Life Imitating Art

I finished a book last week, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The book was published in 1932. The book is about a stranger walking into a government-controlled “utopia”. That world is about the collective over the self. Life for the people is simple. There are no more births, all children are raised in test tubes and genetically engineered to the role they are going to play in life. Everything they see and hear is controlled, their careers are chosen for them and their social status is chosen. Materialism and pleasure is Moral “truths” are “conditioned” (indoctrinated) as the child grows into adulthood.

It is a sterile world. The people in this world have only three things to do: buy stuff, achieve pleasure in any way possible and work.

The parallels in the book are amazing. Basically it is our society prophesied one hundred years ago. Even the legalization of drugs today was foretold in the book. It is so amazing that I am going to write a separate post about it in the future.

But there are three stories I read this week that triggered (in a good way) this blog post. But I will need to discuss the book first so that I can put the articles I read into context and show the parallels.

In Brave New World, Huxley puts an emphasis on pleasure. The reason is because there is no satisfaction in this society. One’s roles and societal standing is defined before children were “hatched”. So the totalitarian government encourage rampant and unfettered sex between the citizens to keep them satisfied. A man will literally walk to a woman and ask for sex and he will get it. The government also mandated orgies twice a week. There were no true relationships and there were no limits.

Even children, who were taught that unrestricted sexual freedom was a good thing. Though pedophilia was not a thing in the book, the children learned about sex through games like “hunt-the-zipper”.

Perversion is accepted and encouraged. Morality has been redefined with no argument. Indoctrination of the children is the key.

California Does It Again

In 2015, the Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber was introduced and passed into law. The law was meant to update the sex education program of the time to include education on HIV/AIDS and its prevention. The program was also meant to be voluntary.

But it has been expanded. And many don’t like it.

The curriculum includes books like:

The goal of the schools is, not only to teach children what sex is and the process the body goes through as we age, like what I learned in school, but how to actually have sex. These books are so graphic, their subject matter could not be shown on television.

Though these programs are suppose to be strictly voluntary. That seems more to be a guideline than a rule. The reading material is out there and the kids are socializing with each other so the information is spreading and normalizing. As Jonathan Keller, President of the California Family Council, says, “The state of California should not force moms and dads to chose between participating in public school and protecting their children’s innocence. No student needs to be exposed to this graphic and explicit material. It’s child abuse.”

This is disgusting coming from a state that is constantly opening its laws that counter traditional morality. Children do not need to know this before puberty especially for children before the fifth grade. Children don’t even realize there is a difference between between the genders at those ages. Let them be children. Let them keep their innocence. There just is no good reason or benefit.

Teaching the children to knowing all of the “different” genders is also ridiculous. Being a child is confusing enough. They do not need to be further confused by being taught there aren’t just boys and girls but there are boys and girls and sixty-two other sexes. But this also leads to a bigger problem. Gender dysphoria was a real disorder defined in the DSM-5 used by psychologists. Of course, because of political correctness, that term was removed, further proving that psychology is a soft science at best. This disorder states that some children go through gender confusion. The little boy will think he’s a little girl and will act that way. This can be serious enough to lead to depression for the child be he is not a she. Most children will grow out of the disorder. But there is a push today that this disorder is normal and the child is a natural transsexual. This is scary stuff because there are people out there that believe that children as young as three should start going through transition protocols. Those protocols would change them physically for the rest of their lives.

We normal, reasoning people should resist and fight the Leftist indoctrination the schools are throwing at our children. We should make sure we keep the communication paths open with our children and not be afraid to tell them when something is wrong or immoral. It is the only way we can save our children from buying into all this garbage.


But It Doesn’t End There

The website has a great article by Chad Felix Greene about how the LGBTQ community has been trying to recruit new members. It point to what Jerry Falwell said in 1981, “Please remember, homosexuals don’t reproduce! They recruit! And they are after my children and your children!” Though the LGBTQ community has always claimed they have been targets of harassment and abuse, evidence has shown there have been very little since 1992. Many on the Religious Right believe that acceptance is not their goal but to mainstream their preference in order to recruit more members into their community.

Nothing proves this theory more than the drag queen organization Drag Queen Story Hour. This is a group of men that dress in the most over-the-top drag costumes and makeup and will go to schools and libraries to read children’s books to the kids. Take a look at how this viewed on the show Amazing Humans:

The Federalist article points out that most drag queens who participate mean only to entertain the children. And since most children do not understand sexuality, they don’t see them as more than someone who is there to entertain them in a funny outfit. But there are bigger issues.

Drag queen entertainment is adult entertainment.It is sassy, edgy and, like the entertainers, very sexualized. The author points out that having a drag queen reading to children is not too different from having a porn star read to children. I have seen drag shows before and he is right. He also points out that drag queens may not be the positive that the LGBTQ community is looking for. Be drag queens a positive aspect of the LGBTQ or is it mocking the transgender group? That debate goes on within the community.

But Greene sums it up well in this paragraph:

When LGBT activists argue their goal is to introduce preschool-aged children to concepts of gender-fluidity and openly “queer” people, they are arguing for forcing leftist views about sexuality and gender on children. That, in many ways, is what the conservative opposition is truly about.

I completely agree. Again, indoctrinating children on something that they do not understand creates confusion for them. It also is wrong to teach children about something that is morally questionable if not altogether immoral. Listen, I don’t care what these people do. They can do whatever I want and all I’ll do is shake my head. But I don’t think it’s normal and I hate it when these people try to force their crap on our children. I think this is a perversion. When one inflicts a perversion on a child, that’s child abuse.


This Is What The Goal Is

It’s Pride Month (can’t wait for Lust and Gluttony Months) and there a several really weird videos being posted on Twitter. The posts are from Pride parades across the United States. The feature kids in drag (called drag kids) dancing rather luridly in the crowds. These kids can range from 6 to about 12 years of age.

One of the most famous drag kids is called Desmond Is Amazing. Yeah, that’s his stage name. No kidding.

This is sick. This is what all this indoctrination in the schools and media are pushing. Listen to how CNBC treats this obviously troubled kid. Listen to his mother talk about him. That kid has a problem and is being abused by his parents. This kid is allowed to go on a stage at a gay bar and was given $1 bills by the audience as he danced. Don’t believe me? Watch this:

WTF?! How is this not child exploitation? How is this video not child pornography? Where the hell are this kids parents?! How is this right? How is this moral? How is this not a perversion? And why are we not all absolutely outraged? Because this stuff is becoming more common and more acceptable.


You Didn’t Read the Book, So What’s Your Point?

Aldous Huxley wrote about totalitarianism, specifically, Communism. That’s what the Brave New World is about. His works and teachings inspired another author who absolutely hated Communism so much, his books couldn’t get published for fear of ticking off the Soviet Union. That author is George Orwell.

Huxley lays a blueprint for implementing for controlling people who are living in a highly technical, highly controlled society. One of the ways they control this society (and there are a few other I’m not going to write about) is through temporary pleasure, specifically sex. Remember: in this world, there is no love, no monogamy, no moral pathways, no hope. Heck, there is bi-weekly orgy session that are required by the government. Morality has been defined by a government motivated by power. And they want to keep it.

But how can people do something that feels so wrong to today’s society (or did)? You indoctrinate the children into that belief system through the education system (the California law). You show the children the perversion over and over again (the Drag Queen Story Hour story). And, in the end, the children will accept the narrative (the Desmond Is Amazing story).

When I say this stuff in dangerous, people in the past have predicted this already. Well, Aldous Huxley did. So did George Orwell. And Ray Bradbury.

Here’s the thing: acceptance of totalitarianism takes time. Reagan said we could lose and it can only take a generation. He may not be wrong.




CA Education Board Approves ‘Pornographic’ Sex Ed