Episode 352 – Their Mistakes Will Kill You

The new mayor of St. Louis wants to continue to allow her citizens to be murdered.

For Democrats, if at first you don’t succeed, try again.

And, nope, that is the behavior of a straight man.


They’ll Never Learn and You’ll Get Killed Because Of It

St. Louis, Missouri has the worst murder rate in the country.

  • It is averaging, this year, 87 murder per 100,000 people.
  • To show you the contrast, the second worst murder rate is Baltimore, Maryland with 57 murders per 100,000.
  • St. Louis’ murder rate is the highest rate is 50 years.
  • St. Louis is ranked 13th in murder throughout the world according to Statista. It has more murders than:
    • Cape Town, South Africa
    • San Salvador, El Salvador
    • Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

So what is the best way to lower crime? How about cut the budget for the police department and closing down jails. hat’s how St. Louis mayor, Tishaura Jones is going to handle it. Of course, she’s the first black female mayor in St. Louis history so she doesn’t need to do a good job. To the Left, she’s already doing a great job.

She was elected mayor last month and she ran on the progressive criminal justice reform.

Interim City of St. Louis Director of Public Safety Daniel Isom explained the mayor’s plan this way:

“Funding a comprehensive approach to violent crime is the best approach to reducing murders. This requires both police and partnering agencies adequately funded to support victims and hold offenders accountable. It also requires target arrest and prosecutions to get murderers and shooters off the streets and not filling jails with nonviolent offenders.”

So, spend money on non-police projects, don’t throw criminals in jail and no proactive policing. Yeah, that’s going to work. We’ve seen ideas like this work before like…never.

Remember what Rudy Giuliani did when he was mayor of New York? He increased the police force, threw criminals in jail and encouraged proactive policing by implementing stop-and-frisk. Crime in New York was at its lowest levels in history. The Left hated it because they thought it violated civil rights and was against the Fourth Amendment. They fought tooth-and-nail to get rid of it even though the streets of New York were safe and clean. Mike Bloomberg liked what he saw and kept stop-an-frisk. It was the idiot Bill de Blasio who ended stop-and-frisk and look at how New York City is now. A disaster.

Well, Tishaura Jones is following in the footsteps of Bill de Blasio. Good luck with that.



What, Again?

Things are so bad for the Democrats that they feel the need to bring up Trump and the January 6th riots at the capital.

Last week, the House passed a bill that would create a 9/11 style commission to investigate the January 6th Capitol riots.

  • The vote was 252-175.
  • There were 35 Republicans who supported the commission.
  • Chances are this is not going to get through the Senate because it requires 60 votes and the Senate is 50-50.

I think this whole thing is garbage and a misdirection. Joe Biden supports the commission and that shouldn’t be a surprise. He has some major issues in his first four months and bringing out the past to demonize Trump and his supporters. Biden’s problem is that he is getting to the point that he can’t blame all his problems on Trump. And I don’t think this is going to go well for him if this commission does convene.

  • Questions are going to be asked about the riots last summer.
  • Questions about the anti-Semitic violence that is happening now.
  • The equality of justice is going to be brought up. Almost 300 people have been arrested for the Capitol riots but no one seems to be arrested during the $3 billion riots last summer.
  • It will be pointed out that the VP ran a fund raiser to free rioters from last year.
  • It will be pointed out the mistakes that Capitol Police made:
    • Allowing people into the Capitol building.
    • Taking pictures with the “rioters”.
  • The failure of Nancy Pelosi to add security even though she was told too.
  • The failure of Washington DC mayor, Muriel Bowser, to add extra police or even Nation Guard even though she was warned.
  • Expose some of the things that have been hidden by the politicians and the media:
    • Only one person was killed, Ashlii Babbitt. Who killed her? Why wasn’t that investigation brought to the public?
    • The videos and pictures of Capitol Police interacting with rioters in a casual way.
    • The lies by people like AOC about where they were during the riot.
  • It will turn off Independents and classical liberals and moderate Democrats.

Why do it?

  • This is another attempt at impeaching Trump.
  • It also is going to be used to demonize anyone who voted for Trump by calling them white supremacists.
  • Darken the Republicans before the 2022 midterm elections which is looking to be a disaster for Democrats.
  • Deflect from the disaster that has been caused throughout the country by Leftist policies such as:
    • The employment problem.
    • The border crisis.
    • The crime problem.
    • The fuel problem.
    • Inflation.
    • The Middle East disaster.

This will just be another show-commission. It’s a waste of time. People are just not going to care about it.



No, That’s Not a Thing

According to an article on metro.co.UK in an article called, Straight men in ‘bromances’ kiss, cuddle and stand around naked together by Chris Caulfield, “straight” men like to do homosexual things with their “straight” male friends.

According to research published in Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, there is a strong desire to cuddle and hug between bromantic friends, while kissing is just another way of showing affection.

One of the students involved told the authors you can ‘lie in bed with your bromance, have a cuddle and just talk’, while another said he understood it as having ‘a cuddle buddy’. A third thought cuddling, hugging and sex jokes were a ‘core part’ of a bromantic friendship.

A bromance has been defined as ‘an emotionally intense bond between straight men’.

‘Some agreed that this was the case when asked, whereas others offered it unsolicited as part of their definition of a bromance.’

In all 29 of the 30 men who took part said they had cuddled their bromantic partner. This latest work also backs a 2012 study that found 89% of 145 surveyed undergraduate heterosexual men had kissed on the lips. One participant said: ‘Guys nowadays, in my generation, there is so much kissing between guys because it’s showing affection.’ Another added: ‘I hug him and kiss (my bromance) and tell him I love him.’

Participants also talked about how comfortable they were to be naked around their bromances.

One participant said: ‘I live in a house with three other guys, and there are massive bromances going on between us.

‘We walk around naked. I got no problems standing naked in a room with my housemates. We feel comfortable being naked around each other.’ The study was conducted across a three-month period, between August 2014 and November 2014, and involved semi-structured interviews into the friendship experiences of 30 undergraduate men who identified as heterosexual or mostly heterosexual. They were enrolled in one of four undergraduate sport-degree programs at a single UK university.

Couple of things:

  • If you are a man and walking around, naked, with other men and are comfortable with it, you’re gay or bisexual.
  • If you are a man and are snuggling with another man, you are gay or bisexual.
  • If you are a man and are kissing another man, you are gay or bisexual.
  • The “men identified and heterosexual or mostly heterosexual” thing is also funny. If you are “mostly” heterosexual, you are probably gay or bisexual.

Why do I bring this up? Because it is the type of changing of the language and perception that drives me nuts. This article basically points out that there is something wrong with me because I do not want to kiss another man. It’s like the article that said men who would not have sex with a trans woman was gay. This story pushes the belief that you are weird if you don’t buy the gay talking points.

Well, I don’t buy it. I’m not going to buy it. And I’m not weird because the only person I’m interested in kissing is my female fiancé.

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2017/06/11/straight-men-in-bromances-kiss-cuddle-and-stand-around-naked-together-6701757/?ito=cbshare