Episode 315 – Um, Aren’t They Just Suppose to Fight?

The United States has had one of the most powerful militaries in human history. Our technology, training and will to fight for the right thing has always made us a formidable country in a scrape.

One of the things the military has done is stayed out of politics. The follow the orders of the Commander and Chief and usually never comment about his policies or decisions. When you see a general on television, he is usually just telling you what the military has done during their missions. Outside of that, they pretty much stay out of the way.

Unfortunately, the military is an institution and the Left must control all aspects of all institutions. Once, the military was immune to all political or cultural influence. Not anymore and not with the Left.

Since we have a growing conflict brewing with China and plenty of enemies around the world, let’s talk about our military and the consequences if the Left gets its claws into it.


Making News

The military has always been above politics. Just about everyone appreciates them and most do not get mixed up with them and just leave them alone.

Politically, they were able to do whatever they had to in order to complete their mission. This led to many victories up until the Korean War. But then things turned to the worse. During the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the military was used as pawns of the politicians. They could not do their jobs during those wars which led to the loss of North Korea and North Vietnam. Of course, if one actually looks at the history of both wars, one will find that we actually did not lose these wars militarily but politically.

Pollicization of the military can also be seen in the wars in the Middle East. The military was not popular with the Iraqis and they did everything they could to demonize the military. Abu Grab, enhanced interrogation and the deaths of child terrorists by the military all overshadowed the deaths of our military personnel.

But, looking back, that was nothing compared to what the politicians are doing to the military now.

Woke culture is now coming after the military and it is coming with a vengeance. The military, as usual, is complying. But it also seems that the woke culture has poisoned some of the people in the military and their leaders. This can be a bad thing. The last thing we need with the growing threat of China is to have a military that is more worried about wokeness than, say, killing people and destroying things. That’s all their training should be concerned with. That’s there job.

Let’s take a look at some things the military is implementing.


Elimination of the Transgender Ban

One of the first thing the Biden administration did was lift the transgender ban. This was implementing by Trump per the request of the military.

This is the reason that Biden wrote the Executive Order reversing the ban:

Now, I know this is not going to be a popular statement. The reason trans people cannot be in the military is because they do not qualify to be in the military. Trans people are actually seen by the psychological commuting as having a mental disorder. Though the main psychological association in the United States, though watering it down for woke reasons, still considers Gender Dysphoria a real mental issue. It is defined in the latest version of the DSM.

The military does not take trans people just like they do not take those with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and even depression. The last thing that the military wants on the battle field is people who are going to be unpredictable when the fighting gets going.

They also have to worry about what happens to these people after the get off the battlefield. Trans people have a suicide rate that approaches 40% without the stresses of war. What’s going to happen when you throw a little PTSD in an already damaged mind?

When Trump signed that Executive Order, he didn’t do it in a vacuum. He did it because the military told him they shouldn’t serve because of their malady. And Trump also didn’t sign the order because he hates trans people. He signed it because he was actually protecting them. I don’t know if he intended this but I believe it probably was whispered in his ear.


Free Sex Change Operations

This absolutely amazes me. It amazes me because a guy who is having that much issue being a guy shouldn’t be a Marine. Also, and this is forgotten, sex change operations are extremely expensive and I don’t want my tax dollars going to this type of thing.

The Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin said:

“Prospective recruits may serve in their self-identified gender when they have met the appropriate standards for accession into the military services. This revised policy will also ensure all medically-necessary transition related care authorized by law is available to all Service members and will re-examine all cases of transgender Service members that may be in some form of adverse administrative proceedings.”

OK, there are a some problems with this:

  • First, it becomes a tax payer expense.
  • Second, the surgery can be done while the soldier is serving. The recovery time for these types of surgeries is quite lengthy. Seems that the guy will spend more time recovering than serving.
  • Third, watch all the trans people join the military with no intention of serving but getting those free sex change operations.


I just think this is dumb.


Literature of Critical Race Theory is Recommended

Racism. It’s everything today. All white people are racist. No one else is, just white people. We all have privilege and crap like that. And even if we seem to be living a hard life, white people still have privilege. I had a very interesting debate with a moderate liberal and know her well. She believes this crap. She’s in college and they’re teaching her this. What’s worse, she’s beginning to believe it. She’s even spouting the same platitudes that the Left always spouts. Good news! I was able to get through to her. A little.

Well, the military is implementing critical race theory and even recommending books on it.

The United States Navy’s most recent suggested reading list includes books that explicitly endorse critical race theory and intersectionality. Among these books is How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

Here’s the problem with Ibram X. Kendi’s book, critical race theory, anti-racism theory and intersectionality: it divides people. It tells people that white people are racist and they can’t help themselves. With Kendi’s book, all white people are assholes and all people of color are victims. Can you think of anything that is more divisive?

With the military, especially in war, one must trust his comrade in arms. He must trust that, if he gets hurt, someone will be there to save him. If he dies, someone will recover him for his family. He must trust that his brethren will keep his rifle pointed forward to destroy the enemy and he will do the same. He must trust he is a brother.

That is the problem with critical race theory. It doesn’t understand the comradery men of war must have with each other. It doesn’t care. Because of this, it doesn’t belong as part of their training.


Lowering of Standards



Finally, the Entry to the Political Sphere

Last week, Joe Biden promoted two women to be generals. This would be historical if it weren’t for the fact that Trump did the same thing. But it is what he said during his speech that caught Tucker Carlson of Fox News. Here is the clip from the Tucker Carlson Show that has everybody in a tither:

Something I find absolutely amazing, Marine Master Sergeant Scott Stalker released a video condemning Tucker’s comments because he, well listen:

A few things about this response:

  • I was in the military, I believe everything Tucker said.
  • Sergeant Stalker said twice that Tucker’s opinions were not relevant because Tucker did not serve in the military so his opinion doesn’t count. You know who else didn’t serve in the military? Joe Biden.
  • Finally, this just doesn’t happen. The military stays out of politics. Opinions are kept to themselves. It’s the first thing you learn. Your opinion doesn’t matter, you are part of a team.


No one in the military should be taking sides when it becomes part of policy decisions. You don’t have to like what someone says but it is not up to you to point it out. When the military starts to have political opinions and then starts expressing them and putting them into practice, that’s when a true tyranny starts. The military does not make an oath to a person or a political party. They make an oath to defend the Constitution. The military has the responsibility to protect the country, including from the government itself. That’s why it is so important that the military be and remain neutral.
