
Episode 285 – All That For So Few

This impeachment thing is looking like a sham.

Biden has already pissed off the unions, blue collar workers and women. Now he goes to piss off the military. All for .6% of the population.

Not all Democrats are embracing a complete system overhaul.

And some of the dumber stories out there already this week.

Let’s listen to how Jen Psaki answers touch questions from the media about the hypocrisy of Joe Biden:

WTF is she talking about. Not only did she make a mistake and lie but she danced around that question like a ballerina. So much transparency.


This Is Looking Less Legit by the Second

Unlike the first Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, over which Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts presided, the second Senate impeachment trial, which is scheduled to commence on February 8, will not see Roberts presiding — Vermont Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, who is the Senate President Pro Tempore, will preside.

On Monday, Leahy, who voted to impeach Trump in the first impeachment trial, said he would administer “impartial justice,” according to The Hill.

Leahy said in a statement:

The president pro tempore has historically presided over Senate impeachment trials of non-presidents.  When presiding over an impeachment trial, the president pro tempore takes an additional special oath to do impartial justice according to the Constitution and the laws.  It is an oath that I take extraordinarily seriously. 

I consider holding the office of the president pro tempore and the responsibilities that come with it to be one of the highest honors and most serious responsibilities of my career.  When I preside over the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, I will not waver from my constitutional and sworn obligations to administer the trial with fairness, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

John Corkyn of Texas said:

The Constitution requires that the chief justice preside over the impeachment trial of a president but that’s not what we’re doing. To me that’s indicative of the fact that we’re in uncharted waters. I just think it looks very petty and vindictive and I understand there are a lot of people who are mad but the process itself already looks like a railroad job.

In the midst of Trump’s first impeachment trial, New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer asked Roberts if he would break a tie vote if there were one. Roberts answered, “If the members of this body, elected by the people and accountable to them, divide equally on a motion, the normal rule is that the motion fails. I think it would be inappropriate for me, an unelected official from a different branch of government, to assert the power to change that result so that the motion would succeed.”

Chief Justice John Roberts is not a Conservative but he has always said he was not going to allow his position to become political. This sham is nothing but political and he knows it. He wants nothing to do with it. The fact that they put Pat Leahy (we’ll get into that in a second) as the judge of the impeachment trial says it all.

Leahy hates Trump and all Republicans. He is the definition of a partisan. His words of being impartial means absolutely nothing to me or any Conservatives or Republicans.

Finally, this sham has lost all its legitimacy. Even if a bunch of Republicans do decide to convict Trump, the entire thing is unconstitutional.

You can’t convict a former President. If they think he did anything illegal, they can convict him in the legal system. If convicted, he can’t take office again and will face punishment. The Constitution is actually quite clear about this. Impeachment only works with a sitting President.

The Constitution is also very clear on who can preside over the impeachment trial: the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Period. There is no mention of the Senate President or, worse, the Senate President Pro Temp.

It’s all a show to embarrass the Trump, stain his legacy and take the attention off of Biden’s crappy policies.



Sure Making a Lot of Effort

Speaking of crappy policies:

President Joe Biden repealed a Trump-era executive order barring people who identify as transgender from serving in the military in most cases, as well as preventing military funding from paying for sex reassignment surgeries.

Biden’s executive order, which the White House announced on Monday morning, rescinds one Trump issued in 2017 and implemented in 2019.

The White House said in a statement:

“Allowing all qualified Americans to serve their country in uniform is better for the military and better for the country because an inclusive force is a more effective force. Simply put, it’s the right thing to do and is in our national interest.”

Ian Thompson of the ACLU told Axios:

“Repealing the military ban sends a powerful message that transgender people belong in our country.” Biden’s new order “is the first of many essential steps to not only rollback the many discriminatory policies from the Trump administration but go farther than any previous administration in fully recognizing transgender and non-binary people.”

I love this:

  • Sleepy, Creepy Joe has now pissed off workers, the unions and women. All for .6% of the population. Now he’s going to piss off the military. I hope he keeps doing it.
  • The military does not ban transgenders because they hate them but because it is seen as a mental deficiency that is unneeded when at war. The is based on psychology’s DSM-5 when defining Gender Dysphoria.
  • People are going to get tired of paying taxes so soldiers can get tax payer money to have their penises mutilated. That’s going to go over real well in the South and Midwest.




That’s One Bullet Dodged

Per the Daily Wire:

On Monday, The Washington Post reported that there is another Democrat who is not willing to eliminate the filibuster besides Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV); Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema.

The Post reported:

Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) has been the most outspoken Democratic opponent of changing Senate rules and has sought to assemble a bipartisan cadre of centrist senators willing to hammer out deals across the aisle. But other Democrats are similarly resistant. A spokeswoman for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) said the senator is “against eliminating the filibuster, and she is not open to changing her mind about eliminating the filibuster.”

Because of the filibuster, a minimum of 60 votes is needed to advance legislation; most Democratic proposals would require at least 10 GOP senators to agree in order for them to be passed. Eliminating the legislative filibuster would enable the Democrats to pass legislation with a simple majority vote.

The way the filibuster works is this: the minority party can keep debate open on a legislative issue until the Senate votes to close the issue, but to close the vote takes 60 votes. There are limitations on the filibuster: it cannot be used for certain budget bills, federal executive branch appointees and judicial appointments, including Supreme Court nominees.

This gives me some hope. There are sane people out there even if they are Democrats.

The filibuster is a safe guard against majority rule. In other words it is meant to avoid the majority becoming tyrannical. There are two things the Democrats want to destroy when it comes to the system: kill the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court and Federal Courts. If the filibuster remain intact, it will be almost impossible to pack the courts.

This is great news and means we may be able to survive Joe Biden’s Presidency for the next two years.



Dumb Stories of the Day

This Will Fix It

Chicago is suffering through an “epidemic” of carjackings — nearly 200 reported in the space of a single month — and city officials are now putting a plan into action to curb juvenile vehicle crime: free snacks and educational movies at select Chicago Police Department-run locations.

CWB Chicago reports that the program, called the “Criminal Trespass To Vehicle Workshops,” allows suspected juvenile offenders arrested in connection with the theft of a motor vehicle, to endure an afternoon of “video interviews” with full snack and beverage service instead of more aggressive punitive measures.

“According to CPD, the workshop is a ‘video interview series’ with victims and volunteers who talk about vehicular hijacking, motor vehicle theft, possession of a stolen motor vehicle, and criminal trespass to vehicles,” the outlet reported Monday, adding that CPD’s Facebook post about the initiative “features a photo of three participants watching a video — with snacks and beverage service, of course. And, boy, do the youngsters look attentive!”

Frigging Disney

Disney is censoring four of their classic films from the Disney+ accounts of children under age seven, citing what they described as the “negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

“Dumbo,” “Peter Pan,” “Swiss Family Robinson,” and “The Aristocats” are no longer available for young users of the streaming account service, according to The Mail on Sunday.

On a website called Stories Matter, they stated:

“As part of our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are in the process of reviewing our library and adding advisories to content that includes negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures. We can’t change the past, but we can acknowledge it, learn from it and move forward together to create a tomorrow that today can only dream of.”

“This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together. Disney is committed to creating stories with inspirational and aspirational themes that reflect the rich diversity of the human experience around the globe.”

So, what’s wrong with these movies?

Dumbo (1941)

“The crows and musical number pay homage to racist minstrel shows, where white performers with blackened faces and tattered clothing imitated and ridiculed enslaved Africans on Southern plantations. The leader of the group in Dumbo is Jim Crow, which shares the name of laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. In ‘The Song of the Roustabouts,’ faceless Black workers toil away to offensive lyrics like ‘When we get our pay, we throw our money all away.’”

Peter Pan (1953)

“The film portrays Native people in a stereotypical manner that reflects neither the diversity of Native peoples nor their authentic cultural traditions. It shows them speaking in an unintelligible language and repeatedly refers to them as ‘redskins,’ an offensive term. Peter and the Lost Boys engage in dancing, wearing headdresses and other exaggerated tropes, a form of mockery and appropriation of Native peoples’ culture and imagery.”

Swiss Family Robinson (1960)

“The pirates who antagonize the Robinson family are portrayed as a stereotypical foreign menace. Many appear in ‘yellow face’ or ‘brown face’ and are costumed in an exaggerated and inaccurate manner with top knot hairstyles, queues, robes and overdone facial make-up and jewelry, reinforcing their barbarism and ‘otherness.’ They speak in an indecipherable language, presenting a singular and racist representation of Asian and Middle Eastern peoples.”

The Aristocats (1970)

“The cat is depicted as a racist caricature of East Asian peoples with exaggerated stereotypical traits such as slanted eyes and buck teeth. He sings in poorly accented English voiced by a white actor and plays the piano with chopsticks. This portrayal reinforces the ‘perpetual foreigner’ stereotype, while the film also features lyrics that mock the Chinese language and culture such as ‘Shanghai, Hong Kong, Egg Foo Young. Fortune cookie always wrong.’”









Episode 271 – Cowardice as Virtue

Mo money, mo money, mo money. But where are we gong to get it.

The word “picnic” is racist.

Cancel culture is alive and well.



Where Are They Getting This Money

In a bipartisan vote joined by dozens of Republicans, the Democrat-controlled House on Monday passed a bill to increase the amount of direct payments to Americans struggling through the COVID-19 pandemic from $600 to $2,000.

The bill passed in a 275-134 vote, with 44 Republicans voting in favor.

Under the legislation, eligible adults and children would receive $2,000, with individuals who make up to $75,000 and married couples with incomes twice that getting the full amount. The relief checks would decrease above those thresholds.

Adult dependents, such as college students, disabled adults and elderly relatives, would also be eligible for the $2,000 payments.

This is because Trump said last week:

“Increase payments to the people, get rid of the ‘pork’.”

Mind you, none of the pork was actually cut. So we are looking at adding another $464 billion to the deficit.

You know this is a bad idea because the Democrats love it. Nancy Pelosi said:

Democrats in the House actually applauded Trump’s support for $2,000 direct payments.

“The president of the United States has put this forth as something that he wants to see, in part of his signing the legislation yesterday. I hope that that view will be shared by the Republicans in the Senate.”

What’s worse is Bernie Sanders likes the bill too and he’s threatening filibuster if the Senate doesn’t have the votes so negotiations can continue. The funny thing is Bernie Sanders, a crotchety communist, wants to eliminate the filibuster if the Democrats win the Senate.

Sanders said on Twitter:

“The House passed a $2,000 direct payment for working people. Now it’s the Senate’s turn. If McConnell doesn’t agree to an up or down vote to provide the working people of our country a $2,000 direct payment, Congress will not be going home for New Year’s Eve. Let’s do our job,”

Here’s the thing: there are a lot of Republicans that think we should take on the debt to get more money to the people who are suffering. As of now, there is about a 60% chance that this bill is going to pass.

There are a couple of problems with the bill. First, it doesn’t really have a target. Though it sets limits as to who will get a check, it doesn’t distinguish from those who need it from those who don’t need it. If you are making $75K while living alone, you should not get a check. It should be for those out of work because of this virus. This should not be a stimulus  payment but a recovery payment.

Second problem is that this is a lot of money. Someone who is earning minimum wage will be making more than they would working. They get:

  • $2000
  • Unemployment.
  • Plus the extra money being given in unemployment.
  • Plus the benefits are extended for three months.


That’s a lot of money for someone earning minimum wage before the pandemic.

Finally, this doesn’t deal with the real problem. We need these big cities and states to open up their economies. Start creating jobs. Start opening businesses. That’s the only way this is going to get better. And the sscience says we can now do this.



Don’t These Guys Have Better Things to Do?

The University of Michigan has been blasted as ‘moronic’ for launching a task force which has branded the words ‘picnic,’ ‘brown bag’ and ‘blacklist’ as offensive terms which could harm morale.

 The ‘Words Matter Task Force’ – set up by the school’s Information and Technology Services department – listed more than two dozen words and phrases that could be perceived as offensive to some people, and provided an alternative term that could be used instead.

The task force’s memorandum says:

“To effectively communicate with customers, it is important for ITS to evaluate the terms and language conventions that may hinder effective communication, harm morale, and deliberately or inadvertently exclude people from feeling accepted to foment a healthy and inclusive culture.”

An example would be the word “picnic.” The word ‘picnic’ appears to be banned because of false suggestions on the internet that it originates from the racist, extrajudicial killings of African Americans.

The word picnic actually comes from the 17th century French word ‘pique-nique,’ a term used to describe a social gathering in which attendees each contributed with a portion of food.

Folks, this is the University of Michigan! They don’t know how to look at the roots or words?

Let’s look at some of the words:

I hate this. I am an English major and hate when people decide to start banning words or language. I simply won’t do it. Half of these words are innocent or the right meaning is not being used.



This Is Just Terrible

Four years old, a fifteen year old girl, Mimi Groves, got her drivers license. She sent a video of her behind the wheel of a car while happily screaming, “I got my driver’s license, (n-word).” She then sent the video to a friend over Snapchat.

Somehow, the video was circulated among a few students at school. It survived for years, and, last year, Jimmy Galligan, who was a senior along with Groves at Heritage, ended up seeing it.

Galligan, whose mother is black and whose father is white, said he was offended by the video. Instead of explaining the issue with a white girl using the slur to Groves herself, Galligan held onto the video and waited until he could use it against Groves to destroy her.

Typically, such an act would be seen as bullying, but in today’s pro-cancel-culture society, Galligan received a New York Times profile and the story presented from his point of view, along with a headline clearly favoring his actions. “A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning,” reads the Times headline about Galligan’s act.

Groves had been accepted to the University of Tennessee and was set to join the school’s cheer team, which at the time was the reigning national champion. When Galligan posted the video of Groves online and it went viral, she lost her position on the cheer team and was forced to withdraw from the university after facing pressure from admissions officials. The officials apparently told her they received “hundreds of emails and phone calls from outraged alumni, students and the public,” the Times reported.

Groves told the Times:

“I understand the severity of the word, or the history and context behind it because. All the songs we listened to, and I’m not using that as an excuse.”

“It honestly disgusts me that those words would come out of my mouth. How can you convince somebody that has never met you and the only thing they’ve ever seen of you is that three-second clip?”

Groves didn’t just figure this out now. She realized it back then. One of her black friends saw the video and Groves apologized, privately, way back then. According to that friend:

“We’re supposed to educate people, not ruin their lives all because you want to feel a sense of empowerment.”

Galligan  could have been a man and walked up to the Groves and said something. But he’s not a man. He’s a coward and decided to wait a year before he unleashed his wrath. Then went out to ruin her life.

When asked about attacking her now, Galligan said:

“If I never posted that video, nothing would have ever happened. I’m going to remind myself, you started something. You taught someone a lesson.”

A few things about this:

  • Cancel culture is evil. We are all sinners. We all say and do bad things, including this pussy.
  • If you listen to any rap song, they all use the N-word. Is it really a shock that people are influenced and say things?
  • Kids should not be using social media.
  • We need to realize that kids are kids and don’t always do the wisest things.













Episode 155 – Show Notes – Screw WHO and Where to Poo!

Sleepy, Creepy Joe finally got something he was wanted since he started his Presidential run. But he got it at a time that e didn’t really need it. But he’s got bigger issues. Thanks God the New York times is there to protect him.

Trump screws the WHO.

And I love left wing sites. There is so much funny stuff to talk about.


It’s About Time

Barrack Obama has finally decided to show some love for Joe Biden. Not really sure Joe really needs it now but OK.

In a statement, the former President said this:

I am not exactly sure what the point of this is right now. Joe could have used the endorsement during the primaries and he was no where to be seen.

This just shows how arrogant and self-centered Barrack Obama is. He doesn’t care about the country or thinks Old Joe is a good candidate. He waited until Joe got the nomination because, if he didn’t, it would have looked bad on what’s left of his legacy. It’s quite cowardly and is not the actions of a good friend like Joe has been peddling on us.

But Joe has a bigger issue that is going to haunt him, no matter how the media tries to spin it.

In two recent interviews with The Associated Press, Tara Reade alleged the assault occurred in the basement of a Capitol Hill office building in the spring of 1993. She filed a police report in Washington on Thursday saying she was the victim of a sexual assault by an unnamed person in 1993, a copy of which was obtained by the AP.

It’s not the first time Reade has made an accusation against the former vice president. Last year, Reade publicly accused Biden of inappropriate touching, but did not allege sexual assault.

“dedicated his public life to changing the culture and the laws around violence against women. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard — and heard respectfully. Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: it is untrue. This absolutely did not happen”
I do not put a lot of faith in 30 year claims of sexual assault but a police report was filed and the claim is credible. Thank God for the New York Times.
The NY Times decided to hold the story and ignore it. This has been a story out there for 30 years. When the editor of the Time, Dean Baquet, he said that he did not thing it was a big story. At the time, which is strange in its own way, only a small news outlet called The Intercept, had reported the incident.
One thing to remember: it was the New York Times that, not only reporting the Brett Kavanaugh had committed sexual assault, but had hidden exculpatory evidence which said he didn’t do it.
When Baquet was asked about that, he said:
“Kavanaugh was already in a public forum in a large way. Kavanaugh’s status as a Supreme Court justice was in question because of a very serious allegation. And when I say in a public way, I don’t mean in the public way of Tara Reade’s. If you ask the average person in America, they didn’t know about the Tara Reade case. So I thought in that case, if The New York Times was going to introduce this to readers, we needed to introduce it with some reporting and perspective. Kavanaugh was in a very different situation. It was a live, ongoing story that had become the biggest political story in the country. It was just a different news judgment moment.”

How about the big difference is that Kavanaugh was a conservative and Biden was not.



The WHO Took It in the Tookus

Last week, we talked about how the World Health Organization was promulgating Chinese propaganda that increased the spread of the Wuhan flu by 95%, killing tens of thousands. This is not an exaggeration. The CDC and other disease control organizations have said that if the WHO had attacked the virus directly or, at least, questioned the Chinese about the virus, it could have been contained in Wuhan.

But the WHO’s loves of China. When China takes over, they want to be the main health organization.

So, when President Trump said he was thinking of suspending payment to the WHO, the director with a name I won’t attempt to pronounce, said this:

Here’s the problem with this jerkoff’s speech: if he or his cronies didn’t kiss China’s butt, there would be a whole lot less body bags filled.

This all started because Taiwan, a staunch opponent of China and heavily under their influence, asked why Taiwan was kicked out of the WHO and if the WHO would consider taking Taiwan back in. The WHO represented hung up on her. You know why? Because Taiwan is RACIST!

That’s right. The WHO director general said:

“When as a community people start to insult us, that’s enough. We cannot tolerate that. But since I don’t have any inferiority complex when I am personally affected or attacked by racial slurs, I don’t care because I am a very proud black person.This attack comes from Taiwan,” he added. “The foreign ministry knows about this campaign and they didn’t disassociate themselves.”

What a jerk. They’re pissed off at China and his decisions. Not because he’s a black guy from Africa.

Well, Trump responded on Tuesday:




Just Dumb

The bidet is a sink that is used for your butthole after one takes a dump. So, I dump in a toilet, then move to another toilet-sink thing and let a fountain of water do its work.

Vox.com asked if, because of the panic over toilet paper, should we bring back the bidet. They seven questions that they decided to answer about the bidet. I read the article but I’m going to answer these questions.

1) What is a bidet?

2) Is it weird to spray water at your butt after you use the toilet?

3) Why don’t Americans customarily use bidets?

4) Are bidets more sanitary than just using toilet paper?

5) Are bidets more environmentally friendly than toilet paper?

6) Are bidets easier to find than toilet paper right now?

7) Even if there wasn’t a toilet paper shortage, would you recommend buying a bidet?

OK, I lied. This is just too stupid so I’m going to quote from Vox:

“Toilet paper shortage or not, Americans should seriously consider the beauty of the bidet. We live in a world full of modern conveniences that would have been unimaginable to our ancestors. We can control lighting from our phones and have robots that vacuum our floors, yet we still wipe our butts with dry paper — just like our ancestors did. Perhaps a toilet paper shortage is the shock to the system Americans need to realize the joys of having a clean, non-irritated, environmentally friendly butt.”



Episode 102 Show Notes – Tis the Season

So much stupid after the holidays. It must be the tryptophan.


Only 1500 Candidates Left

We lost three candidates this week. Two of them I doubt you’ve heard of. Heck, I didn’t even know they were running.

Gov. Steve Bullock of Montana dropped out. He polled at 1% for a week before he crashed out at 0%.

Joe Sestak also pulled out. He never went above 0% and was only able to raise $500,000 during his entire campaign. He was a former Navy Admiral. He blamed the press of course.

The biggest surprise was Kamala Harris pulling out of the race. Though she never really got any traction, I thought she’s stick in there waiting for a second wind. Let’s face it: the other candidates are such garbage.

Harris said, “I’ve taken stock and looked at this from every angle, and over the last few days have come to one of the hardest decisions of my life. My campaign for the presidency simply doesn’t have the financial resources we need to continue.”

Of course, everyone blamed racism and sexism. They also pointed out how everyone in the field is white (I guess Booker changed his race recently). Here are some colorful Tweets.

“Kamala Harris officially ended her campaign today, which means that all of the candidates who currently qualify for the December Democratic debate are white (Sanders, Warren, Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer). White supremacy is not just a Fox News problem, folks,” tweeted journalist Lauren Duca.

“Kamala Harris’ campaign was historic — a black and South Asian female candidate whose potential seemed sky high early on. Her dropping out means that every candidate that’s qualified so far for the next debate is white: Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Steyer, and Warren,” tweeted CNN correspondent MJ Lee. 

“Kamala Harris dropping out of the race while only white candidates qualify for the next presidential debate shows that white privilege and white supremacy cut across party lines. It’s not just Trump. We have a racism problem in all of the United States of America, and it sucks,” tweeted SJW activist Dr. Eugene Gu.





No, no, no.

Joe Biden started his “No Malarkey” tour and it’s not going well. Not only is he getting killed with his own words, people don’t see interested. There is a picture of him in a diner trying to converse with a patron who wants nothing to do with him. Take a look below:

That’s what you get when you bust some guy’s ass during Sunday Night Football.


Terror Attack in London

A convicted terrorist used a knife to kill two people and seriously injure three more. Now, stay with me, this gets really weird.

The main hero worked at a museum and was attacked by the terrorist. He was cut in the hand. That’s when he grabbed a Narwhal tusk hanging on the wall. If you don’t know what a Narwhal is, it’s a whale that has a unicorn tusk.

Another guy grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying the terrorist.

A third man joined the fray and grabbed the knife from the terrorist.

The police showed up and shot the terrorist dead.



The terrorist was already convicted of being a terrorist for wanting to blow up a building and was sentenced to 16 years in prison. But he was released for good behavior.

This is the problem with a society that is run by Leftist ideology.

The story gets weirder.

One of the “heroes” was convicted of strangling and slitting the throat of his girlfriend. He was on a work-release program. Oh, by the way, she was mentally disabled.


And not this guy is probably going to get off of his murder because he did something during this attack (we don’t know what).

Auntie of his victim is pissed. She did not know he was on a work release from a 15-year sentence.

“He is not a hero. He is a murderer out on day release, which us as a family didn’t know anything about. He murdered a disabled girl. He is not a hero, absolutely not. The police liaison officer called me saying he was on the TV. I am so angry. They let him out without even telling us. Any of my family could have been in London and just bumped into him.”

Good job, England!



Gee, Why is He Not on a Football Team?

Colin Kaepernick showed up at an American Indian event called un-Thanksgiving Day where Americans Indians protest the “stealing 1.5 billion acres of land from Indigenous people.”

“And that struggle has continued for that 50 years. It’s our responsibility to honor our ancestors and honor our elders by carrying on that struggle. Don’t let their sacrifices be in vain.

“That’s why it’s important for all of us to be here today – to show that we’re together, that we’re unified, that we have that solidarity. And I hope to spend many more of these with you.”

He later Tweeted:

This year marks the 50th anniversary of when Native Americans took and held Alcatraz Island in San Francisco to protest the “loss” of their lands. The former prison was decommissioned in 1963 so there were a whole lot of tourists that were inconvenienced.

Two things are at point here: the United States is bad and Native Americans are victims. Neither is right. Things to know about the Native Americans:

  • Thanksgiving did happen. There is documentation that even named who attended.
  • Native Americans and the settlers were at peace for fifty years after the original Thanksgiving, trading goods and land. Only after conflicts over land deals did they start fighting (Manhattan is an example).
  • This was not a genocide. Yes, the settlers killed 50% of the Native American population but the Native American population killed 30% of the settler population. This was a war.
  • We forget that the Native Americans were also warring with each other and committing atrocities such as enslavement, rape, cannibalism, scalping and human sacrifice. Watch Mel Gibson’s Apocolypto. That movie was pretty accurate.
  • The Native Americans did not have this love for the land everyone is talking about. They were responsible for the endangerment of the local animals through hunting.
  • The American Indians were way behind technologically. They had not discovered the wheel and did not domesticate animals such as the horse. The settlers showed them this.
  • The settlers did not purposefully infect the the Native Americans with disease. They did not give them blankets infected with small pox. In fact, they knew little about how disease was transferred.
  • The settlers did not steal the Native American land. They traded land for lumber, metals and technology. And the Native Americans were not under paid. Land was also claimed when the Native Americans lost the war.
  • The United States, when acknowledging their faults, and they were at fault on a lot of things, tried to make amends through the reservation system, lower or no taxes and reparations. The Native Americans never acknowledged their atrocities.


The United States did what every other civilization has done throughout human history: take over land. In other words, migrate. You think American Indians (South and North) didn’t do that? You think the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs did not claim land through violence?

And that goes with slavery too. The New York Times wanted everyone to believe that slavery began in 1619 when 20 African slaves were brought to America. That’s a lie.

Here’s the thing: slavery and death are common when it comes to human migration. It’s still happening throughout the world. The United States didn’t discover this. It’s still happening today. But the Left only wants to blame the United States. Even though we have done more than any other country to make up for it.

I think that is why we are going through this today. The United States has taken responsibility for its actions but the Left needs to keep beating on it.



Tis the Season to Hate America

Jan Williams of Black Lives Matter said:

“Part of the Black Xmas campaign is to educate black folks about what we’re doing, about the importance of holding back our dollars during this holiday season.”

Dr. Melina Abdullah said Christmas is, “frenzy of consumerism that’s rooted in white capitalism.”

From the Daily Wire:

According to BLM’s Black Xmas website, the seasonal exercise “is not a call to replace White capitalism with Black capitalism, but to engage in ‘cooperative economics’ (the Kwanzaa principle of Ujamaa).”

Of course, There has to be a comment about Donald Trump:

“Donald Trump embodies White capitalism. If you are anti-Trump, you should hold back your resources from him and the like.”

It her Op-Ed from the L.A. Sentinel, Dr. Abdullah states about “police violence”:

“In addition to investing in our own communities, #BlackXmas and the emerging economic empowerment work of Black Lives Matter is intended as a divestment from White corporations that contribute to the murder, death, abuse, and exploitation of Black people in real terms. We assert that White capitalism is killing our people in very real terms, most starkly through its utilization of a violent, racist, police force to protect its quest for profit. …

“Black people, we must be radical in our approach, daring to get to the root of it all. White capitalism requires racist, violent policing to protect it. In order to eliminate police violence, and the killings of our people at their hands, we must also target the economic systems that built it and rely on it.”

This is getting so old. No wonder Black Lives Matter has become irrelevant.



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Let’s Nuke’em!!

Trump is getting some great news from Asia. The news media wants your retirement to go away just to get rid of Trump. There are a couple of really dumb stories that the twisted news media is pushing and people are making fun of them.


China Blinks

On Friday, Trump applied another round of tariffs on China. China responded by applying more tariffs on U.S. products. Well, the Chinese economy did not take that well. The Chinese currency, the Yuan, crashed to its weakest since 2008. China’s equity market fell 3%. A lot of these issues involve the trade war and the protests in Honk Kong. Hong Kong’s economy,  China’s largest trade partner, is also tanking.

In response, China’s leading trade negotiator, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, said he would like to start negotiations with the United States again. President Trump, in a Twitter post, continued to hammer away at China stating:

Trump is doubling-down on China. He’s telling them that, not only will the war continue and ratcheted up, but he will put pressure on American companies to stop dealing with China or suffer the consequences (though I am a fan of the “order you” language).

China can’t win this war. Their economy is not strong enough and they depend on this country. But, I will say it again, we will suffer. Trump is not wrong in fighting this trade war. He’s right that it should have been done years, possibly decades, ago. But he needs to tell the people what China is about. They steal hundreds of millions of dollars of our intellectual property per year. They enslave and kill their citizen not unlike what the Soviet Union did in the last century. They restrict speech of their citizens and openly monitor them.

China is not a business partner. They are an adversary. They want to dominate us. They want to dominate the world. President Trump needs to tell the American people this and justify the pain we might go through in the future. Trump needs to stop always painting a rosy picture. He needs to tell us what is going to happen and why. A lot of people in this country do not understand tariffs or the economics. Last thing he should want is to surprise people before an election.


Good Start at the G7

Trump announced that the U.S. and Japan have come to a trade agreement that would allow the United States to export agriculture and meat. The main commodities are corn and pork (Japan imports 25% of the U.S. pork). The deal has been agreed upon and will be signed tomorrow. Though the deal will leave existing tariffs on things such as cars, no new tariffs will be applied.

This is a big win for the United States especially because it is the agriculture industry that is taking the biggest hit from the trade war with China. This is great news for the United States and Trump should really push this since the media will not.

That being said, let’s get into some of the awesome news stories from the media.



This leads us to the question of recession. We have not been in a recession since about 2008. This country goes through a recession every nine to ten years. We are due for one. Combine that with the instability of Asia and the Middle East, this is a possibility. But the recession will be different. As we talked about China is struggling economically and a lot of Europe is beginning to see an economic downturn. The economy has become a global event, not just in the United States. And the United States is better equipped than anyone else to handle a recession.

But I do not think that a recession is going to be as bad in this country as it was in 2008. Remember, the 2008 recession was caused by a corrupt banking system that gave loans to people who could not afford to pay them off, creating an upside down real estate market. People were losing their homes. We were in the middle of two wars that cost trillions. We were ripe for a heavy recession.

What is really messed up is the left seems to look forward to a recession. Why does the left want us to lose all our retirement and wealth? Because a recession will be unpopular and Trump won’t win the election in 2020, of course. Bill Mahr has said this more than once.

This is what disturbs me more than we might end up in a recession. These elites hate Trump o much, they want the economy to tank. That will cost us little people our jobs and retirement. But, hey, that doesn’t matter because at least Trump is out of office. See, I like Bill Mahr. I like him because he tells the truth (he’s wrong about everything). He’s honest. He really doesn’t care about the people but, at least, he admits it (and in this case he did it twice.

It’s the same reason I don’t mind MSNBC. They are not like CNN and act like they are unbiased journalists. They are left wing journalists and that’s it. So I don’t care that they want a recession to get Trump out of the White House.

It’s the other people I can’t stand that hide. AoC cost her district 20,000 jobs, something that would have helped their economy and creating jobs. Because she hates capitalism. Bernie Sanders said that the bread lines in Cuba was a good thing and show the compassion of socialists. That’s because he hates capitalism and thinks nothing about the quality of life of the “little people.” Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris want to take away the insurance of a 150 million people and replace it with a crappy public plan. Why? Because the don’t care about what you want and think they know what you need better than you do. They don’t tell you that. They come back with some nonsensical math that must have been calculated on a five thousand year old abacus that is missing several beads. They don’t care about what people want because it is about the collective not the individual. And they do not have enough respect for us to tell us the truth.

At least Bill Mahr was honest.


And Mao and Stalin and Hitler…Oh My!

The news media is so lost and confused. I almost feel bad for them. OK, no I don’t.

On CNN’s Reliable Resource, Brian Stelter brought on a psychologist said that there was no difference between Trump and Stalin, Hitler and Mao when it come to sanity. He also said that calling Trump crazy is an insult to crazy people who might be good people but crazy. Listen to this.


There are couple of things to unpack here. First off, this guy ain’t much of a psychologist or psychiatrist or whatever. He doesn’t give any diagnostic reason why Trump is nuts, he just says he is for political reason. But his political reasons are crap too. Last I checked, there are no gulags, people aren’t being arrested for going against the government (you better believe Mao would have locked him up for this), he’s lowered taxes, lowered regulations, created prison reform and has created a great economy. Mao, Hitler and Stalin didn’t exactly do any of that.

There’s also a little something he forgot. Hitler killed 12 million, Mao killed between 25 and 40 million and Stalin killed up to 70 million. Trump didn’t kill or jail anyone but he does say a lot of bad things. So what? What was embarrassing is not the hatred this “healer” showed but how Stelter didn’t push back at all or even question. So much journalisming at CNN. Stelter was asked to apologize but, of course, CNN said he didn’t have to. Any wonder why they are last in the ratings.

But there is a bigger reason to have this idiot on their show. The leftist media is fishing for a new narrative and they can’t come up with anything original. They started with racism, then went on to the 25th amendment and Trump being crazy. Then came Russia. Now that’s gone and they went back to racism. That doesn’t seem to be embraced. Now back to Trump being nuts and the 25th Amendment. Keep it up, guys!

But that wasn’t the funniest story of the day. The Huffington Post had an article that, for some reason, picked up a little steam. Citing anonymous sources (which really points to the story having a lot of validity), the Post reported that, to the shock of his cabinet, he asked why the United States wasn’t nuking hurricanes before they came to the shores of the United States, preventing them from causing damage.

This is such a stupid story that I won’t even comment. I’ll just let Trump’s Tweet about the story speak for itself:

Well, I do have to give the media credit here. This story is original.





It’s Mueller Time (I Know It’s A Cliche)

The news media is all excited about Robert Mueller testifying about the report but it doesn’t work out well. New York City police are humiliated and the guy in charge want to be President. A trans-female lesbian wants his balls waxed by a female stranger in Canada and, surprise, she won’t do it. And he files a human rights complaint. Ilhan Omar and AOC continue to stay stupid crap. And something fun!

And I’m not even going to talk about the fake hate crime.

It’s Mueller Time

I’m not going to pollute this blog with that garbage that was the Mueller hearing in front of Congress. All I’ll say that it was bad. Mueller looked old, confused, non-cooperative and not the author of his report. Let’s take a look at the problems.

First, Mueller did not see to know what was in his report. This could have been because it’s a 448 page report and he didn’t remember anything from it. Half the time, he seemed surprised by the questions. I am thinking he didn’t answer some of his questions because he didn’t know the answers. He was asked one question about Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS, the company the created the Steele Dossier. He said he did not know what that was. It was in the report! How can he not know?

Then there was Mueller not being able to exonerate Trump. This was a bad moment for Mueller,

Absolutely correct. A defendant is innocent until proven guilty. A prosecutor is there to determine if there is evidence to convict. If there is, that person is indicted and will stand trial. If not, that person is innocent. End of story. Mueller didn’t have the evidence so- wait for it- Trump is innocent.

This was really bad for democrats. It’s over. No impeachment. Let’s move on. You might think I didn’t spend enough time on this but I think I spent too much time on it. I watched three hours of this debacle and I felt my IQ drop. Terrible. Over.


In Brooklyn and Harlem, police officers were assaulted with water. One actually got hit in the head with a bucket. And what did the cops do? Well watch:

This is shameful and it has been coming. All these people should be arrested and charged with felony assault on a police officer. I am sick and tired of hearing about how awful the police are (or any law enforcement for that matter) when we see crap like this. The reality is cops take this garbage on a daily basis. They are not appreciated and their job sucks. I used to teach computer networking at a vocational school and you should have seen the number of cops that took my classes. When I asked why they quit the police force they told me that the politics were terrible and they got tired of of getting crap from everyone.

The situation is New York is a top down problem. The mayor, Bill de Blasio (the groundhog killer), has been demonizing the NYPD for years. He has said that his son, being half black, will need to learn how to deal with the police so he doesn’t get shot. Hey, here’s how not to get shot by police: Don’t commit crimes where getting shot is a possibility! The NYPD condemns his comments, even turning their backs on him during a funeral procession for an officer that was killed.

De Blasio is a disaster. Violent crime is up (laws have been changed so what was a crime isn’t anymore so don’t be fooled), the homeless problem has exploded (highest in the country), cost of living is through the roof, the rat population (therefore disease) and the quality of life is in the toilet. And this guy, for some reason, continues to have a job. But, hey, they banned straws!


And They Keep Talking

Like I said, these “fresh faces” of the democratic party are such idiots we could talk about them every day. And they continue to prove me right. Here. Ilhan Omar tells Al Jazeera it is not radical Islam that the United States should worry about, it’s white men.

Can you imagine if I said that it isn’t white people you need to worry about it’s Muslims? Yeah, I would be rightly called a racist. Good news is most of the country is already calling her a racist even though the media holds her on a pedestal. Also, when I say we need to worry about radical Islam and and not white men, I am closer to the truth. I guess she forgot about 9/11, the massacre at the Pulse Nightclub or the killings at Fort Hood. Listen, white nationalists are bad and need to be rid of but there are very few of them. Radical Islam, and I’m not talking about the average Muslim, is far more prevalent and far more aggressive than white nationalists.

And then there is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Seriously, does she actually write down what she’s going to say before she says it or does she wing this stuff. Because if she is winging it, she really needs to stop. Because she just sounds so stupid. She does not sound philosophical or like a deep thinker. Listen to this word vomit.

I’m not sure but I think Aristotle said the same thing in Ethics. I didn’t actually read that yet so I can’t be sure.

Migration is “liberation?” The “freedom to be?” WTF is she talking about? Hey, illegal aliens can be “free to be” in their own crap-hole countries. God, she’s dumb and completely illiterate. I think she needs to go back to that crappy college she went to and get her money back.


Dude, Make Up Your Mind!

This is a great story because it shows two problems. But first, the story.

There is this trans-female named Jessica Yaniv up in Canada. Now for those who do not keep notes, a trans-female is a guy who thinks he’s a chick. He walks into a beauty salon and asks for a Brazilian bikini wax. Here’s the thing: Yaniv still has his junk. The gal in the shop said that she can’t do that because: a. She’s not trained in waxing men and b. She’s grossed out by it. Well, Yaniv decided to take this to Canada’s Human Rights division and file a complaint. Now it looks like that beautician will be out of business.

Yaniv is a piece of work. And when I say that I mean he’s a piece of shit. He calls himself a transsexual lesbian. There’s a problem here: he still has his twig and berries. Seeing this, doesn’t that mean he’s a straight guy who likes to wear women’s clothes? He’s just a transvestite? We are also finding out he’s a bit of a pervert. Apparently, he not only likes women but he likes really young women. He was going to host a Youth All-Bodies Swim pool party. What is that? Apparently if is a skinny dipping event for LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ for girls 12-24 years of age.

Oh, I forgot. No parents allowed. Yeah, nothing can go wrong with that. Needless to say, this little event was shut down.

What is disgusting here is how women’s rights are not that important when someone who is in a higher victim class wants something. This gal doesn’t want to touch some guy’s junk. I bet if I walked into a place and demanded the same thing, I would be refused and called a pervert. This is the pitfall of intersectionality. The other problem this shows is that we need to lie about what this guy really is. He’s a pervert. He’s sick. He’s not a transsexual woman. He’s a man who wears dresses and likes pre-pubescent girls. When we lie about who people really are, we have stories like this and people’s lives get ruined. The Canadian government should look at who this guy really is and reject this guy’s claim.


Just for Fun

This story is just funny. This is a video of a bunch of con control fanatics being taken to a gun range. There, the shoot hand guns, rifles and shot guns. Their reactions are hysterical. Watch:


Priceless. Well, the good news is if we ever have a civil war with the left, it won’t last long because all they’ll be able to do is throw their tofu at us. I love the Second Amendment.






Just Delicious!

Oh, last week was a tough week for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. First, she unloads on Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House and it does not go well for her. Then her chief-of-staff brain farts and spills the beans about the Green New Deal. Finally, she tries to nail a former ICE Director and he lights her up.

This broad screws up so much, we could almost have weekly, hour-long podcasts. But this really shows us something about the democratic party.


Implosion Has Commenced

Nancy Pelosi has had it tough. Yes, she became Speaker of the House again but she also picked up four of the toughest new congressman the United States has ever seen. She is a progressive politician (after all, she is from San Francisco). But her leadership has been put in jeopardy by four new congressman: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Talib Ayanna  Pressley and Ilhan Omar. We talked about Ilhan Omar yesterday. Today, let’s go over the de facto leader of the democratic party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We talk about her a lot, but she has really stuck her foot in it last week.

Speaker Pelosi does have some generational issues. She older, been in Congress since 1791 and has a hard time relating to this generation. She does not understand how to use social media and has a lot of trouble creating excitement for any the democratic ideas. So she is having real issues relating to the later generations. She also is old, has real trouble speaking her points in a coherent fashion and can’t seem the keep the dentures in place. But she is very experienced and knows how to get things done. She is also able to work with the opposite side of the aisle (which has been severely warped since Trump entered office). Though she looks frail and weak because of her slight frame, she is tough as a pit bull. Now, don’t get me wrong here. I hate her as a politician and a person. I think her ideas suck and cringe at the thought she is third in line to the presidency. I also think she amoral. But these are all ideological differences.

Ocasio-Cortez is the complete opposite. She is young, pretty and vicious. She is the queen of social media with five million followers. She speaks authoritatively as to motivate her followers and she can relate to the younger generations. That’s about it. She has a couple of things that leave her a little off. She is really stupid and naive. I tell you, anything that comes out her mouth is illogical, exaggerated and shows she does not know stuff. And she lies. Climate change is not going to end the world in twelve years nor is it worse than World War II. Detention Centers on the borders are not like concentration camps and women in them are not drinking out of the toilet. Her following loves it and will defend her to death (I know, I constantly criticize her on Twitter and you should hear the responses). She also sounds very uneducated though she does have a college degree. Constantly using “like” and “whatever” in sentences make her sound like she wasted a lot of money and time in college. Makes me wonder what she was doing there (probably dancing a lot). She has no experience (this is her first full time job). But, worst of all, she thinks she is right about everything. There is no debate or compromise with her. She will only speak in front of friendly crowds and anyone who does not believe in her ideas is a racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot. It is no wonder she has accomplished nothing since she took her seat.

Ocasio-Cortez, with all her flaws, has an energy that is infectious. Her ideas, though insane, has been embraced by the democratic party. Other congressman, senators and democratic presidential candidates have embraced her ideas and are running on them. Though most don’t believe in them (with the exception of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren), these people know it is the only way to get the attention of the leftist base. And this is where Pelosi has had problems. She has lost control of the party. She understands that Ocasio-Cortez’s ideas are a dead end and knows that if the House does not do something outside of investigating Trump, the democrats will lose the presidency and House. Pelosi’s goal is to wrest the power back to her. She did this by minimizing Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win. This clip is from Fox News:

Pelosi is absolutely correct. She primaried a white guy in a Hispanic neighborhood. She won with only 15,000 votes. Her win was not the huge avalanche of an upset that she makes it out to be. Pelosi later pointed out that her social media presence is not as relevant as Ocasio-Cortez makes it out to be. None of the 5 million followers actually had anything to do with getting her elected.

Pelosi also minimized the policies of the left and the level of support from Congress for those policies. Listen to Pelosi say that the leftist congresswoman is not as powerful as everyone thinks they are.


Pelosi is right except there are only three, maybe four leftists in congress that have any type of influence (Ayanna Pressley is really in the shadows). I also want to point out, though Pelosi’s words seem very cutting, she still is very awkward and clumsy when she speaks. This is part of the reason she is going to have a hard time winning this war with AoC. She’s just not very…motivating and convincing. She does not speak from strength but from reason and the left is not about reason, they are about emotion. But that’s my commentary. I will continue with the story.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not one who is going to take Pelosi’s garbage. So she hit back in an interview with the Washington Post:

“When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood. But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”

Um, huh? Did she just call Nancy Pelosi, one of the most progressive Speakers of the House in history, a racist? Well…sort of…maybe…not really…but… Listen to this from a short interview while walking through the halls of the House. See, Nancy isn’t a racist, but she is calling her out for singling out the four people who are getting a lot of death threats.


The balls on this gal. She will do anything to make her and her minions victims. You would think she would stop, that people just aren’t buying her crap. But she is not that bright. She kept on about how Nancy Pelosi was assigning her to a bunch of committees. In an interview last week, she said:

“The last time I kind of spoke to her one on one was when she asked me to join the Select Committee on Climate Change. I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees. So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy.”

Yeah, Alex, that’s what it must be. You are such a threat to Nancy Pelosi, the two-time Speaker of the House. Or maybe this is your first full time job and you are just not used to working to earn your $175,000 annual salary.

We are going to need to to wait a bit to see what the fallout of this little feud will be. Things are just coming in. But one guy has chimed in. And what President Trump is truly surprising and shoes that this guy has some class.

You know, Nancy Pelosi has called Trump a racist, sexist, cruel and a fascist. Of course, she does not believe in any of that stuff. It is all for the camera and serve her agenda. For the first time, Trump could have spit in her face and he did not. That is class.

But this hot mess shows us a few things. First, the democrats always go to the race card (or sexist, or bigot, or Nazi) whenever they don’t get what they want or someone calls them out. Pelosi is not innocent of this. Pelosi is not a racist, and neither are most of the people accused,  but now they are in the sights of the people of their own allies because they are not following their agenda. You’ll recall, Biden was called a racist during the democratic presidential debates by Kamala Harris. Pelosi deserves it and I cannot wait to hear her responses next week.

The next thing we see is that the democratic party is in shambles. There are three subsets of the party: the liberals (Biden), the progressives (Pelosi) and the far left (AoC). They can’t live with each other because each thinks they are right. There is no room for debate.

Stay tuned. This ain’t over. It’s going to be so much fun to watch.


Loose Lips Sink Ships

If you have read the Green New Deal, you know that this is nothing but socialism disguised as a way to solve the supposed “climate crisis”. Knowing how dumb AoC is, people could believe that she really thinks overturning the government and economic systems would actually solve any climate crisis.

Ocasio-Cortez’s chief-of-staff, and supposedly the brains of AoC’s policies, Saikat Chakrabarti made a rather large boo-boo. He admitted to Sam Ricketts, climate director for Washington State’s Gov. Jay Inslee (D) and a Washington Post reporter that the Green New Deal really had nothing to do with climate. The goal of the deal was to transform the government. According to Washington Post, Chakrabarti said:

“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Oh…My…God! This could not have been on purpose!

Conservatives and most democrats thought this policy was nothing more than a socialist take over. Heck, the policy was skunked in the Senate. It received zero votes in the senate. But this revelation is going to have serious consequences on Ocasio-Cortez’s credibility. There is already calls to have Chakrabarti head and democrats are attacking the policy. This is going to grow. Just wait for it.


Putting In Her Place

For some reason, Congress decided to have an inquiry into the border crisis. Last I heard everybody and their mother’s cousin has gone down to the border and saw what is happening. So I’m not sure what this hearing is all about and I’m pretty sure it is not going to accomplish anything. Just more of a waste of time. It was awesome though. It shows how dumb AoC (and a bunch of the other democrats) is and what happens whenever she is challenged with someone who has the intelligence and experience in the real world.

In this clip, AoC is questioning Thomas Homan, the outspoken former Director of ICE. He is being questioned about a memo he signed enforcing the “Zero Tolerance” policy. This is the policy that will detain illegal aliens as if they are, well, criminals of the United States, which they are. But the only thing AoC can focus on is that when an illegal alien gets arrested while with a child, the child is taken away from the criminal. In her words, child separation. This is so awesome.


Thomas Homan has been in law enforcement for thirty-four years including time on the New York City police force. This is one tough cookie and is not going to take guff from some 29-year-old, dumb-as-a-rock bar tender. And did you see AoC’s face? You could tell she was going through a butt-pucker moment because she had absolutely no answer. Just priceless.



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a really bad week last week. Remember we talked about how she is one we have to watch because she is the future and is dangerous? Yeah, she just got knocked down a couple of pegs. And I did not even bring everything up for the week. I did not include the latest Axios poll stating that 76% of people recognize her and only 22% have a favorable view of her. Or that a democrat and a republican are suing her for blocking them on her Twitter feed. Or that she testified in front of Congress, demanding that she be put under oath even though she did not need to be, about her visit to the ICE detention center and what she witnessed. And she may have lied about it. Oops. I’m pretty sure perjury in front of Congress is frowned upon.

The news cycle is going crazy right now. I can’t keep up. The stupid is seeping into this week. I almost skipped this article because of what happened yesterday involving the self-proclaimed “Squad”. This is the Fantastic Four of the communist faction of the democratic party: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley. Trump made a, I think, rather inadvisable and clumsy Tweet. I understood what he said but it could be, and was, misconstrued into being something racist or, at least, xenophobic. Leave it to these four idiots, they hold a press conference and completely exonerate Trump.

Yeah, I think I’ll hold off on that one. I have a feeling the reaction that is coming in will be interesting.


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Oops! The Left Just Got Called Out!

It has been a tough week for the fresh faces of the democratic party. The chinks in their armor are beginning to show. Alright, it is not a chink, they are beginning to implode. But we are going to look at one incident today. That is the fight between Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Ilhan Omar, the democratic congressman from Minnesota. It was a short-lived war which I thought it would be. That’s because Tucker’s monologues bring up much deeper problems that we conservatives are being forced to face and deal. These problems are not new. They have been around since the thirties.

Tucker Carson’s monologue started out positive enough. He talked about the virtues of this country. How this country is unconditionally generous with other countries especially during disasters. He also talked about the American Dream. How this country takes in more immigrants than any other country. About how these immigrants are able to assimilate and take the advantages of all of the benefits of this country and become successful. The American Dream does not care about race, gender or creed. We are all equal when it comes to the opportunities of this country.

Then he gives us an example of the American Dream. About a six year old girl who lived in the war-torn country country of Somalia. The family left Somalia and ended of in a refugee camp in Kenya. Four years later, when the little girl was ten, the family was granted asylum to the United States. The family moved to Minnesota where the father was a taxi cab driver at first but soon ended up working for the government as a postal worker. The little girl went through the education system and was very successful. She entered local politics and climbed the ranks. Finally, at the age of thirty-six, this little became one of the most watched congressman in the House of Representatives. This awesome story is that of Ilhan Omar.

But would Omar show any appreciation for a country and love the opportunities it gives a million of legal immigrants a year? Let’s listen to Tucker’s take:


Omar did not exactly appreciate being called out by Tucker did exactly what Tucker said they would do. They Tweeted that he was a racist, xenophobe and a white supremacist. Here are a couple of Omar’s Tweets:

No, that’s not what he said. He believed we needed more vetting because this country does not need immigrants that hate our country. People like this form discord and can actually hurt the country from within which can be worse than any terrorist. And Ilhan Omar is exactly what Tucker is talking about. She is an anti-Semite, hates America and is a terrorist sympathizer. This is a woman who fought for leniency for nine convicted ISIS-converted terrorists in Minnesota because they were marginalized. Heck, she said what she thought about terrorist organizations in an interview with, I believe, Al Jazeera:


Not exactly sure how one compares Al Qaeda and Hezbollah with the United States Army. But, whatever.


Notice in these Tweets, she doesn’t have anything substantial to say or an argument. She just slings insults. Also, she does not call into Fox News and try to respond or debate on air. I would bet my left arm Tucker will have her on. She just attempts to mark it as “hate speech” (whatever that is) and calls for Fox News sponsors to boycott the station. In other words, she wants her critics silenced.

See, debate is something the left does not do because they cannot do it. If they try, they will lose every time. See, here’s the thing: Tucker was not wrong about any of this. Everything he said was true and can be proven either by Tweets Omar has written or through her own words during speeches.

Let’s go back to Tucker because you know he had a response and it silenced the opposition. This clip actually references the previous clip, so you may want to fast forward through some of it.

Tucker is exactly correct. This has nothing to do with racism on the right. The right’s embrace of people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali is just one example of that. There are many others including Candace Owens (black), Dave Rubin (gay and Jewish), Ben Shapiro (Jewish) and Josefina Orozco (Hispanic and my girlfriend). All these people, except for Josie who no one knows, are hated by the left even though they meet some requirements of intersectionality and identity politics.

But I think Tucker hit on something really important. Something that he may need a book to express. At least he couldn’t express it in a six minute segment. Whether or not he meant to, I had thoughts that went way beyond his commentary. And, yes, it’s probably racist and xenophobic too.

Mikhail Khrushchev, the premier of the Soviet Union in the 1960s, said that the Soviet Union would win the Cold War against the United States without firing a single shot. Of course, he would be proven wrong but he gave away how totalitarian governments come to be. What he meant was communism would eat at the foundation of our democracy from within. If one reads the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, this is no secret. Unenlightened ideas and misinformation are the enemies of our government. That is why President Trump calling the mainstream media “enemies of the people” is not exactly incorrect. Lies, identity politics, intersectionality, suppression of speech, the wiping out of our history and the indoctrination to leftist idea within our schools are the rot that is damaging the foundation of our democratic republic. It will slowly transform the United States into a leftist “utopia”. But their “utopia” involves the elite taking and holding power at any cost. The citizens are only commodities for holding that power.

Tucker was right. Omar, Talib and Ocasio-Cotez are a “hustle”. They are a small minority and are really dumb, but they are loud, extreme, young and vicious. Their ideas are poison for our country and any reasonable person, which makes up the vast majority of the country, knows it.

The problem we have is that the younger generations are leaning to the totalitarian concepts that are being pushed. The schools teach it, the media confirms it and the entertainment industry makes it an emotional cause. Judaeo Christian values and religion are being demonized and attacked. Schools are indoctrinating children, as young as preschool age, to leftist concepts instead of teaching math, science and how to reason. History is being rewritten. Laws are being ignored. The Constitution is being dismissed because it was written by racist, white men who only tried to create an unjust patriarchy.

Though this trash that is being pushed is still considered fringe, it is making its way to the mainstream. Look at the democratic debates with the 482 candidates. These “mainstream” candidates are embracing far left, nation-changing concepts. Even the candidates that are considered moderate are beginning to promote these concepts because they know they cannot win the primary if they do not.

Like in the 50’s and 60’s, we need to be aware of this attack. Though Joseph MacCarthy was insane, he was not wrong when exclaiming that there is a Red Scare. The poison we are fighting today was already there sixty years ago in our media and entertainment industry. The Red Scare, for those who do not know, was a movement led by Joseph McCarthy. Its purpose was to weed out and ruin all communist sympathizers in the country. And it did. But it also ruined a lot of people that were innocent or just did not believe in democracy or capitalism. It was much like the attack on free speech that we are experiencing today from the left. It was not a good time in our history.

We do not have to violate the Constitutional rights of people as McCarthy did. We just have to know what is happening and bravely point it out. I see bravely because one wrong word can cost one his job or get him beaten up in the streets. That is what Tucker did. He knew he would be called lots of names and there were going to be calls to shut Fox News down. He said it was going to happen. But he was right. If he were wrong, leftists would not have called him a racist, xenophobe and white supremacist.

We all need to learn from that.


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Flash Podcast: Ilhan Has Got Some Splaining To Do!

Uh-oh! Ilhan Omar is in some trouble. And, this time. I’m not sure she will be able to get away with this.



Ilhan Omar has been busy in the last twenty years, She had two “husbands”. I use that term loosely because I’m not sure what they are. The first one is Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi who she is married to right now. The other guy is Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who people allege is her brother. I’m not sure if that’s true but documents are being released and the picture is becoming clearer. So let us look at the timeline.

  • 2002 – Omar marries Hirsi in a faith ceremony (whatever that is) but the marriage was never legal.
  • 2008: Omar and Hirsi “ decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition” (Whatever that means).
  • Early 2009: Omar legally married Elmi.
  • 2011: Omar and Elmi religiously divorced.
  • 2011: Omar and Hirsi reconciled.
  • 2017: Omar and Elmi belatedly obtained a legal divorce.
  • 2018: Omar and Hirsi legally married.

Here’s the problem. Apparently she was really living with Hirsi when she was actually (per her taxes) living with Elmi. What the ….!

This is, to say the least, confusing as all hell. But it is serious. Ilhan Omar committed several crimes if any of it is true. And, apparently, someone in her camp decided to make a statement by Jeremy Slevin:

“Since before she was elected to office, Ilhan has been the subject of conspiracy theories and false accusations about her personal life. Emboldened by a president who openly treats immigrants, refugees and Muslims as invaders, these attacks often stem from the presumption that Ilhan — like others who share those identities — is somehow illegitimate or not fully American. Ilhan has shared more than most public officials ever do about the details of her personal life — even when it is personally painful. Whether by colluding with right-wing outlets to go after Muslim elected officials or hounding family members, legitimate media outlets have a responsibility not to fan the flames of hate. Continuing to do so is not only demeaning to Ilhan, but to her entire family.”

She’s in trouble. She already had to pay four thousand dollars in tax and campaign finance violations.

But it gets worse! She may have lied in court when she said she did not live with Hirsi, her current and kind-of husband while she was married to Elmi. Oh, this is bad and it couldn’t have happened to a better person.

But it gets worse for her. She talked about this crap on social media! They have her words. She said who she was with on Facebook and Twitter. She’s so stupid. I’m married to my brother (which is still up in the air right now) because I want to get him into this country but I have my real husband. I paid taxes based off my bro, but i’m living with someone else.

The fresh new face in Congress is about to get the crap slapped out of her.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl
Listen to my podcast on iTunes, Podbean, Pocast Addict and YouTube.




Life Imitating Art

I finished a book last week, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The book was published in 1932. The book is about a stranger walking into a government-controlled “utopia”. That world is about the collective over the self. Life for the people is simple. There are no more births, all children are raised in test tubes and genetically engineered to the role they are going to play in life. Everything they see and hear is controlled, their careers are chosen for them and their social status is chosen. Materialism and pleasure is Moral “truths” are “conditioned” (indoctrinated) as the child grows into adulthood.

It is a sterile world. The people in this world have only three things to do: buy stuff, achieve pleasure in any way possible and work.

The parallels in the book are amazing. Basically it is our society prophesied one hundred years ago. Even the legalization of drugs today was foretold in the book. It is so amazing that I am going to write a separate post about it in the future.

But there are three stories I read this week that triggered (in a good way) this blog post. But I will need to discuss the book first so that I can put the articles I read into context and show the parallels.

In Brave New World, Huxley puts an emphasis on pleasure. The reason is because there is no satisfaction in this society. One’s roles and societal standing is defined before children were “hatched”. So the totalitarian government encourage rampant and unfettered sex between the citizens to keep them satisfied. A man will literally walk to a woman and ask for sex and he will get it. The government also mandated orgies twice a week. There were no true relationships and there were no limits.

Even children, who were taught that unrestricted sexual freedom was a good thing. Though pedophilia was not a thing in the book, the children learned about sex through games like “hunt-the-zipper”.

Perversion is accepted and encouraged. Morality has been redefined with no argument. Indoctrination of the children is the key.

California Does It Again

In 2015, the Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber was introduced and passed into law. The law was meant to update the sex education program of the time to include education on HIV/AIDS and its prevention. The program was also meant to be voluntary.

But it has been expanded. And many don’t like it.

The curriculum includes books like:

The goal of the schools is, not only to teach children what sex is and the process the body goes through as we age, like what I learned in school, but how to actually have sex. These books are so graphic, their subject matter could not be shown on television.

Though these programs are suppose to be strictly voluntary. That seems more to be a guideline than a rule. The reading material is out there and the kids are socializing with each other so the information is spreading and normalizing. As Jonathan Keller, President of the California Family Council, says, “The state of California should not force moms and dads to chose between participating in public school and protecting their children’s innocence. No student needs to be exposed to this graphic and explicit material. It’s child abuse.”

This is disgusting coming from a state that is constantly opening its laws that counter traditional morality. Children do not need to know this before puberty especially for children before the fifth grade. Children don’t even realize there is a difference between between the genders at those ages. Let them be children. Let them keep their innocence. There just is no good reason or benefit.

Teaching the children to knowing all of the “different” genders is also ridiculous. Being a child is confusing enough. They do not need to be further confused by being taught there aren’t just boys and girls but there are boys and girls and sixty-two other sexes. But this also leads to a bigger problem. Gender dysphoria was a real disorder defined in the DSM-5 used by psychologists. Of course, because of political correctness, that term was removed, further proving that psychology is a soft science at best. This disorder states that some children go through gender confusion. The little boy will think he’s a little girl and will act that way. This can be serious enough to lead to depression for the child be he is not a she. Most children will grow out of the disorder. But there is a push today that this disorder is normal and the child is a natural transsexual. This is scary stuff because there are people out there that believe that children as young as three should start going through transition protocols. Those protocols would change them physically for the rest of their lives.

We normal, reasoning people should resist and fight the Leftist indoctrination the schools are throwing at our children. We should make sure we keep the communication paths open with our children and not be afraid to tell them when something is wrong or immoral. It is the only way we can save our children from buying into all this garbage.


But It Doesn’t End There

The website TheFederalist.com has a great article by Chad Felix Greene about how the LGBTQ community has been trying to recruit new members. It point to what Jerry Falwell said in 1981, “Please remember, homosexuals don’t reproduce! They recruit! And they are after my children and your children!” Though the LGBTQ community has always claimed they have been targets of harassment and abuse, evidence has shown there have been very little since 1992. Many on the Religious Right believe that acceptance is not their goal but to mainstream their preference in order to recruit more members into their community.

Nothing proves this theory more than the drag queen organization Drag Queen Story Hour. This is a group of men that dress in the most over-the-top drag costumes and makeup and will go to schools and libraries to read children’s books to the kids. Take a look at how this viewed on the show Amazing Humans:

The Federalist article points out that most drag queens who participate mean only to entertain the children. And since most children do not understand sexuality, they don’t see them as more than someone who is there to entertain them in a funny outfit. But there are bigger issues.

Drag queen entertainment is adult entertainment.It is sassy, edgy and, like the entertainers, very sexualized. The author points out that having a drag queen reading to children is not too different from having a porn star read to children. I have seen drag shows before and he is right. He also points out that drag queens may not be the positive that the LGBTQ community is looking for. Be drag queens a positive aspect of the LGBTQ or is it mocking the transgender group? That debate goes on within the community.

But Greene sums it up well in this paragraph:

When LGBT activists argue their goal is to introduce preschool-aged children to concepts of gender-fluidity and openly “queer” people, they are arguing for forcing leftist views about sexuality and gender on children. That, in many ways, is what the conservative opposition is truly about.

I completely agree. Again, indoctrinating children on something that they do not understand creates confusion for them. It also is wrong to teach children about something that is morally questionable if not altogether immoral. Listen, I don’t care what these people do. They can do whatever I want and all I’ll do is shake my head. But I don’t think it’s normal and I hate it when these people try to force their crap on our children. I think this is a perversion. When one inflicts a perversion on a child, that’s child abuse.


This Is What The Goal Is

It’s Pride Month (can’t wait for Lust and Gluttony Months) and there a several really weird videos being posted on Twitter. The posts are from Pride parades across the United States. The feature kids in drag (called drag kids) dancing rather luridly in the crowds. These kids can range from 6 to about 12 years of age.

One of the most famous drag kids is called Desmond Is Amazing. Yeah, that’s his stage name. No kidding.

This is sick. This is what all this indoctrination in the schools and media are pushing. Listen to how CNBC treats this obviously troubled kid. Listen to his mother talk about him. That kid has a problem and is being abused by his parents. This kid is allowed to go on a stage at a gay bar and was given $1 bills by the audience as he danced. Don’t believe me? Watch this:

WTF?! How is this not child exploitation? How is this video not child pornography? Where the hell are this kids parents?! How is this right? How is this moral? How is this not a perversion? And why are we not all absolutely outraged? Because this stuff is becoming more common and more acceptable.


You Didn’t Read the Book, So What’s Your Point?

Aldous Huxley wrote about totalitarianism, specifically, Communism. That’s what the Brave New World is about. His works and teachings inspired another author who absolutely hated Communism so much, his books couldn’t get published for fear of ticking off the Soviet Union. That author is George Orwell.

Huxley lays a blueprint for implementing for controlling people who are living in a highly technical, highly controlled society. One of the ways they control this society (and there are a few other I’m not going to write about) is through temporary pleasure, specifically sex. Remember: in this world, there is no love, no monogamy, no moral pathways, no hope. Heck, there is bi-weekly orgy session that are required by the government. Morality has been defined by a government motivated by power. And they want to keep it.

But how can people do something that feels so wrong to today’s society (or did)? You indoctrinate the children into that belief system through the education system (the California law). You show the children the perversion over and over again (the Drag Queen Story Hour story). And, in the end, the children will accept the narrative (the Desmond Is Amazing story).

When I say this stuff in dangerous, people in the past have predicted this already. Well, Aldous Huxley did. So did George Orwell. And Ray Bradbury.

Here’s the thing: acceptance of totalitarianism takes time. Reagan said we could lose and it can only take a generation. He may not be wrong.




CA Education Board Approves ‘Pornographic’ Sex Ed



