Tok. Trump implemented a policy to ban Chinese apps like Tik Tok and We Chat, which have been collecting data on its users. Joc Biden has revoked this policy.

What Biden wants to do is remove the ban on the two apps and do a review on all foreign apps. This actually might be a good thing. If his review works the way he says it’s going to work, it could be good because it will analyze all foreign apps. Here’s the problem I have: we already know TiKToK and Wechat are collecting information on its users. Why get rid of the ban?

Trump’s executive order did have issues. It was essentially unenforceable. A judge had blocked the executive order which is why our kids are still doing stupid videos on TiKTok.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) framed Mr. Biden’s action as a retreat, however, tweeting on Wednesday:

“This is a major mistake—shows alarming complacency regarding #China’s access to Americans’ personal information, as well as #China’s growing corporate influence.”

I agree with this. Here’s what happens with Democrats. When they don’t like something but know it has to be addressed to appease the public (the border crisis is an example), they order the establishment of a committee or a bureaucratic review.  These take a really long time, don’t result in anything and usually are forgotten by the public.

I also do not Trust the intentions of the Leftist Biden administration. Biden has always been sympathetic to China and he is not looking like he is going to be flexing his muscles with them now. Again, we already know what China is doing with the two apps Trump banned. Why unban them?

China opposes the action. That’s kind of a good thing. China’s U.S. embassy spokesman, Liu Pengyu, said in a statement:

China “opposes the U.S. abusing its national power under the pretext of national security to suppress and coerce non-American companies.

“We urge the U.S. government to provide an open, fair, just and nondiscriminatory business environment for foreign companies.”

If this does what Biden says its going to do, this is going to be a good move. But do you really trust Joe Biden’s judgement or intent?



She Said What Now?

Mara Gray. God, what a stupid bitch. This is the one who said this:

She’s cute, but really stupid. By the way, if Bloomberg were tp pay $1 million to every American, that would be:

1,000,000 x 350,000,000 = $350 trillion dollar.

Mike Bloomberg is rich. Not that rich. Could anyone at MSNBC actually do multiplication before they had this moron on television trying to make a point?

But she said something else that was pretty stupid. Well, it’s stupid but there is a movement happening right now that we should fight back against and she’s promoting it. But her understanding is just stupid. I will say this now: if she actually believes in this, Gray should just leave the country because she doesn’t get it.

Couple things here:

  • Americaness has never been associated with whiteness. That’s a lie and we have an entire history that proves that:
    • We fought a civil war to end slavery.
    • We paid reparations to injustice done to the Japanese because of internment during World War II.
    • We ended Jim Crow and implemented the Civil Rights Act making color irrelevant under the eyes of the law.
    • We added two amendments to the Constitution making equality law of the land that cannot be changed.
  • “Share democracy with others”? What is she talking about. I don’t know what she thinks but I think we all share the democracy together. If that wasn’t the case, we’d be having Civil wars left and right.
  • She is saying all people who fly the American flag scare her because they are racist and she feels she is in danger when around them. Being proud to be an American is the new white supremacy.
  • The only people I see destroying the society because they don’t like it is the Left. And don’t keep pointing out January 6th.
  • She doesn’t get what the American flag is all about.

I played the entire video because she got a lot of flack about those comments and she started claiming that she was taken out of context. That she didn’t say what she said. Don’t believe your own lying ears.

The New York Times Communications tweeted:

“New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay’s comments on MSNBC have been irresponsibly taken out of context. Her argument was that Trump and many of his supporters have politicized the American flag. The attacks on her today are ill-informed and grounded in bad-faith.”

No New York Times and Mara Gray, Gray said what we thought she said and it will be digitally available for all times.

But here’s what bothers me: She doesn’t doesn’t understand what the flag is about. The flag is not my flag or a white flag. It is an American flag. It is about our country as a whole. It is about our history, our union and the great attributes of the people:

  • The 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies.
  • The 50 stars represent the states in the union.
  • The color represents our hardiness and bravery.
  • The color white represents our innocence and purity.
  • The color blue represents vigilance, persistence and justice.

The flag is unifying. It represents all of us as citizens of the greatest country in human history. People have died to protect it and enforce the meaning of the flag. Blacks who were slaves should, and did in the case of Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King Jr., saw the flag as their flag also and its representation is why slavery and Jim Crow needed to end because the United States wasn’t living up to the meaning of the flag. Do you know who else thought that? The Founding Fathers. They did not see that slavery could survive for long. They debated it in the Continental Congress in 1776 and the Constitutional Congress in 1789. It is discussed in the Federalist Papers. 

A flag that can be seen as divisive would be the Confederate flag. That flag represented the breaking of the country and the continuance of slavery. It represents the continuing tradition of the rich controlling the means of production. I don’t mind when people complain about taking that flag down in front of state buildings. But I also understand that the flags meaning has changed. That it doesn’t represent the Confederacy but represents to spirit and bravery of the South. That flag doesn’t actually have anything to do with slavery anymore but I understand why people don’t want it flown.


The state department gave permission to all the federal agencies to be able to fly the BLM flag because of the anniversary of George Floyd’s death and the gay pride flag because it’s gay pride month…again. Seems like it’s always gay pride month. The flags of the Left are the most divisive flags, more so than the Confederate flag.

  • The Black Lives Matter flag represents the destruction of the system and all our values so that Marxism and equity can rule.
  • The Gay Pride flag represents only the LGBTQ+ individuals. In fact, a guy in France just created a new flag to add a-sexual people. It doesn’t even represent their own group correctly. And straight people need not apply.
  • The Antifa flag, which has been around since before World War II in Nazi Germany fighting against Hitler’s regime, represents a militancy that fights against what they see as fascist systems. Ironically, they use fascism to push this. It is a communist organization.

These flags represent divisiveness. These philosophies represent divisiveness. But the Left wants to replace our unifying flag with one of these flags all the time.

I have an American flag hanging in my place. It’s been there for a few years. It’s special because it was flown over the Capitol Building. I am proud of it. I am proud of this flag. And it is your flag too. Embrace it because it is really the only unifying symbol out there and it represents all the values and the union that is the United States.

Good news: the Department of Defense said they would only fly the American flag.

My God! If the U.S. flag represents racism, how long is it going to be that apple pie represents racism?


Apple Pie is Racist

A couple of weeks ago, Raj Patel who writes for The Guardian wrote and article about how apple pie and hamburgers are racist.

Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

The article is in the Climate Change section of the website (what a shock) and is titled, Food Injustice Has Deep Roots: Let’s Start with America’s Apple Pie. Do I really even need to read the article? This is just another America-Bad thing. It’s a long article. Let me give you the jist of it.

The article starts:

Resting on gingham cloth, a sugar-crusted apple pie cools on the window sill of a midwestern farmhouse. Nothing could be more American. Officially American. The Department of Defense once featured the pie in an online collection of American symbols, alongside Uncle Sam and cowboys.

  • He wants to make absolutely sure that people realize that the evil apple pie is American. That’s why it’s evil.
  • And the evil, imperialist, genocidal military saw it as a symbol of America.

Not that apples are particularly American. Apples were first domesticated in central Asia, making the journey along the Silk Road to the Mediterranean four thousand years ago. Apples traveled to the western hemisphere with Spanish colonists in the 1500s in what used to be called the Columbian Exchange, but is now better understood as a vast and ongoing genocide of Indigenous people.

  • Here’s a remaking of history.
  • The Spanish were not allowed to enslave the Indians. In fact, they were encouraged to marry the natives to bring them into the Spanish culture.
  • Columbus was jailed for sending slaves from Haiti back to Spain.
  • The Indians were not killed through genocide. They mostly died of disease. That’s not genocide.
  • In fact, the Indians had their own diseases, such as a strain of syphallis, that killed some of the Spanish.

OK, let’s just get to how apple pie is racist. I wanted to read the first couple of paragraphs so you get where this whole thing is going. I doubt I even need to talk about it because the premise is so stupid.

  • English colonizers then used apple trees “as markers of civilization, which is to say property,” he wrote.
  • “John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, took these markers of colonized property to the frontiers of US expansion where his trees stood as symbols that Indigenous communities had been extirpated,” he wrote.
  • He linked sugar to the slave trade,
  • gingham cloth to “war capitalism” that “enslaved and committed acts of genocide against millions of Indigenous people in North America, and millions of Africans and their descendants through the transatlantic slave trade.” In the process, cotton laid the basis of finance, police and government that made the United States.
  • Guardian readers ought by now to be familiar with the exercise of undoing the commodity fetish. Scratch the surface of a bar of chocolate, a tuna sandwich, or even a chicken nugget, and you find the horrors of international trade: violence, exploitation, poverty and profit. Capitalist logic is everywhere the same, but countries are capitalist in their own ways. The apple pie is as American as stolen land, wealth and labour. We live its consequences today.

Then he just goes off into a tangent.

  • He calls chocolate, tuna fish sandwiches, the chicken nugget and hamburgers are racist and promote genocide.
  • He goes into food inequity.
  • How whites owned most of the farms.
  • How the food system is the lowest paying market. He includes flipping burgers getting only minimum wage. He doesn’t mention that restaurant ownership is also the riskiest investment endeavor.
  • He talked about how cowboys were an exploited class.
  • He talks about how the food industry is part of Jim Crow.

Basically, what this guy has done is said that America’s food is racist without actually proving it is racist and using a lot of woke terminology. This should not be surprised that the woke Left decided to attack apple pie. Dr. Seuss, sidewalks, air, water have all proven to be racist. Why not apple pie.


History of the American Flag












Episode 360 – Another Bad Week for Biden

Kamala Harris heads to Guatemala. It isn’t going well.

The Supreme Court makes a huge and surprising ruling.

The Left still doesn’t get biology.

And comedy is under attack.


It Ain’t Going Well

Vice President Kamala Harris is heading to Guatemala to try to solve the border crisis. She hasn’t been to the actual border get because she is going to go after the root cause of the problem. Problem is the root cause is Joe Biden being an idiot but there are no exotic trips associated with that. It did not go well for her. It was damned right from the beginning.

Bad Start

The trip for Kamala did not start well. Twenty- five minutes into the flight, there was a problem with the plane, Air Force 2. They had to land the plane and switch planes. Reports were that there was a minor glitch and the plane needed to be maintained. My bet is that they ran out of Orangina or something and Kamala threw a fit.

Of course, instead of just saying everything was fine and no big deal, she said the said a little prayer and the were OK. If I were Kamala, I would have prayed a little too. Air force. is Flown by the Air Force and she is not exactly Friendly to the military.

The Trip

Things didn’t go much better when she got there.

When she got off the plane, she was greeted with all the ceremony. There were a bunch of protestors on the streets telling her to mind her own business and to go home.  The meeting didn’t go so well either.

Harris said to the Guatemalan President, Alejandro Giammattei:

“And so I am in Guatemala today to discuss and advance our shared priorities,” Harris told President Alejandro Giammattei after arriving in Guatemala. “Foremost among those, as you have mentioned, is addressing migration from this region in particular.”

“We are neighbors and the position of the United States is that we then are interconnected, we share familial bonds, we share bonds that are historic, and it is important that as we embark on a new era that we recognize the significance and the importance of this relationship as neighbors,” she said on Monday.

Grammatter already knew what Kamala’s story was. Last month, she gave her opinions about the border crisis :

“I’m thinking of corruption, violence and poverty, the lack of economic opportunity, the lack of climate adaptation and climate resilience, the lack of good governance.”

So he already knows that some blane is coming his way. But Giammattei has his own opinion. He said this in an interview:

But Giammattei, in an interview aired a day earlier, had pushed back against the “root causes” explanation, and said that the two “are not on the same side of the coin” on the issue.

Instead, he blamed what he saw as a more welcoming message to migrants by the new administration for the surge.

“The message changed too: ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children,'” he told CBS News. “The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”

Something must have gotten through to her. She said this after the meeting:

There’s a real turn around in policy.

Listen, Kamala is going to get a lot of pushback, not only from Guatemala, but from EI Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico. These countries, though they love the remittances, hate the fact that the immigration crisis is causing crime issues with gangs and losing young male workers. The President of Mexico has been blaming the United States and the Biden administration for opening the borders and enriching the cartels by expanding drug and human trafficking.

Biden really screwed the pooch on this one and I think this is going to be the anchor around the Democrats neck. Last week, a normally blue, heavily Hispanic city in Texas ousted their Democratic mayor and voted in a Republican myor. And not by a little margin. Remember when the Democrats thought they could turn Texas blue? Yeah, that’s gone thanks to the open border thing. Texas has become more solidly red. Arizona, a borderline purple state, is also turning red.

I hate to capitalize on the tragedy of bad policy but I’m glad to see that Biden is showing his stripes. People are beginning to realize that he’s not a moderate and he is actually hurting the country. The election in 2022 couldn’t come fast enough.

But It Gets Worse

I guess the Constitution is the Constitution even if one is an activist Supreme Court Justice.

In a 9-0 decision issued Monday morning, the Supreme Court ruled that a law, barring illegal immigrants from seeking green cards, is constitutional and that those illegal immigrants who later earned a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are still ineligible to apply for permanent residency.

Justice Elena Kagan, the most activist judge on the Supreme Court, upholding a rule that barred “unlawful entrants” who later received Temporary Protected Status from applying to remain in the United States. Temporary Protected Status technically “gives foreign nationals nonimmigrant status,” Kagan noted, but TPS does not rubber-stamp an “unlawful entry.”

The TPS status “applies to people who come from countries ravaged by war or disaster. It protects them from deportation and allows them to work legally. There are 400,000 people from 12 countries with TPS status.”

The Court was called upon to decide whether a “couple from El Salvador who have been in the U.S. since the early 199s” who were given protected status in 2001 but who originally “entered the country illegally” were actually “admitted” into the United States when they were given protected status, enabling them to apply for a green card.

Kagan was clear, in her opinion, that they were not. “The TPS program gives foreign nationals nonimmigrant status, but it does not admit them. So the conferral of TPS does not make an unlawful entrant…eligible,” she wrote.

“Congress, of course, could have gone further, by deeming TPS recipients to have not only nonimmigrant status but also a lawful admission,” Kagan said in her opinion, writing for the unanimous court. “Legislation pending in Congress would do just that.”

“The House of Representatives already has passed legislation that would make it possible for TPS recipients to become permanent residents,” Kagan noted, per the Star-Tribune. “The bill faces uncertain prospects in the Senate.”

This is bad news for the Democrats and the Biden administration. This means that making an illegal alien legal through amnesty is going to have to go through Congress by creating a law. That’s not going to happen over the next year and a half. They don’t have the votes and Congress hasn’t created a law in the last six years (I’m exaggerating).



Civil Rights Were Already Being Violated

There is a wave of feminism occurring throughout the United States and it is coming from an unlikely source. Well, unlikely if you are a Democrat. It is coming from Republicans. That is that boys cannot compete in girls’ sports.

Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law in Florida that mandates that boys (or trans girls) cannot compete against biological girls.

DeSantis said when signing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act:

“We believe in the state of Florida, of protecting the fairness and the integrity of women’s athletics. And I can tell you this in Florida, you know, girls are going to play girl’s sports and boys are going play boy’s sports, that’s what we’re doing. We’re going to make sure that that’s the reality. So the bill that we’re doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the state of Florida. It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females. And we’re going to go based off biology.”

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona told ESPN (why ESPN is involved in politics at all is my question) that the Biden administration was prepared to take steps to do something on a national level:

“I do believe in local control. I do believe in state control, but we do have a responsibility to protect the civil rights of students. And if we feel the civil rights are being violated, we will act. Our LGBTQ students have endured more harassment than most other groups. It’s critically important that we stand with them and give them opportunities to engage in what every other child can engage in without harassment.”

  • Civil rights are not being violated. Well, they are. The civil rights for the women competing against men that cannot cut it in men’s sports.
  • LGBTQ students have endured more harassment than other groups? Really? They made up .4% of the student body in schools. Also, more than black students throughout history?
  • Finally, I’m tired of hearing that they are “no allowed to engage in sports.” They are allowed to engage. Play sports with their own sex and stop taking opportunities away from women.

“It’s their right as a student to participate in these activities. And we know sports does more than just put ribbons on the first-, second- and third-place winner. We know that it provides opportunities for students to become a part of a team, to learn a lot about themselves, to set goals and reach them, and to challenge themselves. Athletics provides that in our K-12 systems and in our colleges, and all students deserve an opportunity to engage in that.”

Again, they can compete. They can compete in the boys’ sports. These states that have the guts to fight against this transgender BS already face an uphill battle. They have to deal with the NCAA which fully supports men playing in women’s sports. They have to deal with a media that calls anyone who doesn’t agree on the subject a “transphobe,” whatever that means. They have to deal with Leftist schools who care more about ideology than fairness and safety for women.

I guess the only way the Left is going to get it is if some 250 pound trans female wrestles against a 175 female wrestler and breaks her neck. No, who am I kidding. They won’t care about that either. It’s all about the ideology.


Comedy is Dead

It looks like the New York Times is getting sued by the executives at the Babylon Bee.

This whole thing started with an article from the New York Times in March 2021 discussing fake news from satire sites like the Babylon Bee and how social media sites like Facebook and Twitter should block these sites.

According to the New York Times article under suspicion:

But satire kept popping up as a blind spot. In 2019 and 2020, Facebook often dealt with far-right misinformation sites that used “satire” claims to protect their presence on the platform, Mr. Brooking said. For example, The Babylon Bee, a right-leaning site, sometimes trafficked in misinformation under the guise of satire.

I don’t know if you have ever been to the Babylon Bee or seen any of their social media posts but they are clearly satire. Very clearly satire. For those that are too dumb to understand that their headlines are fake, they post over the top pictures that correspond to the headline and those pictures are, guess what, over-the-top. This isn’t a fake news site, it is a satire site.

Funny thing is, this isn’t the first time they have been bashed by Left wing media. Snopes actually fact checked them on one of the comical headlines. I believe it was CNN that reported on the “fake news” from the Snopes fact check.

Here’s the thing: I hope the Babylon Bee wins. Getting slandered by the New York Times may not seem like much except subscribers may stop subscribing because of any controversy. I doubt it because the site is openly Conservative and Conservatives like comedy and are smart enough to tell the difference between the two.

But the biggest problem I see here is the attack on comedy and satire. I think it’s disgusting. Cancel culture attacks anything that is entertaining. No, I’ll go a step further. Cancel culture attacks anything that makes you think or you have to be aware of. Most comedy is based on life and if we aren’t aware, it might not be funny. Comedy actually forces us to use our reason to understand what a joke is. Comedy picks on the stupidest things in our culture and the Left has a ton of stupid to make fun of.

Look at South Park. Trey Parker and Matt Stone run straight down the middle when it comes to their politics and they pick on everyone. But they enjoy picking on Leftists because their stuff is so stupid and always gets a great reaction. By the way, South Park is second only to The Simpsons as the longest running sitcom (Family Guy, also a offensive show, is number 3) . They are doing something right. Or maybe most people don’t buy the political correctness thing.

Things are getting so bad comedians like Seth Rogan and kat Williams, two of the most politically incorrect comedians (though they are, sort of has-beens) say that comedy has changed and comedians need to deal with it.

Well, I say, “NO!” I say life is awesome with comedy. I like that Richard Prior used the “N” word in one of his album names. I liked that Andrew Dice Clay joked about having sex with a lot of women. I don’t care that Eddie Murray picked up a tranny hooker or that Luis CK jerked off in front of other comedians. I don’t care that Jimmy Kimmel work blackface while mimicking Karl Malone on The Man Show.

I definitely don’t care that the Babylon Bee makes fun of AOC and Joe Biden. By the way, before you tell me I never see the insults, I’m a huge South Park fan and they make fun of people like me all the time. I can take it. I have a sense of humor and can laugh at myself.

You know what I do care about? The fact that these guys are growing afraid of doing it. That would be tragic for society.









Episode 358 – What Do You Expect from a Swamp but Stagnation

The job numbers are in and they ain’t great.

Fauci is in some trouble.

And AOC is still an idiot.


The Numbers Are In

The jobs report is in for May and, though better, is still disappointing:

  • Employers added 559,000 jobs in May.
  • The target was 650,000 jobs. That is down from 978,000 expected jobs in April.
  • The unemployment rate, meanwhile, declined 0.3 percentage points to 5.8%.
  • Most of the jobs gains were in the entertainment and hospitality industries.
  • The construction sector lost 20,000 jobs in May and has 220,000 fewer workers as a result of the pandemic.
  • U.S. companies have had a difficult time finding workers as a supplemental unemployment benefit of an extra $300 per week has encouraged many to stay home. At least 25 states have announced plans to end the benefits earlier than their September expiration.
  • The labor force participation rate was little changed at 61.6% and has remained between 61.4% and 61.7% since last June. The reading was 1.7 percentage points below where it was in February 2020.
  • Economists say the labor market’s recovery could continue to run below its potential until the benefits are phased out.


The BS is Done!

Tony Faves might be in some trouble. Thanks to a FOIA request from Buzzfeed, thousands of e-mails have been released between Fauci and other doctors including ones from China.


This is a big deal because he has been in front of Congress over the last year and it looks like he has been lying. When asked about the new revaluations, Rand Paul, Fauci’s main competitor and a doctor himself, simply said, “I told you.”

Here’s the Scoop:

  • Fauci was told that this Virus was discovered as early as September of 2019.
  • Fauci knew that China was lying about the infection and death numbers in China in January, 2020.
  • Fauci knew that the WHO might have been wrong about how the virus was transmitted.
  • Fauci was told as early as March 2020 that the virus was Created in a Chinese lab, probably the Wuhan Virology Lab.
  • He knew there was gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab.
  • Finally, Fauci knew that the United States has been financing this Chinese lab through a grant given by a partner lab.
  • Fauci actually had a secret conference call to discuss the situation and compare notes.

I haven’t read all the e-mails. There’s a ton of them. I only read the ones that were deemed relevant. What I learned:

  • Tony Fauci was depended upon to bury this whole thing. BY China, the CDC and the WHO.
  • Tony Fauci was trying to hide the funding the NIH, the organization he leads, to the Chinese government.
  • Tony Fauci lied about it all.

Fauci is all over the map on this. He can’t remember E-mails, some were too long and he didn’t read them. But his big excuse seems to be the fragility of China. Listen:

The media is hitting this but only half-heartedly and they are never pushing back against him.

The White House is also kind of dismissing these E-mails. Jen Psaki, in a press conference, has decided that this is no big deal and Fauci is still awesome:

It amazes me how everyone is running away from China.



Just Dumb

AOC…Of Course

We haven’t talked about the stupid thing AOC has said recently. What a week. Maybe she is getting smarter, you may ask. Nope. Dumb as ever.

Her first misstep, which she wants to implement of policy, was so bad that Chuck Schumer, who was standing next to her, looked like he ate a lemon. She believes that we could lower crime by getting rid of jails and prisons. Listen:

This is great! New York is falling apart because of high taxes and crime and what does AOC want to do? She wants to let out more criminals. Yeah, this isn’t working in New York. You know who is saying that? New Yorkers. They are either leaving the state or voting for more moderate candidate.

The mayoral race has a former cop, running as a moderate Democrat with a hard nose crime policy and Andrew Yang, who is a moderate Democrat who also does not like the defund the police movement. One of those is going to win because the rest are Leftists that are still pushing the all the policies that have destroyed New York.

By the way, 86% of New Yorkers believe that the police should not be defunded or the budget should be increased.

Keep going AOC! Your policies will kill the Democrat party.

But that wasn’t the only dumb thing she did.

On Twitter, she made a post:

She got ravaged on Twitter for posting that. She actually was blaming Trump because her grandmother was living in a crappy home. I’m not going to read the posts because they are all pretty much the same:

  • She makes $174,000 a year and is worth almost a million dollars. She’s single with no children or expenses. Why couldn’t she have helped her grandmother?
  • AOC wears designer, expensive suits and owns a Tesla.
  • That hurricane happened almost four years ago. So grandma was living like this for three years ago. So, in all that time, she never helped out her grandmother?
  • Trump did send Puerto Rico money, supplies and military support. The mayor of Puerto Rico got recalled and replaced by a conservative mayor because of corruption. Gee, I wonder where everything Trump sent went?
  • If she is not going to sacrifice, why should anyone else? Her grandmother can’t depend on her rich granddaughter, why expect help for the government? That’s because the government is suppose to be the head of the family.

Yeah she got pillaged online. She ended up issuing a follow tweet:

Now, before you worry about AOC’s mental health, don’t worry. Thank God for the January 6th riot. You know, the one that she was almost a mile a way from and was in no danger whatsoever. Yeah, she’s said she is seeing a mental health care professional about it because it was so traumatizing. Maybe she can bring up some new issues to him.


How do people with so little mental and emotional constitution get into office and use that as a selling point for them staying in office. Incredible.



Something Good From TikTok

This is Dani Lass on TikTok with a beautiful song about her celebrating freedom. It is rare that I find something good on TikTok because it is evil. But this is gorgeous.




Activism on College Campuses is Getting Crazy



No Coke and a Smile
