Episode 387 – Wait, How Much for That?!

Surprise! Our kids are getting out of college and don’t know how to live real life.

Math is racist and needs to become woke.

And I wish that the morons in San Francisco would be more awake than woke.


Geen You Thnk?

SWNS Digital just released a a poll that says that 81% of graduating college students wish they had learned some life skills when they were in school. According to the survey, which covered about 2000 graduating students:

  • 30% moved make home.
  • 31% moved back to their home towns.
  • 32% put their student loans on hold as much as possible.
  • 70% are overwhelmed by their living expenses.
  • 28% don’t have enough credit to get a loan and 39% have bad credit.
  • 17% don’t know how to cook or do their own laundry.
  • 26% do not know basic apartment maintenance such as resetting a router or unclogging a toilet.

The good news is that the students do understand about things like credit scores and even know where to go for financial advice and 70% felt confident about their financial future.

I blame just about everything for this.

Parents need to let their kids grow up. Let them make mistakes. Our kids are way too coddled and protected. I deal with helicopter parenting on a daily basis. Parents should stop buying their children cellphones and make them go out and experience life. Children should have chores. I knew how to do laundry at 11 years old. I was cooking by 15 years old. My grandfather taught me how to, not only how to unclog a drain in a sink and a toilet, he taught me how to fix a toilet and even had me help him swap out a toilet.

Another thing parents need to do is have their teenage kids get jobs when it is legal to do so. This college kids are getting out of college with zero experience in anything. Having a job teaches a lot of things outside of the job they are doing:

  • Learn responsibility.
  • Time management.
  • The value of money including taxes.
  • The importance of attitude.
  • The importance of customer service.

I also blame the school system itself. When I was in school, the teacher was in charge. Well, today, the patients are running the asylum. Children have way too much control of the school itself. They have all these “rights”, which is crap. Children do not have rights. They are there to be prepared for the real world.

As we will talk about in a few minutes, political correctness and social issues have gotten in the way of education. Are kids know nothing of history, civics, math, reading and science. But they do do about fat shaming, racism and LGBTQ stuff.

81% of recent college grads wish they were taught more life skills before graduation


Speaking Of That

There is an old video online. This video is a split screen. On the left side of the screen is a teacher teaching how to do multiplication in the new way that common core teaches. On the right side of the screen is a person doing the same multiplication problem on a piece of paper with a men.

The person on the right finishes the problem in 17 seconds (and I think she was taking his time). The teacher is on step two of the very complicated process. In the meantime, the gal is making coffee, she lets the dog out. The teacher finally gets to step three while the right side is pouring her freshly brewed coffee. At the end, we find out that the teacher got the same answer. But it took 3 minutes to do it.

This is the failure of common core.

But math and the other disciplines have become politicized.

Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) district in Louisville, Kentucky has decided that math is way to racist to the point of being violent and the teachers need to be taught how to make math less racist.

The College Fix reported:

The program’s goal is to “eliminate curricular violence and innovate mathematics education” through “anti-bias, anti-racist, and racially equitable practices.”

Educators will engage in monthly sessions with Lateefah Id-Deen, assistant professor of mathematics education at Kennesaw State University, which focus on topics like white supremacy in mathematics, racial trauma in mathematics, and creating anti-racist lesson plans.

Id-Deen teaches mathematics methods courses in the Kennesaw State University Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, emphasizing racial equity and culturally relevant pedagogy. She is also a frequent speaker at educator conferences and for the local school district.

Some details of the program are:

  • The program will start in August and go through May of 2022.
  • Teachers will be taught once a week for four sessions that will last two hours about how to get rid of racism in math.
  • Teacher will get one-on-one coaching.

This isn’t all that they are trying to implement CRT, LGBTQ philosophy and disability teachings into history into history.

We talked about this before. Math is seen as racist because it is considered objective and that’s a bad thing to the Left. Like if you accept that a man cannot get pregnant, you are being objective and, therefore, a bigot. They believe that math doesn’t have to be objective and there can be right or wrong answers. That showing your work is racist.

Gee, is it any wonder are kids are getting out of college and can’t do anything?



They Could Get One at Lowe’s for $20

San Francisco is having a problem. No it’s not crime or drugs or homelessness. It’s not drugs needles on the streets or the cost-of-living being the highest in the country. It’s their aging public trash cans. So they decided to buy some trash can prototypes and lay them across the city. The bought 15 trash cans.

“OK, Gene, so what?” you may be asking me.

They played $300,000 for those 15 trash cans. In case you can’t do the math, and you won’t be able to you is you learned the common core math, is $20,000 a trash can.

Well, good news! The San Francisco Chronicle says that the cans will eventually go down in price to $2000-3000 per can. I may be way off but I think that might be kind of expensive for a trash can.

Public Works acting Director Alaric Degrafinried agreed during the meeting Wednesday that the prototype cost is “a lot.” He said the main reason it’s so expensive is because San Francisco worked with a designer on a custom-made prototype.

Maybe they should save some money and not get designer trash cans. I don’t know if you’ve been to San Francisco recently but it kind of looks like people aren’t using the toilets much like the trash can so I think they could probably get away with some cheaper trash cans.



Olympic Update

Here are some updates on the Olympics. I know you’re not watching them. the viewership is down by almost 40%, the lowest in 33 years. There are many reasons for this:

  • The time change.
  • Social media.
  • People just aren’t watching a lot of television.
  • The constant social justice messaging by the athletes and commentators really is a turn off.

The IOC and other outlets such as the WNBA have taken cues to try to get normal non-Leftist Americans to watch the Olympics. The IOC made a rule that states no one can protest while on the medal stands. The WNBA told its players there not to kneel anymore.

Of course, Lebron James’ company had a comment on that. Pretty sure this reflects Lebron’s thoughts:

“Rule 50 is a rule in the Olympic Charter that bans any kind of demonstration and prohibits any opinionated political, religious or racial propaganda at the Olympic site in 2021.”

“The only time an athlete is able to speak freely is at press conferences and to the media, but not on the Olympic podium when the world is watching. Simply put, we see this as a way of silencing voices, and as advocates for Athlete empowerment, we take a stand against it.”

Lebron James is too busy to be at the Olympics because he is promoting his new movie because he’s so suppressed.

Anyway, here are some of the stories in the actual sports:

  • The Men’s basketball team lost to France. That’s awesome.
  • The Women’s gymnastic team had some issues and started out very slowly. They still have a shot at the gold medal but they’re going to have to tighten up.
  • The United States did have a record setting day, scoring 10 medals including 4 gold. We still trail China by one medal.
  • The US won six medals on the first day of swimming.
  • We won our first medal ever in fencing. Lee Kiefer won a gold medal.




This guy is talking about the conflicts between blacks and Asians. I’ll give him this, at least he realizes blacks are beating up Asians but his reason why it is happening are going to trip you out. Listen:

So, I guess white people are making black people beat up Asian people? I guess all those videos we are seeing is a result of the KKK.

Here’s the big problem with his argument is that Asians typically earn more than white people so white supremacy isn’t doing a good job of allowing people of color to be more successful than other white people.