
Episode 367 – My Racist Day

So I did a little experiment with Josie. It required some research but I did learn something.

It is really easy to be a racist.


Happy Juneteenth

President Biden signed a bill that will make June 19th, better known (well, hardly known) as Juneteenth.

Biden said during the ceremony:

“I have to say to you, I’ve only been President for several months, but I think this will go down, for me, as one of the greatest honors I will have as President.

“I regret that my grandchildren aren’t here, because this is a really, really, really important moment in our history. By making Juneteenth a federal holiday, all Americans can feel the power of this day and learn from our history — and celebrate progress and grapple with the distance we’ve come (and) the distance we have to travel.”

He also said that this should be a day of reflection. He said:

“We can’t rest until the promise of equality is fulfilled for every one of us in every corner of this nation. That to me is the meaning of Juneteenth. So let’s make this very Juneteenth tomorrow the first that our nation will celebrate all together, as one nation. A Juneteenth of action on many fronts.” 

In June 19, 1865, was the day that Union Army Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas, and told slaves of their emancipation ordered by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

  • I think this is a good thing and long time coming.
  • I would rather they had celebrated the actual Emancipation Proclamation release date instead of Juneteenth but:
    • January 1 is already a national holiday.
    • June 19th is very obscure.
    • Abraham Lincoln is now being called a racist.
  • What’s odd is CNN and other reporters are saying that Republicans approved this while rejecting Critical Race Theory.
    • Juneteenth is a celebration of Americas ability to move past its own sins because they were evil and not in tune to our Constitution and philosophy.
    • CRT is a refusal to believe the United States and all white people have moved forward. All our systems, our history and white people have never moved past those evils and we are still evil and need to indoctrinate our kids in that philosophy.

Give a mouse a cookie. Any time the Left gets something they want, they want to beat us down to get more.



My Racist Day

Ibram X. Kendi, the grandson of Critical Theory and the father of Critical Race Theory was asked to define racism. This is what he said:

“I would define it as a collection of racist policies that lead to racial inequity that are substantiated by racist ideas.”

I am not as smart as Ibram is but I speak English. I don’t know what that means. I was taught that if you are asked to define something, do not use the same word in the definition. For example:

“A pencil is made up of the materials that make up a pencil.”

I’m not a PhD in anything so it might be that I’m not smart enough to understand what he is talking about. I know this is true because I read his book and couldn’t understand anything he was saying. I decided to assume I am just mentally deficient to be able to understand the philosophy of such a great mind. The only other conclusion I could come up with is that he’s a complete f-ing idiot and that would be racist because of my white privilege.

After reading how birds and conversation is racist yesterday, I decided to analyze my day and see if I am a racist. I realized I am a racist and I feel bad for it. So let’s go through my day and discuDTss how each activity just proves how I am a racist.

1. I woke up early this morning because I had things to do. That’s racist because my life has goals I need to meet on a daily basis and progression in life is racist. Not kidding. Anti-racists are teaching that.
2. My bedroom is also the master bedroom. That’s racist because the bedroom is the “master”.
3. I pee in an American Standard toilet. This is racist because America is a systemically racist country and it is unequitable since other countries whose populations are of people of color do not have running water.
4. I drank two glasses of water. That racist because people of color can’t swim apparently and water is racist.
5. I put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt. My ensemble is racist because in is made of cotton and cotton is a symbol of slavery.
6. My T-shirt has an American flag which is racist because the flag represents oppression of people of color and systemic racism.
7. I went on a three-mile walk. That’s racist because white people walk differently than people of color making sidewalks a symbol of white supremacy.
8. I didn’t wear a mask which is racist because people of color are more susceptible to the China virus and I just don’t care.
9. Calling COVID-19 the China virus is racist against Chinese people.
10. I carried my walking stick that I always carry. That’s racist because my stick is made of oak and oak is a tree and trees symbolize lynching of black people, making trees racist.
11. I listen to Matt Walsh which is racist because he is a symbol of white supremacist hate.
12. When I go outside, I take deep breaths of the morning air. The air is racist because it is polluted, and pollution affects people of color far worse than white people.
13. When finishing my walk, I make a cup of coffee. Coffee is racist because it is cultivated and collected by oppressed and enslaved people in Latin American countries.
14. I watch the Ben Shapiro Show which is racist because Ben Shapiro is a symbol of white supremacist hate.
15. I write my blog post. That’s racist because it’s written in English which is the language of colonialism which destroyed the indigenous people.
16. I watch Louder with Crowder which is racist because Steven Crowder and his minions are symbols of white supremacist hate.
17. I record my podcast spewing my Conservative, racist, white supremacist hate.
18. I was hungry so I ate a 7-11 burrito made of jalapeño and beef. Extra spicy. That’s racist because its cultural appropriation of Latinx culture.
19. I drink water to cool my mouth after eating the extra spicy burrito. That racist because people of color can’t swim apparently and water is racist.
20. Josie came over for her lunch. I made her a grilled salami and cheese sandwich. That’s racist because she is Latinx and I expected her to be over because of my white privilege.
21. Josie peed in my American Standard toilet. This is racist because America is a symbol of systemic racism and it is unequitable since other countries whose populations are of people of color do not have running water.
22. It is also racist because I assumed Josie would be OK with peeing in a symbol of systemic racism and it is unequitable since other countries whose populations are of people of color do not have running water.
23. Josie kissed me goodbye. That is racist because I expected her to satisfy my desire with a kiss because of my white privilege. I think that’s also probably sexist.
24. I like to read and read a chapter from three different books. Reading is racist because it is attained through the education system and all systems are systemically racist.
26. I take a nap. This is racist because I have the white privilege to take a nap and I do it in my “master” bedroom…which is also racist.
27. I wake up and watch The Five on Fox News. This is racist because Fox News is a symbol of white supremacist hate.
28. The hockey playoff game starts, Tampa Bay versus the New York Islanders. This is racist because no one kneels in protest during the National Anthem.
29. I cheer as Tampa Bay wins 4-1. This is racist because the inequitable outcome of the game is representative of the inequitable outcomes between whites and people of color.
30. I make chicken and corn for dinner. Chicken is racist because chicken poop and fart creating carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide pollutes the air. Air pollution affects people of color disproportionately from white people.
31. Corn is racist because it is the food of indigenous people and eating it cultural appropriation.
32. I grilled the chicken and corn. That is racist because it adds carbon monoxide to the air. Air pollution affects people of color disproportionately from white people.
33. I have a couple of Budweisers to drink. That’s racist because Bud is an American beer (sort of) and America symbolizes the oppression of people of color and systemic racism.
34. The owner of the house gave me a Corona and we watched the basketball game. Corona is a Mexican beer so I was appropriating Mexican culture.
35. I decide to watch the movie Shaun of the Dead. This is racist because this British film does not have enough people of color.
36. Watching a British film is racist because of the colonialism of the British to America, exploiting the indigenous people.
37. I’m watching the movie outside and turn on my outside lights. That is racist because I bought the lights at Walmart. Walmart is racist because…well…it’s Walmart.
38. After I go to bed, I go inside and lock the door. This is racist because my implicit bias assumes a person of color will break into my place and rob me.
39. I go to bed. This is racist because I sleep in the “master” bedroom.
40. I fall asleep. This is racist because my white privilege allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.

How many of you actually find it insane that everything I do can be construed to racism? It didn’t even take me a long time to come up with this. I just had to remember my day and remember the past articles I have read. A simple Google search will validate everything I came up with has been thought of before.

It is so easy to demonize people.


Episode 352 – Their Mistakes Will Kill You

The new mayor of St. Louis wants to continue to allow her citizens to be murdered.

For Democrats, if at first you don’t succeed, try again.

And, nope, that is the behavior of a straight man.


They’ll Never Learn and You’ll Get Killed Because Of It

St. Louis, Missouri has the worst murder rate in the country.

  • It is averaging, this year, 87 murder per 100,000 people.
  • To show you the contrast, the second worst murder rate is Baltimore, Maryland with 57 murders per 100,000.
  • St. Louis’ murder rate is the highest rate is 50 years.
  • St. Louis is ranked 13th in murder throughout the world according to Statista. It has more murders than:
    • Cape Town, South Africa
    • San Salvador, El Salvador
    • Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

So what is the best way to lower crime? How about cut the budget for the police department and closing down jails. hat’s how St. Louis mayor, Tishaura Jones is going to handle it. Of course, she’s the first black female mayor in St. Louis history so she doesn’t need to do a good job. To the Left, she’s already doing a great job.

She was elected mayor last month and she ran on the progressive criminal justice reform.

Interim City of St. Louis Director of Public Safety Daniel Isom explained the mayor’s plan this way:

“Funding a comprehensive approach to violent crime is the best approach to reducing murders. This requires both police and partnering agencies adequately funded to support victims and hold offenders accountable. It also requires target arrest and prosecutions to get murderers and shooters off the streets and not filling jails with nonviolent offenders.”

So, spend money on non-police projects, don’t throw criminals in jail and no proactive policing. Yeah, that’s going to work. We’ve seen ideas like this work before like…never.

Remember what Rudy Giuliani did when he was mayor of New York? He increased the police force, threw criminals in jail and encouraged proactive policing by implementing stop-and-frisk. Crime in New York was at its lowest levels in history. The Left hated it because they thought it violated civil rights and was against the Fourth Amendment. They fought tooth-and-nail to get rid of it even though the streets of New York were safe and clean. Mike Bloomberg liked what he saw and kept stop-an-frisk. It was the idiot Bill de Blasio who ended stop-and-frisk and look at how New York City is now. A disaster.

Well, Tishaura Jones is following in the footsteps of Bill de Blasio. Good luck with that.



What, Again?

Things are so bad for the Democrats that they feel the need to bring up Trump and the January 6th riots at the capital.

Last week, the House passed a bill that would create a 9/11 style commission to investigate the January 6th Capitol riots.

  • The vote was 252-175.
  • There were 35 Republicans who supported the commission.
  • Chances are this is not going to get through the Senate because it requires 60 votes and the Senate is 50-50.

I think this whole thing is garbage and a misdirection. Joe Biden supports the commission and that shouldn’t be a surprise. He has some major issues in his first four months and bringing out the past to demonize Trump and his supporters. Biden’s problem is that he is getting to the point that he can’t blame all his problems on Trump. And I don’t think this is going to go well for him if this commission does convene.

  • Questions are going to be asked about the riots last summer.
  • Questions about the anti-Semitic violence that is happening now.
  • The equality of justice is going to be brought up. Almost 300 people have been arrested for the Capitol riots but no one seems to be arrested during the $3 billion riots last summer.
  • It will be pointed out that the VP ran a fund raiser to free rioters from last year.
  • It will be pointed out the mistakes that Capitol Police made:
    • Allowing people into the Capitol building.
    • Taking pictures with the “rioters”.
  • The failure of Nancy Pelosi to add security even though she was told too.
  • The failure of Washington DC mayor, Muriel Bowser, to add extra police or even Nation Guard even though she was warned.
  • Expose some of the things that have been hidden by the politicians and the media:
    • Only one person was killed, Ashlii Babbitt. Who killed her? Why wasn’t that investigation brought to the public?
    • The videos and pictures of Capitol Police interacting with rioters in a casual way.
    • The lies by people like AOC about where they were during the riot.
  • It will turn off Independents and classical liberals and moderate Democrats.

Why do it?

  • This is another attempt at impeaching Trump.
  • It also is going to be used to demonize anyone who voted for Trump by calling them white supremacists.
  • Darken the Republicans before the 2022 midterm elections which is looking to be a disaster for Democrats.
  • Deflect from the disaster that has been caused throughout the country by Leftist policies such as:
    • The employment problem.
    • The border crisis.
    • The crime problem.
    • The fuel problem.
    • Inflation.
    • The Middle East disaster.

This will just be another show-commission. It’s a waste of time. People are just not going to care about it.



No, That’s Not a Thing

According to an article on metro.co.UK in an article called, Straight men in ‘bromances’ kiss, cuddle and stand around naked together by Chris Caulfield, “straight” men like to do homosexual things with their “straight” male friends.

According to research published in Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, there is a strong desire to cuddle and hug between bromantic friends, while kissing is just another way of showing affection.

One of the students involved told the authors you can ‘lie in bed with your bromance, have a cuddle and just talk’, while another said he understood it as having ‘a cuddle buddy’. A third thought cuddling, hugging and sex jokes were a ‘core part’ of a bromantic friendship.

A bromance has been defined as ‘an emotionally intense bond between straight men’.

‘Some agreed that this was the case when asked, whereas others offered it unsolicited as part of their definition of a bromance.’

In all 29 of the 30 men who took part said they had cuddled their bromantic partner. This latest work also backs a 2012 study that found 89% of 145 surveyed undergraduate heterosexual men had kissed on the lips. One participant said: ‘Guys nowadays, in my generation, there is so much kissing between guys because it’s showing affection.’ Another added: ‘I hug him and kiss (my bromance) and tell him I love him.’

Participants also talked about how comfortable they were to be naked around their bromances.

One participant said: ‘I live in a house with three other guys, and there are massive bromances going on between us.

‘We walk around naked. I got no problems standing naked in a room with my housemates. We feel comfortable being naked around each other.’ The study was conducted across a three-month period, between August 2014 and November 2014, and involved semi-structured interviews into the friendship experiences of 30 undergraduate men who identified as heterosexual or mostly heterosexual. They were enrolled in one of four undergraduate sport-degree programs at a single UK university.

Couple of things:

  • If you are a man and walking around, naked, with other men and are comfortable with it, you’re gay or bisexual.
  • If you are a man and are snuggling with another man, you are gay or bisexual.
  • If you are a man and are kissing another man, you are gay or bisexual.
  • The “men identified and heterosexual or mostly heterosexual” thing is also funny. If you are “mostly” heterosexual, you are probably gay or bisexual.

Why do I bring this up? Because it is the type of changing of the language and perception that drives me nuts. This article basically points out that there is something wrong with me because I do not want to kiss another man. It’s like the article that said men who would not have sex with a trans woman was gay. This story pushes the belief that you are weird if you don’t buy the gay talking points.

Well, I don’t buy it. I’m not going to buy it. And I’m not weird because the only person I’m interested in kissing is my female fiancé.

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2017/06/11/straight-men-in-bromances-kiss-cuddle-and-stand-around-naked-together-6701757/?ito=cbshare









Episode 345 – Really, Sidewalks?

More bad news for Old Joe.

Liz Cheney gets her just desserts.

And white people can’t even walk right.


Boy, That Was Fast

The crappy jobs report last week has really put a strangle on the economy. Inflation, which most of us thought wouldn’t hit for a couple year due to the debt, has reared its ugly head already due to no one working, free money and a demand for goods.

According to CNBC:

“Inflation accelerated at its fastest pace in more than 12 years for April as the U.S. economic recovery kicked into gear and energy prices jumped higher. The Consumer Price Index, which measures a basket of goods as well as energy and housing costs, rose 4.2% from a year ago, compared to the Dow Jones estimate for a 3.6% increase. The monthly gain was 0.8%, against the expected 0.2%.”


The Stock Market is flipping out. The Wall Street Journal stated:

“Rising commodity markets, supply-chain blockages and hiring difficulties have prompted some investors to expect a prolonged upswing in consumer prices. That could lead the Federal Reserve to raise its target for short-term interest rates sooner than it has signaled, potentially weighing on stocks and other assets that have benefited from over a year of near-zero borrowing costs.”

I guess it might be time to start buying gold and silver.

The economic situation we are in is the worst since the 2008 recession. But we can go way further back. There are a lot of consistencies with what happened in the 70s under Jimmy Carter, arguably the worst President in United States history.

Under Jimmy Carter we had:

  • High inflation.
  • Joblessness.
  • Major division.
  • A fuel shortage.
  • Major foreign policy issues (Iran).

Joe Biden is creating a disaster within this country. You want to know the good news? Jimmy Carter only lasted one term and his incompetence led to the right wing radical by the name of Ronald Reagan.



Good Bye and Good Riddance

Liz Cheney, who has just been an absolute splinter for the Republican party has finally been stripped of her leadership role in Congress.

You might be asking yourself why I haven’t really talked about this before. Simply, it’s because I don’t care. I think this has been a story that has been horribly overinflated by the news media and this happens all the time within both parties. The reason this story is big is because it’s within the Republican party and the Leftist media wants to make it out that there is disintegration of the Republican party.

Listen, there is no disintegration of the Republican party. Liz Cheney is a Conservative. She had an 80% approval from Conservative groups and voted with Republicans 96% of the time. She just didn’t like Trump and was vocal about it. This could be seen in her press conference today. Listen:

This is her problem:

  • She didn’t just dislike Donald Trump, she hated him.
  • She went on all Left wing news outlets, like MSNBC and CNN, and did nothing but bitch about Trump.
  • She would be in press conferences with other House leadership and just start bitching about Trump. Out of nowhere.

She just couldn’t get over it and she still can’t. All she had to do was be quiet. She’s from the very Conservative state of Wyoming and is probably going to lose the next election.

I just don’t think this is a big deal. I don’t care. republicans have every right to choose the leadership. She’s going to be gone soon anyway. It’s media hype again. Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney are really the only conflicts within the Republican party. Democrats have far more issues that are also very public. These just have not been chosen to be news stories.



We Can’t Even Walk Right?

OK, this is the most crazy story of the day. It is a slow news day. It also shows just how our college professors have nothing better to do than opine about crap.

A Northwestern University professor actually said that the way white people walk is proof of internalized racism. I’m not frigging kidding. We can’t even walk right. This thing was actually seen as relevant enough to put in the university newspaper.

It is titled: Are the sidewalks at Northwestern too White, too? by opinion editor Kenny Allen.

When I first got to Northwestern, I wondered why walking around on campus could be so frustrating. Even when sidewalks were relatively empty, I would often have to walk way around people to pass without bumping into them. At first, I chalked it up to the geographic diversity of the school; maybe the people that came to this school were used to different ways of moving through a public place. But after talking to my Black friends about my experience, they echoed it: people at this predominantly White school would not move out of our way on the sidewalk.

I think Kenny is not used to being in a big city. This crap happens all the time and race is not an issue. Everyone is in their own little world in crowded big cities.

This was one of many reminders that diversity does not mean inclusion at NU. Even though the University has worked to increase the number of Black students here, that doesn’t mean we’re welcomed with open arms. Bedelia Nicola Richards, a sociology professor at the University of Richmond (sociology is not a science) laid out a set of five questions to determine whether one’s university is racist: 

  1. Which group or groups feel most at home on the campus and which ones feel like (unwanted) guests? (notice everything is about feelings and perceptions? Feelings and perceptions are not reality and truth).
  2. Whose norms, values and perspectives does the institution consider to be normal or legitimate? Whose does it silence, marginalize or delegitimize? (Norms, values and perceptions are subjective. There has to be an assumption that everyone knows about one’s norms, values and perceptions).
  3. Who inhabits positions of power within the institution? (This is subjective and perception-based. There’s no objective measure).
  4. Whose experiences, norms, values and perspectives influence an institution’s laws, policies and systems of evaluation? (Do I really need to say anything here I haven’t said before?)
  5. Whose interests does the institution protect? (If you’re in the institution, wouldn’t you think the institution would protect you? More feelings and perception.)

At this school, the answer to most of those questions is White people. Any honest accounting of the decision-making structures at this school would tell you so. And this power dynamic is always present in the way Black students interact with this institution.

Where does he come up with that? Because he feels that way? What if I were to tell him that I think its black people because of the way of the word today? Based off of the question asked, it could easily be?

Almost everybody in the United States gets some sort of education about Jim Crow segregation. Black people had to attend different schools, weren’t allowed to vote and didn’t have any legal protection from discrimination. These laws helped to create an image of Black inferiority after the abolition of slavery. And that sentiment trickled down to the way people interact on an interpersonal level. 

The formal rules of Jim Crow were accompanied by a set of informal ones that governed the way Black people approached White people in public space and vice versa. That social order required Black people to yield to White people whenever possible. Both sets of rules told White people that they were superior and Black people that they were inferior — and that this pattern of subjugation was the natural way for things to be. Black people were made to show deference to White people any time they interacted. One of the ways they were made to do so was by stepping off the sidewalk when a White person was walking past.

The informal rules are passed down through generations just like any other kind of etiquette. White people came to expect the right of way in public spaces. White people who were accustomed to moving through the world like that — intentionally or not — taught their kids to move through the world in the same way. And the racism that undergirded Jim Crow wasn’t eliminated just because the laws were no longer overtly racist.

Jim Crow was systemic racism. No question and I would not be surprised that black people would have to step off a sidewalk if a white person walked by. But that’s over. People don’t do that anymore and haven’t for a long time. I have never see a person of color clear the way on a sidewalk because I was walking by. Have you?

This kind of thing makes this entire argument invalid. Thank God there is only one more paragraph.

Many White people walk around campus having unknowingly absorbed this particular facet of White supremacy, and the leaders of the institution do little to make us believe that White supremacy is something worth challenging in the first place. This is not to say that giving people space in public is a way to be anti-racist; the sidewalk question is just one way in which Black people are made to feel unwelcome. This is to say that essentially every aspect of our society, including the way we physically move through space, has been shaped by a racist legacy. Uprooting that White supremacy requires both recognizing its scale and disrupting it however it shows up. 

What a stupid article.

  • He offers no evidence of anything nor any examples.
  • He brings up something that happened sixty years ago and says things are still like that.
  • This is an example of one who so self-aggrandizes, is so self-centered, that he believes its racist that people do not acknowledge him while walking around.
  • The fact that this article was allowed to be published and should be taken seriously tells me that blacks actually do have the power. That’s what I think. This article is proof.
  • Finally, it also shows that anything can be seen as racist. No matter what I do, something I do will prove I’m a racist. I can’t win.



Allen: Are the sidewalks at Northwestern too White, too?





Episode 342 – Tsunami Inbound!

It’s coming. Like the cicadas. Like the Chinese rocket from space. It’s coming and it’s going to bite us all.

AOC is still an idiot.

Joe Biden needs to stop calling himself a Catholic.

And Andrew Cuomo, the guy who should have been impeached by now, is embracing segregation.


Things Aren’t Going Well

Joe Biden got some bad news. The jobs numbers came out today and it was one fifth of what was expected. This is going to have some consequences.

  • There were 266,000 jobs created in April.
  • The Budget Office expected almost a million jobs to be created in April.
  • The unemployment rate went up to 6.1%.
  • The unemployment rate is expected to be higher based on the fact a lot of people are not returning to the workforce.

Reasons why this is happening:

  • Schools are still closed.
  • The economy remains closed. It is opening but states like California and Michigan are still really restricting business.
  • The mixed messaging by the White House and Tony Fauci about the effectiveness of the vaccines and where we are in respect to the pandemic.
  • There have been reports that we may never reach herd immunity. This thing is never going to end.
  • The government has been giving out money for the last year and there are no plans by the Democrats to stop. People are being paid more to stay at home.
  • Businesses like McDonald’s can’t get low wage workers. They are offering $50 to people for just applying for a job.

Joe Biden thinks this is not a bad thing. He said today:

That’s a lie. He probably knows it though what he knows these days cannot be actually measured. But even CNN know this is really bad news.

It’s Coming Faster Than We Thought

CNN pretty much summed it up in a story today or yesterday. I was shocked:

The job numbers mean inflation is coming. Here’s the problem:

  • People have a lot of money right now. That’s because they have been given money for the last year.
  • Because people are making more money by staying home than working, they are not going to work.
  • Because there are less workers, supply lines and supply chains do not have enough people for products and services.
  • As demand goes up and supply goes down, prices for goods and services go up.
  • Walla! Inflation!
  • Who is this going to affect most? The poor and lower middle class. Their limited income is now going to buy less.

I thought this wouldn’t happen for a couple of years and this inflation is not what we are going to see because of the trillions of dollars of spending. This is the inflation from low supply and high demand.

Prices from March 2020 to March 2021:

  • Lumber is up 65%. Great for the housing market.
  • Gas and crude oil is up 40%. Prepare for the cost of driving and flying to go way up.
  • Iron and steel up 38%. Don’t need to worry about gas if you can’t afford a car.
  • Copper is up 75%.
  • Cotton is up 35%.
  • Fertilizer is up 26%.

These are actual increases from last year to this year. The projections are far worse. They are projecting lumber to increase between 200-400%. Gas could be up 50-70% because crude oil could get to over $100 a barrel again since we stopped being energy independent with Biden’s garbage policies.

In 2008, Obama said that we should be prepared to skip things like travel because of the environment. He was with a Congress that told him to buzz off. Now, the insane crap that Obama wanted is now being realized and we are going to suffer.



God, She’s Dumb

Did you know that Planned Parenthood actually saves lives? Yeah, I didn’t either. But here is the logic of the insane and stupid justifying the killing of babies by Planned Parenthood:

What she doesn’t get: Abortion is a policy that kills people. OK, there’s a lot to unpack here.

  • First off, AOC was born into an upper middle class family. I doubt her very well off family had anything to do with Planned Parenthood.
  • I love when people compare abortion to the death penalty. They really have nothing to do with each other.
  • I also trip out about the reverence people like AOC hold for Planned Parenthood
    • It was founded by Mary Sanger, a rabid racist and eugenicist.
    • She opened her clinics in black neighborhoods because she saw blacks and the disabled as inferior to whites.
    • Her clinics were for providing birth control, sterilization and abortion targeting the “inferior” people of color and the disabled.
    • The science community, including eugenicists, saw her as so radical, they rejected her, her research and her writings.
    • Planned Parenthood, this year, rejected Mary Sanger because people are beginning to learn a little bit about her and they do not want to be associated with her. It only took about a 100 years.
  • Now, on a more important note, Planned Parenthood kills 300,000 babies a year. With some adjustments, and don’t quote me on this because I have heard it is way higher, 10 million babies have been killed by Planned Parenthood.
  • Of that, less than 2%, and I’m being liberal here, are aborted due to rape, incest or danger to the mother. That means 98% of murdered babies are killed for convenience.

AOC is either really dumb or lying to you. I think it’s both. How she can up hold a clinic whose main purpose was to eradicate the United States of black people and the disabled.



Why Bother?

Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer. Joe Biden had something to say about it:

“Throughout our history, Americans of many religions and belief systems have turned to prayer for strength, hope, and guidance. Prayer has nourished countless souls and powered moral movements — including essential fights against racial injustice, child labor, and infringement on the rights of disabled Americans. Prayer is also a daily practice for many, whether it is to ask for help or strength, or to give thanks over blessings bestowed.

“The First Amendment to our Constitution protects the rights of free speech and religious liberty, including the right of all Americans to pray. These freedoms have helped us to create and sustain a Nation of remarkable religious vitality and diversity across the generations.

“Today, we remember and celebrate the role that the healing balm of prayer can play in our lives and in the life of our Nation. As we continue to confront the crises and challenges of our time — from a deadly pandemic, to the loss of lives and livelihoods in its wake, to a reckoning on racial justice, to the existential threat of climate change — Americans of faith can call upon the power of prayer to provide hope and uplift us for the work ahead. As the late Congressman John Lewis once said, ‘Nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined people to make a difference in our society. Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet.’”

He’s not much of a Catholic but he’s a true Leftist. He does want you to pray every day. But he wants you to pray to the government, to the climate and to race. He doesn’t care about God or religion because, as Marx said, “Religion is the opiate of the people” and government will find it impossible to control a population that knows there’s a higher power.

Just sad.





Episode 336 – I’m Becoming Cynical in my Old Age

Let’s talk abut Caitlyn Jenner. Some things may surprise you.

Joe Biden does a good thing…I think.

Then he does a bad thing.

Why Not?

As I said last week, Catlyn Jenner, or Bruce Jenner to my generation, has decided to run for California governor. She’s trying to replace Gavin Newsom, who is being recalled.

In his statement, Jenner said:

“California has been my home for nearly 50 years. I came here because I knew that anyone, regardless of their background or station in life, could turn their dreams into a reality. But for the past decade, we have seen the glimmer of the Golden State reduced by one-party rule that places politics over progress and special interests over people. Sacramento needs an honest leader with a clear vision.”

“I am a proven winner and the only outsider who can put an end to Gavin Newsom’s disastrous time as governor.”

You knew that was coming. He is going to be running as a Republican on the platform of lowering taxes and pushing business. Something he says was destroyed due to overdone lockdowns during COVID.

He also took some at Newsom:

“This isn’t the California we know. This is Gavin Newsom’s California, where he orders us to stay home but goes out to dinner with his lobbyist friends.”

He was referencing Newsom getting caught dining with friends indoors without masks at The French Laundry, an opulent Napa Valley restaurant that charges $1,200 per person for a white truffle and caviar dinner.


One would think that Jenner, a Trans female, would be really popular in California. He won an Olympic gold medal in 1976 in the decathlon, he was on the popular reality TV show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians. He has always been a supporter of the LGBTQ community. Then he had a sex change a few years ago and became ESPN’s Person of the Year.

Shortly after Jenner made the big announcement that they would run for governor, LGBTQ activists were upset that Jenner would be running as a Republican.

Equity California, an LGBTQ organization, tweeted right after Jenner announced:

“Make no mistake: we can’t wait to elect a #trans governor of California. But @Caitlyn_Jenner spent years telling the #LGBTQ+ community to trust Donald Trump. We saw how that turned out. Now she wants us to trust her? Hard pass.”

I find it funny. Trump actually has always been supportive of the LGBTQ except when it came to the military. And that was based on a recommendation from the military itself.

See, it’s all about the identity until the beliefs are different.  Then their identity doesn’t matter.

Well, it doesn’t sound like Jenner buys all the LGBTQ crap either. Last week,  The Views Joy Behar apologized for “misgendering” him. Kind of like I’m doing now. But I can’t get over calling Bruce Jenner a her. When asked about it, Jenner said  she thought there were more important things to worry about in California than using the wrong pronouns. I like that.

Politics isn’t going to be what the media will be beating on. Jenner does have some skeletons. He was involved in a car accident that killed a person. Neither drugs nor alcohol were involved but it was found to be Jenner’s fault.

Jenner supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 election. When Trump won, Jenner didn’t like what Trump did with the LGBTQ and stopped supporting him though rumors have it he loved Trump’s foreign and economic policies.

Will I vote for him? Not sure. I don’t know who else is running and still need to see his policies on important things like the economy, immigration and the homeless issue. I am also curious to see what he does about voter reform in this state.

Be honest with you, I would vote for a transgender rabbit with wings and horns if it fixed this state.



This Was a Good Move

I give Joe Biden a load of crap but I will give him credit when credit is due.

In a call to the President, or dictator, of Turkey, Joe Biden said he was going to acknowledge the Armenian genocide that occurred about a century ago. The genocide and displacement was responsible for the deaths of about 1.5 million Armanians.

Acknowledgement of this has been promised by past presidents. I remember this being a story during the Clinton administration. But no President had the guts to do it because Turkey has been such an important ally.

Though I agree with this,  I am cynical. I asked myself why he would do this now when there really isn’t much of a benefit to it?

Well,  tensions between Israel and Iran are kicking up again. Apparently, Israel attacked an Iranian nuclear facility, destroying several nuclear centerfuges. Iran responded by using their terrorist network in Syria to shoot missiles into Israel. Of course Israel is responding. Things are really heating up in the Middle East and we know how Joe Biden loves Israel.

So what does that have to do with Turkey?

Turkey has always been a base for the United States when there are conflicts in the Middle East. They were during the Iraq wars and the conflicts in Syria. If Turkey refuses to be an ally because of this, it would be an excuse the Biden administration can use not to get involved in a conflict between Iran and Israel.

Biden is also really pushing rejoining this Iranian nuclear agreement. I think he’d do anything to get that ball rolling again including screwing Israel.

The left, for some reason, loves the Palastinians and have always d we demonized Israel for it. Even the  Palistinians are run by a terrorist organization that suppresses their people. They would love to see Israel wiped from the face of the earth.

We will have to see what is going to happen. But I don’t think Biden did this for some sort of historical significance.



This Is a Dumb Move

With the good the Biden administration does comes a dumb move.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has given blanket approval for U.S. embassies and consulates around the world to fly the rainbow LGBT pride flag on the same pole as the American flag.

This Was done because the Trump administration banned flags of these sorts on federal buildings. He did this because he believed the flag of the United States said all about us it needed to. Our flag represents all the people not just a subset of its population. It was part of his America First policy.

The thing is, for Americans, we understood this. Biden’s move just shows that he’s not America First. He’s about creating divisions. He’s about certain groups, certain Americans. Not America as a whole.

I know if I walked into a federal building,  like an American embassy,  I can tell you that flag doesn’t represent me. The only flag the represent me is the old stars and stripes. Our flag encompasses all Americans no matter their beliefs.

This story makes me wish Trump was still on Twitter. I would love to hear his opinion on this one. And you know he’d have an opinion and it would probably be funny.




A bunch of cops were on a call and, of course, they had to be harassed by a couple of black teens, recording with $600 cell phones so they could upload it to social media. But one of the police officers had a response when asked by one of the teens if he was going to shoot him.

The video did go viral. But I don’t think it went viral for the right reasons. That cop made that little rat scallion look stupid, admitting that the girl actually tried to stab someone.

Now, there is a rumor on Twitter, which one has to take with a grain of salt, that the police officer is facing suspension for “unprofessional behavior”. Not sure how it is unprofessional. Unprofessional would have been to pull his billy club out and start beating the crap out of this kid which is what he really needs.

By the way, I think the cop might have been a person of color. It’s hard to say because he’s wearing a mask but there was at least one black cop there.

And, just a little update, the kid didn’t get cited, arrested, beaten, tased or shot. He just looked stupid in the video when he posted it.









Episode 335 – More Dumb

I never really finished with all the stupid stories that I wanted to talk about on Monday. And there are a ton of them. I decided to take a little time and finish these stories up. Let’s face it, there is way too much coverage of the big news out there and I don’t want to just rehash everything.

So, let’s get to it.


Nothing but BS

I’m really late on this one but it is too much just to skip.

Do you remember last year when it was reported that Donald Trump was told that the Russians were giving radical Muslims bounties on the killing of American soldiers. He was condemned throughout the media for it and Joe Biden during both debates used that to show that Trump hated the military? Remember that?

Trump reported that the story was not true and unverified.

The intelligence community said that it was unverified and was never even reported to the President.

Well, guess what? The intelligence community reported that the story had little to no verification and was probably untrue.

This is a two part clip. I want you to listen Jen Psaki when she is asked about the truth of Russia not putting bounties on American troops:

Do you know how a leftist is lying? She starts talking. Her answer was to “Does the Biden administration believe that the Russia placed bounties on American soldiers?”

A truth-teller would say, “No.” That’s it. But Jen Psaki is a liar and she knows what the next question is going to be so she throws out this word salad that no one understands.

Then comes the question:

By the way, no asked about the previous administration. The question was about your administration.

Again a 45 second question to a two second answer. “Yeah, we f-ed up and, no, we don’t care. No apologies”

The media beat the garbage out of this narrative for a week and it all turned out to be a lie.



You’ve Got to be Kidding

Need some more proof that the United Nations is a garbage heap and needs to be removed from the United States and sent to Venezuela? Heck, it’s on prime New York property and we could always use another Starbucks.

The United Nations has selected Iran and China to be on their Commission on the Status of Women. Really?

Iran does not permit their women to drive, vote, date, watch videos, marry or divorce. Killing a woman in Iran by her husband is considered an honor crime. Disrespect of her husband could be a death sentence. A single woman traveling without a male family member could lead to imprisonment. Not covering her face could lead to imprisonment. Rape is considered the fault of the woman and she could face imprisonment.

That’s right! A woman could be imprisoned for being raped! Talk about #MeToo.

Yeah, this sounds like a country that should be analyzing and weighing in on women’s rights.

China is running concentration camps that is forcibly sterilizing Uyiger women, committing gang rape and had the One Child Policy that forced women to get abortions if the family already had a child. Yeah, this sounds like a country that should be analyzing and weighing in on women’s rights.

Why this garbage organization continues to be supported by the United States, even getting quality land in New York City amazes me.



Yeah, That’ll Work

From ABC News:

The city of Berkeley, California, moved forward Wednesday with a proposal to eliminate police from conducting traffic stops and instead use unarmed civilian city workers as part of a broad overhaul of law enforcement. The City Council also set a goal of cutting the police budget by 50%.

Yeah, that’s going to work great. Leave it to Berkley, land of the hippies to come up with some stupid ass crap like that.

Mayor Jesse Arreguin said:

“For far too long public safety has been equated with more police.”

Do I even need to comment on this? Well I will anyway. What if:

  • The driver is armed?
  • The driver is drunk?
  • What if the driver has drugs?
  • The driver makes a break for it?
  • The driver has a warrant?
  • What if the driver just doesn’t give a damn?


See the problem?

  • Berkley has 54% white, 20% Asian and 8% black.
  • Out of 77,000 call in 2020, there have been a total of 32 police use-of-force calls.
  • Of the 77,000 police calls, 3000 led arrest.
  • That means that, of the 77,000 police interactions only led to 4×10^4 of calls led to use of force or .0004%. That is 4% of all police calls led to an arrest.
  • Of the 3000 arrests, 30% were black. That means 900 0f the 3000 were of black people.


Yeah. A lot of police brutality in Berkley, CA. This procedure is going to be implemented in September of this year.

  • https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/berkeley-moves-removing-police-traffic-stops-71796720




Democratic Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s health department has proposed a permanent masking rule as the current regulations are set to expire next month.

The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division, led by administrator Michael Wood, received 5,000 comments on the proposed rule before the public comment period ended.

Wood said:

“The majority of comments were simply hostile to the entire notion of COVID-19 restrictions. The vast majority of comments were in the context of, ‘You never needed to do anything.’”

You think?

Wood floated the proposal to keep masking requirements in place until “no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic in the workplace” last month. Wood said that the new “permanent” rule is needed to keep the current regulations from expiring on May 4.

Republican State Senator Kim Thatcher said:

“When will masks be unnecessary? What scientific studies do these mandates rely on, particularly now that the vaccine is days away from being available to everyone? Businesses have had to play ‘mask cop’ for the better part of a year now. They deserve some certainty on when they will no longer be threatened with fines.”

News flash: This is the goal of Democrats and leftists. Control. They are using this pandemic, which is almost over, as a “crisis” to maintain control and obedience.

We are being told by Joe Biden that if others do not want to get vaccinated, and I don’t blame them, we might have to cancel Independence Day celebrations. That’s a tad ironic.

Well, here’s a news flash: No one is going to care about what Joe Biden thinks. We have been dealing with this pandemic for a year and I think we’re pretty done being told what we can’t do. So Biden can f-off with his threats and I’ll eat a big burger and hot dog on July 4th with all my family.



The Embrace of Perversion

Remember when I told you I was never really against gay marriage but I was afraid that it will open up the flood gates of perversion.

So far, I have not been wrong at all.

In New York, a lawsuit has been filed by a mother who thinks she should be able to marry her adult son. She argues that making incest illegal is unconstitutional.

The names, ages and genders of the people is unknown and has not been made public.

The suit says the parent wishes to remain anonymous because they recognize that their hope of marrying their child is ‘an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant.’

According to the Daily Mail, the lawsuit reads:

‘The proposed spouses are adults. The proposed spouses are biological parent and child,’ the suit reads.

‘The proposed spouses are unable to procreate together.’

According to the suit, the parent and child regard themselves as a ‘PAACNP’ couple – ‘Parent and Adult Child Non-Procreationable’ couple – and believe it would ‘diminish their humanity’ if they could not marry one another.   

The claimant argues that the ‘enduring bond of marriage’ would take the parent and child union to a ‘greater level of expression, intimacy and spirituality.’ 

‘Parent-and-adult-child couples for whom procreation is either virtually or literally impossible can aspire to the transcendent purposes of marriage and seek fulfillment in its highest meaning,’ the suit reads. 

New York attorneys say there is very little chance the suit is going to go anywhere but can you imagine how f-ed up our society is to believe that this might be something that a court will go with.



Speaking of Perversion

Caitlyn Jenner, who used to be Bruce Jenner before he decided he was a woman, has decided to run for governor as a Republican during the recall election against the current governor Gavin Newsom.

Our society has gone so crazy this is not only unsurprising but Jenner will probably win.



Episode 333 I Love Talking About Dumb

Sometimes we, as Americans, are so busy worrying about dumb things that we forget there are actually real issues in the world.

Let’s go through some of the news, talk about some of those dumb things and then talk about some of those things we might be missing.


Rest in Peace

Walter Mondale passed away at the age of 93. Most people won’t remember much about him and that’s not a surprise. He wasn’t a really relevant politician in my time.

  • He was born on January 25, 1928 in Minneapolis, MN.
  • He served as a Senator from Minnesota from 1964-1976.
  • He served as Vice President under Jimmie Carter from 1976-1980.
  • He ran for President in 1984 against Ronald Reagan.
  • Mondale chose U.S. Representative Geraldine Ferraro from New York as his running mate, making her the first woman nominated for that position by a major party.
  • He ran on raising taxes to cut the deficit and support the ERA.
  • He lost that election by one of the largest landslides in history, only winning his home state and Washington DC.


What a Dumbass

The judge in the Derrick Chauvin trial had some rather harsh words about Maxine Watters during a request for a mistrial. Judge Peter Cahill said:

Cahill also said that this could be means for overturning a verdict on appeal since it sis sound like Watters was trying to intimidate the jury. The defense council brought up the fact the jury was not sequestered and the news of the trial is everywhere. The judge rejected the defense’s stance saying there was no evidence the jury was not following his orders not to watch the news.




What Happens When Libs Get Extra Money

Los Angeles is $5.1 billion in debt. Now, that’s not the state of California, that only Los Angeles. That will cost each tax payer would have to pay an extra $4000 to dig us out of this debt.

Now, Los Angeles and California will receive money from Joe Biden’s COVID recovery bill, which is something that really turned Republicans off to the law. Actually, it turned off all of the Republicans. So is the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, going to used that money to balance his mismanaged budget? Of course. He’s going to spend it.

It has been reported that Eric Garcetti is going to implement a Universal Basic Income trial that will give $1000 a month to 2000 families in Los Angeles below the federal poverty line. This is part of his Equity and Justice budget.

The program is called “BIG: LEAP,” an acronym for Basic Income Guaranteed: L.A. Economic Assistance Pilot. It will cost $24 million.

When asked, Garcetti said:

“We have to end America’s addiction to poverty. For families who can’t think past the next bill, the next shift or the next health problem that they have, we can give them the space to not only dream of a better life, but to actualize it.”


  • So he expects to end poverty by giving away money?
  • What this actually does it put more people under more dependence of the government.
  • Universal Basic Income has been tried over and over again and has failed.
  • It was tried in Stockton, California for about three months. Guess what happened? Stockton ran out of money.
  • It’s these redistribution programs which are killing California and is causing their tax base, like Tesla, to move out of California.
  • I think it would be much better if Mayor Garcetti decided to pay off his debt instead of giving money away and increasing the debt.




Changing of Language

President Joe Biden has banned federal immigration agencies from using terms such as “alien,” “assimilation,” and “illegal alien” in official documents and statements.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director Tae Johnson said:

“In response to the vision set by the Administration, ICE will ensure agency communications use the preferred terminology and inclusive language.”


  • The term, “illegal alien” is a legal term. It has nothing to do with race.
  • Biden is changing the terms to make illegal aliens more legal. I won’t change my usage of the term for this reason.
  • It amazes me that the reason Biden is contacting ICE is to change their terminology. You’d think he’d be more worried about the disaster on the border than the terms they use in their reports.




How Is She an Expert?

Greta Thunberg has come out of her basement and continued to chastise society for not doing what she wants us to do. I think this is great because now she is 18-years-old and now I can make fun of her without being accused of being mean to a child (which I never gave a damn about anyway).

Here she is at a World Health Organization presser discussing how the vaccine distribution is not equitable:

A few things here:

What is she doing at a WHO presser? She just, theoretically, a high school graduate. She has no expertise in anything and is autistic. As far as I’m concerned, this really damages the already rickety credibility of the WHO. And who is she to listen to when in comes to prioritizing who gets vaccinated.

I will also point out that she never actually thinks anything of this up. We already know that her father is running her Twitter account. If you watch the video, one can see she is actually reading a prepared statement. In the past, when she had to speak in front of the press without any preparation, she couldn’t seem to get a word out. She should just have her parents talk to the WHO.

A couple of things she says here are kind of odd:

  • The richer countries are getting vaccinated, and I think she’s specifically speaking of the United States because she hates us, we came up with the vaccine. We pain for the production of the vaccine. If Ghana wants the vaccine, they can invent, produce and distribute it.
  • She also brings up this from the stance of globalism and anti-capitalism. That’s her real thing. She does the same thing with environmentalism. She doesn’t go to China about any of this. She points only to the United States. She detests nationalism which the left always associates with white nationalism or white supremacy.
  • I’m a proud nationalist. You know what other country is? China.



The Real Problems

Remember I said a while back that we have become such a self-centered society we only fight about the stupid things and are missing that there is an entire world out there? By the way, I have two other stupid stories but you’ll have to wait for those till tomorrow.

We, Joe Biden’s weakness is beginning to embolden other countries and is pissing other leaders. Jen Psaki is being asked some question about it and her answer is always to circle-back to it. But we are really looking at some serious conflicts that are probably going to read their heads in the next year and I don’t know if the administration has the leadership to deal with them.

  • Iran is purifying uranium to the highest purity that they ever reached, 60%. I think it might be a little late to rejoin the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.
  • China is running fighter jets over Taiwan. The Taiwanese have asked for more weapons to counter the threat.
  • Russia’s military is building up on the Ukrainian border. The troop counts are as high as they were since the 2014 invasion of Crimea.
  • North Korea has started missile testing again and still refuses to communicate with the Biden administration.
  • The Presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala and  Honduras are blaming the Biden administration for opening the borders and causing mass migrations from their countries. This is an issue for them because they are losing working age males.
  • The President of Mexico is blaming Biden for the open border policy because the cartels are getting rich and more powerful through human trafficking. This is making them hard for the Mexican government to deal with.


We are so busy in this country worrying about race, police, equity and whether a man can compete against women we are missing the big picture.

By the way, did you know the United States flew a drone on Mars yesterday.










Episode 325 – The Push Back is Coming

We need to have some fun today.

Racism, sexism, homophobia are reaching new lows. What’s funny, people you’d never think would call this out are calling it out. Well, I think they are because some of this stuff is getting stupid.

Let’s talk about Megan Rapido and unequal pay for women and the response from someone who could be hurt by her desires.

Then let’s take a look at the most idiotic racist claims and then a reasonable response about race from an unlikely source.

But first, remember this:


The Backlash Might Be Starting

About two weeks ago, Megan Rapinoe, the lesbian woman who plays on the Women’s US Soccer team, was invited to the White House by Joe Biden and started bitching about how women are not paid as much as men.

Here is the clip:

A few things here that I’m sure I have talked about in a previous podcast:

  • First off, we know her credentials. She won a lot of World Cups and Olympics. But she won them on the women’s team. That matters because people do not watch the women’s teams in greater numbers than the men’s team.
  • The “devalued, disrespected and dismissed” thing is just crap. She is worth $3 million dollars because she can kick a soccer ball.
  • She has been on every magazine cover and sports show in America.
  • She’s at the White House and has met two Presidents. She could have met three but she refused to meet with Trump.
  • She doesn’t deserve what the men make because women’s sport doesn’t make what the men’s sports make. In fact, by percentage, women make more than men based on the contract they signed.
  • The problem is that women’s soccer during the World Cup made $500 million while the men’s team made $4 billion. The women made 13% of the $500 million they negotiated and the men made about 8% of the $4 billion. Who’s going to make more?
  • The Women’s National team, with Megan Rapinoe, played a U-15 soccer team and lost 5-2.
  • By the way, she can try out for the men’s team. Nothing is stopping her.


Here’s the problem for these woke activists. People are beginning to push back especially at the thought of redistributing money from big ticket men’s sports to small ticket women’s sports. This is something they are doing already in the NBA and people think they should do more.

Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green said he is “tired” of listening to female athletes complain about unequal pay.

“You know, I’m really tired of seeing them complain about the lack of pay because they’re doing themselves a disservice by just complaining. They are [just complaining] because they’re not laying out steps that they can take to change that. So, it’s coming off as a complaint because the people that can change it, they are just going to continue to say, ‘Well, the revenue isn’t there. The revenue isn’t there. So if you don’t bring in the revenue, we can’t up your pay.’”

“They’re going to keep using that. But the reality is, as true as that is, it’s an excuse. Everyone says ‘We support women, we support women empowerment, we support women in the workplace, we do this for women, we do x for women,’ blah blah blah. Everyone uses it to their advantage, and yet these women are not using these people who are saying these very things to their advantage. So then it just becomes a complaint that falls on deaf ears.”

Here’s the thing, he’s right. All these gals are doing is bitching without actually laying out a plan to improve the product they are trying to sell.

This is also a sign where people are going to push back against this woke crap, especially since their ideas are always about redistribution and not about meritocracy.



Racism Everywhere

I love this stuff. First, it’s funny as hell. This stuff is so crazy, a normal person cannot take it seriously.

The second I love it when racists who call us racists come up with this crazy stuff because people who might not be sane will begin to be turned off and will push back.

Let’s take a look at the things that are being called racist.


There is an article I read this weekend on The Guardian called, ‘I was the only black kid in the pool’: why swimming is so white by Rob Walker

Filmmaker Ed Accura was 53 when he learned to swim, and only then through fear that his young daughter might get into trouble and he wouldn’t be able to save her.

“I live near the Thames and I said to myself, if anything happened to her and I couldn’t help, I would never forgive myself.”

Until then he suffered from what he calls Bl-aquaphobia, a word he coined to describe the inherent fear black people have of water – a fear that’s “very, very different” from their white counterparts, he says.

“With white people, it’s usually to do with something that’s happened – ‘I fell into the water, there was an accident’, something like that. But there are a lot of black people, myself included, that have aquaphobia and don’t even know it.”

According to Swim England, the sport’s governing body, 95% of black adults and 80% of black children in England do not swim, and only 2% of regular swimmers are black.

This article gets better. I actually read the entire thing to Josie, who is Mexican, and she started laughing and pointed out that she doesn’t know one Mexican, including herself, that can’t swim. I asked her is she thought it was because of white people and she said, “No, it’s because of a fear of drowning.”

I thought that was funny.

I’m going to skip some of the article but this guy made a YouTube video and an actual full feature film on this subject.

The cultural barriers to swimming – from Afro hair to dry skin, to worrying about the myth that black people have heavier bones – are born of institutional and systemic inequalities that you see right across the aquatic industry, says Danielle Obe, founding member of the Black Swimming Association, a charity which launched last year to tackle the lack of diversity in swimming.

“Our community perceives swimming as a white man’s sport. Why? Because that’s what they see!” Obe says, arguing that it’s the same messaging you see whether it’s the Swimming Teachers’ Association or The Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

She points to swim caps as a case in point – they were designed by Speedo 50 years ago for Caucasian hair, “but they don’t work for us because our hair grows up and defies gravity”.

It seems to me that swimming is not the problem, it’s water. Here’s a news flash: We all are scared of water when we first learn to swim.

Also, is someone stopping black people from swimming?

Trees are Racist

A high school on Portland named Ida B. Wells High School decided it was time to vote for a school mascot. They chose an evergreen tree. Now this makes sense because there are a lot of evergreen trees in Oregon and Stanford’s mascot is a tree.

Can you think of a less offensive thing for a mascot than a tree? It’s not a form of Indian like a Redskin, Chief or Seminole. A tree doesn’t have any connotations of violence. They just kind of stand there. Trees are free of the controversies of sex and gender. They just drop a pine cone and there’s another tree. One is not culturally appropriating a tree because they have no culture. They just stand there and live forever.

But we’d be wrong. The school administration but a hold…well…let’s here what Portland Tribune reported:

“But just before the Portland Public Schools Board of Education’s vote to approve the new mascot Tuesday, March 30, Director Michelle DePass shared community concerns of an unwanted correlation between Ida B. Wells—the historic Black activist, and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who documented and crusaded against lynching—and a tree which could conjure up reminders of hanging people with ropes from branches.”

DePass asked the mascot committee if they considered any concerns when coming up with the new mascot.

“I think everyone comes with blind spots and I think that might’ve been a really big blind spot.”

No kidding, trees need to be cancelled.

Diets are Racist

Listen to this:

That’s right! Dieting is racist.

You are listening to the audio but the video is very interesting. Each of the gals who are speaking are at least 3 bills. They’re big girls. I’m pretty sure they didn’t get that way by eating broccoli and salads. And they don’t look like they would have the self-discipline to diet to the point they will lose weight.

And when has dieting been easy for white people? There are millions of white people who can’t lose weight. There a millions of Hispanic people who can’t lose weight.

As far as the stress of racism causing black people to gain weight, that’s stupid. Here are these big girls, on a television show, complaining about racism. Hey, in the 50s and 60s, blacks would have never been given a television show to bitch about racism and being fat.

I also want to point out that their argument kind of has an opposite effect. Being as heavy as they are kind of shows that there is a lot of food out there. Are they having an obesity issue in Africa that I don’t know about? There’s still slavery in Africa and I’m pretty sure that’s stressful. What about the oppression of the women in the Middle East? They are under a lot of stress because of oppression and they don’t have an obesity problem.

Could they be fat because of their day-to-day diets and personal habits?

This is the problem with our culture. Personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is hard. Finding an excuse for personal failure and becoming a victim is easy. And the big excuse for everything being used today is racism.



Sir Charles Hits It Again

This is leading Charles Barkley, who is not known for following the company narrative, made a comment about our politics today and the use of race in our culture:

“I truly believe in my heart most white people and black people are awesome people. But we are so stupid following our politicians, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, and their only job is, ‘Hey, let’s make these people not like each other. We don’t live in their neighborhoods. [We’ve] all got money. Let’s make the whites and blacks not like each other; let’s make rich people and poor people not like each other; let’s scramble the middle class.

“I truly believe that in my heart.”

Fact check: True!

Charles Barkley isn’t the sharpest tool in the drawer and I don’t believe he’s a conservative but I know he is not a Leftist. He’s also very observant of society and culture. He frequently gets into trouble for pointing this out during his commentary for the NBA.

You know who else buys this stuff? Shaquille O’Neil. Don’t forget, he was, or is, a reservist police officer. You think he’s for BLM or Antifa or defunding the police? He frequently agrees with Chuck.

The point is this extremism is going to have push back. You know why? It’s stupid and is beginning to go overboard.



Episode 300 – The Saga Continues


The media is blowing up on a Ted Cruz error while ignoring everything else.

The Gorilla Glue Girl saga continues.

And AOC gives up…something for Lent? Wait, what?


What a Disaster This Guy Is

Joe Biden and CNN held a town hall on Tuesday. As expected, there were hard hitting questions like this one by moderator Anderson Cooper:

Yep, I didn’t bother watching it all. But the summary of it won’t be too surprising. Biden continued to look old and his answers were rambling. Some of the time, I thought he forgot the question in the middle of the answer.

Anderson Cooper did not ask hard hitting questions. They continued to blame the Trump administration for all the world ills. Be prepared for that to continue as Biden begins to mess up COVID, opening the schools and the economy and the inflation rate begins to go up. Cooper never pushed back, never asked the tough questions and avoided bringing up anything controversial like the Andrew Cuomo scandal.

But, we did learn some things. And they were not good. Here is something that can be seen as a gaff but I am not sure about that. Listen and then I’ll explain.

There are two things about this statement.

The first is what he said about getting the injections into the arms of the people. This is a consistent talking point of the Biden administration that the Trump administration did not have a plan for vaccinations. In fact, the Trump administration did have a plan. The plan got to 1 million vaccinations through the country per day. Biden and Harris didn’t seem to know that. They said they were going to get 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days. That’s 1 million vaccinations a day. They had to walk that one back.

The second problem here is the “gaff” he made about there being no vaccine available when he took office. Now, it could be a gaff but with the revisionist history going on in America, do not be surprised if, a couple of years from now, Biden gets full credit for the vaccine creation. That may be paranoid, but I am going to reserve calling this one a gaff.

Anderson Cooper asked Joe about when the country could get back to normal. He talked a little about herd immunity and the vaccine. It took him almost four minutes to get to the point. Here is his point:

A year?! A year?! This guy ran on the China virus being eliminated and now he’s talking about wearing two to fifteen masks for a year?! That ain’t going to cut it. Our kids are getting fat, depressed and killing themselves. They need school. My relationship with my fiancé is suffering because we have nothing to do. We go on hikes or to the casino because they are on Indian reservations and ignore California regulations. But I don’t gamble!

This is insane. It’s not going to happen. We are not going to keep ourselves locked away for a year. As a matter of fact, there are doctors at John Hopkins that are saying we should  be at herd immunity by April or May, not December. I plan to go to a baseball game this year. I plan to sit in a restaurant to eat dinner this year. I plan to go out without a mask and give a friend a hug and shake hands again.

But that wasn’t the craziest thing Biden said. Listen to this about China:

Before I talk about how insane what Biden said is, listen to a short clip from a recent CNN story about the sexual abuse and torture of Uyghur women in concentration camps in China.



This is what is happening in China:

  • Concentration camps.
  • Torture.
  • Executions.
  • Forced sterilizations.
  • The One Child policy.
  • Imprisonment with no due process.
  • Slave labor (your iPhone and Nikes).
  • Confiscation of property.
  • Theft of intellectual property.
  • Starvation.
  • Military occupation of Hong Kong.
  • Threats of invasion of Taiwan and, more recently, India.
  • Propaganda spread through the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
  • Infiltration of the United States government, entertainment, sports and education with spy and propaganda machines. This is not a conspiracy, we know this.


This is China and we’ve known it for many years. There are three things that disturb me about Biden’s statement here.

The first is that he is excusing genocide, which is the killing of people based on race, religion or beliefs. Question for you: What if we just looked at the genocide in Nazi Germany as a “cultural difference” that we had to ignore because that’s what Hitler had to do to be the leader of Nazi Germany?

The second is that it is looking like Biden is going to go easy on China. We shouldn’t be surprised about this considering his families’ financial dealings in China, including money Joe Biden probably got.

Finally, what does it say that our President is so easily willing to dismiss genocide as no big deal? Does old Joe or any of his minions think it might be a good idea to implement here? Don’t be too sure that is not a thing. Let’s see how many people are arrested during the Biden administration because they said something dangerous to the regime. Don’t think it’s a thing in this country? Ask Dinesh Dizouza, Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos if it is a thing.


Really? Now?

Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, took a vacation to Cancun with his family. So what? He took it in the middle of the worst winter storm in Texas in over 100 years. People did not have power and 24 people die.


This is not a great thing. Maybe he should have waited a few weeks before he decided to do this. It shows him as rather callous, taking a, “not my problem tone”. I see it. That sucked. It looked bad. This is going to be used against him in the next election and it will hurt him.

But here’s the question: Is this hypocrisy? No, better yet, is this the worst example of hypocrisy of an American history in the last four years?

Yeah, no.

So why is the media focusing everything on Ted Cruz? Cause he’s a Conservative Senator, that’s why.

The news has covered this “scandal” at a rate of 6 to 1 when it comes to the real scandal of Andrew Cuomo hiding deaths for his idiotic policies involving sticking COVID patients back into retirement homes. This amazes me. By the way, Cuomo’s lie has gone from 50% to 60% according to the investigation. So his lie seems to be going bigger by the second.

There are some distinct differences between Cuomo and Cruz:

Cruz made a bad optic decision. His policies had nothing to do with the storm or the power going out in Texas. In fact, Cruz is a federal employee (a Senator) not a state employee. He has no say. That doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences but he didn’t have anything to do with it. Cuomo’s policies led directly to 6400 more COVID deaths in his state. Then he hid the numbers.

There is no hypocrisy here. Cruz never said we shouldn’t travel. Unlike Cuomo, Newsom, Lightfoot and Pelosi who want to shut the entire country down than do whatever they want like eat at a posh restaurant with a crowd or get their hair done.

Cruz didn’t gain anything from his travel by lying about his situation except maybe a headache for his next election. Cuomo had a bad policy, killed people, wrote a book about how great his leadership was, designed a poster to show how great his leadership was and won an Emmy.

Not the same thing. It was a bad look and tone deaf. But he didn’t cause any of this and didn’t kill anyone. Cruz apologized and I think that was a mistake. No one will forgive him except Conservatives that like his policies. I personally think it was a mistake and we all make mistakes. But his apology will be used by Leftists to crucify him in the future. Seems to me he should have just taken the heat.



Gorilla Girl Saga Continues

The Gorilla Glue Girl Saga continues. It’s stupid but too deliciously funny to ignore. I bet you my left arm that this gal is going to get her own reality television show before this is all said and done.

Good news! She had her surgery and her hair is fixed. It will grow back and she can’t gussie herself up for a few month. Some had to be removed so she’ll have to wear a hat for a while but it will all come in normally.

Bad news: Her GoFundMe account has been suspended because the company is investigating her for fraud. There are several bloggers who say she is full of shit. She has $28,000 waiting for her once this whole thing is done. If her surgery only cost her $17,000 she, in theory, is going to make a $10,000 profit. Not sure how GoFundMe works with extra money but good for her. If people are stupid enough to donate to her, they should lose their money.

There was a rumor that she was going to sue the company that makes Gorilla Glue for $10 million because the company did not put any warnings on the bottle (actually they do have warnings on the bottle but nothing specifically about hair). She said that was untrue. She’s not suing anybody. It would make sense if she did because that’s the world we live in and we, as a society, seem to embrace stupidity.

The company that makes Gorilla Glue can afford it if she does sue. Apparently their sales have gone through the roof since this gal’s video went viral.

Finally, the Washington Post informed us why she put Gorilla Glue in her hair. It wasn’t because she’s an idiot. It’s because of that old bug-a-boo, systemic racism. Here’s what they said:

Neal Lester said he initially thought Brown’s problem was a prank, but as he continued to follow the story, he said it reminded him of all the ways Black Americans have used unusual hair products to manipulate or style their hair.

“I thought of Malcolm X and his experience with the conk,” said the Foundation Professor of English and founding director of Project Humanities at Arizona State University, referring to the hair straightener made of lye, eggs and potatoes used by many Black people in the earlier and middle part of the 20th century. “That stringing started with enslaved people using axle wheel grease and dirty dishwasher with oil.”

Enslaved men used axle wheel grease as a means to dye their hair or temporarily straighten it, and the women would use butter, fat from bacon or grease from geese to care for their hair, according to “Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America.”

“Sometimes a piece of cloth warmed over a flame would be pulled across the head and worn for a short while to stretch the curls out,” authors Ayana Byrd and Lori Tharps wrote.

Conversations about hair, especially Black hair, continue to evolve, Lester said, pointing to how Olympian Gabby Douglas was talked about when her edges weren’t slick enough for some or the criticism lodged at superstar Beyoncé for allowing her oldest daughter’s curls and kinks to do their own thing.

The story stopped with the racism thing. Gorilla Glue Girl talked about her surgery and how she was dealing with it. She talked about how things would go back to normal and how she would not stop. She said she wasn’t going to sue anyone. Bitched about not getting her money from GoFundMe. Really mundane shit you would expect to hear from a simpleton. I thought the commentary was over.

But the Washington Post decided to keep beating that dead horse. They concluded the article:

Black women’s hair choices are often labeled as self-hate or Afrocentric with no in between, said Kristin Denise Rowe, professor of American studies at California State University at Fullerton.

“Many of us have not been in that particular predicament, but we know what it’s like to do something crazy … to get it to lay a certain way, such as toothbrushes for our baby hair,” she said.

Black women’s hair care has long been discussed like it’s a freak show, with comments about how much they spend on straightening treatments or hair extensions, Rowe said. That’s missing a lot of nuance about how these things come to be cultural practices, Rowe said.

“In reality, what’s crazy is anti-Black notions of beauty and professionalism and notions of what’s appropriate,” she said.

Grooming standards in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy have recently been updated to include the styles many Black women wear to protect their natural hair, and just seven states have passed the Crown Act, a law that seeks to put an end to hair discrimination.

“We know we exist in a society where we’re constantly being told it’s not right now,” Rowe said of the sector of support for Brown.

A couple of things about this article. When I write, I try to avoid doing what this writer did. Of course, I believe in perfectionism so I’m a white supremacist and the writer is more woke than I am. What Lateshia Beachum did was use facts about a really stupid story (facts are what I was looking for here) than try to mix deep intellectual societal commentary. Do I really need to know the reasons a Cal State Fullerton professor thinks why this gal stuck super glue in her hair?

I also question what our university professors are doing all day. They seem to always seem to have some social, historical and political opinions on some of the most mundane crap. I could be a professor or a columnist for the Washington Post. I bet I could come up with a thousand word article on why shoe laces are racist and promote the patriarchy. I swear it, just give me enough time.

We are in a culture of idiots.


‘Gorilla Glue Girl’: Will her lawsuit stick?



But She’s a Marxist? God She’s Dumb!

Finally, dumb story of the day:

Marxist, socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has given up meat for Lent.

Why is this dumb?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is so stupid she doesn’t realize Marxist socialists don’t believe in God and, therefore, don’t celebrate Lent. Pretty sad that a Democratic Republican Capitalist knows more about Marxism that a Marxist. I guess she was too busy making Pina Coladas in her last job to read the Communist Manifesto.




Episode 295 – Generation Duh!

Democrats finish up their opening statements (16 hours) and their case looks very weak.

The Mandalorian is having a casting change. Might be time to stop watching it.

Rest in Peace, Aunt Jemima.

And it’s hard to believe that this gal can vote.



I watched the impeachment hearings. I think I just lost several IQ points but I wanted to be able to intelligently talk about this. The Democrats are not running this thing like a trial. They are just blustering and using well-edited videos to drive, I think, a narrative that they believe will be enough to convict Donald Trump in the Senate. I find this a little weird because edited videos are typically not great evidence for conviction.

I watched all day Thursday and most of Wednesday. I know the news media, including Fox News, is saying how impressive the opening was by the impeachment managers. I wasn’t impressed at all. In fact, I think a normal person with any kind of reason would throw this who thing out already.

Here’s what I got out of the last two days:

One of the first things I noticed is the prosecutions keeps saying “incitement”, “insurrection” and “overwhelming evidence” like these words mean something without actually proving  anything. I was watching this thing for two days and there was not one shred of evidence, just rhetoric.

They also played a bunch of videos, well edited I might add, from the attack on the Capitol building. These were all terrible things and the amount of violence and damage will provoke emotions. But none of these videos is evidence and the even less than evidence. They were edited when Trump said, “fight for the country” or whatever. But they failed to bring the entire speech especially when Trump said to “peaceably and patriotically protest”. This stuff would have been objected to in a court room and thrown out.

Insurrection and incitement are very specific. Trump must make a call to violence. I heard the speech and he never called for violence or that the protestors should storm the Capitol. In fact, all their videos that the impeachment managers showed, not one should Trump calling for a storming or violence.

They are pushing that Trump knew this was going to happen and one manager even suggested that he helped plan it through Twitter, presenting specific Tweets. At least the Tweets could be considered evidence. The problem is, the prosecution interpreted the tweets. Reading them literally, one would never come up that this was Trump inciting violence. In fact, any direct tweet to Trump supporting him did not seem to incite violence when read literally. This is misdirection. Telling you not to believe your lying eyes or suggesting, in lawyer-speak, that one can’t read.

They started talking about what other countries thought about our little issue and saying that is enough reason to impeach Trump. We want to save our reputation with the rest of the world. They even quoted what the Chinese national news says. Yeah, the same country that is spying on us, stealing our data, invading Hong Kong and is committing genocide against the Wyuigers. Yeah, I care what they say. I think this argument is weak tea for a lot of Republicans. I’m not sure why the impeachment managers thought this was worthy evidence.

For some reason, they brought up the white supremacy. There is no evidence this whole thing had anything to do with white supremacy. Even the FBI and DHS said white supremacy had nothing to do with this. Then, for some reason, they brought up the fictitious Charlottesville event and that he “never” condemned white supremacy.

  1. Trump did condemn white supremacy hundreds of times.
  2. He condemned white supremacy during his speech after the the attack. And…
  3. What the hell does this have to do with what happened at the Capitol?


Uh, nothing.

Finally, Ted Lui of California put it best: If they don’t convict Trump, he could run for President again. It amazes me that the Democrats are so stupid they always end up showing the thong under their skirt at some point. This is not a reason for impeachment.

What Can We Take From This?

The Democrats are disregarding legal principles for rhetoric. They are calling emotion evidence. I understand that this trial is a political process but being able to say words well does not mean someone is guilty of something. Legal principles of testimony and evidence must be part of this process. Grandstanding is not evidence and not worthy to convict someone.

Through their rhetoric, the Democrats are trying to make this thing into a common sense argument. Trump is guilty and everyone knows it. That’s not an argument. That’s not evidence. And if I need evidence, that doesn’t mean I don’t have any common sense. This is kind of an insulting strategy. Wave the shiny object and we dupes will miss the point and forget about, you know, evidence.

They are also talking about how our democracy almost ended and is in danger if Trump would be allowed to run again in 2024, when he’s 78 years old. They said that President Trump started a coup and almost succeeded.

What a crock of crap.

Democracy is fine. It was never in danger. Two hundred people were acting like idiots, left and the Senate went back to work right after. Not these idiots, half unemployed and living with there parents, are now being arrested and prosecuted, as they should. And this was no where near being a coup. A coup is when the military takes over the government because, theoretically, because it has become corrupt. This was no coup. But the Democrats need to make this into as much a disaster as they can. What I’m afraid of is politicians love and embrace this kind of language. Some may be swayed by it.

There Was A Big Screw Up

But the solemn tone was broken Wednesday during a spat between Lee, R-Utah, and the impeachment managers — and it could escalate Thursday if the impeachment managers try to “relitigate” the point as Schumer, D-N.Y., said may happen.

As lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., was preparing to close down the House’s arguments for the day, Lee requested to be recognized and said that the impeachment managers had incorrectly described what happened when Trump called his phone on Jan. 6. He asked that the statement, made by Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., be removed from the record of the trial.

This forced Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment manager, to make a glaring admission. Listen:

As you heard, Raskin said he would withdraw the quote since it appears not to be true. But that wasn’t it. The Democrats also edited a tweet earlier in the hearing. They also had to withdraw that.

Question: If the Democrats have such overwhelming evidence, why did the use misquotes, edit every video they used that did not show the whole story and edit tweets?

The Trump lawyers really do not need to do much and the said that. Instead of sixteen hours, they plan to use around four. They should:

  • Show a video with Democrats actually inciting violence.
  • Show the actual speech Trump made on January 6.
  • Keep pushing that this trial is unconstitutional.
  • Point out that not one shred of evidence has been presented and this is just a show trial.
  • Get of the podium.


The impeachment managers failed…again. Don’t weave a rope to hang yourself. They have won. Move on. I’m not even sure they need to put on a defense.





Rest in Peace

Aunt Jemima will soon become a relic of the past.

The pancake brand’s parent company, PepsiCo, Inc., announced it is rebranding Aunt Jemima to Pearl Milling Company.

This is racist. Because pearls are white.

You have to love Cancel Culture.



Generation Duh!

Tessica Brown, the Louisiana woman who was forced to seek medical treatment after using Gorilla Glue to style her hair, says she’s heading off to see a surgeon for help removing the product.

“I will be leaving tomorrow to go see a surgeon,” she wrote on Instagram Tuesday afternoon. “I will update you guys the second I have news again.”

Brown had previously admitted herself to an emergency room in Chalmette, La., where she was reportedly instructed to sterilized water and nail polish remover to try and soften the glue. Now, she’s said to be flying to Los Angeles to meet with Dr. Michael Obeng, a plastic surgeon, who has offered his services for free, TMZ reports.

Now, the plastic surgeon in Los Angeles will try to remove the rest of the glue from her hair and scalp in a procedure that can take up to three days and cost over $12,000, the outlet reports.

Brown, meanwhile, has already raised more than $17,000 via an online fundraiser she had arranged to cover medical expenses. It’s unclear if she will use that money to cover travel costs, too.

