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Episode 339 – That’s Racist!

The Left continues to prove that they are racist.

Joe Biden is bringing back Obama’s tyranny.

And Old Joe just keeps creating his owns controversies.


That’s Racist

Tim Scott, the Senator from South Carolina said something that just could not be tolerated from a black man. Scott said this in response to Joe Biden’s speech last week. Listen:

Here’s the thing:

  • I did not listen to the speech because I thought he would be right. I like Tim Scott.
  • Time Scott was right.
  • Joe Biden’s speech was terrible, racist and completely missed the target when it came to the United States and the Constitution.
  • Old Joe is suffering from dementia.

But the Democrats response to Tim Scott’s speech was priceless because it showed just how racist the left is. And I mean they are racist. The way they have always been racist. And the blacks who have been subjugated by leftist racists have decided to join them and have also become racists.

By the way, all these people are white.

Sonny Hostin of The View said about Biden’s speech:

“We haven’t seen that kind of speech in four years. So I was really enamored of that. I was also really happy that he called out white supremacy. He clearly said that white supremacy is — our intelligence agencies have determined that white supremacy is terrorizing our country. That is just the truth of it.”

No, she was wrong. The speech was boring, filled with lies and divisive.

Then, Sonny had this to say about Tim Scott’s speech:

“I was disappointed that he said America is not a racist country without also talking about the systemic racism that is plaguing this country. Why was he chosen to give this rebuttal? He was chosen because he is the only black Republican senator,” she added. “He is that person. He is the person that Republicans want to put out front because of the problem of racism in this country and he knows that. So I was sort of disappointed that he was used in this way and didn’t take that opportunity to address that type of — this type of issue head-on. That was a disappointment to me.”

I do want to point out that Scott is the only black Senator. Guess how many black Senators the Democrats have: 2.

By the way, saying that the only reason Scott was picked to do the rebuttal is because he’s black, not an intelligent and important part of the Republican party and that he is right, is racist.

Not to be out-dumbed on The View, Joy Behar, an old, rich white woman said:


Gary O’Conner, a white representative from Texas stated:

“I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he is little more than an oreo with no real principles.”

There have been calls for him to resign. Probably won’t happen.

Are you seeing the pattern? There are more but I am not in the mood to hunt for ALL the racist videos out there because a black man, who is a Republican Senator, told the American public that the country is not systemically racist.

I just want to say something really out there:

  • Every comment by the leftist media and politicians about Tim Scott is racist.
  • Democrats are racist. They always have been…historically.
  • The Left is racist.
  • Critical race theory is racist.
  • American is not racist or systemically racist.
  • Most people in the United States are not racist.

Do you know who else thinks so? The Left. Their opinions are not being embraced by the public and we have an election coming up.

Maybe We Should Change Our Direction

Here’s the thing: systemic racism is not popular with the average citizen. What sucks for the Left is that there is going to be an election in 2022. They are beginning to see that. They are beginning to see that people do not like all this critical race theory crap.




Here We Go Again


Barrack Obama:

  • Weaponized the IRS.
  • Weaponized the Justice Department.
  • Weaponized the CIA.
  • Weaponized the FBI.
  • His his indiscretions with the Weather Underground, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright and a possible cocaine fueled, homosexual affair with a man named Larry Sinclair. I can’t confirm any of that because Larry Sinclair is dead. Sound familiar?
  • Imprisoned reporters.
  • Tapped phones.
  • Spread disinformation through the news media.
  • Ignored Joe Biden’s indiscretions, Hilary Clinton’s E-mail, blocked the Fast and the Furious scandal and lied about Benghazi.
  • Had news agencies investigated by the Justice Department.
  • Used CIA spies infiltrate the Trump campaign.
  • Created the scenario that led to the impeachment of President Trump.

Guess what? All that fun is starting again with Barrack’s minion Joe Biden.

Rudy Giuliani’s home in New York was raided early in the morning last Wednesday and confiscated a bunch of electronic equipment including phones, computers and tablets.

The raid, which was unjustified according to Giuliani’s attorney, who was all ready cooperating with the DOJ. Apparently, the DOJ is investigating a FARA violation that may have been committed by Giuliani when he was investigating Hunter Biden while in Ukraine.

Couple of problems with this:

  • FARA is the Foreign Agent Reporting Act.
  • Giuliani was Trump’s personal attorney. His investigation had nothing to do with the government so he was technically not an agent for the United States.
  • John Kerry did represent the United States, didn’t apply as an agent with Iran and tried to undermine Trump during his administration. This is what-aboutism but I find it disturbing.
  • FARA is probably unconstitutional because of free speech. That has never been litigated.
  • Seven people have been accused of a FARA violation and only three went to trial and no one got convicted. It’s a BS investigation.
  • This is just governmental bullying. The problem is that this type of bullying has a tendency to lead people to go broke. Ask Mike Flynn and Roger Stone.

So be prepared for all our governmental institutions are going to be politicized and they are going to be coming after us.



Biden Made This a Story

India is having a massive problem with COVID. The infection rates are the highest since the pandemic began and the death rates are so high they are burning bodies in the streets.

In order to contain the virus, Joe Biden has banned travel to and from India.

This makes sense and really shouldn’t be a surprise or controversial, right? Well, it is. That’s because when Trump halted travel to and from China in January of 2020, Joe Biden, then candidate for President, tweeted this:

There was definite backlash.



Episode 338 – Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Joe Biden has his first State-of the-Something speech. I bet if you talk to Joe Biden, he wouldn’t know what it was. Or what time it was. or where it was. Or what day it was.

Whatever, let’s talk about it.


How’d the Speech Go

This speech was suppose to be a, kind of, State of the Union and an address for the Congress. Basically, Biden has hidden himself so much that he, or should I say, his administration is getting pressure to start talking.

But there is also a reason he needed to talk. He wants to push his American Families Plan. This is another $2 billion plan that does all sorts of bazaar things that will put us further into debt. This stuff is going to get harder and harder to sell.

In his first hundred days, Biden has passed:

  • The COVID rescue plan that was $2.4 trillion.
  • Proposed an infrastructure plan that only provides 6% of the $1.9 trillion to actual infrastructure.
  • We still have to pay over $4 trillion just to keep the government open.


Biden wants to spend over $10 trillion of our money, which we don’t have, on garbage programs. Later, we are going to go through the American Families Plan from the WhiteHouse.gov website and talk about what this plan is going to give money to. I don’t even want to waste much time on the speech because it was simply a a bunch of platitudes and lies.

  • First off, there were only 200 invited guests in a hall that holds about 1800. Everyone was distant but all were required to wear masks.
  • As Biden was walking in, everyone was fist bumping. Seemed more of a backyard grunge party than a political speech.
  • Biden started by pointing out he had a black woman as President of the Senate and a really old white woman as Speaker of the House. I’ll point out that this is a man who believes gender is fluid so why does he care.
  • He started by talking about how America is awesome. Weird since he, this week, was saying how we were all systemically racist.
  • He started selling his new plan saying how great it would be and that it would not add to the deficit. What?
  • He said that his plan would only affect people earning $400K a year. A lie.
  • He said the rich need to pay their fair share. A lie.
  • He took credit for the COVID thing…again.
  • We would “build back better” by “building back better”. OK.


As the speech went on, Joe began to lose it. He began to stumble. Fifty minutes into it he started to get mean against the United States. Just when people stopped listening. Or, like Ted Cruz and Chuck Schumer, started falling asleep. He talked about:

  • America is racist.
  • Guns violence is an epidemic and we must get rid of a gun.
  • He talks about rifles having 100 rounds. I’ve never even seen one.
  • He lied about gun violence and the “assault weapons” ban of the 90s.
  • He brought up the “ghost guns” thing…again.
  • White supremacy is a threat and is terrorism.
  • He said that January 6 was the worst thing to happen to the United States since the Civil War. No talk about the riots of the last year.
  • Allow men to compete against women.
  • Violence against women act. Guess what? It’s already illegal to kill or beat a woman.
  • He said some things that are really bad. Listen to the first:


No, no, no!

  • OK, the deer in the Kevlar vest thing was kind of funny. But the number of rounds doesn’t count, it’s the size of the bullet that matters.
  • By the way, armor-piercing bullets are illegal? Really?
  • I’m a proud gun guy but I’ve never seen a 100-round magazine. In fact, I thought they were already illegal.
  • Anyway, who is he to say what I need? Maybe I do need a 100-round magazine. Maybe I have a bad rabbit problem who keep eating my “organic” lettuce and carrots? Maybe there are so many bunnies, their farts are eating the O-zone layer?
  • Gun owners do not support this. That’s a lie.
  • Or maybe I fear a tyrannical government is trying to violate my Constitutional rights and I want to fight that tyranny. That’s what the Second Amendment is about. Don’t believe me? Read it.
  •  Finally, the Constitution is absolute. If the law is not mentioned in the Constitution, then the law is up to the states.
  • In fact, the Second Amendment of the Constitution is so absolute, people were able to keep cannons in there homes and ships. Because it was absolute.
  • As far as the “You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater,” that’s BS. It’s not law. You can. If there’s a fire in a crowded theater. If you do and there is no fire, you are civically libel. Not Constitutionally.


This just proves that Joe Biden doesn’t not believe in the Constitution.

In the Constitution, “We the people…” does not mean all people. Those in the government are not considered, “We the people…”. The Constitution means citizens of the United States. It’s written to protect us from government.

Here’s the thing, the Founding Fathers were afraid we would free ourselves from one tyrannical government just to be overtaken by another, in this case organic, tyrannical government. Government officials are still considered citizens from “We the People” but were seen as very ambitious. So ambitious that they would become tyrants is left unchecked.








Episode 336 – I’m Becoming Cynical in my Old Age

Let’s talk abut Caitlyn Jenner. Some things may surprise you.

Joe Biden does a good thing…I think.

Then he does a bad thing.

Why Not?

As I said last week, Catlyn Jenner, or Bruce Jenner to my generation, has decided to run for California governor. She’s trying to replace Gavin Newsom, who is being recalled.

In his statement, Jenner said:

“California has been my home for nearly 50 years. I came here because I knew that anyone, regardless of their background or station in life, could turn their dreams into a reality. But for the past decade, we have seen the glimmer of the Golden State reduced by one-party rule that places politics over progress and special interests over people. Sacramento needs an honest leader with a clear vision.”

“I am a proven winner and the only outsider who can put an end to Gavin Newsom’s disastrous time as governor.”

You knew that was coming. He is going to be running as a Republican on the platform of lowering taxes and pushing business. Something he says was destroyed due to overdone lockdowns during COVID.

He also took some at Newsom:

“This isn’t the California we know. This is Gavin Newsom’s California, where he orders us to stay home but goes out to dinner with his lobbyist friends.”

He was referencing Newsom getting caught dining with friends indoors without masks at The French Laundry, an opulent Napa Valley restaurant that charges $1,200 per person for a white truffle and caviar dinner.


One would think that Jenner, a Trans female, would be really popular in California. He won an Olympic gold medal in 1976 in the decathlon, he was on the popular reality TV show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians. He has always been a supporter of the LGBTQ community. Then he had a sex change a few years ago and became ESPN’s Person of the Year.

Shortly after Jenner made the big announcement that they would run for governor, LGBTQ activists were upset that Jenner would be running as a Republican.

Equity California, an LGBTQ organization, tweeted right after Jenner announced:

“Make no mistake: we can’t wait to elect a #trans governor of California. But @Caitlyn_Jenner spent years telling the #LGBTQ+ community to trust Donald Trump. We saw how that turned out. Now she wants us to trust her? Hard pass.”

I find it funny. Trump actually has always been supportive of the LGBTQ except when it came to the military. And that was based on a recommendation from the military itself.

See, it’s all about the identity until the beliefs are different.  Then their identity doesn’t matter.

Well, it doesn’t sound like Jenner buys all the LGBTQ crap either. Last week,  The Views Joy Behar apologized for “misgendering” him. Kind of like I’m doing now. But I can’t get over calling Bruce Jenner a her. When asked about it, Jenner said  she thought there were more important things to worry about in California than using the wrong pronouns. I like that.

Politics isn’t going to be what the media will be beating on. Jenner does have some skeletons. He was involved in a car accident that killed a person. Neither drugs nor alcohol were involved but it was found to be Jenner’s fault.

Jenner supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 election. When Trump won, Jenner didn’t like what Trump did with the LGBTQ and stopped supporting him though rumors have it he loved Trump’s foreign and economic policies.

Will I vote for him? Not sure. I don’t know who else is running and still need to see his policies on important things like the economy, immigration and the homeless issue. I am also curious to see what he does about voter reform in this state.

Be honest with you, I would vote for a transgender rabbit with wings and horns if it fixed this state.



This Was a Good Move

I give Joe Biden a load of crap but I will give him credit when credit is due.

In a call to the President, or dictator, of Turkey, Joe Biden said he was going to acknowledge the Armenian genocide that occurred about a century ago. The genocide and displacement was responsible for the deaths of about 1.5 million Armanians.

Acknowledgement of this has been promised by past presidents. I remember this being a story during the Clinton administration. But no President had the guts to do it because Turkey has been such an important ally.

Though I agree with this,  I am cynical. I asked myself why he would do this now when there really isn’t much of a benefit to it?

Well,  tensions between Israel and Iran are kicking up again. Apparently, Israel attacked an Iranian nuclear facility, destroying several nuclear centerfuges. Iran responded by using their terrorist network in Syria to shoot missiles into Israel. Of course Israel is responding. Things are really heating up in the Middle East and we know how Joe Biden loves Israel.

So what does that have to do with Turkey?

Turkey has always been a base for the United States when there are conflicts in the Middle East. They were during the Iraq wars and the conflicts in Syria. If Turkey refuses to be an ally because of this, it would be an excuse the Biden administration can use not to get involved in a conflict between Iran and Israel.

Biden is also really pushing rejoining this Iranian nuclear agreement. I think he’d do anything to get that ball rolling again including screwing Israel.

The left, for some reason, loves the Palastinians and have always d we demonized Israel for it. Even the  Palistinians are run by a terrorist organization that suppresses their people. They would love to see Israel wiped from the face of the earth.

We will have to see what is going to happen. But I don’t think Biden did this for some sort of historical significance.



This Is a Dumb Move

With the good the Biden administration does comes a dumb move.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has given blanket approval for U.S. embassies and consulates around the world to fly the rainbow LGBT pride flag on the same pole as the American flag.

This Was done because the Trump administration banned flags of these sorts on federal buildings. He did this because he believed the flag of the United States said all about us it needed to. Our flag represents all the people not just a subset of its population. It was part of his America First policy.

The thing is, for Americans, we understood this. Biden’s move just shows that he’s not America First. He’s about creating divisions. He’s about certain groups, certain Americans. Not America as a whole.

I know if I walked into a federal building,  like an American embassy,  I can tell you that flag doesn’t represent me. The only flag the represent me is the old stars and stripes. Our flag encompasses all Americans no matter their beliefs.

This story makes me wish Trump was still on Twitter. I would love to hear his opinion on this one. And you know he’d have an opinion and it would probably be funny.




A bunch of cops were on a call and, of course, they had to be harassed by a couple of black teens, recording with $600 cell phones so they could upload it to social media. But one of the police officers had a response when asked by one of the teens if he was going to shoot him.

The video did go viral. But I don’t think it went viral for the right reasons. That cop made that little rat scallion look stupid, admitting that the girl actually tried to stab someone.

Now, there is a rumor on Twitter, which one has to take with a grain of salt, that the police officer is facing suspension for “unprofessional behavior”. Not sure how it is unprofessional. Unprofessional would have been to pull his billy club out and start beating the crap out of this kid which is what he really needs.

By the way, I think the cop might have been a person of color. It’s hard to say because he’s wearing a mask but there was at least one black cop there.

And, just a little update, the kid didn’t get cited, arrested, beaten, tased or shot. He just looked stupid in the video when he posted it.









Episode 337 – More Double Standards

John Kerry might be in some trouble but I doubt it.

About 1.6 million people don’t like Gavin Newsom.

People are saying chow to blue states.

And the federalization of local police departments starts.


When Is His Prosecution

John Kerry is in some trouble. It’s going to be interesting to see if anything happens to him.

  • A tape of a conversation with  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was secretly released without his knowledge.
  • This was a big deal. It showed that it was actually the Iran Revolutionary Guard and the Mulluahs creating the policies in Iran, not the political arm of the government.
  • This was suspected but now has been confirmed. This is important because the Revolutionary Guard is responsible for a lot of terrorist plots.
  • In the tape also came the surprise that John Kerry, the former Secretary of State, was telling Zarif that Israel was responsible for more than 200 attacks on Iran.
  • News flash: this is against the law. He’s not allowed to do that. He cannot give classified information when he is no longer in the administration


Kerry tweeted:

“I can tell you that this story and these allegations are unequivocally false. This never happened – either when I was Secretary of State or since.”

When asked, Jen Psaki, the Press Secretary, said:

“We’re not going to comment on leaked tapes.”

Listen, John Kerry is a piece of crap. There was no question he was undermining the Trump administration during his presidency. Kerry was Iran twice and he had no business to be there. That’s because Trump pulled out of the JCPOA. He was recorded saying that Iran would just have to wait until the Trump administration was replaced and things would go back to the way they were with the next administration.

That’s not only a foreign agent violation, I would call it treason or, at least, sedition.

A bunch or Republicans are calling for Kerry to resign:

  • Rep. Elise Stafanik (R-NY): “his is a criminal act and John Kerry must be immediately investigated and PROSECUTED. President Biden must immediately remove John Kerry from any government or advisory position.”
  • Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley: “This is disgusting on many levels. Biden and Kerry have to answer for why Kerry would be tipping off Iran, the number one sponsor of terror, while stabbing one of our greatest partners, Israel, in the back.”
  • Donald Trump Jr.: “Imagine for a second a Trump official sitting on the NSC, like Kerry does, told Iran details about Israeli strikes? I believe the media would be screaming TREASON and they wouldn’t be too far off, but of course they’ll say and do nothing because they’re useless propagandists.”
  • Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN): “John Kerry must resign immediately. The investigation should be retrospective.”
  • Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): “These reports are concerning—I’d like the opportunity to ask Secretary Kerry about this in a closed hearing.”
  • Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): “If intel leak rumors are true, John Kerry should seriously consider resignation.”
  • Sens. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) and Rick Scott (R-FL) both called for Kerry to resign.


Listen, nothing is going to happen to him. But, if I were the Republicans, I would go after him. Hard. I would not only try to get him kicked out of office but I would try to get him indicted. The same thing happened to General Mike Flynn, who actually didn’t do anything illegal. And, if Kerry did say this, he gave away classified information that puts in danger one of our allies. I know he hates Jews and Israel but it is illegal to give away classified information. He should be indicted for that too.



It’s a Go!

The recall count has just been completed and we will have a recall election in California!

Gavin Newsom, the incompetent and hypocrite governor of California, is facing the second recall in my lifetime. He has been an absolute disaster and I would not be surprised if he were actually recalled.

  • His COVID response was terrible.
  • His state has the highest taxes in the country and a huge debt problem.
  • His state has the highest homeless rate in the country.
  • He has a huge drug and crime problem in the state.
  • He’s a hypocrite on his COVID policy, spending time, unmasked, at the French Laundry Restaurant.
  • His immigration policy is very unpopular.
  • His transgender policy is very unpopular.


The recall is a two-step process. First, we vote on the recall. If we say “no” done. If we say “yes” we vote for another candidate. All we know is Caitlyn Jenner is running so we’ll see who actually runs.

I don’t think anything is going to happen. He won’t be recalled. Not because he wasn’t but because California is so corrupt that he will get away with it. I do not know one person, and I know a lot of people, who think he’s doing a good job or likable. I don’t know one person who is not going to vote to recall him. That includes leftists.

I have a feeling this recall election is just going to confirm my distrust of the voting process in California.



Speaking of F-ed Up States

People are getting sick and tired of these liberal states. The census numbers are out and the Democrats are running into some problems.

Democrats may now lose the Congress. They only have a 5 or 6 lead in it now.

Hopefully, those leaving blue states will not bring their crappy beliefs to the red states. What I think is that most people that actually vote red are moving to red states. That’s why I’m moving. I won’t be in California much longer because I hate this state.



Here We Go

The Department of Justice is now launching a probe into the Louisville, Kentucky police department. This comes after the Justice Department is running the same investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department.

This is not good:

  • Small police departments can’t compete financially with the Justice Department. They usually concede and adopt the Justice Department’s recommendations.
  • The problem with these investigations is they only look at who is being arrested and pulled over but do not look at the actual crimes committed and who committed them. They assume everyone is innocent.
  • The recommendations usually do not lower crime. In fact, Obama did this several times during his Presidency and crime in each of those cities went up.
  • This is really bad because it federalizes local police jurisdictions


.This is the federal government taking control.



Episode 335 – More Dumb

I never really finished with all the stupid stories that I wanted to talk about on Monday. And there are a ton of them. I decided to take a little time and finish these stories up. Let’s face it, there is way too much coverage of the big news out there and I don’t want to just rehash everything.

So, let’s get to it.


Nothing but BS

I’m really late on this one but it is too much just to skip.

Do you remember last year when it was reported that Donald Trump was told that the Russians were giving radical Muslims bounties on the killing of American soldiers. He was condemned throughout the media for it and Joe Biden during both debates used that to show that Trump hated the military? Remember that?

Trump reported that the story was not true and unverified.

The intelligence community said that it was unverified and was never even reported to the President.

Well, guess what? The intelligence community reported that the story had little to no verification and was probably untrue.

This is a two part clip. I want you to listen Jen Psaki when she is asked about the truth of Russia not putting bounties on American troops:

Do you know how a leftist is lying? She starts talking. Her answer was to “Does the Biden administration believe that the Russia placed bounties on American soldiers?”

A truth-teller would say, “No.” That’s it. But Jen Psaki is a liar and she knows what the next question is going to be so she throws out this word salad that no one understands.

Then comes the question:

By the way, no asked about the previous administration. The question was about your administration.

Again a 45 second question to a two second answer. “Yeah, we f-ed up and, no, we don’t care. No apologies”

The media beat the garbage out of this narrative for a week and it all turned out to be a lie.



You’ve Got to be Kidding

Need some more proof that the United Nations is a garbage heap and needs to be removed from the United States and sent to Venezuela? Heck, it’s on prime New York property and we could always use another Starbucks.

The United Nations has selected Iran and China to be on their Commission on the Status of Women. Really?

Iran does not permit their women to drive, vote, date, watch videos, marry or divorce. Killing a woman in Iran by her husband is considered an honor crime. Disrespect of her husband could be a death sentence. A single woman traveling without a male family member could lead to imprisonment. Not covering her face could lead to imprisonment. Rape is considered the fault of the woman and she could face imprisonment.

That’s right! A woman could be imprisoned for being raped! Talk about #MeToo.

Yeah, this sounds like a country that should be analyzing and weighing in on women’s rights.

China is running concentration camps that is forcibly sterilizing Uyiger women, committing gang rape and had the One Child Policy that forced women to get abortions if the family already had a child. Yeah, this sounds like a country that should be analyzing and weighing in on women’s rights.

Why this garbage organization continues to be supported by the United States, even getting quality land in New York City amazes me.



Yeah, That’ll Work

From ABC News:

The city of Berkeley, California, moved forward Wednesday with a proposal to eliminate police from conducting traffic stops and instead use unarmed civilian city workers as part of a broad overhaul of law enforcement. The City Council also set a goal of cutting the police budget by 50%.

Yeah, that’s going to work great. Leave it to Berkley, land of the hippies to come up with some stupid ass crap like that.

Mayor Jesse Arreguin said:

“For far too long public safety has been equated with more police.”

Do I even need to comment on this? Well I will anyway. What if:

  • The driver is armed?
  • The driver is drunk?
  • What if the driver has drugs?
  • The driver makes a break for it?
  • The driver has a warrant?
  • What if the driver just doesn’t give a damn?


See the problem?

  • Berkley has 54% white, 20% Asian and 8% black.
  • Out of 77,000 call in 2020, there have been a total of 32 police use-of-force calls.
  • Of the 77,000 police calls, 3000 led arrest.
  • That means that, of the 77,000 police interactions only led to 4×10^4 of calls led to use of force or .0004%. That is 4% of all police calls led to an arrest.
  • Of the 3000 arrests, 30% were black. That means 900 0f the 3000 were of black people.


Yeah. A lot of police brutality in Berkley, CA. This procedure is going to be implemented in September of this year.

  • https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/berkeley-moves-removing-police-traffic-stops-71796720




Democratic Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s health department has proposed a permanent masking rule as the current regulations are set to expire next month.

The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division, led by administrator Michael Wood, received 5,000 comments on the proposed rule before the public comment period ended.

Wood said:

“The majority of comments were simply hostile to the entire notion of COVID-19 restrictions. The vast majority of comments were in the context of, ‘You never needed to do anything.’”

You think?

Wood floated the proposal to keep masking requirements in place until “no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic in the workplace” last month. Wood said that the new “permanent” rule is needed to keep the current regulations from expiring on May 4.

Republican State Senator Kim Thatcher said:

“When will masks be unnecessary? What scientific studies do these mandates rely on, particularly now that the vaccine is days away from being available to everyone? Businesses have had to play ‘mask cop’ for the better part of a year now. They deserve some certainty on when they will no longer be threatened with fines.”

News flash: This is the goal of Democrats and leftists. Control. They are using this pandemic, which is almost over, as a “crisis” to maintain control and obedience.

We are being told by Joe Biden that if others do not want to get vaccinated, and I don’t blame them, we might have to cancel Independence Day celebrations. That’s a tad ironic.

Well, here’s a news flash: No one is going to care about what Joe Biden thinks. We have been dealing with this pandemic for a year and I think we’re pretty done being told what we can’t do. So Biden can f-off with his threats and I’ll eat a big burger and hot dog on July 4th with all my family.



The Embrace of Perversion

Remember when I told you I was never really against gay marriage but I was afraid that it will open up the flood gates of perversion.

So far, I have not been wrong at all.

In New York, a lawsuit has been filed by a mother who thinks she should be able to marry her adult son. She argues that making incest illegal is unconstitutional.

The names, ages and genders of the people is unknown and has not been made public.

The suit says the parent wishes to remain anonymous because they recognize that their hope of marrying their child is ‘an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant.’

According to the Daily Mail, the lawsuit reads:

‘The proposed spouses are adults. The proposed spouses are biological parent and child,’ the suit reads.

‘The proposed spouses are unable to procreate together.’

According to the suit, the parent and child regard themselves as a ‘PAACNP’ couple – ‘Parent and Adult Child Non-Procreationable’ couple – and believe it would ‘diminish their humanity’ if they could not marry one another.   

The claimant argues that the ‘enduring bond of marriage’ would take the parent and child union to a ‘greater level of expression, intimacy and spirituality.’ 

‘Parent-and-adult-child couples for whom procreation is either virtually or literally impossible can aspire to the transcendent purposes of marriage and seek fulfillment in its highest meaning,’ the suit reads. 

New York attorneys say there is very little chance the suit is going to go anywhere but can you imagine how f-ed up our society is to believe that this might be something that a court will go with.



Speaking of Perversion

Caitlyn Jenner, who used to be Bruce Jenner before he decided he was a woman, has decided to run for governor as a Republican during the recall election against the current governor Gavin Newsom.

Our society has gone so crazy this is not only unsurprising but Jenner will probably win.



Episode 334 – Mob Justice

The George Floyd trial ends with Derrick Chauvin being convicted on all counts. But, with the reactions of the results, we can see that this will never end.


The Verdict

The verdict is in:

There are major questions about this trial. I saw him getting man slaughter but never thought he was going to get convicted of murder because I didn’t think the evidence was there.

It took ten hours for the jury to convict Chauvin and they had no questions. This was a month long trial and it only took them ten hours?

The jury basically had to ignore some things:

  • The drugs in his system. Fentanyl and meth.
  • The fact that Floyd overdosed in drugs two months before.
  • Floyd’s enlarged heart.
  • Floyd’s constricted arteries to his heart.
  • Floyd’s hypertension.
  • Floyd’s criminal history.
  • The videos.
  • The lies about Chauvin being on his neck.
  • The assault Floyd committed in the police car.
  • Floyd resisting arrest.


The reality is the jurors feared the consequences of voting not guilty. There is no way they could convict on murder in only ten hours. The fact that the media already had a description of all the jurors is very telling and that all of them lived in the area.

This is what is going to lead to appeals. There was plenty done wrong in this case and I don’t see how an appeals court doesn’t overturn some of this. This might even lead to a mistrial.

  • Change of venue.
  • Sequestration.
  • Non-probative, prejudicial witnesses for the prosecution.
  • Biden and Waters comments.
  • Third degree murder? Depraved Heart murder?
  • Second degree murder? Intent to assault which caused the death of an individual?


I am a cynical guy these days. I would not be shocked if this case was declared a mistrial and will need to be retried. Not because of all the bad decisions by Judge Cahill but because the left wants a retrial. The left wants to be able to point and say there can never be justice for black people.

We will see because this is going to be appealed and the case for appeal is quite strong.




The reaction from George Floyd’s girlfriend is basically the reaction everybody had:

BLM and Antifa continued to protest. They made it clear that they would never be satisfied with the results.

  • These people are never going to stop. Peace and justice aren’t enough.
  • They see Chauvin’s conviction as justice but see it as motivation to continue on trying to destroy the system.
  • They want communism, the ending of the police. Heroes are criminals and criminals are heroes.
  • George Floyd is not seen as a criminal but as a symbol. He is seen as one being sacrificed for the movement. Not a drug addict handing out a fake $20.
  • These people do not care about George Floyd or Derrick Chauvin. They care about destroying the system.
  • I also want to point out that everybody I’m going to talk about is basically admitting they influenced the jury.


Al Sharpton, maybe the greatest race baiter in modern American history, said:

 “… we don’t find pleasure in this. We don’t celebrate a man going to jail. We would have rather George be alive. But we celebrate that we — because young people, white and black — some castigated, many that are here tonight, marched and kept marching and kept going. Many of them looked down on but they kept marching and wouldn’t let this die. And this is an assurance to them that if we don’t give up that we can win some rounds but the war and the fight is not over. Just two days from now, we are going to have to deal with the funeral of Duante Wright in this same county, this same area.

“We still have cases to fight. But this gives us the energy to fight on and we are determined that we are going to fight until we make federal law — the George Floyd Justice In Policing Act must be law. We want to thank all that were involved, especially the attorney general and the governor and others.

“We want to thank President Biden, who the first time he came out of his house during the campaign he flew to Houston and met with the family and Attorney Crump and I. And he sat there and I will never forget — he said to George’s daughter that ‘I heard you say your father is going to change the world.’ Well, we can now tell George’s daughter she was right. Her father has begun the changing of the world for real.”

  • Again, this will never end.
  • George Floyd is not going to change the world. He’s not a hero. He’s not a civil rights champion. He didn’t die for the cause.
  • He was a criminal that died for resisting arrest and drugs.
  • One of Floyd’s supporters actually compared George Floyd to Emmitt Till. This is insane.




Reaction in Politics

Biden and Harris

President Biden and President-in-waiting Kamala Harris weighed in on this. Of course, what they promulgated, as usual, is that we are systemically racist and we need President Biden and the federal government to change the system, have more power and save black people.

Kamala Harris said:

Biden’s comments weren’t much better and certainly didn’t deviate from the narrative:


  • I find it creepy that Kamala is with Old Joe all the time.
  • Let’s face it, this is only a local crime. Why is the White House weighing in on this? Could it be to push this narrative?
  • Old Joe and Kamala are pushing that this verdict is only the start and the end is no where to be seen.
  • Notice they talk about the “protests” of last summer. There is no mention of the riots. These riots are continuing. They have not stopped. The violence happened again last night.
  • There was never a comment about the police being good in any way.
  • They are bringing up something that the prosecution never brought up: race or racism.
  • What is really ironic is hearing about systemic racism coming from a guy who has been part of the system for 60 years and a gal who was known for throwing people in jail for longer than their sentences in some cases.
  • The thought that these two boneheads are going to fix anything is crazy.


These guys want to federalize everything. They want power. They need the “crisis” to continue. It cannot end with a guilty verdict of Derrick Chauvin. I’ll go a step further: I feel they really wanted a not guilty verdict. That would have gone with the narrative much better.

Nancy Pelosi

This had to be one of the most idiotic statements by a politician. OK, I didn’t get to AOC and her squad yet. But let’s listen to Nancy Pelosi:

  • This just an insane statement and actually very cold.
  • George Floyd did not sacrifice anything for anything. This wasn’t his attempt at social and racial justice. He probably died of a heart attack and a drug overdose.
  • George Floyd was not calling out to his mom, who died two years earlier. They think he was calling out to his girlfriend who he called mom. It was the name of her contact on his phone.
  • Floyd was saying “I can’t breathe” while he was sitting in his own car. He said it about 10 times.
  • This is trying to to make a martyr out of a criminal.










Do you see a pattern here? This is not going to end until the entire system is torn down.

Ilhan Omar, in a series of tweets, really summed up what the squad and the left wants.

Omar listed the following items, which included calls to disband police departments:

  • Independent agency to investigate police misuse of force
  • Criminalize violence against protesters
  • Demilitarize police departments
  • Disband and deconstruct failed police departments
  • End traffic stops for minor equipment violations
  • Federal investigations into departments who utilize practices like arrest quotas
  • End the school-to-prison pipeline
  • Ban all racial profiling by federal, state, and local agencies
  • Legalize recreational cannabis nationwide, expunge the records and seek amnesty for those incarcerated for cannabis-related offenses
  • Restore felon voting rights
  • Ensure that formerly incarcerated individuals are fully supported in their transition back to society
  • End mandatory minimum sentencing laws for low-level offenses
  • Invest in a public-health approach to the addiction crisis


Getting a clearer picture to what the left wants? Anyone who is against this is a racist.



Need to Keep the Crisis Going



Here We Go Again

Need more proof that this is never going to end? Yesterday in Columbus, Ohio, a couple of hours before the Chauvin verdict, police were called because a 16-year-old girl, who was black, threatened people with a knife.

The girl was shot after she appeared to attack two girls with a knife. The officer was white. There are huge protests over this whole thing so the Columbus police department released the body cam footage. It showed the girl in question push one girl down and attack another girl, also 16, with the knife.

By the way, the girl who dialed 911 and was attacked with the knife is also black. That officer saved her life.

Ben Crump, the race-baiting lawyer representing the family of George Floyd released a tweet:

See the pattern? Lies, lies, lies. All this to stir up emotion and suppress reason. This girl was intent on killing someone. Another black person. It was never mentioned that a white police officer saved the life of a black youth.

Now, I feel that this case is so obvious that it’s going to go away. There is no way the left is going to BS this story into something it’s not. It’s too obvious. This girl assaulted two other girls with a knife. This police officer is a hero. But he’s under criminal investigation anyway.

This is what is going to happen in the next couple of years because the left won’t stop gaslighting and enraging the naïve youth:

  • The good police officers will start retiring.
  • Those left will not go out of their way to help people for fear of being persecuted.
  • Cities will have problems getting new police officers.
  • With less police officers on the street there will be more crime.
  • The most crime will be in black, brown and poor neighborhoods.


It’s that simple. The good news is that gun ownership is going to go up because the people are going to learn to protect themselves.

Here’s the thing and I am going to use some terms from greater minds than I:

  • This was a mob conviction. And mobs are never sated. This will never end. Everyone on the left has said it. -Tucker
  • George Floyd has become a symbol, a martyr, an idol.
  • Politics has hijacked the Floyd movement and our institutions. The courts were the last remnants of our civilization. It looks like even that has been taken over. There were some Conservatives that were relieved that Chauvin was guilty. It’s cowardice and it will never end unless we fight, but one can understand. -Greg Gutfeld.
  • This trial was influenced by politicians and rioters. Violence works is the message. Rioting works.




Episode 333 I Love Talking About Dumb

Sometimes we, as Americans, are so busy worrying about dumb things that we forget there are actually real issues in the world.

Let’s go through some of the news, talk about some of those dumb things and then talk about some of those things we might be missing.


Rest in Peace

Walter Mondale passed away at the age of 93. Most people won’t remember much about him and that’s not a surprise. He wasn’t a really relevant politician in my time.

  • He was born on January 25, 1928 in Minneapolis, MN.
  • He served as a Senator from Minnesota from 1964-1976.
  • He served as Vice President under Jimmie Carter from 1976-1980.
  • He ran for President in 1984 against Ronald Reagan.
  • Mondale chose U.S. Representative Geraldine Ferraro from New York as his running mate, making her the first woman nominated for that position by a major party.
  • He ran on raising taxes to cut the deficit and support the ERA.
  • He lost that election by one of the largest landslides in history, only winning his home state and Washington DC.


What a Dumbass

The judge in the Derrick Chauvin trial had some rather harsh words about Maxine Watters during a request for a mistrial. Judge Peter Cahill said:

Cahill also said that this could be means for overturning a verdict on appeal since it sis sound like Watters was trying to intimidate the jury. The defense council brought up the fact the jury was not sequestered and the news of the trial is everywhere. The judge rejected the defense’s stance saying there was no evidence the jury was not following his orders not to watch the news.




What Happens When Libs Get Extra Money

Los Angeles is $5.1 billion in debt. Now, that’s not the state of California, that only Los Angeles. That will cost each tax payer would have to pay an extra $4000 to dig us out of this debt.

Now, Los Angeles and California will receive money from Joe Biden’s COVID recovery bill, which is something that really turned Republicans off to the law. Actually, it turned off all of the Republicans. So is the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, going to used that money to balance his mismanaged budget? Of course. He’s going to spend it.

It has been reported that Eric Garcetti is going to implement a Universal Basic Income trial that will give $1000 a month to 2000 families in Los Angeles below the federal poverty line. This is part of his Equity and Justice budget.

The program is called “BIG: LEAP,” an acronym for Basic Income Guaranteed: L.A. Economic Assistance Pilot. It will cost $24 million.

When asked, Garcetti said:

“We have to end America’s addiction to poverty. For families who can’t think past the next bill, the next shift or the next health problem that they have, we can give them the space to not only dream of a better life, but to actualize it.”


  • So he expects to end poverty by giving away money?
  • What this actually does it put more people under more dependence of the government.
  • Universal Basic Income has been tried over and over again and has failed.
  • It was tried in Stockton, California for about three months. Guess what happened? Stockton ran out of money.
  • It’s these redistribution programs which are killing California and is causing their tax base, like Tesla, to move out of California.
  • I think it would be much better if Mayor Garcetti decided to pay off his debt instead of giving money away and increasing the debt.




Changing of Language

President Joe Biden has banned federal immigration agencies from using terms such as “alien,” “assimilation,” and “illegal alien” in official documents and statements.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director Tae Johnson said:

“In response to the vision set by the Administration, ICE will ensure agency communications use the preferred terminology and inclusive language.”


  • The term, “illegal alien” is a legal term. It has nothing to do with race.
  • Biden is changing the terms to make illegal aliens more legal. I won’t change my usage of the term for this reason.
  • It amazes me that the reason Biden is contacting ICE is to change their terminology. You’d think he’d be more worried about the disaster on the border than the terms they use in their reports.




How Is She an Expert?

Greta Thunberg has come out of her basement and continued to chastise society for not doing what she wants us to do. I think this is great because now she is 18-years-old and now I can make fun of her without being accused of being mean to a child (which I never gave a damn about anyway).

Here she is at a World Health Organization presser discussing how the vaccine distribution is not equitable:

A few things here:

What is she doing at a WHO presser? She just, theoretically, a high school graduate. She has no expertise in anything and is autistic. As far as I’m concerned, this really damages the already rickety credibility of the WHO. And who is she to listen to when in comes to prioritizing who gets vaccinated.

I will also point out that she never actually thinks anything of this up. We already know that her father is running her Twitter account. If you watch the video, one can see she is actually reading a prepared statement. In the past, when she had to speak in front of the press without any preparation, she couldn’t seem to get a word out. She should just have her parents talk to the WHO.

A couple of things she says here are kind of odd:

  • The richer countries are getting vaccinated, and I think she’s specifically speaking of the United States because she hates us, we came up with the vaccine. We pain for the production of the vaccine. If Ghana wants the vaccine, they can invent, produce and distribute it.
  • She also brings up this from the stance of globalism and anti-capitalism. That’s her real thing. She does the same thing with environmentalism. She doesn’t go to China about any of this. She points only to the United States. She detests nationalism which the left always associates with white nationalism or white supremacy.
  • I’m a proud nationalist. You know what other country is? China.



The Real Problems

Remember I said a while back that we have become such a self-centered society we only fight about the stupid things and are missing that there is an entire world out there? By the way, I have two other stupid stories but you’ll have to wait for those till tomorrow.

We, Joe Biden’s weakness is beginning to embolden other countries and is pissing other leaders. Jen Psaki is being asked some question about it and her answer is always to circle-back to it. But we are really looking at some serious conflicts that are probably going to read their heads in the next year and I don’t know if the administration has the leadership to deal with them.

  • Iran is purifying uranium to the highest purity that they ever reached, 60%. I think it might be a little late to rejoin the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.
  • China is running fighter jets over Taiwan. The Taiwanese have asked for more weapons to counter the threat.
  • Russia’s military is building up on the Ukrainian border. The troop counts are as high as they were since the 2014 invasion of Crimea.
  • North Korea has started missile testing again and still refuses to communicate with the Biden administration.
  • The Presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala and  Honduras are blaming the Biden administration for opening the borders and causing mass migrations from their countries. This is an issue for them because they are losing working age males.
  • The President of Mexico is blaming Biden for the open border policy because the cartels are getting rich and more powerful through human trafficking. This is making them hard for the Mexican government to deal with.


We are so busy in this country worrying about race, police, equity and whether a man can compete against women we are missing the big picture.

By the way, did you know the United States flew a drone on Mars yesterday.










Episode 331 – Too Bad We Can’t Learn Something

Jim Jordan has an epic confrontation with Tony Fauci.

Another teen is killed in Chicago but, this time, by a cop. Not all things are as they seem in this one.

And Cardi B sounds like a conservative. A dumb conservative but a conservative none the less.






Sorry, It Was a Good Shoot

So it is 2:30 in the morning and a 13-year-old kid is hanging out with a 21-year-old man. The police show up and the kid, who is holding a gun, takes off.

A police officer chases him with his body cam active. The kid has something in his hand.

The kid comes to a fence and a gun is clearly in his right hand. His hands disappear on the other side of a fence. The cop tell him to freeze and drop the gun.

The kid turns, not listening to the cop’s orders and the cop fires. There is no gun in his hand.

What do you think? Was that a good shoot?

The cop immediately starts CPR and is sobbing at what happened. The police find the gun laying against the fence.

This happened last month in Chicago.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

Police charged 21-year-old Ruben Roman, who was walking with Adam when police responded to the call of shots fired, with felony reckless discharge of a firearm, felony unlawful use of a weapon by a felon, and felony endangerment of a child in connection with the incident. …

Footage from the officer’s body-worn camera shows his vantage point as he chases after the boy down an alley, repeatedly yelling for him to stop. The officer yelled, “Show me your f— hands.” The boy turned toward the officer with arms raised and nothing in his hands. The officer yelled, “Drop it, drop it,” and immediately fired a single shot before rushing over. …

A police report of the shooting indicates that officers thought the teenager was armed with a gun. Prosecutors said in Mr. Roman’s bond hearing that a 9-millimeter Ruger was found near the fence where the boy was shot.

A second video from a different angle shows the boy pausing before turning toward the officer, extending his arm behind a wooden fence as if tossing something, then raising his hands as he turns.

Of course, the media is making it that this is a racial shooting of an innocent child by a white cop.

AOC tweeted:

  • Initial reports said he was an unarmed black child. He was armed and he wasn’t black.
  • The only picture from the body cam footage shown by the media was Toledo holding up his hands when being shot.
  • Because of the stills being used, the police released the body cam footage. In it, a gun can be seen and Toledo was hiding his hands.
  • CBS News, in a contemptable manner, actually edited the video so that Toledo’s right hand, which was holding the gun, was not visible on the video.
  • The media ignored the fact that the boy had ties to the Latin Kings gang. I’m not sure if he actually belonged to the gang.
  • The media did not use either of his street names including Lil Homicide and Baby Diablo.
  • They failed to mention there was gun shot residue on his hands, the gun and the gloves in the area.
  • They failed to mention there were eight shots fired and the cops were called.


What the media is really ignoring is the parents. This kid was not at home for two days and the parents never reported it to the police. Also, what is he doing out at 3 AM with a 21-year-old felon? Why aren’t these questions being asked? It seems to be that the real issue here is that this kid’s life trajectory was headed to this point. He had no direction, no discipline and nobody teaching him the difference between right and wrong. It seems to be cops had very little to do with this. The conversation we should be having is about how bad our parenting. It is bad parenting that led to this kid’s death.

And this kid isn’t the only one in Chicago.

Gang violence in Chicago is among the worst in the country. And it all involves young people. And they are not being killed by police, they are killing each other. This tragedy is an opportunity for the media to actually address the murder problem in cities like Chicago and Baltimore because parenting is the problem and why the children feel the need to join gangs. But they will never do this because it goes against the narrative of the family unit being necessary which is what BLM has been promoting until they got into a little trouble over it.

The reason this is such a sad story is because it was avoidable. In this case, the shooting was good and the police are not the problem.


She Said What?

Cardi B weighed in on the shooting. In a tweet, she said:

Of course, she had no idea of the actual case. She probably just saw what was posted online and did not actually get into any of the details. I’m pretty sure details and know what is happening is probably not real high on Cardi B’s agenda. If it were, she might be a tad smarter.

Later in the day, when all the calls for getting rid of the police began to crawl through Twitter, she released this tweet:

Of course, on Twitter, this is not a popular thig to say. She must have gotten some crap for it because she later deleted the tweet.

But this is something significant and I pointed this out on a previous podcast.

People are reasonable. Mobs aren’t. When one thinks, and that is a stretch for Cardi B, the things the left is promoting doesn’t make any sense and seems kind of dangerous. And it’s not just with defunding the police. It applies to letting criminals out of jail, no cash bail, giving puberty blockers to children, changing pronouns, spending tons of money, pandemic lockdowns, everything that the left is pushing is going to eventually end up being questioned by individuals.










Episode 330 – Relax, It Won’t Happen

The Dems in the House of Representatives are pushing packing the Supreme Court and pushing the elimination of the filibuster.

It must be nice to be a Marxist.

And the left is trying to figure out how to get conservatives to take the COVID vaccine.


Relax, It’ll Probably Not Happen

…but if it does…

House Democrats are planning to introduce a bill that will pack the court by four justices. It will go from 9 to 13 and overturn the textualist majority.

This bill will also eliminate the filibuster.

  • The bill is led by House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler, Subcommittee chair Hank Johnson, and freshman Rep. Mondaire Jones. In the Senate, the bill is being championed by Ed Markey of Massachusetts.
  • In 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz suggested that, if Hillary Clinton were elected, the Republican Senate should keep Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat empty, effectively bringing the number of justices down to eight.
  • After Trump’s nomination of Coney Barrett, then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer faced pressure to stop her confirmation by any means necessary.
  • The House only has a 2 Democrat lead.
  • The Senate is split. There are two Democrats who have claimed that court packing is wrong.
  • The war for our Democracy is on. If this gets through, the “neutral” Supreme Court will be a legislative branch for the Democrats.
  • I don’t think it will happen and it rings a death knell for the Democrats.
  • This bill will have to face a filibuster and there is no way it can get the votes to kill it.
  • Because the bill has nothing to do with money, reconciliation can’t be used to kill the filibuster.
  • Nancy Pelosi said she had no plans to bring the bill to the floor. Probably because she knows it won’t get through and will be another loss.




It’s Nice to be a Marxist

It muxt me nice to be a Marxist in a capitalist economy.

According to the NY Post:

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes, The Post has learned. Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to a local agent.

The self-described Marxist last month purchased a $1.4 million home on a secluded road a short drive from Malibu in Los Angeles, according to a report. The 2,370-square-foot property features “soaring ceilings, skylights and plenty of windows” with canyon views. The Topanga Canyon homestead, which includes two houses on a quarter-acre, is just one of three homes Khan-Cullors owns in the Los Angeles area, public records show.

That wasn’t it. She also:

  • The “custom ranch” Patrisse Khan-Cullors owns in Georgia.
  • Khan-Cullors’ home in Inglewood, Calif., is now worth $800,000.
  • Khan-Cullors paid $590,000 for this South Los Angeles home.
  • She now leads Bernie Sander in homes, 4-3. But it looks like she’s trying to extend that lead.


Hawk Newsome, the head of Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, which is not affiliated with Khan-Cullors’ Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, called for “an independent investigation” to find out how the global network spends its money.

Newsome said:

“If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes. It’s really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it’s the people that carry this movement.”

No shit. She’s in it for the money, dude. That’s what Marxists do.



Can These Guys Get It Together?

For some reason, the Democrats are seeing that there is a problem getting conservatives to take the COVID vaccine. Well, I know why.

  • Biden says we might be able to get together in small groups by July.
  • Biden doesn’t see a goal of opening schools even though a substantial part of the population has been vaccinated and children do not appear to transmit the disease.
  • Tony Fauci says we should not only get rid of masks, but we should double and even triple mask.
  • Tony Fauci has said that we still should gather or go to movies or restaurants even if we are vaccinated.
  • The CDC overreacted over the Johnson and Johnson vaccine where 6 people got a rare blood clotting disorder, one dying, out of 7 million who were vacccinated.


Now I think this is bullshit. I have been trying to get vaccinated and it took two weeks to get an appointment. But apparently the media and the Biden administration really think not enough people are getting vaccinated. This does worry me. I know these vaccines were created under Trump’s watch and his direction but I worry if the Democrats and the left want us all to get it, it might not work.

Brian Stelter blames Fox News:

  • First off, it’s none of your business.
  • This also shows the difference between the elite thinking and regular people, like those on Fox News. I don’t care if Lady Gaga and Rachel Maddow got a shot. Maybe I just don’t want a shot.
  • Finally, what id Brian Stelzer’s issue with Fox News?


The Biden administration is really pushing the vaccine especially with white conservative evangelicals. Pete Buttigieg said the vaccine is a life line from God. Listen:

Let’s see:

  • He’s a gay man married to another man.
  • He’s for abortion and thinks the federal government should pay for the abortion.
  • He’s for drug legalization.
  • He’s for open borders.
  • He thinks the United States is systemically racists and believes in reparations.
  • Believes in the Green News Deal which is anti-religion.


Does this sound like someone that evangelical Christian conservatives will listen to?

But it’s the Biden administration’s response to trying to educate those Neanderthal conservative Christians. Listen to Jen Psaki say how the administration is dealing with vaccine education. Mind you, she read this so it is a Biden policy for educating white conservatives.

Really? How out-of-touch are these people?

First off, I have never watched The Deadliest Catch. I don’t watch NASCAR. And I don’t like country music. Josie likes country music which is probably why she got the shot. But I would never see any of this stuff and it is insulting to assume I do. But this is because the administration sees all conservatives as white trash or, as Hilary Clinton said, deplorables.

Finally, if you think about it, this is really racist. What if she said the same thing about black people? What if the issue was the blacks were not getting immunized and Psaki walked out there and said the Biden administration has invested funds into advertising educational PSA on Fat Albert, Popeye’s and the NBA? Wouldn’t that be considered racist or, at least, stereotyping?

So unifying.



Episode 329 – Bad Policing is a Thing

Another shooting in Minneapolis that spur violence. This time it looks like the police were at fault, sort of.

Really bad policing in Virginia caught on tape. But I’m pretty sure the blame could be spread around.


Bad, Bad, Bad Policing…If True

The Story So Far

  • The suspect was a 20-year-old named  Daunte Wright.
  • He had warrants for selling weed and a weapons charge.
  • While the police were cuffing him, he got out of the cuffs and tried to re-enter the car. He was struggling with a male police officer.
  • The female police officer pulled her weapon, thinking it was her taser.
  • She yelled “taser” three times per protocol so her partner would back away.
  • He backed away and she fired. It turned out to be her gun.
  • Wright pulled away in his car.
  • The female officer said, “I shot him” and dropped her weapon. (Show the video)
  • Wright crashed a couple of blocks away and died at the scene.
  • The police officer was a white female named Kimberly Potter, 48. She was on the force for 26 years. There has not been any other information out on her. She resigned today.



What I Think

I want to be sure everyone understands something. I feel confident that the story is right and it makes sense so I believe that this will be the story in the end.

Couple of things:

  • Two things can be right at once.
  • First, Wright resisted. If he just gave up, nothing would have happened. But he didn’t deserve to die.
  • Two, the police officer is incompetent. She should be fired and charges should be brought against her (and probably will).
  • This is not evidence of police brutality or systemic racism.


The Politicians and the Media

The politicians wasted no times at pushing their narrative.

Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz tweeted:

“I am closely monitoring the situation in Brooklyn Center. Gwen and I are praying for Daunte Wright’s family as our state mourns another life of a Black man taken by law enforcement.”

This son-of-a-bitch didn’t even have any details about the shooting.

Mayor Mike Elliot called for the police officer to be fired Monday. He said:

“my position is that we cannot afford to make mistakes that lead to the loss of life of other people in our profession. I do fully support releasing the officer of her duties.”

Brooklyn Center City Manager Curt Boganey didn’t quite agree with the mayor. He said:

“All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline. This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.”

The media pressed him on whether the police officer should be fired and he responded:

“If I were to answer that question, I’d be contradicting what I said a moment ago — which is to say that all employees are entitled to due process and after that due process, discipline will be determined. If I were to say anything else, I would actually be contradicting the idea of due process.”

The city council fired him two hours later.

By the way, Mayor Mike Elliot decided to support his police department by pulling the “thin blue line” flag which honors the police officers that have died while on duty. That’s a good look.

Eliot further made an ass out of himself by saying this:

Coming from a guy who knows a lot about policing. What happens if someone is armed? What are the police suppose to do? Use foul language?

Prepare for crime to flourish in that city.

Rashida Tlaib tweeted:

So we should get rid of policing all together. And prisons. And the military. Because it can’t be reformed. This is a broad who has a military presence around her place at work, lives in a secure building and has armed guards. This is an example of a politician that hates her constituents and the country. My proof? Violent crime is up 30% in all major cities. Cities that have already defunded and stopped support of the police. Ironically, she is also one that wants to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

President Obama decided to chime in. He tweeted:

He says there needs to be a transparent investigation but has already condemned the police. I also hate the term “reimagine”.

President Biden comment was the most wishy-washy thing I ever heard. Listen:

Couple of things:

  • Biden sounds old and rambling. I cut a minute out of the message.
  • He questions whether this was intentional.
  • He does call for an investigation and peace on the streets. He never did this when Trump was President.
  • He never says anything about the police. Not very unifying.
  • Remember how people said this violence like we had in the summer was going to go away when Trump was out?
  • Remember how Democrats supported the rioters when Trump was President?


The Media

As usual, riots ensued.

Last night, 500 people were arrested for looting, setting off fires and shooting off fireworks. I find it amazing that rioting under the Biden administration seems not to be acceptable but, under Trump, no one was arrested.

But, the media still doesn’t get it. They still refuse to believe that the riots are actually riots. This is the police chief getting chewed out by the media when he called the riots riots and him explaining how he knew there were riots:

Mind you, the police chief resigned today. He already knows he is going to get heat no matter what happens. He just said f-it.

CNN is also getting crap but from an unlikely source. This reporter was confronted by a citizen of Brooklyn Center during the riot while on live television. There’s a lot of cussing here so turn this off if you have kids around.

She really didn’t want to have this conversation with him on live television because it goes against the narrative the media is pushing. This citizen sounds like he hates the riots around a police station and court house and he feels the media actually fuels this violence.

Fact check: True!

This man wants law and order and it sounds like he supports policing. At least he supports it enough that he doesn’t want to see violent riots in front of a police station.

What this man did do that may not have been the best advice was to tell the CNN news crew to go to the front lines of the riot to see what was going on. I don’t think he meant for them to get hurt but those rioters were not too peaceful. In fact, they were looking for blood.

But, hey, it was mostly peaceful. Unless one was white then maybe not so much.

By the way, do you think unarmed social workers will be useful here? Do you think any claims of racism from the media for this obvious targeting of white by black rioters? What if the rioters weren’t black but was made up of Proud Boys (by the way, the Proud Boys aren’t a white supremacist group)?

Yeah, we won’t see this video on CNN any time soon.



Not Really Clear Cut

There was another case of bad policing in Virginia. And it was bad policing. But, watching the whole video a couple of times, I came to a bit of a different conclusion.

  • An Army officer was lit up by police for not having a license plate while he was on his way back from base in his new car.
  • The road he was driving on was dark. The officer put on his hazard lights and drove to a gas station. The trip was about 3 miles.
  • The officer pulled into the station and the police officers got out of their car with guns drawn.
  • They ordered him to get out of his car but he did not comply, asking why he was being pulled over.
  • Backup was called.
  • The army officer was black and Latino. The lead officer was Latino. The secondary officer was white.
  • The army officer had his hands out of the window but would not come out of the car. The secondary white officer holstered his gun.
  • The lead officer pulled out his mace and maced the army officer. He did it twice.
  • The army officer finally was pulled from the car and put in handcuffs. He was detained not arrested.
  • Because the car was new, the army officer did not have the plates. A temporary, paper plate was in his window. The window was tinted and unable to be viewed in any of the video.
  • The army officer was released.
  • When a complaint was lodged, both officers were fired.
  • He is not suing the officers.


One should watch the entire video. There are a few things that really make this story far more complicated than at first glance and fault can be put on all sides.

  • The police officers overreacted. The yelling and pulling of guns was probably not necessary.
  • The officers threaten him with shooting him. When the soldier said he was scared the lead officer replied, “You should be.”
  • Pepper spraying the subject, who had his hands out of the window and was talking to officers was not necessary. The fact that the second officer put away his gun shows he did not feel he was a threat.
  • The officers did not realize that the yelling and pointing of guns is very nerve racking and it is hard to follow directions under such stress.
  • The officers never deescalated the situation.


The army officer was also at fault. He almost escalated the situation himself.

  • The army officer never complied with any of the commands of the police officers.
  • The army officer was resisting and arguing.
  • He was livestreaming the incident.
  • His license plate was hidden behind the tinted glass.
  • This had probably nothing to do with racism. The tinted windows and the night probably did not give the police a good view of the driver.


My point here is these instances are examples of bad policing. But the reality is the victims of these examples didn’t help themselves at all. One had a warrant, resisted arrest and tried to escape.



Lawsuit filed after Army lieutenant is held at gunpoint, pepper-sprayed in arrest









