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Episode 300 – The Saga Continues


The media is blowing up on a Ted Cruz error while ignoring everything else.

The Gorilla Glue Girl saga continues.

And AOC gives up…something for Lent? Wait, what?


What a Disaster This Guy Is

Joe Biden and CNN held a town hall on Tuesday. As expected, there were hard hitting questions like this one by moderator Anderson Cooper:

Yep, I didn’t bother watching it all. But the summary of it won’t be too surprising. Biden continued to look old and his answers were rambling. Some of the time, I thought he forgot the question in the middle of the answer.

Anderson Cooper did not ask hard hitting questions. They continued to blame the Trump administration for all the world ills. Be prepared for that to continue as Biden begins to mess up COVID, opening the schools and the economy and the inflation rate begins to go up. Cooper never pushed back, never asked the tough questions and avoided bringing up anything controversial like the Andrew Cuomo scandal.

But, we did learn some things. And they were not good. Here is something that can be seen as a gaff but I am not sure about that. Listen and then I’ll explain.

There are two things about this statement.

The first is what he said about getting the injections into the arms of the people. This is a consistent talking point of the Biden administration that the Trump administration did not have a plan for vaccinations. In fact, the Trump administration did have a plan. The plan got to 1 million vaccinations through the country per day. Biden and Harris didn’t seem to know that. They said they were going to get 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days. That’s 1 million vaccinations a day. They had to walk that one back.

The second problem here is the “gaff” he made about there being no vaccine available when he took office. Now, it could be a gaff but with the revisionist history going on in America, do not be surprised if, a couple of years from now, Biden gets full credit for the vaccine creation. That may be paranoid, but I am going to reserve calling this one a gaff.

Anderson Cooper asked Joe about when the country could get back to normal. He talked a little about herd immunity and the vaccine. It took him almost four minutes to get to the point. Here is his point:

A year?! A year?! This guy ran on the China virus being eliminated and now he’s talking about wearing two to fifteen masks for a year?! That ain’t going to cut it. Our kids are getting fat, depressed and killing themselves. They need school. My relationship with my fiancé is suffering because we have nothing to do. We go on hikes or to the casino because they are on Indian reservations and ignore California regulations. But I don’t gamble!

This is insane. It’s not going to happen. We are not going to keep ourselves locked away for a year. As a matter of fact, there are doctors at John Hopkins that are saying we should  be at herd immunity by April or May, not December. I plan to go to a baseball game this year. I plan to sit in a restaurant to eat dinner this year. I plan to go out without a mask and give a friend a hug and shake hands again.

But that wasn’t the craziest thing Biden said. Listen to this about China:

Before I talk about how insane what Biden said is, listen to a short clip from a recent CNN story about the sexual abuse and torture of Uyghur women in concentration camps in China.



This is what is happening in China:

  • Concentration camps.
  • Torture.
  • Executions.
  • Forced sterilizations.
  • The One Child policy.
  • Imprisonment with no due process.
  • Slave labor (your iPhone and Nikes).
  • Confiscation of property.
  • Theft of intellectual property.
  • Starvation.
  • Military occupation of Hong Kong.
  • Threats of invasion of Taiwan and, more recently, India.
  • Propaganda spread through the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
  • Infiltration of the United States government, entertainment, sports and education with spy and propaganda machines. This is not a conspiracy, we know this.


This is China and we’ve known it for many years. There are three things that disturb me about Biden’s statement here.

The first is that he is excusing genocide, which is the killing of people based on race, religion or beliefs. Question for you: What if we just looked at the genocide in Nazi Germany as a “cultural difference” that we had to ignore because that’s what Hitler had to do to be the leader of Nazi Germany?

The second is that it is looking like Biden is going to go easy on China. We shouldn’t be surprised about this considering his families’ financial dealings in China, including money Joe Biden probably got.

Finally, what does it say that our President is so easily willing to dismiss genocide as no big deal? Does old Joe or any of his minions think it might be a good idea to implement here? Don’t be too sure that is not a thing. Let’s see how many people are arrested during the Biden administration because they said something dangerous to the regime. Don’t think it’s a thing in this country? Ask Dinesh Dizouza, Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos if it is a thing.


Really? Now?

Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, took a vacation to Cancun with his family. So what? He took it in the middle of the worst winter storm in Texas in over 100 years. People did not have power and 24 people die.


This is not a great thing. Maybe he should have waited a few weeks before he decided to do this. It shows him as rather callous, taking a, “not my problem tone”. I see it. That sucked. It looked bad. This is going to be used against him in the next election and it will hurt him.

But here’s the question: Is this hypocrisy? No, better yet, is this the worst example of hypocrisy of an American history in the last four years?

Yeah, no.

So why is the media focusing everything on Ted Cruz? Cause he’s a Conservative Senator, that’s why.

The news has covered this “scandal” at a rate of 6 to 1 when it comes to the real scandal of Andrew Cuomo hiding deaths for his idiotic policies involving sticking COVID patients back into retirement homes. This amazes me. By the way, Cuomo’s lie has gone from 50% to 60% according to the investigation. So his lie seems to be going bigger by the second.

There are some distinct differences between Cuomo and Cruz:

Cruz made a bad optic decision. His policies had nothing to do with the storm or the power going out in Texas. In fact, Cruz is a federal employee (a Senator) not a state employee. He has no say. That doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences but he didn’t have anything to do with it. Cuomo’s policies led directly to 6400 more COVID deaths in his state. Then he hid the numbers.

There is no hypocrisy here. Cruz never said we shouldn’t travel. Unlike Cuomo, Newsom, Lightfoot and Pelosi who want to shut the entire country down than do whatever they want like eat at a posh restaurant with a crowd or get their hair done.

Cruz didn’t gain anything from his travel by lying about his situation except maybe a headache for his next election. Cuomo had a bad policy, killed people, wrote a book about how great his leadership was, designed a poster to show how great his leadership was and won an Emmy.

Not the same thing. It was a bad look and tone deaf. But he didn’t cause any of this and didn’t kill anyone. Cruz apologized and I think that was a mistake. No one will forgive him except Conservatives that like his policies. I personally think it was a mistake and we all make mistakes. But his apology will be used by Leftists to crucify him in the future. Seems to me he should have just taken the heat.



Gorilla Girl Saga Continues

The Gorilla Glue Girl Saga continues. It’s stupid but too deliciously funny to ignore. I bet you my left arm that this gal is going to get her own reality television show before this is all said and done.

Good news! She had her surgery and her hair is fixed. It will grow back and she can’t gussie herself up for a few month. Some had to be removed so she’ll have to wear a hat for a while but it will all come in normally.

Bad news: Her GoFundMe account has been suspended because the company is investigating her for fraud. There are several bloggers who say she is full of shit. She has $28,000 waiting for her once this whole thing is done. If her surgery only cost her $17,000 she, in theory, is going to make a $10,000 profit. Not sure how GoFundMe works with extra money but good for her. If people are stupid enough to donate to her, they should lose their money.

There was a rumor that she was going to sue the company that makes Gorilla Glue for $10 million because the company did not put any warnings on the bottle (actually they do have warnings on the bottle but nothing specifically about hair). She said that was untrue. She’s not suing anybody. It would make sense if she did because that’s the world we live in and we, as a society, seem to embrace stupidity.

The company that makes Gorilla Glue can afford it if she does sue. Apparently their sales have gone through the roof since this gal’s video went viral.

Finally, the Washington Post informed us why she put Gorilla Glue in her hair. It wasn’t because she’s an idiot. It’s because of that old bug-a-boo, systemic racism. Here’s what they said:

Neal Lester said he initially thought Brown’s problem was a prank, but as he continued to follow the story, he said it reminded him of all the ways Black Americans have used unusual hair products to manipulate or style their hair.

“I thought of Malcolm X and his experience with the conk,” said the Foundation Professor of English and founding director of Project Humanities at Arizona State University, referring to the hair straightener made of lye, eggs and potatoes used by many Black people in the earlier and middle part of the 20th century. “That stringing started with enslaved people using axle wheel grease and dirty dishwasher with oil.”

Enslaved men used axle wheel grease as a means to dye their hair or temporarily straighten it, and the women would use butter, fat from bacon or grease from geese to care for their hair, according to “Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America.”

“Sometimes a piece of cloth warmed over a flame would be pulled across the head and worn for a short while to stretch the curls out,” authors Ayana Byrd and Lori Tharps wrote.

Conversations about hair, especially Black hair, continue to evolve, Lester said, pointing to how Olympian Gabby Douglas was talked about when her edges weren’t slick enough for some or the criticism lodged at superstar Beyoncé for allowing her oldest daughter’s curls and kinks to do their own thing.

The story stopped with the racism thing. Gorilla Glue Girl talked about her surgery and how she was dealing with it. She talked about how things would go back to normal and how she would not stop. She said she wasn’t going to sue anyone. Bitched about not getting her money from GoFundMe. Really mundane shit you would expect to hear from a simpleton. I thought the commentary was over.

But the Washington Post decided to keep beating that dead horse. They concluded the article:

Black women’s hair choices are often labeled as self-hate or Afrocentric with no in between, said Kristin Denise Rowe, professor of American studies at California State University at Fullerton.

“Many of us have not been in that particular predicament, but we know what it’s like to do something crazy … to get it to lay a certain way, such as toothbrushes for our baby hair,” she said.

Black women’s hair care has long been discussed like it’s a freak show, with comments about how much they spend on straightening treatments or hair extensions, Rowe said. That’s missing a lot of nuance about how these things come to be cultural practices, Rowe said.

“In reality, what’s crazy is anti-Black notions of beauty and professionalism and notions of what’s appropriate,” she said.

Grooming standards in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy have recently been updated to include the styles many Black women wear to protect their natural hair, and just seven states have passed the Crown Act, a law that seeks to put an end to hair discrimination.

“We know we exist in a society where we’re constantly being told it’s not right now,” Rowe said of the sector of support for Brown.

A couple of things about this article. When I write, I try to avoid doing what this writer did. Of course, I believe in perfectionism so I’m a white supremacist and the writer is more woke than I am. What Lateshia Beachum did was use facts about a really stupid story (facts are what I was looking for here) than try to mix deep intellectual societal commentary. Do I really need to know the reasons a Cal State Fullerton professor thinks why this gal stuck super glue in her hair?

I also question what our university professors are doing all day. They seem to always seem to have some social, historical and political opinions on some of the most mundane crap. I could be a professor or a columnist for the Washington Post. I bet I could come up with a thousand word article on why shoe laces are racist and promote the patriarchy. I swear it, just give me enough time.

We are in a culture of idiots.


‘Gorilla Glue Girl’: Will her lawsuit stick?



But She’s a Marxist? God She’s Dumb!

Finally, dumb story of the day:

Marxist, socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has given up meat for Lent.

Why is this dumb?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is so stupid she doesn’t realize Marxist socialists don’t believe in God and, therefore, don’t celebrate Lent. Pretty sad that a Democratic Republican Capitalist knows more about Marxism that a Marxist. I guess she was too busy making Pina Coladas in her last job to read the Communist Manifesto.




Episode 299 – 2+2=RACIST!




From the Daily Wire by Ashe Schow

The Oregon Department of Education is promoting a program for teachers that seeks to “disman[tle] racism in mathematics,” alleging that focusing on finding the right answer is a symbol of white supremacy.

OK, math isn’t racist. Learn the history of zero and you will learn that. Learn the history of the calendar and you will learn that.

Fox News reported that the ODE sent out a newsletter last week that mentions a “Pathway to Math Equity Micro-Course” that will occur on February 21. The course, according to Fox, is designed for middle school teachers to make use of a toolkit for ‘dismantling racism in mathematics.’”

Math is not racist. Math doesn’t care.

The newsletter encourages teachers to sign up for the training, which the New York Post previously reported includes a section with 14 things associated with “White Supremacy Culture,” including perfectionism, objectivity, and individualism.

We are going to go through those 14 things that are associated with white supremacy culture. Hold your seatbelts on that one.

Objectivity is described in the workbook accompanying the training as “the belief that there is such a thing as being objective or ‘neutral.’” The program’s toolkit also encourages teachers not to focus on a single correct answer, but to “come up with at least two answers that might solve this problem” and to “Challenge standardized test questions by getting the ‘right’ answer, but justify other answers by unpacking the assumptions that are made in the problem.”

The toolkit also asks instructors to “center ethnomathematics” in multiple ways, one of which is to “identify and challenge the ways that math is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist, and racist views.”

Math is not capitalist, imperialist or racist.

ODE Communications Director Marc Siegel confirmed to Fox News that the educational program was being advertised and defended it, claiming the training “helps educators learn key tools for engagement, develop strategies to improve equitable outcomes for Black, Latinx, and multilingual students, and join communities of practice.”

Math doesn’t care if you’re black, Hispanic or don’t speak English. Math is its own language.

This is simply the latest in a string of “anti-racism” teachings that insist the core of education is based on white supremacy. As The Daily Wire has documented, San Francisco has been intently focused on race in recent weeks instead of the growing number of student suicides and mental health crises caused by the continuous closure of schools.

While students suffer, the school district seems more concerned with tackling race perceptions, focusing on renaming schools based on historically inaccurate information and debating the racial makeup of an all-female volunteer council. As The Daily Wire reported, the San Francisco school board spent two hours debating whether the gay father of a mixed-race child was diverse enough to sit on a parent advisory council that was currently made up of only women and had additional open seats. The school board has also spent time renaming numerous public schools based on a historically inaccurate Google Doc and claiming acronyms are a “symptom of white supremacy culture” while replacing one acronym with another.

If you think that renaming schools because of racism doesn’t have anything to do with math now being referred to as racist, keep your panties on. Math, history, philosophy, science and literature all are tied together by the Left. We will get to it.


White Supremacy Culture…Huh?


I went and decided to read this signs of a white supremacy culture because I wanted to see what the Left was actually thinking when they say that math is a sign of white supremacy and I understand why now. Here’s the thing: I strive for all these every day.

We’re going to go over this list in a separate podcast because this is what are kids are learning and we will be learning at work. It also explains why everything to the Left is white supremacy. Finally, HR departments around the country are going to demand people interact with each other in certain ways and will fire you if you don’t.

So here are the ones that math, which, by the way, is a concept, not a living thing, is a construct of white supremacy.


Essentially curses a meritocracies. It sees those who strive for perfection as receiving more appreciation and responsibility than those who don’t. The solution to this is to appreciate all equally and don’t make mistakes personal. In other words, treat those that are f-ing up like you treat those that do a great job.

Well, I’m a white supremacist. I strive to be perfect in everything I do. I am not perfect and I never reach that perfection but I do try. Because I try to achieve perfection in everything I do, I learn from my mistakes and make sure I never make them again. I take mistakes personally because I don’t want to make them again. There’s nothing wrong with that.

I also think if I do a great job versus someone who is screwing around, I should get more credit and more responsibility. Why? Because I deserve it. I don’t give a damn if the guy screwing around gets butt-hurt because he wants to be appreciated.

This is part of the everyone-gets-a-trophy culture our kids are living in. One doesn’t need to earn a trophy through performance. You’ll just get one for being there.

With math, you’re either right or wrong. It is an objective standard to whether one learned something. You’re either right or wrong. There is no second place trophy in math.

Only One Right Way

Duh. If there can only be one right answer, there can only be one right way to do it. This is what the Oregon school district is trying to change. They are trying to make it that math can have alternate ways of being done. Common core, implemented by the Obama administration, actually teaches how to do multiplication in a way that doesn’t make much sense and is longer and harder to do than just learning the multiplication table and writing out the solutions.

Either/Or Thinking

In math, you either have a right answer or a wrong answer. This is considered white supremacy. We can’t have that. In ethnomath, there can be two right answers.


Let’s be clear about something: the purpose of calling everything white supremacy is to say our country is systemically racist. Once everyone believes that the system is racist, we can then change the entire system. The system the left wants to implement is socialism. Socialism does not acknowledge individualism.

Math is a measure of a person’s capacity. Some are good at math, some aren’t. In the army, you are tested in math and logic to determine what job you’ll qualify for. They can’t have that.

Progress is Bigger/More

Math is nothing but progression. First you learn to add, then subtract, then multiply, then divide, then fractions and decimals and so one. The further one progresses, the more confidence he gets. The more confidence, the more establishment of individuality. It works the same when dealing with reading, science and history.


Math is nothing but objective. Feelings and biases have nothing to do with the answers or the process to arrive at the answer.


Need to Push Against This








Women in the military.


Episode 298 – Rest in Peace, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh passes away at the age of 70.

Texas is a mess and the Left can’t let a good tragedy go to waste.

And Trump lays into Mitch McConnell.


Rest in Peace, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh, the monumentally influential media icon who transformed talk radio and politics in his decades behind the microphone, helping shape the modern-day Republican Party, died Wednesday morning at the age of 70 after a battle with lung cancer, his family announced.

Limbaugh’s wife, Kathryn, made the announcement on his radio show. “Losing a loved one is terribly difficult, even more so when that loved one is larger than life,” she said. “Rush will forever be the greatest of all time.”

The radio icon learned he had Stage IV lung cancer in January 2020 and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Trump at the State of the Union address days later. First lady Melania Trump then presented America’s highest civilian honor to Limbaugh in an emotional moment on the heels of his devastating cancer diagnosis.

Limbaugh is considered one of the most influential media figures in American history and has played a consequential role in conservative politics since “The Rush Limbaugh Show” began in 1988. Perched behind his Golden EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) Microphone, Limbaugh spent over three decades as arguably both the most beloved and polarizing person in American media.

The program that began 33 years ago on national syndication with only 56 radio stations grew to be the most listened-to radio show in the United States, airing on more than 600 stations, according to the show’s website. Up to 27 million people tuned in on a weekly basis and Limbaugh has lovingly referred to his passionate fan base as “Dittoheads,” as they would often say “ditto” when agreeing with the iconic radio host.

Here is his farewell during his final broadcast.



Disaster in Texas

What Happened?

Temperatures throughout the country have been plummeting. Right now, 74% of the country is suffering through freezing weather. Texas is being hit hardest.

In Texas, where temps are hitting 6 degrees. This is the coldest weather in Texas in over a hundred years. Needless to say, power to heat homes spiked and the entire power grid went down. As of this writing, 17 people have already died though more are expected to be found.

Ninety percent of Texas power comes from a company called ERCOT.  Texas governor, Greg Abbott said there will be an investigation. He said:

“This was a total failure by ERCOT. ERCOT stands for Electric Reliability Council of Texas … and they showed that they were not reliable. These are specialists, and government has to rely upon these specialists to be able to deliver in these types of situations.”

Never Let Disaster Go to Waste

Of course, AOC decided this is a perfect time to blame climate change and the fact that Texas did not have green energy.

She was called out almost immediately.

Here are the facts:

  • The power outage had a bunch of problems.
  • Coal and natural gas lines froze.
  • They have two nuclear reactors. One failed because of a frozen emergency sensor.
  • Solar panels were frozen over.
  • Windmills froze over.


What the Left is forgetting is that Texas generates the most power from wind in the country.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

The problem is Texas’s overreliance on wind power that has left the grid more vulnerable to bad weather. Half of wind turbines froze last week, causing wind’s share of electricity to plunge to 8% from 42%. Power prices in the wholesale market spiked, and grid regulators on Friday warned of rolling blackouts. Natural gas and coal generators ramped up to cover the supply gap but couldn’t meet the surging demand for electricity—which half of households rely on for heating—even as many families powered up their gas furnaces. Then some gas wells and pipelines froze.

In short, there wasn’t sufficient baseload power from coal and nuclear to support the grid. Baseload power is needed to stabilize grid frequency amid changes in demand and supply. When there’s not enough baseload power, the grid gets unbalanced and power sources can fail. The more the grid relies on intermittent renewables like wind and solar, the more baseload power is needed to back them up.

So, the baseload failed and it failed because there was not enough generation of power from reliable energy like coal, gas and nuclear.

According to ERCOT stats, even though gas and coal failed, wind and solar were a disaster. The only form of energy that performed was…nuclear.

Here are the stats:

  • Coal – 63%; Dependable 13,630 GW; Producing 8616
  • Gas – 61%; Dependable 52,523 GW, Producing 32,108
  • Nuclear – 80%; Dependable 5153 GW, Producing 4141
  • Wind – 45%; Dependable 7070 GW, Producing 3153
  • Solar – 0%; Dependable 304 GW, Producing 0


What is amazing is the Nameplate projections. Nameplate projections are what a company says their source will produce.

  • Coal, gas and nuclear are at 100%
  • Wind projects 28,755 GW but produces only 7070 GW. That’s 25%.
  • Solar predicts 4898 GW but only produces 304 GW. That’s 6%.


Here’s the thing: we should find alternate fuel sources. Oil is finite and too valuable a resource to burn. But, let the private sector do it. Government standards, regulation and fear mongering are not going to fix anything and will lead, dare I say it, to people dying.

Look at what we have done with the electric car. Five years ago, we could not drive to the grocery store without the damn things running out of juice. Now, we can drive tp Vegas on a single charge. It was the free market that innovates and creates. Not government. You think the private sector doesn’t want to be innovative?

  • Right now, the alternate energy ideas Leftists want to push are inefficient, expensive and actually harm the environment. I think depending on this and forcing everything to change in ten years is going to cost lives. Let technology grow.




Trump Unloads


The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political “leaders” like Sen. Mitch McConnell at its helm. McConnell’s dedication to business as usual, status quo policies, together with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill, and personality, has rapidly driven him from Majority Leader to Minority Leader, and it will only get worse. The Democrats and Chuck Schumer play McConnell like a fiddle—they’ve never had it so good—and they want to keep it that way! We know our America First agenda is a winner, not McConnell’s Beltway First agenda or Biden’s America Last.

















Episode 297 – They’re Not Even Hiding It

Have you ever been accused of being a conspiracy theorist because you believed the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump? Do you believe that the Democrats and their minion fixed the election? Are you afraid that this mess will happen again and there will not be another Republican President again because the fix worked so well? Have you been banned from social media because you said the election was fixed?

Well, Time Magazine has said the quiet part out loud and has justified the stolen election. I’m not kidding.

Remember this: Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t after you.


The Secret of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election by Molly Ball

Feb. 4 2021

A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing.

The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence.

Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the response was not mass action but crickets. When media organizations called the race for Joe Biden on Nov. 7, jubilation broke out instead, as people thronged cities across the U.S. to celebrate the democratic process that resulted in Trump’s ouster.

Why is anyone surprised? Over the six months before the election, what violence had right-wing groups done?

A second odd thing happened amid Trump’s attempts to reverse the result: corporate America turned on him. Hundreds of major business leaders, many of whom had backed Trump’s candidacy and supported his policies, called on him to concede. To the President, something felt amiss. “It was all very, very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.”

In a way, Trump was right.

“Odd thing”? How is corporate American turning on Trump an “odd thing”? The media had been pissing on Trump from day one.

Also, it makes sense that big corporations would jump on the Biden band wagon.

  • They want to stay on the good side of the Biden administration so it will leave them alone.
  • They want big regulations to choke off the competition.
  • Most big companies are liberal (leftist) including Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Nike and Apple.
  • Biden is friendly to China, a source for big corporations’ cheap production through China’s slave labor.


This is an attempt to hide the Leftism of the institutions. It’s not like these institutions were suddenly Leftist. They just couldn’t do what they wanted until Biden got elected.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

Again, this conspiracy has always been there.

The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.

Couple of things:

This was not bipartisan.

This was dedicated to, not so much Biden winning the election, but to Trump losing the election. And to think that this was separate from the Biden campaign is absolutely insane. Joe Biden hid during the entire campaign. He did not answer any questions. He did not state any policies. He wanted to cancel all debates. The Joe Biden campaign knew what was going on. They knew the fix was in. This is not conspiracy theory, this is simple observation and reason.

Also the concept of “fair, credible and uncorrupted” elections is not going to be forwarded by no voter IDs, mail-in ballots, closed off counting areas, ballot harvesting, automatic voter registration, polling that proved completely wrong, early voting (even before the debates) and changing election law during the election. And, if there is manipulation, doesn’t that mean the election was rigged?

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result. “The untold story of the election is the thousands of people of both parties who accomplished the triumph of American democracy at its very foundation,” says Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official who recruited Republicans and Democrats to the board of the Voter Protection Program.

In other words, they manipulated the election. They are not even hiding it any more. Maybe all of Trump’s “conspiracy theories” of a stolen election tuned out to be true. This article seems to indicate that.

But I’ll go a step further: This election was trying to be manipulated way ahead of 2020.

  • They accused Trump of stealing the election with help from the Russians.
  • They promoted a story about Stormy Daniels.
  • They accused him of not paying his fair share of taxes.
  • When he refused to hand of his taxes, they started investigations into fraud.
  • They accused and impeached him for a ten minute phone call to Ukraine.
  • They manipulated his speech after Charlottesville.
  • They manipulated his speech about the border and created the narrative that he hated Mexicans.
  • They called him a despot, a dictator, a Nazi, a Hitler, a madman who needed to have the 25th Amendment used to pull him out of office.
  • And, every day, he’s being called a racist, xenophobe, misogynists, anti-Semitic bigot.


This election was being manipulated four years ago.

For Trump and his allies were running their own campaign to spoil the election. The President spent months insisting that mail ballots were a Democratic plot and the election would be “rigged.” His henchmen at the state level sought to block their use, while his lawyers brought dozens of spurious suits to make it more difficult to vote–an intensification of the GOP’s legacy of suppressive tactics. Before the election, Trump plotted to block a legitimate vote count. And he spent the months following Nov. 3 trying to steal the election he’d lost–with lawsuits and conspiracy theories, pressure on state and local officials, and finally summoning his army of supporters to the Jan. 6 rally that ended in deadly violence at the Capitol.

The democracy campaigners watched with alarm. “Every week, we felt like we were in a struggle to try to pull off this election without the country going through a real dangerous moment of unraveling,” says former GOP Representative Zach Wamp, a Trump supporter who helped coordinate a bipartisan election-protection council. “We can look back and say this thing went pretty well, but it was not at all clear in September and October that that was going to be the case.”

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President and a Democrat, said that mail-in balloting was just asking for corruption in an election. We already went over this in a previous podcast.

Like I pointed out earlier, Trump wanted the election to be run legally. It was the Left that manipulated the election including changing the laws within states like Pennsylvania. The vote count were not transparent. There was auditing of the votes. A lot of votes that did not have signatures or valid addresses were counted.

As far as I’m concerned, the country is going through a very dangerous moment. If our elections can be manipulated, we may never see another Republican in office again. This will just lead down to tyranny. China could not have drawn this up better. And we can see this through Cancel Culture, the reaction to religion and the redefinition of our norms.

This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. “Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.

Like I said earlier, they aren’t even hiding it. They did rig and fix the election and it was done by the elites of this society. But this is seen as a good thing because Trump was do evil and it was to…save the democracy? Save it from what? We dumb people who don’t know what’s good for us?

If this is true, and I think it is, then our Democracy is lost and, in no time, we



Episode 296 – Now Who’s to Blame, Andy?

Impeachment is done and it goes like we thought it would.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are at it again. Some much for Blue Lives Matter being a thing.

Star Wars goes woke…sort of.

And Andrew Cuomo has some ‘splaining to do.


Impeachment Update

Things went absolutely insane on Saturday during the impeachment trial:

  • The Senate voted to call witnesses. In a hail Mary because the did not have witnesses, all Democrats and five Republicans voted to have witnesses. One of the Republicans was Lindsey Graham.
  • Graham said that he thinks Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris needed to be called as witnesses.
  • Graham said that this would delay the trial and Biden’s push for policies for weeks. This would be a good thing.
  • Mitt Romney and Ron Johnson got into a fight about something.
  • In what appears to be a de-escalation of the previous witness call, both sides agree to enter Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s statement into evidence. This will end the call for witnesses. Darn.
  • Impeachment managers start their closing statements.
  • Trump’s defense team had their closing statements.
  • Trump was acquitted in the Senate by a 57-43 count.


The seven GOP senators who joined with all Democrats in finding Trump guilty were: Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

What’s disturbing is that the Democrats were completely united but seven Republicans pussed out. This is bad for the Republican party. It’s bad because these Republicans just voted because of politics not evidence. Not because the impeachment managers proved a damn thing.

All these people are squishes and never-Trumpers. They should be taken out of office.

Nancy Pelosi was losing her crap. She had this to say when she finished her initial statement about implementing a censure:



Black Lives Matter, again, decided to hold a protest in New York City and, again, it ended up violent.

  • A photographer for the Daily News was beaten up because the rioters thought he was a police officer.
  • Two police officers suffered minor injuries.
  • Eleven rioters were arrested.


The reason I am bringing this up, because it happens every weekend, is that no one is talking about it.


It Will Come for You

Disney faced widespread backlash late on Wednesday after a production company that they own announced that it had parted ways with conservative actress Gina Carano after the actress posted some things to social media that some claimed were offensive.

Carano played Cara Dune in The Mandalorian and was also a professional MMA fighter. She is also a Conservative and hates Cancel Culture.

She had two tweets which led to Disney firing her from the popular Disney+ online entertainment site.

The first was a change she made to her profile. Apparently, her “people” wanted her to add her pronouns on Twitter to show her support for the trans community.

I think its funny. Disney didn’t think it was funny and she ended up on their radar back in November.

The big post that got her into trouble was this one:

This had nothing to do with Jews. It’s a Cancel Culture comparison. The first thing the Nazis did was demonize the Jews so they would be hated by the non-Jew German citizens. Does this sound familiar? Then they segregated the Jews from the rest of the population. Finally, the Jews were herded up and exterminated.

That’s what she was saying. Nothing really controversial about this. But she used “Nazi” when pointing to the Left. This was bad. Especially for the Leftists at Disney. She had to go.

Also, if you ever want to get into trouble or sound like an idiot, make a Nazi comparison. If you’re a Leftist, it’s OK but you sound stupid. If you’re a Conservative, you will get into trouble and, sometimes, sound stupid. I didn’t think this post was actually too bad and is actually a bit of a foreshadow to the future of this country.

The funny thing is the star of The Mandalorian also tweeted about the Nazis. He had a picture showing children in cages during the Holocaust and children being in cages, supposedly, at the border of the United States. He tried to compare the U.S. Border Patrol to the Nazis.

Couple of problems with the post. First, the children weren’t in the United States, the were jailed in a Central American jail. Oops. The other problem is this policy was started during the Bush administration and it was the Obama administration that actually pushed the policy, not the Trump administration.

But nothing happened to Pedro. Sounds kind of sexist to me.

There are now calls to boycott Disney. If you don’t want to watch Disney, don’t. Boycotts are stupid and rarely accomplish anything. But if people stop watching, Disney will realize what they’re doing is not acceptable.

Good, announced today. Gina Carano will produce and star in a movie that will be in a film that will be distributed by The Daily Wire.




He’s Got Some Splaining to Do

Per the New York Post:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear that the true numbers would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, The Post has learned.

The stunning admission of a coverup was made by secretary to the governor Melissa DeRosa during a video conference call with state Democratic leaders in which she said the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the tally in August because “right around the same time, [then-President Donald Trump] turns this into a giant political football,” according to an audio recording of the two-hour-plus meeting.

DeRosa said:

“He starts tweeting that we killed everyone in nursing homes. He starts going after [New Jersey Gov. Phil] Murphy, starts going after [California Gov. Gavin] Newsom, starts going after [Michigan Gov.] Gretchen Whitmer.”

In addition to attacking Cuomo’s fellow Democratic governors, DeRosa said, Trump “directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us.”

“And basically, we froze,” she told the lawmakers on the call.

“Because then we were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation. That played a very large role into this.”

After dropping the bombshell, DeRosa asked for “a little bit of appreciation of the context” and offered what appears to be the Cuomo administration’s first apology for its handling of nursing homes amid the pandemic.

But instead of a mea culpa to the grieving family members of more than 13,000 dead seniors or the critics who say the Health Department spread COVID-19 in the care facilities with a March 25 state Health Department directive that nursing homes admit infected patients, DeRosa tried to make amends with the fellow Democrats for the political inconvenience it caused them.

“So we do apologize,” she said. “I do understand the position that you were put in. I know that it is not fair. It was not our intention to put you in that political position with the Republicans.”

The reactions from New York Democrats was less than forgiving.

Assembly Health Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan) said:

“I don’t have enough time today to explain all the reasons why I don’t give that any credit at all.”

State Senate Aging Committee Chairwoman Rachel May (D-Syracuse) said:

“And the issue for me, the biggest issue of all is feeling like I needed to defend — or at least not attack — an administration that was appearing to be covering something up. And in a, in a pandemic, when you want the public to trust the public health officials, and there is this clear feeling that they’re not coming, being forthcoming with you, that is really hard and it remains difficult.”

Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens) said:

“(It’s) like they admitted that they were trying to dodge having any incriminating evidence that might put the administration or the [Health Department] in further trouble with the Department of Justice. That’s how I understand their reasoning of why they were unable to share, in real time, the data. They had to first make sure that the state was protected against federal investigation.”

Kim, whose uncle is presumed to have died of COVID-19 in a nursing home in April, also said he wasn’t satisfied with DeRosa’s apology.

“It’s not enough how contrite they are with us,” he said. “They need to show that to the public and the families — and they haven’t done that.”

Bill DeBlasio, mayor of New York City:

“It’s very troubling. We’ve got to know more. We now need a full accounting of what happened. Think about seniors, who their [sic] lives were in the balance and their families, you know, just desperate to get them the help they needed. We need to know exactly what happened here. We need to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”

So now there is a bipartisan call for:

  • The DOJ to open a criminal investigation.
  • Calls for Cuomo’s emergency powers to be stripped.
  • Calls for Cuomo to resign.


Of course Cuomo, who won and Emmy, wrote a book about how well he did and released a poster for sale on the progression of the virus decided to straighten us all out on who was to blame for lying about the death counts:










Episode 295 – Generation Duh!

Democrats finish up their opening statements (16 hours) and their case looks very weak.

The Mandalorian is having a casting change. Might be time to stop watching it.

Rest in Peace, Aunt Jemima.

And it’s hard to believe that this gal can vote.



I watched the impeachment hearings. I think I just lost several IQ points but I wanted to be able to intelligently talk about this. The Democrats are not running this thing like a trial. They are just blustering and using well-edited videos to drive, I think, a narrative that they believe will be enough to convict Donald Trump in the Senate. I find this a little weird because edited videos are typically not great evidence for conviction.

I watched all day Thursday and most of Wednesday. I know the news media, including Fox News, is saying how impressive the opening was by the impeachment managers. I wasn’t impressed at all. In fact, I think a normal person with any kind of reason would throw this who thing out already.

Here’s what I got out of the last two days:

One of the first things I noticed is the prosecutions keeps saying “incitement”, “insurrection” and “overwhelming evidence” like these words mean something without actually proving  anything. I was watching this thing for two days and there was not one shred of evidence, just rhetoric.

They also played a bunch of videos, well edited I might add, from the attack on the Capitol building. These were all terrible things and the amount of violence and damage will provoke emotions. But none of these videos is evidence and the even less than evidence. They were edited when Trump said, “fight for the country” or whatever. But they failed to bring the entire speech especially when Trump said to “peaceably and patriotically protest”. This stuff would have been objected to in a court room and thrown out.

Insurrection and incitement are very specific. Trump must make a call to violence. I heard the speech and he never called for violence or that the protestors should storm the Capitol. In fact, all their videos that the impeachment managers showed, not one should Trump calling for a storming or violence.

They are pushing that Trump knew this was going to happen and one manager even suggested that he helped plan it through Twitter, presenting specific Tweets. At least the Tweets could be considered evidence. The problem is, the prosecution interpreted the tweets. Reading them literally, one would never come up that this was Trump inciting violence. In fact, any direct tweet to Trump supporting him did not seem to incite violence when read literally. This is misdirection. Telling you not to believe your lying eyes or suggesting, in lawyer-speak, that one can’t read.

They started talking about what other countries thought about our little issue and saying that is enough reason to impeach Trump. We want to save our reputation with the rest of the world. They even quoted what the Chinese national news says. Yeah, the same country that is spying on us, stealing our data, invading Hong Kong and is committing genocide against the Wyuigers. Yeah, I care what they say. I think this argument is weak tea for a lot of Republicans. I’m not sure why the impeachment managers thought this was worthy evidence.

For some reason, they brought up the white supremacy. There is no evidence this whole thing had anything to do with white supremacy. Even the FBI and DHS said white supremacy had nothing to do with this. Then, for some reason, they brought up the fictitious Charlottesville event and that he “never” condemned white supremacy.

  1. Trump did condemn white supremacy hundreds of times.
  2. He condemned white supremacy during his speech after the the attack. And…
  3. What the hell does this have to do with what happened at the Capitol?


Uh, nothing.

Finally, Ted Lui of California put it best: If they don’t convict Trump, he could run for President again. It amazes me that the Democrats are so stupid they always end up showing the thong under their skirt at some point. This is not a reason for impeachment.

What Can We Take From This?

The Democrats are disregarding legal principles for rhetoric. They are calling emotion evidence. I understand that this trial is a political process but being able to say words well does not mean someone is guilty of something. Legal principles of testimony and evidence must be part of this process. Grandstanding is not evidence and not worthy to convict someone.

Through their rhetoric, the Democrats are trying to make this thing into a common sense argument. Trump is guilty and everyone knows it. That’s not an argument. That’s not evidence. And if I need evidence, that doesn’t mean I don’t have any common sense. This is kind of an insulting strategy. Wave the shiny object and we dupes will miss the point and forget about, you know, evidence.

They are also talking about how our democracy almost ended and is in danger if Trump would be allowed to run again in 2024, when he’s 78 years old. They said that President Trump started a coup and almost succeeded.

What a crock of crap.

Democracy is fine. It was never in danger. Two hundred people were acting like idiots, left and the Senate went back to work right after. Not these idiots, half unemployed and living with there parents, are now being arrested and prosecuted, as they should. And this was no where near being a coup. A coup is when the military takes over the government because, theoretically, because it has become corrupt. This was no coup. But the Democrats need to make this into as much a disaster as they can. What I’m afraid of is politicians love and embrace this kind of language. Some may be swayed by it.

There Was A Big Screw Up

But the solemn tone was broken Wednesday during a spat between Lee, R-Utah, and the impeachment managers — and it could escalate Thursday if the impeachment managers try to “relitigate” the point as Schumer, D-N.Y., said may happen.

As lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., was preparing to close down the House’s arguments for the day, Lee requested to be recognized and said that the impeachment managers had incorrectly described what happened when Trump called his phone on Jan. 6. He asked that the statement, made by Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., be removed from the record of the trial.

This forced Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment manager, to make a glaring admission. Listen:

As you heard, Raskin said he would withdraw the quote since it appears not to be true. But that wasn’t it. The Democrats also edited a tweet earlier in the hearing. They also had to withdraw that.

Question: If the Democrats have such overwhelming evidence, why did the use misquotes, edit every video they used that did not show the whole story and edit tweets?

The Trump lawyers really do not need to do much and the said that. Instead of sixteen hours, they plan to use around four. They should:

  • Show a video with Democrats actually inciting violence.
  • Show the actual speech Trump made on January 6.
  • Keep pushing that this trial is unconstitutional.
  • Point out that not one shred of evidence has been presented and this is just a show trial.
  • Get of the podium.


The impeachment managers failed…again. Don’t weave a rope to hang yourself. They have won. Move on. I’m not even sure they need to put on a defense.





Rest in Peace

Aunt Jemima will soon become a relic of the past.

The pancake brand’s parent company, PepsiCo, Inc., announced it is rebranding Aunt Jemima to Pearl Milling Company.

This is racist. Because pearls are white.

You have to love Cancel Culture.



Generation Duh!

Tessica Brown, the Louisiana woman who was forced to seek medical treatment after using Gorilla Glue to style her hair, says she’s heading off to see a surgeon for help removing the product.

“I will be leaving tomorrow to go see a surgeon,” she wrote on Instagram Tuesday afternoon. “I will update you guys the second I have news again.”

Brown had previously admitted herself to an emergency room in Chalmette, La., where she was reportedly instructed to sterilized water and nail polish remover to try and soften the glue. Now, she’s said to be flying to Los Angeles to meet with Dr. Michael Obeng, a plastic surgeon, who has offered his services for free, TMZ reports.

Now, the plastic surgeon in Los Angeles will try to remove the rest of the glue from her hair and scalp in a procedure that can take up to three days and cost over $12,000, the outlet reports.

Brown, meanwhile, has already raised more than $17,000 via an online fundraiser she had arranged to cover medical expenses. It’s unclear if she will use that money to cover travel costs, too.



Episode 294 – Let the Circus Begin…Again

The impeachment circus has started and the trials begins today. Trump is not thrilled with his attorneys on the first day.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is screwing up the country and no one is paying attention.

I guess the NBA viewership is still too high so they make a move and, apparently, I wasn’t the only one that forgot about the Super Bowl.


Here We Go Again

The Video

On Tuesday, the Senate got together to debate and eventually vote on whether or not the impeachment trial of Donald Trump is Constitutional. Full disclosure: I did not watch it. I actually watched the Steven Crowder live stream. The show only shows clips of the trial and the rest is commentary and jokes. It makes the political process bearable.

The first thing the Democrats sis was play a 13 minute video of the January 6th attack with the Trump speech superimposed into it. It showed the riots, police being assaulted and berated. It shows people going through fences and entering the Capitol grounds.

It shows the Senate convening for the certification of the vote while Trump is encouraging Pence to overturn the election and, at the end of the speech, he tells them to march to the Capitol building.

It shows the Senate proceeding while the riot gets into full swing.

It shows the clearing of the Senate and House chambers because of the breach and the killing of Ashlii Babbit.

It ends with Trump making his speech about needing peace and to stop attacking the Capitol building.

It was a violent video that put Trump at the lead of the assault. It was an emotional video and looks horrible. But it also skips a lot of things. It skips that the assault started before the speech was over and that it was planned well before the speech. It also skips the words, “Now go and peacefully and patriotically protest” which Trump said and was recorded saying. So it was a cynical video edited together to promote Trump’s strongest words.

The video really did little to prove Constitutionality. It was just an emotion thing.

The Trump defense team also ran a video showing all the Democrats that have been saying they are going to impeach Trump all the way back to 2017.

The idea with this is the argument that the Democrats have been after Trump since day 1 of his Presidency. This is also an effective video for the trial but really did little to prove how this trial is not Constitutional.

Jamie Raskin Get Emotional

One thing I hate is when politicians try to pull at our heart string. It is disingenuous and usually has nothing to do with the debate at hand. That’s what lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin did:

The Vote

The Senate agreed to consider the case against Trump by a 56-44 vote following hours of arguments by the former president’s legal team and House impeachment managers.

A total of six Republicans – Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania – sided with Democrats in calling for the trial to proceed.

Cassidy voted to proceed with the trial just two weeks after he joined other Republicans in a vote to dismiss the impeachment charge on grounds that proceedings against a former president would be unconstitutional. The Louisiana senator explained his reversal shortly after the first day of arguments concluded.

Cassidy said:

“We heard arguments from both sides on the constitutionality of having a Senate trial of a president who has since left office. A sufficient amount of evidence of constitutionality exists for the Senate to proceed with the trial. This vote is not a prejudgment on the final vote to convict.

“If anyone disagrees with my vote and would like an explanation, I ask them to listen to the arguments presented by the House Managers and former President Trump’s lawyers. The House managers had much stronger constitutional arguments. The president’s team did not.”

Trump Is Pissed

Former President Trump was “furious” and “beyond angry” over his defense team’s showing on Day One of his second impeachment trial despite his ultimate acquittal almost certain.

The sources, who spent time with Trump, said he was particularly incensed with the effort thus far by his attorney Bruce Castor. Trump believes Castor gave a rambling opening argument.

Castor’s 45-minute opening remarks were widely panned on social media after he praised the House impeachment managers for a job “well done.”

“The American people just spoke and they just changed administrations,” Castor said at one point. He said the public is smart enough to “pick a new administration if they don’t like the old one, and they just did.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Rep. Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment manager, was impressive and is “a serious lawyer.” He said Trump’s team did not have the most “effective” performance.

This is all true. Castor was terrible. He was all over the place and made few points. I also think his voice is way too monotone and he seemed to be putting me to sleep. I don’t expect him to say much in the trial.

I will give them a break, though. They did only have a week to prepare since Trump’s original lawyers all quit before the trial. Let’s face it, Trump is not the easiest guy to work with.

I also think that there is enough question about the constitutionality of this. I do not think this is constitutional and I do not think this trial is constitutional. But people don’t read the Constitution. So I am not surprised this was going to get through.

What Was David Schoen Doing

David Schoen unwittingly gave Twitter a lesson in orthodox Jewish customs during former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial on Tuesday.

Schoen, Trump’s attorney, rested his hand on top of his head each time he took a sip of water while making his opening argument that the case is unconstitutional.

Several viewers noted Schoen’s seemingly unusual drinking habit, with some even suggesting he was trying to keep a toupee from falling.

But the lawyer was likely making the ritual move because he is religiously observant.

Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of the kosher division of the Orthodox Union, explained that since Schoen is an observant Jew, he must cover his head and say a blessing whenever he eats or drinks.

“Each time we eat or drink something we say a blessing to thank God and we cover our head, typically with a yarmulke, to show respect and to acknowledge that there’s someone above us,” Genack told The Post.

“Since he wasn’t wearing a yarmulke he wanted to at least cover his head with his hand.”



We Are Missing What’s Important

While we are all listening to this stupid impeachment, we are missing the what is really happening: The destruction of the country by a dottering old fool.

Joe Biden is completely transforming our country, mostly by Presidential edict.

  • About to pass a $1.9 trillion stimulus package. This will:
    • Give money to schools that are not even open.
    • Give money to Democratic states that have mismanaged their budgets to get them out of debt.
    • Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The CBO says this will cost 1.4 million jobs.
    • He bowing to the teacher’s unions by saying schools can reopen in April. His goal? Open 50% of the schools for one day a week.
    • Will allow boys who say they are girls to dress in the girls’ locker room and compete in girls’ sports.
    • He fired every one of the U.S. attorneys hired by Trump.
    • He stopped the monitoring of the Confucius Center, a Chinese government propaganda company, from advising on school curriculum.
    • He has signed 52 Executive Orders in his first 20 days. He is ruling like a tyrant and not asking for Congress to do anything.



Maybe They Should Play the Chinese National Anthem

Mark Cuban and the Dallas Mavericks’ decision to ax the playing of the national anthem drew a ton of reaction Tuesday.

Cuban confirmed to The Athletic that it was his decision to no longer play the national anthem prior to home games at American Airlines Center. The Mavericks haven’t played the national anthem prior to home games this season, and the team doesn’t plan on playing it for the foreseeable future.

“It was my decision, and I made it in November,” Cuban told The New York Times.

NBA spokesman Tim Frank clarified the rules to The Associated Press.

“Under the unique circumstances of this season, teams are permitted to run their pregame operations as they see fit,” Frank said.

The decision to nix the anthem drew reaction from both those disagreeing and those supporting it on social media.

According to The Hill, Cuban then added:

“If you want to complain, complain to your boss and ask why they don’t play the National Anthem every day before you start work.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas said:

“NBA is telling everyone who stands for the flag, who honors our cops and our veterans, to ‘piss off’? In Texas, no less?”

Twitter had some mixed reactions:


Well, all that didn’t last long. The NBA issued a statement today, Wednesday, stating that all teams will play the National Anthem before the games. It is mandatory. Apparently they figured alienating fans more was not something they wanted to do.

Meanwhile, Super Bowl LV had the lowest ratings in 15 years. They scored 96.4 million views which was the most in the time slot. But, what is disturbing is that it included bars that might have played the game with multiple people watching at once. Some of the biggest cities actually banned televisions being on within restaurants. That means that a lot of people, between 15 and 25 million, just skipped it.

This is going to scare the NFL. Their attendance and viewership has been going down for the last five years since St. Kapernick decided to kneel for the National Anthem. In 2020, during the pandemic when everyone should have been excited to see something other than reruns of Law and Order, the viewership dropped another 10%.

The NFL did a pretty good job suppressing the social justice warrior crap until the end of the game. I’ll give them that. But the game was not great, the halftime show sucked and the commercials sucked. I did not finish the game. I was bored.

But, in general, sports is going to take it on the chin. Baseball, basketball and football need to begin to realize people watch sports to get away from the real world, not to have it thrown in our face every time some millionaire player





Episode 293 – Unfortunately, They Hate Us

The impeachment trial has started today! Yay!

But, today, let’s go over the philosophy the Left has about Conservatives, Republicans and Trump voters. This article from the L.A. Times pretty much sums it up.


The Article

Column: What can you do about the Trumpites next door?


Oh, heck no. The Trumpites next door to our pandemic getaway, who seem as devoted to the ex-president as you can get without being Q fans, just plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job.

How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?

  • We now see that this gal is obviously an elite. She is at a “pandemic getaway”. Must be nice to be so rich and be too arrogant to realize it is kind of off-putting.
  • She admits that unity is not a thing.
  • When did niceness become aggressive?


Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?

These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in the neighborhood.

  • How much thanks? How about thanks enough deserving of one who plowed your driveway?
  • They like cops? This is a reason to force yourself to dislike them and not give them thanks for doing you a favor?
  • If this gal is such a diversity nut, why is she living in an all white neighborhood?
  • And how does she know how these people would treat black neighbors? She doesn’t even know their names.


This is also kind of weird. Back in the city, people don’t sweep other people’s walkways for nothing.

Maybe it’s like what Eddie Murphy discovered in that old “Saturday Night Live” sketch “White Like Me.” He goes undercover in white makeup and finds that when white people are among their own, they pop free champagne and live the high life. As Murphy puts it: “Slowly I began to realize that when white people are alone, they give things to each other. For free.”

This is the stupidest thing in the article. OK, that’s a lie. Eddie Murphy’s SNL skit was comedy. It was parody. It is satire. It is funny.

  • It makes fun of how blacks think of how whites look and act.
  • It makes fun of prejudice. On both sides.
  • It’s not real. It’s a joke.


The idiocy of this shows how the Left has no sense of humor whatsoever.


Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamist political party in Lebanon, also gives things away for free. The favors Hezbollah does for people in the cities Tyre and Sidon probably don’t involve snowplows, but, like other mafias, Hezbollah tends to its own — the Shiite sick, elderly and hungry. They offer protection and hospitality and win loyalty that way. And they also demand devotion to their brutal, us-versus-them anti-Sunni cause. Some of us are family, the favors say; the rest are infidels.

The same is true with Louis Farrakhan, who currently helms the Nation of Islam. While the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies him as a dangerous anti-Semite, much of his flock says he’s just a little screwy and unfailingly magnanimous. To them.

Huh? So, the Trump supporters next door are like Hezbollah and Louis Farrakhan because they cleaned the snow off your driveway? This is lady has been made nuts because the Trump Derangement Syndrome made her brain spongy.

When someone helps you when you’re down, or snowed in, it’s almost impossible to regard them as a blight on the world. In fact, you’re more likely to be overwhelmed with gratitude and convinced of the person’s inherent goodness.

Yeah, that’s how it should be.

You might end up like the upper-middle-class family I stayed with in France as a teenager. They did not attend a citywide celebration for the 100th birthday of Charles de Gaulle, the war hero who orchestrated the liberation of his country from Nazi Germany in 1944. They did have several portraits of Philippe Pétain, Nazi collaborator, on their wall.

When I screwed up the courage to ask how it was for them during the occupation, the lady of the house replied, “We were happy because the Nazis were very polis.” I didn’t know the word, so I excused myself to consult a French-English dictionary. I was in tears when I found the entry: “polite.”

Couple of things here.

First, she stayed with an upper-middle-class family in France? She has a winter home? Can you guys smell the elitism in this bitch? So far while reading this article, I don’t get that the Trump people are bad. In fact, all we know about them is that they plowed her driveway and they voted for Trump. But, what I am getting out of this article is that the writer, VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN, is an elitist, snobby, spoiled, unappreciative, condescending bitch.

And this also says something about the news media in general. You’ve got to assume that this article was read by several people at the L.A. Times including “fact checkers”, associate editors and the papers editor. None of these people who read this article said, “Hey, Virginia, you kind of sound like an an elitist, snobby, spoiled, unappreciative, condescending bitch.”

You know why no one at the L.A. Times said? Because they are all elitist, snobby, spoiled, unappreciative, condescending bitches. No wonder regular people do not trust the media.

My second point forces me to foreshadow my conclusion to this story. Her “polis” story is bullshit.

My grandparents and father were in Germany during World War II. The Nazis were hardly polite. If you are walking down the street and see an SS troop walking, you cross the street. If the SS visited, you were dead. They were not polite.

And the Nazis were not polite to the French. The Nazis invaded France. The overthrew the government. They forced the population to fight in the war. They burned and destroyed their cities.

I’m just beginning to think this gal had a deadline, ran late because she was skiing in Aspen and made some shit up to meet her deadline. She knew if she could it easily published by saying how bad Trump people are.

So when I accept generosity from my pandemic neighbors, acknowledging the legitimate kindness with a wave or a plate of cookies, am I also sealing us in as fellow travelers who are very polis to each other but not so much to “them”?

Loving your neighbor is evidently much easier when your neighborhood is full of people just like you.

This is this whole collective thing that the socialist media embraces. The Left always puts people into buckets and those buckets have preset assumptions. All Trump supporters are racist, xenophobic, misogynist, bigots that are Nazis. This is the very definition of bigotry.

Definition: A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities that are different from his or her own. Mostly, the person’s opinions are based on prejudice.

This is why Conservatives can’t unite with the Left. We don’t group people together. We believe in individuality. If I meet a black guy and he turns out to be an a-hole, I don’t think that all black people are a-holes. I think that individual black guy is an a-hole.

I’ll even go a step further: I do not see that black guy as a black guy. He’s just a guy. That’s why I hate those hyphens people use for identity. You’re either an American or not. You know where I earned that? From a black guy who told me he didn’t want to be referred to as an African-American (because he was from the Caribbean). He referred to himself as an American.

What do we do about the Trumpites around us? Like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who spoke eloquently this week about her terrifying experience during the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, Americans are expected to forgive and forget before we’ve even stitched up our wounds. Or gotten our vaccines against the pandemic that former President Trump utterly failed to mitigate.

My neighbors supported a man who showed near-murderous contempt for the majority of Americans. They kept him in business with their support.

When you say that AOC is eloquent, you’re probably an idiot. That broad can’t get through a sentence without saying “like” eight times.

Also, AOC’s “terrifying experience” has been debunked. She wasn’t even at the Capitol building during the riot. Again, this is another reason this article cannot be taken seriously.

Finally, why is Trump always being blamed for this pandemic? And not just blamed  for his handling of it, which no one in the world handled well, but being called a murderer? No one blames China. No one blames the Left-wing governors who shipped old folks infected with COVID back into retirement homes and then lied about the number died. I don’t see anyone blaming the WHO for lying about how the disease was transmitted.


  • Closed travel from China which Dems called xenophobic.
  • Mentioned COVID as a threat during the State of the Union speech, which Nancy Pelosi tore up.
  • Sent PPE, respirators, ventilators and hospital ships to struggling states, which he was thanked for.
  • Sent monetary aid and tax breaks to small businesses, which Congress fought against.
  • Through Operation Warp Speed, had two, and now three, vaccines developed in record, which Dems said they wouldn’t take.


I think Trump did as good a job as can be expected and far better than any other government in the world. Let’s face it, with our current death toll (which the CDC admits is exaggerated), we are currently between 12 nd 15 in deaths per 1 million.

You might not like how Trump handled the pandemic, there are things I didn’t like, but to call him a mass murderer or think he should be convicted of murder is being myopic.

But the plowing.

On Jan. 6, after the insurrection (I’d actually call it a riot), Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) issued an aw-shucks plea for all Americans to love their neighbors. The United States, he said, “isn’t Hatfields and McCoys, this blood feud forever.” And, he added, “You can’t hate someone who shovels your driveway.”

At the time, I seethed; the Capitol had just been desecrated. But maybe my neighbor heard Sasse and was determined to make a bid for reconciliation.

When Ben Sasse made that statement, he was talking about all the riots over the last year. That the Left and the Right need to stop the violence and the fighting. This gal ignores the Leftist organizations, BLM and Antifa, that caused $2-$3 billion dollars of damage over the summer. She ignoring the fact that Antifa was protesting, with the threat of rioting, this past weekend in Washington D.C. If it weren’t for the National Guard, Washington D.C. would have burned. He was condemning all violent groups.

But she doesn’t see that. It’s only about January 6.

I’m going to get more into this in the next section, but why would a Trump supporter, who had nothing to do with the Capitol riot, try to reconcile with a Leftist?

So here’s my response to my plowed driveway, for now. Politely, but not profusely, I’ll acknowledge the Sassian move. With a wave and a thanks, a minimal start on building back trust. I’m not ready to knock on the door with a covered dish yet.

I also can’t give my neighbors absolution; it’s not mine to give. Free driveway work, as nice as it is, is just not the same currency as justice and truth. To pretend it is would be to lie, and they probably aren’t looking for absolution anyway.

But I can offer a standing invitation to make amends. Not with a snowplow but by recognizing the truth about the Trump administration and, more important, by working for justice for all those whom the administration harmed. Only when we work shoulder to shoulder to repair the damage of the last four years will we even begin to dig out of this storm.

This bitch is insane. She has taken all of the Left’s stance that all Conservatives are evil and need to be purged. That we need to come to their side on bended need and then…maybe we’ll be forgiven.

Here’s the secret: I think her beliefs and values are evil and bad. I see her as a bigot and a racist. Her opinion is irrelevant of me are irrelevant.

In fact, I would be thrilled to know she hated me. If Satan came up from Hell, all muscly, with his pitch fork and fire blowing out his ears and ass and said he hated me and threatened my gold fish, I’d be good with it. I can’t unite with this even to keep peace.

Remember this: Submission is not promoting peace. Embracing tyranny is not embracing peace.

We are going to see a lot more articles like this.



Episode 292 – What is this QAnon Anyway? Apparently, I’m a Member

Marjorie Taylor Greene is facing a Democratic firing squad for saying some really weird things. But is this a good idea for the Democrats to pull the trigger?

What the hell is QAnon? We should probably find out because all conservatives and Republicans are being thrown into the QAnon bucket. Let’s talk about them or us or whatever.


Marjorie Taylor Greene

What Happened?

A rural part of Texas, a very small district, elected Marjorie Taylor Greene as a Representative to the House of Representatives. Telling you that the size of the district is important as you will see later.

A few years ago, before she was elected, she would participate in some really odd conspiracy theories.:

  • She said that 9/11 was not by terrorists but by the U.S. government.
  • She said that the forest fire in California were caused by a Jewish space laser.
  • All sorts of other weird theories.


At first, reps wanted her to resign her seat. But these posts were all made before she was elected to office. The theory is that the people in her district knew what they were getting when they elected her. So getting rid of her was out.

Republicans voted on whether or not she should be removed from her two committee assignment. They held a vote on it and she was allowed to keep her committee spots. I understand the reason for it. She was elected and she can’t do any good just sitting on the sidelines. It would not be fair to her constituents. But I also understand why her committee assignments should be suspended, at least for a little while. I thought it was kind of a mistake to let her keep her committees because the Republicans would get hammered by the press and Democrats. OK, they already are so what difference would it make.

Democrats decided they didn’t want Greene to have any assignments to committees. They decided they were going to hold a vote to expel Greene from committees. This is unheard of and has never happened before. The minority party has a history of choosing their members to House committees and expelling them. It is not up to the majority party. It is party of the minority rights thing that the Founding Fathers had in mind. The majority party has no say to who the minority party puts into a committee.

Kevin McCarthy made it clear that this was unprecedented and, like ending the judicial filibuster, Democrats were going to regret it in the future.

Another issue that McCarthy professionally points out is the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They have had plenty of opportunity to kick bad apples out of their committees including Eric Swallwell for having sex with a Chinese spy, Ilhan Omar for her anti-Sementic rants and Maxine Waters for her call for violence against Trump supporters.

The strongest defense for Greene was Greene herself. She sat in front of Congress and apologized for the unwise things she believed way back. She made clear she did not believe in these things now. It was only during the very insecure times that she fell for the conspiracy theories.

Listen, I know people who believe in this stuff. Seriously. Someone close to me believes in a lot of this stuff. It’s crazy stuff. But, said the right way and it advantages those you like, it can be believable. I don’t believe in any of it and we are going to talk about what their belief system in a few minutes.

Democrats didn’t buy it. They voted her out of all committees along with 10 Republicans. This is not a good vote and should have been ignored by all Republicans out of sheer ethics of the whole thing. The Democrats have no say as to who the Republicans put on a committee and the Republicans should have no say who Democrats put on committees.

Well, they do now.


The New Narrative

The goal of the Democrats for the last twenty years is to vilify the Republicans. At first, this was just by questioning the policies and ideas of the Republicans. Whether what they were doing would work, was moral or ethical. Later, Democrats would point out that the Republicans were lying. The Iraq War was an example of that. By the way, the Iraq war proved to be legitimate and the United States did find terrorists and yellow cake uranium.

But, as the Democrats went more Left, their claims about Republicans became more extreme. And, with the help of the entertainment, news media and the education system, people are beginning to believe some of these things. But, I think it is a very few people. And, in the future, it could backfire.

You might be asking, “What does this have to do Marjorie Taylor Greene?” That’s a good question. This is a first-time elected official to the House of Representatives. She is from a rural area in Texas and probably won her elections with a few thousand votes. No one knows her. I don’t even know what she looks like. Why is this a big deal?

Because it is a new narrative. The theories that Greene was embracing is the theories of QAnon. This is an alt-right, radical conspiracy group. It is way out there. And when I say, “way out there” I mean, nuts. What the Democrats and the media are putting out there now is that all Republicans are part of this conspiracy group. In other words, all Republicans and Conservatives are nuts too.

I had never heard of QAnon. I am not much of a conspiracy guy either. I think John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln because he hated Lincoln. I think FDR didn’t know about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK because he was a communist. We did land on the moon. Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the world is round. I don’t believe in conspiracies.

So, since my philosophies and beliefs, yours too, are being wrapped up into this QAnon thing, let’s define what QAnon is and what it does.



What Are They?

QAnon is what the media says all us Conservatives and Republicans believe in. It is what makes us what we are and it is the reason we are bad and evil and bigots and racists and whatever. So I decided to look it up so that I and you know what we believe.

First things first, I do have a ton of sources for this. Most are Left-wing in nature so I am not sure if what I’m writing is completely correct. I have heard that this group was way out there so I assume some of it is right. All I’m saying is take this with a grain of salt. It might not be completely correct.

QAnon is an alt-right Internet group that was started after the Trump election in 2017. Again, I am not sure the starting date is correct. This is a Wikipedia post (Left-wing) after all. They are primarily a conspiracy group that some classify as a cult.

They believe:

  • The government is run by a satanic cabal.
  • Government officials are part of a global pedophile ring that traffics in children throughout the world.
  • President Trump was sent by God to destroy the cabal and it would take two terms for him to do it.
  • They say that a “storm” would take place. This is when the government would arrest the QAnon folk, thousands of them, and jail them in places like Guantanamo Bay. Trump was there to stop them.
  • They believe that the Russia probe was a ruse started by Trump to enlist Robert Mueller to expose the child sex trafficking and prevent a coup by Obama, Clinton and George Soros.


Got that? That’s what you believe. That’s what the media is telling you that you believe. This is why Democrats should totally ignore you, condemn you and cancel you.

This is the new media narrative. Don’t believe me? Watch CNN or MSNBC. That’s what they are saying. Don’t think this is something we should take seriously because most normal people don’t believe in this crap? I also didn’t believe in the Russian hoax. I also don’t believe in Jewish space lasers and a satanic cabal. O think we would have heard about it before 2017. Even CNN might have reported it.

QAnon was first started as a 4-Chan post. 4-Chan is an alt-right message board, much like Reddit but for white supremacists and weirdos like that. Anything on 4-Chan is usually pretty extreme.

The “Q” in QAnon comes from the first person who posted. Supposedly, he is a big deal because he has a Q-level clearance with the government. Only those who deal directly with the President have that clearance. So you can imagine, this guy has a lot of knowledge (except there is no such thing as a Q level clearance that I know of).

The “Anon” part stands for “anonymous”. Got it, QAnon.

The government did investigate this group as they do all groups on 4-Chan. The QAnon account has had its posts stylistically analyzed and it was found that at least two other people were working under the account. The FBI believes it is actually a group of people. That’s a lot of people with a Q security clearance.

The popularity of the group led to other QAnon-type groups including CIAAnon, FBIAnon and others. The group, though originates in the United States, is gaining popularity in the UK, Germany, Australia and Japan. In 2018, the group was listed by the FBI as a possible domestic terrorist organization.

Trump has not helped himself with separating himself with this group:

  • In 2018, members began showing up to Trump rallies.
  • Bill Mitchell, a QAnon member, showed up to the White House for the Social Media Summit held by Trump.
  • The QAnon motto, “Where we go one, we go all” was used at a Trump rally by the guy introducing Trump.
  • In 2020, Trump did not reject the group during a press conference though he did admit he did not know anything about them.
  • Trump is a hero of QAnon and is considered the “Q+”. Though that’s not really Trumps fault.


But the bizarre things they believe is just incredible.

  • Kim Jong Un is a puppet leader of North Korea placed by the CIA.
  • DNC leader, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had an MS-13 gang member kill Seth Rich. The 27-year-old Rich was an employee of the Democratic National Committee(DNC) who is thought to have leaked DNC E-mails.
  • German Chancellor, Angela Merkle, if Adolf Hitler’s granddaughter.
  • The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 made the United States run by a corporation. They believe, on March 4th, 2021, the law will be overturned and the country will revert to what the Founding Fathers set the country up as. Donald Trump will become President again but, this time, the 19th President of the Founder’s country. Weird. I know people who believe this.


After learning about QAnon, this is a dangerous group. They take their beliefs in an almost religious way, which is weird. They are kooks and they should be seen and treated as kooks. They should also be seen and treated as dangerous. It only takes one to get so radical, he starts trying to take out President Biden. I do not like President Biden but I don’t want the guy assassinated.

There has been a backlash against QAnon. Facebook and Twitter have suspended and taken down known QAnon accounts. Media Matter (a far Left-wing outlet that validates news and is a “fact checker”) says that Trump and his minions have been using “dog whistles” to QAnon, sending them secret messages. I don’t put much value into this. Media Matter has called Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, a white supremacist.

I would not mind people going after QAnon too much if these same groups went after Antifa and BLM also. I think QAnon is a crazy group, and with crazy comes dangerous typically. But they have done no damage like that of BLM and Antifa, even including the January 6th riot at the Capitol building.

Understand this: I think QAnon is bad. But I also think Antifa and BLM are bad. All three groups should be condemned. The difference is two promulgate Leftist ideas and the other does not. This is not “whataboutism”. This is me condemning both groups. Me pointing out that I condemn both groups and the Left only condemns groups that don’t go along with their agenda.

On the subject of conspiracy groups, they have been with us forever. There was a book I read about why conspiracies come about. Usually, it is because a tragedy took place that was so horrific that people cannot believe that what happened could be something so simple.

How could the Japanese attack Pearl? Conspiracy: They couldn’t. The United States must have known about it.

How could a lone gunman kill the most powerful man in the free world, John F. Kennedy? Conspiracy: He couldn’t. The CIA, industrial military complex, the mob and LBJ all conspired to kill JFK and bury the evidence.

The moon is really far away and my cell phone is stronger than the computers used in 1968. How could we have landed on the moon? Conspiracy: We didn’t land on the moon. It was all staged in Burbank.

How can nineteen terrorists hijack four jets with nothing more than box cutters and kill 3000 Americans? Conspiracy: They can’t. It was the U.S. government shooting missiles into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

See how this works? Here’s the problem with conspiracy theories: They require large numbers of people to keep quiet and not spill the beans. This is not a thing. Someone will always be the “whistleblower”. None of these conspiracies had a whistleblower.















Episode 291 – Our Rights are Vanishing Before Our Eyes

If you can’t get rid of a Constitutional Amendment, let’s make it impossible for the people to use that freedom. This is the most important story today that no one is talking about.

Maxine Watters, the Democrat from California and the dumbest person in Congress, proves just how dumb she is.


H.R. 127

The 117th Congress is off to a flying start. That means they are working hard to circumvent the Constitution and take away our freedoms that were given to us by God. Of course, the Left doesn’t believe in God so it is no big deal to take away our freedoms.

Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democratic Representative from Texas, has put in bill, H.R. 127 that has decided to really restrict gun rights and the ability to get or keep a gun and ammo.

I think this is an important bill that needs to be defeated so we should look at it. But this bill, which probably will be defeated, opens up other questions that we should all be asking and should have us a little nervous.

So, here’s what the bill does:

Gun Registry

This bill will create a searchable gun registry which will hold quite a bit of personal information. Here are the details:

  • Will be available to all government agencies including federal, state and local governments and the military.
  • Will be open to the general public.
  • Will give our personal information including:
    • Gun model.
    • When purchased.
    • Serial number.
    • Dates acquired.
    • Licensing information.
    • Location of the gun within the residence.

There are some real problems with this:

  • Government sucks at everything. This database won’t be different. Hint: hacking.
  • The information can be used by the government for future raids and confiscation.
  • This data is an invitation for criminals.
  • Pissed off neighbors now can watch you very intently like you’re a terrorist.
  • This data invites harassment and doxing by anti-Second Amendment folks.
  • If this information is combined with gun storage laws, a person can get convicted if his gun is stolen during a burglary.


Who Am I Getting a License From?

I live in California. California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. It is very difficult to get a gun or ammo in California. But California law does allow one to get a carry permit and a concealed carry permit. But you must register through the Sheriff’s department.

Guess what happens? The bureaucracy is so thick and the state so doesn’t want to give these permits, it could take years before one even gets an interview for the permit. Don’t believe me? The process can be viewed on YouTube. It’s impossible.

California also restricts everything so much, I’m afraid to go out and buy a gun or ammo.

This law will make California laws into federal law. Here’s what they do:

  • The individual must petition the Attorney General to get a license for owning a gun. If the AG is anti-gun, good luck. This also invites the bureaucracy into the mix.
  • The applicant must go through a psychological exam. Looking at how psychology is a soft science, I can’t see what would go wrong here.
  • Family members must be interviewed by law enforcement. That includes current spouse, children and…ex-spouses. Yeah, nothing wrong there. My ex-wife would have me suspected of killing Jimmie Hoffa after he interview.
  • The license will last five years. After that, the whole process starts over again including petitioning the Attorney General and all the training and it can be revoked for whatever reason. If revoked, all weapons must be turned in to the government.
  • Oh, yeah. I forgot that one will need to pay $800 a year for “firearm insurance”. So, I buy a $200 shotgun and am spending a year, thousands of dollars and have to navigate the bureaucracy to buy a gun? Nice.
  • But it gets worse. You have that nice 18th century musket that hangs on the wall? You need an antique gun license for that. Better not have a criminal record.

Talk about a little bit of government overreach.


Restrictions on Weapons and Ammunition

What is a gun control bill without restrictions. And this bill has a bunch of them:

  • Any weapon that is a replica of a “military style weapon”, whatever that means.
  • All AR-type pistols.
  • The Colt AR-15.
  • Some semi-auto shotguns.
  • Magazines with 10 or more rounds. There go your automatic hand guns that average 12-18 rounds.
  • Ammo that is .50 caliber or above. Home one doesn’t run into any bears.


The Penalties

So, what happens if you don’t follow these way too restrictive rules. As you can imagine, the penalties are far more brutal than one can imagine. Hell, there are degrees of murder that get less time in jail than just owning a gun without the government’s approval. Heck, child molestation and rape can get one less time.

  • If you possess a gun or ammo without a license, you face 15-25 years in prison and/or $75-$150 thousand in fines.
  • If you transfer a gun to an unlicensed person, you face 10-15 years in prison and/or $50-$75 thousand in fines.
  • If you give a gun or ammo to an unlicensed person, you face 5-10 years in prison and/or a $30-$50 thousand in fines.
  • Loan a gun or ammo to an unlicensed person, you face a $5-10 thousand dollar fine.

What’s funny is that if you lit a business on fire last summer, you were unlikely to get any jail time.



This is insane and, what more insane, is this law could pass. What’s ironic, after the Revolutionary War, men of fighting age were required to have a gun and a certain number of rounds. This was in order to form a militia if the government got too big or fight against foreign enemies like Britain or France.

Fortunately, I don’t think the particular bill is going to go too far. Some moderate Democrats, like Joe Machin from West Virginia, will be a bit tentative to vote for it. But it is scary. This is only the first bill. The Left will do anything they can to go around the Second Amendment.

I do want to point something out. All the Democrats do is talk about democracy, freedom and the Constitution. But they are the ones that are slowly taking away the rights of the people:

  • Eliminate free speech.
  • Deplatform conservative press.
  • Demonize religion.
  • Call peaceful protest that goes against their values insurrection.
  • Eliminate gun rights.
  • Steal money through taxes.
  • Allow illegals aliens to enter the country with no say from legal citizens.
  • Eliminate the electoral college.
  • Eliminate the filibuster.
  • End capitalism.

Interesting, huh? The party of the people doesn’t seem to care much about the people. And a lot of the population are still buying their bullshit.


Auntie Maxie is a Nut Job

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) says former President Donald Trump should be charged with “premeditated murder” because of the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Auntie Maxine said:

“He absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lives that were lost for this invasion with his insurrection. For the president of the United States to sit and watch the invasion and the insurrection and not say a word because he knew he had absolutely initiated it – and as some of them said, ‘He invited us to come. We’re here at the invitation of the president of the United States.’”

“What’s so interesting about all of this is they tried to make themselves the victim when indeed they are following the president of the United States of America who had advance planning about the invasion that took place in our Capitol. Even there’s information that some of the planning came out of individuals working in this campaign.”

“When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard. This is, take back your country. So if that’s not inciting the kind of violence that we witnessed, I don’t know what is.”

Maxine Waters is an absolute idiot. She has to be the dumbest person in Congress. Let’s not forget what she said in 2017 after Trump was elected.

Do as I say, don’t do as I do. It’s to bad she doesn’t take care of her district like she prepares for stupid, inciteful and violent speeches.

