Episode 384 – That’s Some Strong Cardboard

Sometimes our tech overlords do the right thing. And the right thing will always tick off the Left.

The China virus disaster needs to be made into a disaster again.

And here are some updates from the Olympics in Tokyo.


This is a Good Thing

Jeff Bezos blasted into space yesterday reaching about 65 miles above the earth. It was a beautiful launch. The occurred two weeks after Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic launching into the upper atmosphere two weeks ago. Bezos launched in a ship called Blue Origin.

  • First off, the ship did look like a penis. It’s funny and everyone is pointing it out.
  • The trip cost about $5.5 billion.
  • Onboard was his brother Mark, 82-year-old aviation pioneer Wally Funk (the oldest person in space) and Oliver Daemen, an 18-year-old Dutch student who is the youngest ever to fly in space.
  • Funk, who is a woman, was actually trying to be an astronaut in the 1960s but couldn’t because she was a woman. This is awesome and I’m thrilled for her.
  • Climbing straight up atop 110,000 pounds of push, the rocket rapidly accelerated as it consumed its load of supercold liquid oxygen and hydrogen propellants, pushing the passengers back in their recliner-style seats with about three times the normal force of gravity.
  • At 45 miles up, the rocket separated from the capsule and landed safely to the ground, ready to be reused again. This is an awesome discovery.
  • At 66.5 miles in the air, the crew enjoyed three minutes of weightlessness.
  • The capsule then returned to earth, landing in the Texas desert. This is also a new discovery. Remember, they used to land in the ocean.

After the ten minute flight, Jeff Bezos clumsily said:

This would seem like this is a great thing. We now have three companies (SpaceX, Virgin Atlantic and Amazon) who are now competing for commercial dominance of space. We should all agree this is a good thing. But the Leftists don’t look at the fantastic achievements of these three countries. Nope. They decide to attack the individuals (Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos) who made this all come true.

Bernie Sanders tweeted:

Yes, he should be impressed. This is amazing and an impressive thing.

Chief Elizabeth Warren tweeted:

“It’s time for Jeff Bezos to take care of business right here on Earth and pay his fair share in taxes.”

Here’s a hint: Bezos does pay his “fair share” of taxes.

AOC tweeted:

There’s so much wrong with this tweet, it’s hardly funny:

  • Amazon workers didn’t pay for this. That was a clumsy statement by Bezos.
  • The employees of Amazon work in a free market and receive what the market will bear. If they don’t like working at Amazon, they can quit and get another job.
  • Amazon customers did not pay for that. They pain Amazon for their rolls of toilet paper to be delivered.
  • Amazon took the profits from that toilet paper delivery and reinvested it into an Amazon space program which will expand and make the world better.

Bernie and AOC hate this accomplishment because:

  • It proves capitalism works.
    • Competition between private companies creates better technology.
    • This is technology that the government would never have come up with.
  • They want to take away the profits that enabled this advance in technology and do nothing with it. Don’t forget, AOC wants the federal government to invest in a high speed rail system. What are we, in the 1850s?
  • They push the big lie that Bezos, Musk and Branson don’t pay any taxes. That’s BS. The top 25% of earners pay 100% of the net taxes along with their companies. This is the Big Lie.
  • Finally, why are we listening to people who have never hired one person, never ran a business and have gotten rich off the tax payers dime? What the hell have these two ever done?
  • Jeez, AOC’s only other job was as a part time bartender. Bernie has been kicked out of a commune because he wouldn’t do any work. He was too lazy.

The media, of course, is also blasting the accomplishment.

The Washington Post tweeted:

WBUR.org wrote in an article:

But there is something deeply wrong with our society when three of the wealthiest men on Earth, including Jeff Bezos, spend billions of dollars on an ego-fueled race to space, while the world is reeling from a global pandemic and people on our planet are quite literally starving. A new Oxfam report finds 11 people are likely dying every minute from hunger and malnutrition, outpacing COVID-19 fatalities. This, as Jeff Bezos prepares for his 11-minute thrill ride.

The Verge wrote in an article:

As long as the space industry is dependent on billionaire funds for spacecraft built for billionaire (and millionaire) customers, the perception that this is a hobby for the ultrawealthy will inevitably remain. “We have to deal with the fact that billionaires trying to make more money are the public face of the space sector right now,” Brian Weeden, a director at the Secure World Foundation, said.

Jacobinmag.com titles an article Leave the Billionaires in Space.

Notice something with these articles?

  • It pushes class warfare by pushing greed and envy.
  • It also makes this look like a luxury instead of the great accomplishment with an awesome future in space flight that will be necessary.
    • Yes, space flight is for billionaires…now. But soon it will be for millionaires, then for the wealth and finally, for the regular Joe.
    • You know what else was only for the billionaires before? Regular flight, televisions, cars, cell and smart phones, computers, wine and travel. All are now available to regular people.
  • These articles bring out that there is poverty around the world. But there always has been poverty and there will always be poverty. Jeff Bezos not having a space program is not going to change that.
  • Definitely paying more taxes by these guys is not going to fix the problems of civilization. What has any politician actually done for society?

The space flights over the last couple of weeks and the upcoming flight by SpaceX are fantastic and should be celebrated:

  • Innovation. The private sector, because of competition, are always innovating to state ahead of the game.
  • The private sector is doing something that the government mistakenly quit doing in the 70s like going to the moon. The space shuttle program was a disaster and they just kind of given up.
  • Space exploration, innovation and, eventually, colonization is going to be necessary because of:
    • Defense.
    • Overpopulation.
    • Resources.
    • Protecting the Earth from space objects like meteors.
    • Ejecting dangerous terrestrial material such as nuclear waste and the batteries from those Prius cars that Lefties drive to save the environment.
    • Unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
  • This is costing the tax payer nothing. It is all being done by private business. The government pays for what they want done.
  • This proves that capitalism is awesome. Do you think China is going to be able to compete with us in space with their government run program?

This story reminds me why I am a Conservative. I am not greedy or envious. I love capitalism. I think our country is awesome and the best in human history and I see that what Amazon, SpaceX and Virgin Atlantic are doing proves that. The Left always has to see the badness in everything this country does. It’s tired and it’s getting old. It makes them look like a bunch of bitter, old, grouchy men.



This Guy is Full of Sh*+!

The problem with an emergency, of any kind, where the government can take more power is that it eventually ends to the dismay of the power hungry. The problem for us is the government will gin up some reason to keep the emergency going.

That’s what the government is trying to do with the China virus.

The United States is now seeing the Delta variant of the China virus. This variant originated from India and is more contagious than the previous three variants and people who are vaccinated can catch it. This has led the government to panic again:

  • Los Angeles is requiring masks no matter if one is vaccinated or now.
  • Schools in California are going to require all students to mask up in school even though there is no evidence the virus is passed from child to adult and less than 350 kids under the age of 18 have died of the virus since the pandemic started.
  • Colleges are going to require all students to be vaccinated even though those age groups tend not to die.
  • Children as young as three are going to be required to wear masks. Doesn’t matter that studies have shown that CO2 levels in children rise with masks on all day.

This is all BS. It is an attempt to keep our emergency going even though it is over:

  • In California, on Tuesday, there were 4723 new China virus cases. That’s way up. Only 4 people died. When the pandemic was in full swing, 2000 people a day would die.
  • The hospitals are not being overrun.
  • Research has shown that the vaccinated do not die of the Delta variant. They usually do not even show symptoms.
  • The federal government doesn’t seem too concerned since they are letting in illegal aliens with no vaccine or testing requirements and just letting them into the interior.
  • A substantial number are coming over the border infected. The number are debated so I won’t throw any out there.

In communist countries, like Cuba and the Soviet Union, the tyrants always claimed to be in a perpetual revolution. That always justified their tyranny and made the people hold their heads up in patriotic pride even though they are being repressed. That’s what is happening with the government and this perpetual pandemic. They need to continue having the pandemic and screaming about it because that justifies their crappy and repressive policies.

But what I’m really surprised about is that no one is asking or even curious that this virus was probably engineered in a Chinese lab and that the United States (the NIH) probably financed it. Who heads the NIH? Anthony Fauci, the trusted source by the Left of all that is China virus related.

Rand Paul, who is a real doctor (an optometrist) and thinks Tony Fauci is full of crap, got into an argument with Fauci about the gain of function work done by the Wuhan lab. Fauci decided to use language to deflect blame. The two ended up calling each other liars. Listen:

If you watch the video, one can see how nervous Fauci is.

The argument is about gain of function. Gain of function is when a virus is manipulated so that it takes on other or more qualities. It is commonly used for the creation of vaccines. Paul is arguing that China used gain of function to make an animal virus transmissible to humans. Fauci is arguing that the molecules used for gain of function weren’t responsible for the pandemic. He’s basically changing the definition of gain of function. He’s also covering his ass incase of a perjury charge.

The only reason I care about this is because I want Tony Fauci to look like an ass because he’s a fraud. I want to know only three things:

  • Was this virus created in a Chinese lab?
  • Did we fund that or any other lab and why? China is an enemy.
  • And, if so, what are we, and the world community, going to do about it?

Nothing else matters and this is political theater.



I’m not watching them but the Olympics are going in Tokyo. I may not be watching but that doesn’t mean fun stuff isn’t happening.

Good Idea

One thing that the IOC has always had problems with is the athletes constantly having sex with each other. They’ve had years where condoms, that are given to the athletes, became unavailable. Now I don’t blame the athletes. They’re in a foreign country, athletic and able, good looking and tense. I can see it.

Problem is, the IOC is worried about the China virus. They’re not worried about chlamydia, herpes, HIV or syphilis. They’re worried about a disease that is not going to kill any of them. But, whatever, I guess it’s a start. They decided to give the athletes cardboard beds that are designed to break when more than one person is on them. That’s clever. Might not work.

Apparently, there was an Irish gymnast who started jumping on the bed to prove it could handle his carnal delights. Rhys McClenaghan proved that the IOC failed:

So, there you go. IOC fails again. First, the let a man into the women’s weightlifting competition now they can’t create a bed the 130 pound Irish gymnasts can’t break.

Good Deal

But the last story was not the biggest from Tokyo this week.

The Women’s Soccer Team all kneeled before their game today. The they proceeded to lose to Sweden 3-0 in the most embarrassing loss they have ever suffered.

Good for them!



They’re Just Making This Stuff Up

For our TikTok adventure today, let’s listen to @zoestoller. I would assume, by the name, he’s a she. But we can never know. Maybe she’s a he. She, he or it is describing a new flag for a new gender that he, she, it decided to create. The new gender is called “ges-sarah” I think. Listen:

  • These guys just are making this crap up now.
  • They also don’t define anything. They have a tendency to just use multi-syballic words consecutively but the whole thing ends up being gender-fluid anyway which means any comprehensible definition could change at any moment.
  • This shows that our kids need direction and an accomplishment. Like a war. Something that will really focus them to something that is truly important.
  • These kids have just gotten spoiled, bored and lazy. Instead of having a job, this Zoe guy is just sitting around all day and making crap up.
  • It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.