Episode 320 – That is Actually Racist

Not making Washington DC a state is racist.

The Biden administration is racist because it doesn’t have enough Asian Americans.

Where did all this everything-is-racist crap come from?

And baseball starts this week and they still don’t get it.


Of Course It’s Racist

Here we go again. The Democrats will do anything they can to guarantee another two Senators. So let’s try to make Washington DC a state.

There are a lot of reasons that Washington DC cannot be a state. Maybe too many and too strong of reasons. But the Democrats have decided to go to that old well of racism. Let’s listen to Ayanna Pressley:

Racism is the best argument the Democrats can make and they have to hope everyone believes in it for that charge to work. I’ll tell you why after I tell you why Washington DC can never be a state.

There are major Constitutional issues with making Washington DC a state. I’m not surprised Democrats don’t know this because they have not actually read the Constitution.

Article 1, Section 8: Permanent  Congressional Power:

The Congress shall have Power… To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States….

Done. Pre the Constitution, Washington DC cannot belong to any state. Federalist Paper 43 by Madison explains why. There is no ambiguity.

In fact, Washington DC was a city in Maryland and had to succeed in order to house Congress. Technically, Washington DC is part of Maryland and not a separate state.

Then there’s Article IV, Section 3: Maryland’s Permission. Washington DC cannot not become a state without Maryland’s permission. Because it was city in Maryland. This is still argued as being a Constitutional issue but there are arguments on both sides.

Finally, and the most serious, is the 23rd Amendment:

The District constituting the seat of government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State….

What the fuck does that mean. I had to look it up.

The language of the amendment obviously recognizes an existing district of government of a particular size. And it refers to the District as a permanent constitutional entity. Legislated D.C. statehood would be an oddity to say the least when the Constitution itself refers to the area “as if it were a State.”

The 23rd Amendment also raises a conflict concerning the number of electors to which a state of New Columbia would be entitled. Every existing state is entitled under Article II, Section I of the Constitution to electors in proportion to its congressional representation. Yet the terms of the 23rd Amendment provide that D.C.’s electoral votes would be capped at the number granted to the state with the lowest population (currently three), regardless of D.C.’s own future population. Of course, this problem may be somewhat abstract, since D.C.’s population continues to decline.


  • You have to Articles of the Constitution that says you can’t do this.
  • You have an Amendment of the Constitution that says you can’t do this.
  • You have a Federalist Paper by James Madison (#43) that explains why you can’t so this.


Any questions?

This is why Washington DC becoming a state will take forever or will never happen without a Constitutional Amendment.

So why do Democrats bring up racism? Because they need something that they can use to call the Constitution systemically racist and then bypass the Constitution. This is what they’re going to have to do in order to avoid needing an amendment.





This is Racist

There has been a lot made of violence against Asian American recently. This was exasperated by the mass killings two weeks ago by a mentally deranged man with a sex addiction who killed six Asian American women. Mind you, he also killed two other people weren’t Asian American, but this was dropped because it does not go with the narrative.

So, suddenly, there is racism against Asian Americans. Of course we need to forget some things like:

  • Asian American income is the highest in the country. Even higher than whites.
  • Asian Americans fill our colleges to the point Democrats don’t want them in colleges.
  • Those committing violence against Asian Americans are actually black people, not white people.


Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D. Illinois) said she would not vote for any more of Biden’s picks until he appoints more Asian Americans into his cabinet. She is backed up by Maise Hirono (D. Hawaii). The two state that the Biden administration is not diverse enough and has too many white people.

Ugh. This is getting so old. Maybe too old.

Mind you, Hirono and Duckworth aren’t the rocket scientists of the Senate. I’ll go a step further to make my self clear: They’re stupid.

Things to think about:

  • When you refuse to vote for someone because they are the wrong race, that’s racist.
  • This is the Left’s attempt to create another racial group in order to isolate the white race.
  • It ignores the success of Asian Americans. Remember, Asian Americans were actually considered white until recently. They were actually being accused of buying into the white supremacy of the United States as a reason why the are successful.


Crap like this is all over the place in our society and, like a virus, it is spreading. I know they consider white supremacy to be the new pandemic but I will go on the wagon that says it is the toxic idea of anti-racism that is the real pandemic. And it is spread by our news media, the entertainment industry including sports, education and now the government. It is also infecting institutions that should have nothing to do with this crap like the law and law enforcement, the military and immigration.

Where did this anti-racism thing come from and what is it about?



I bought the audio version of Ibram X. Kendi’s, How to be an Anti-Racist. I have not listened to the entire book yet but I got the idea.

Anti-racism is the brain child of Ibram X. Kendi, a very rich professor who leads the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University. This is him defining anti-racism on The View:

That was a rather tame definition of what it is to be an anti-racist. Let me tell you what he says in his book.

  • Every white person is racist. He may not know it but he is.
  • People of color cannot be racist because they have never had power within the hierarchy.
  • It is the systems within the United States that harbor racism all the way back to before the founding of this country.
  • What people must acknowledge their racism and be anti-racist. There are no other options.
  • In order to be an anti-racist, one must see racism, call it out and fight against it including the racist systems of the United States.


That simple.

  • If you are white, you are a racist and always will be.
  • All the systems of the United States are racist.
  • You can only be an anti-racist if you reject and try to strip the United States of its systems and philosophies.


He also does not believe in the individual. He believes that all inequity is because of race. He does not believe in the capacity of the individual or that an individual’s decisions have anything to do with outcome. Sound familiar.

Of course Kendi has a lot of baggage that actually kind of makes him look like a racist.

He believes the reason people of color are being affected by the pandemic is racial. He said, “This is the racial pandemic within the viral pandemic”.

Kendi said, of the George Floyd protests, the riots were “a signature, significant distinct moment of people striving to be antiracist”. He never talks about the circumstances that led to George Floyd being arrested in the first place.

Before the protests, Kendi published a proposal for a Constitutional Amendment in the U.S. to establish and fund the Department of Anti-racism (DOA). This department would be responsible for “preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate and be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas”. In other words, he wants to condemn all people he disagrees with. We can take a guess who he would be going after.

When talking about Amy Coney Barratt having adopted two Haitian children, he said, “Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity. And whether this is Barrett or not is not the point. It is a belief too many White people have: if they have or adopt a child of color, then they can’t be racist.”

That sounds like a pre-judgement. They didn’t do it because they were caring, empathetic people. They can’t be. They’re whit and racist. They did it to control the black man. You know who agreed with him? Richard Spencer, a neo-Nazi.

Oh, yeah. Ibram X. Kendi is 38 years old. He’s never lived through Jim Crowe and Segregation.

He has degrees from Florida A&M University and Temple University.

He’s worth millions of dollars by selling his books and doing speaking tours.

Does he sound like someone who had no chance to make something of himself? Heck, does this sound like a good guy?

Here’s the thing. Kendi believes that blacks have the high ground because they are morally superior to whites because of slavery and Jim Crowe. In other words, he is condemning white people.

The definition of racism according to the Oxford dictionary:

The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

Is Kendi doing this? He sure is and his racist crap is infecting all our institutions.

More on this when I finish his book. I just started it but I can see where it is going. Howard Zinn anyone?


They Don’t Get It

Major League Baseball’s Players Association is “open” to discussing moving the 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia, following the state’s decision to enact a comprehensive anti-vote fraud bill aimed at curbing the abuse of absentee and mail-in voting provisions.

The Georgia bill has been framed as an attack on voting rights, particularly of minorities, but as the Daily Wire’s Ashe Schow reported on Saturday, the bill actively prevents activist organizations from electioneering and restricts voting by mail, following concerns that voting rights activists may have abused provisions in the law. As Fox News reported late last year, groups, including one run by former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, are under investigation by the Georgia Secretary of State for “seeking to ‘aggressively’ register ‘ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters’ before the state’s Jan. 5 Senate runoff elections.”

Black Lives Matter organizations, however, say the bill is aimed at preventing minorities from exercising their right to vote in Georgia just as minority voters have become a force within the state, and they are now pressuring sports organizations, like the MLB and the PGA to move major sporting events from Georgia.
