In probably the least surprising development in the Presidential race, Joe Biden has made his announcement that he is going to be a candidate. He made the announcement through a video that he released today. You can watch it below.
Of course, President Trump had his own thoughts about Biden joining in. He Tweeted nice and early this morning:

Initial polls look a little scary for Trump. As of now, Biden is shown to be 8 points ahead of Trump if the election were to take place today. Biden is a moderate Democrat and I think that could be embraced by a lot of Democrats and Independents.
He also has a lot of experience. He’s been a senator from 1973 through 2009 and served as the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He served as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017. He has run for President, and lost, in 1988 and 2008.
He comes across as a regular guy which has always made him popular with blue collar workers and he is very popular with the unions.
But, with that being said, he definitely has some challenges. And that might be why he doesn’t make it past the primaries.
First off, Joe Biden can’t seem to get out of his own way whenever he runs for anything. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer and will say some of the most insensitive, crude and just stupid things. Watch a little video on some of his more prolific gaffes:
He’s been making stupid statements since he got into politics and I find it hard to believe that he will stop over the next couple of years. This is going to lead to a lot of apologies. Heck, it’s even started before he even joined the race. He has already apologized for his stance on the Anita Hill testimony against Clarence Thomas, about his support for the crime bill in 1994 and for his creepy conduct around women (more on that in a second). But he also had to apologize for just saying that Mike Pence was a “decent guy”.
I have a hard believing that all this stuff isn’t going to dog him throughout his campaign. The Washington Examiner has a great article about Biden’s “apology tour” over the last few months. I posted the link below. All those gaffes are going to be used against him by all his opponents, both Republican and Democrat. And his apologies are going to get old.
The other challenge is going to be his #MeToo gaffes. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, Joe Biden has a history of getting too cozy with people. He’s been like this for years and this is nothing new. Take a look at the video below:
Listen, I don’t think he is a sexual predator or harasser. I just think he’s a touchy-feely guy. I am too. But I have learned to change with the times. He hasn’t. And this is going to be a problem. He doesn’t understand about the new rules that men have to follow in society. He shouldn’t feel bad about it. I don’t think anybody knows about the new rules because they change so often. There is no standard for behavior anymore. But he problem is that, in his apology for this, he had to admit he did not understand and he had to change with the times. This may not be something the Left will tolerate. Watch his apology video below:
Another problem Biden has is that he is not squeaky clean. He has a checkered past. He lied about his standing at law school. He said he was at the top of his class when, in reality, he was at the bottom. He actually had to end his 1988 Presidential bid because he plagiarized a speech. I don’t think the law school thing is a big deal but the plagiarism could be a bit of a problem. But he has much bigger problems than that.
In April of 2014, Biden went to the Ukraine for a negotiation of some kind. After he left, that very same month, his son was named to the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company. No wait, it gets better. Money was being funneled to his son’s company. Ukraine started investigating the transactions and Creepy Uncle Joe came to the rescue. He went to Ukraine and threatened to pull $1 billion in U.S. loans to Ukraine. The investigating Ukrainian prosecutor was fired. How do we know any of this is true? Because Biden admitted it in 2016. Don’t believe me? Watch this:
Oops. That is definitely going to come up during this election cycle.
Finally, Biden’s biggest challenge is going to be from the Left. Joe Biden is a moderate. He is going to remain a moderate. I believe he does not embrace all that crazy stuff the Left wing socialists are peddling. He has 45 years of past records that are going to show this. And the Left knows it. Here’s a Tweet sent out by Justice Democrats reminding people of Biden’s past record.

The question will be: What is he going to say? What is he going to do? Is he going to try to bring some sanity to the Democratic party and stay moderate, trying to explain his positions or is he going to move further Left to satisfy the crazy and loud Left by adopting these same crazy positions? If he decides to do the latter, it will look disingenuous and his run will be a short one.
Listen, I thought the video was good. The same platform as every other person running, but good. His point that this country is not what the Trump administration is about is right on. Trump has moral and ethical issues. He’s crude and brash. And he doesn’t seem all that smart. That’s not what the United States is about. That’s why he’s a very unpopular President. Also, adding all of the stock video of the history of the United States was very effective. It showed the the United States was and is a great country. It was a really good video.
But it also showed some things that will not work and may hurt him. The video never said anything about how he was going to fix the country. Nothing about why people should vote for him. And this is ungood for what people care about. If Biden is going to ride on the Trump-sucks-so-go-with-me platform, he’s not getting through the primary.
He’s an old, straight, moderate, white guy. He doesn’t have a chance. As Ben Shapiro said, “Today is going to be his best day.” But, gosh, wouldn’t watching a Presidential debate between Trump and Biden be pure comedy?